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SledgeNERF Revitalized
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20 Thg06, 2022 @ 1:29am
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SledgeNERF Revitalized

Mô tả
This mod is a cleaned up version of RAifas SledgeHammerNerf that was working at one time in MP. This mod includes a "ghost" sound alarm that only zombies can hear from a 40 tile radius around you character whenever you use a sledgehammer as well as, stat debuffs to both character wetness and exertion (which scales by fitness and strength levels), and a 60 second timer to break any tile with a sledgehammer.

Workshop ID: 2823496114
Mod ID: SledgeNerfRV
8 bình luận
General Swartz  [tác giả] 29 Thg01 @ 11:28pm 
hey im just gonna chime in , me and Xoat made this mod using the code from a previously existing mod that was in spanish.all tho we could very well look at the code we probably wont.
that being said i doubt either of us or the OG mod author would care is someone were to re-reupload this mod as they please.
iDestin 27 Thg01 @ 11:32pm 
Hey @Xoat_. any way to give a "set timer for these items"? would work well in RP and regular real time play throughs
dskpnk 12 Thg11, 2022 @ 11:36pm 
anyway to change the timer i would like it to be longer
UattO 21 Thg06, 2022 @ 6:18pm 
OH finally i found it! Thanks for this mod, i was looking for something like this
XoaT_.  [tác giả] 21 Thg06, 2022 @ 5:48am 
@UattO No it does not, it does increase character wetness and exertion however
UattO 21 Thg06, 2022 @ 4:35am 
Yes, thanks! So this mod gives also panic, unhappyness and reduce general healt like the original mod or not?
XoaT_.  [tác giả] 20 Thg06, 2022 @ 9:05pm 
@UattO This mod is a cleaned up version of RAifas SledgeHammerNerf that was working at one time in MP. We believe the mod has probably since been abandoned but the author stated that it was fine for anyone to work on his code. This mod includes a "ghost" sound alarm that only zombies can hear from a 40 tile radius around you char whenever you use a sledgehammer as well as, stat debuffs to both character wetness and exertion (which scales by fitness and strength levels), and a 60 second timer to break any tile with a sledgehammer. This mod is confirmed working in build 41.71 SP and MP without any errors thus far. Hope that helped! :)
UattO 20 Thg06, 2022 @ 6:39pm 
I'm looking for a good sledgehammer nerf, what this mod does exatly?