Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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[EL CAPITAN] Palace of the Tropican Workers
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4.284 MB
12 июн. 2022 г. в 13:18
12 июн. 2022 г. в 13:21
Обновлений: 3 (просмотреть)

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[EL CAPITAN] Palace of the Tropican Workers

The Palace of the Tropican Workers is the meeting place of the Tropican Workers Council, the highest legislative body in El Capitan. Built in a 19th century Baroque style, the Palace is 5 stories high and was previously home to the Boureosie, ancien regime's ruling 'body of generals.' The building today still retaining the latter's taste for high windows, iron railings and statues.
Комментариев: 8
Somber 9 мая. 2023 г. в 2:33 
where i can find it ? what is name of the building ?
Merchant_of_Mercia  [создатель] 10 июл. 2022 г. в 6:21 
Now with images
-KC- Krakenpots 15 июн. 2022 г. в 8:57 
not to be "that guy", but without a screenshot, I have no idea what I'm fooking up to my game, and so I'm not about to subscribe, no matter how interesting the backstory is!
ZILonaut 14 июн. 2022 г. в 13:44 
No picture, no subscribtion.
MJ.Cruvinel 13 июн. 2022 г. в 17:52 
dude, I can't even find your mod among the others without a picture of what the building looks like, and I really wanted to know because I find it very interesting when someone creates something aimed at latin america
Furst 13 июн. 2022 г. в 13:58 
Может быть, будет картинка здания, а не флага?
frostico 13 июн. 2022 г. в 5:48 
Serves as?
Researcher 12 июн. 2022 г. в 21:51 
Where are the screenshots???