Star Traders: Frontiers

Star Traders: Frontiers

122 ratings
[2024] Star Traders Class and Talent Guide
By eharper256
An up-to-date run down and rating of all the classes and skills in Star Traders: Frontiers. Up to date for all classes existing as of January 2024!
Link to Google Document Guide
This guide is available at Googledocs. It uses alot of formatting that is not possible in Steam guides to be as clear as possible. This also gives you to option to copy it your own drive. Go here:

Link to Doc[]
^^ There should be a link directly above here. If there is not, copy the link below, deleting the two spaces (between http and s, and after .com).

http s:/ /document/d/10tpvPpR6CdWZK8vdofhDv270j28Y6EgA/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106489646472916166736&rtpof=true&sd=true

Steam will sometimes instantly delete full links to googledocs for no apparent reason. It may also flag it as malicious. This is kinda crazy, its a bunch of text, but what can I do about it?

Example of what it looks like:

It's a whopping 80 pages of information, and includes stuff on how to build your captain, all the talents in the game as of the most recent patch, what classes synergise well, the differences between ship parts/classes/guns, and tips on how to make money.

Thanks to the heroic work of @Ishikaro, you can also use this new Spreadsheet List[] of all the talents with the descriptions attached, which is sort-able, for those that like more pure data.

Keep in mind: this is JUST the talents data (not the ships stuff, or hints and tips, or captain building, or anything else), and that the descriptions are wholesale copied across, so assume context from the guide, so it's highly advised you read that first, but this is excellent reference if you just want the talents part.

The comments section (and the attached forum thread) will show the most recent updates/changelog (this steam page may not show updated; that's normal, so look below).

IF YOU LIKE IT, UPVOTE IT! I don't care about my popularity, but stars on guides and top visibility is purely down to that on Steam, so the more upvotes the more its gets recommended to people. Simple as.
eharper256  [author] 23 Aug @ 2:10am 
@Kagami You're welcome. :-)
❟❛❟ K4g4m1 ❟❛❟ 19 Aug @ 3:01pm 
Very helpful reference, thank you!
eharper256  [author] 3 Aug @ 7:56am 
@firerabbit You're welcome, glad it's useful to you.
firerabbit 3 Aug @ 4:31am 
Thank you for writing/updating such an amazing guide, and making it easier to return to the game after a long break.
eharper256  [author] 28 Jul @ 4:31am 
28-07-2024- Revised [Blade Dancer Captain], [Bounty Hunter Captain], and [Ship Weapons Guide: Gravcannon] sections to account for new patch changes.
eharper256  [author] 24 Jul @ 5:15am 
24-07-2024- Added Blade Dancer "As a Captain" section as that has just become possible.
eharper256  [author] 11 Jul @ 3:34am 
11-07-2024- Added a small spiel about Paladin Crusader (new ship) which is worth considering if want a 5K with 6 officers.
eharper256  [author] 9 Jun @ 12:46pm 
Sometimes Steam also goes funny and sends you to the Steam Homepage the first time you click an external link. I occasionally see that on other external guides.
eharper256  [author] 9 Jun @ 12:44pm 
Just tried both of the link options and they're fine. Maybe Googledocs had a temporary hissy fit?
UK_John 8 Jun @ 8:33am 
Link to google guide not working.