Airships: Conquer the Skies

Airships: Conquer the Skies

Няма достатъчно оценки
Atomian StarDefender
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Type: Airships
Role: Cruiser
Modding: Modded
Cost: $4000+
Размер на файла
Публикуван на
101.585 KB
14 юли 2022 в 14:40
1 бележка за промяна ( преглед )

Абониране, за да се свали
Atomian StarDefender

В 1 колекция от Atom
Imperio Atomiano
41 артикула
The Atomian StarDefender is an incredibly effective night patrol cruiser.

Well armored and carefully designed to protect valuable targets, it is a very reliable ship.

Used mods: The Royal Armoury, Advanced Gunnery v6, Small fire point, Admiral Iridium's Surperior Surplus of Unusual Tactics and Nautical Provisions!, Karda's Air Arsenal, Spotlight, Reinforced Ammo Storage