Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Divers: Sticker
Concours: CSGO10
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17.686 MB
19 juil. 2022 à 14h16
19 juil. 2022 à 20h47
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Naomi is a bodyguard of Valeria Jenner. She has concerns about Kreigeld's loyalty to the cause.

She was caught in the blast alongside Valeria during a Coalition Taskforce operation on the Phoenix Compound to extract Imogen. The two survived, however, and Naomi killed the two operators who had returned to search for signs of Valeria.

This pack of stickers is dedicated to the plot characters of the CS:GO game.
Such as Booth, Imogen, Riley, Naomi and others.

Thank you for appreciating my sticker :)