Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX

Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX

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Where to Find All Traits
Av Portaddict74482
Hate having to look everywhere for the traits you need? Looking for a specific trait, but don't want to have to go back through the Encyclopedia to find it? Fret not, for this guide is here to help you in that endeavour.

I, myself, have 100%'d the original Atelier Sophie, and while I don't believe that my information may be all that accurate, due to some online guides mentioning there's more than the 32 pages of traits that I've found, I personally believe that this will be more than enough information to assist with making the task of transferring traits a little easier, solely for the fact that you can use CTRL + F on a keyboard and just skip to the section you need.
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Introduction And Disclaimers
As stated previously, this guide is to hopefully help those who are looking for a specific trait they need or want to put onto an item. HOWEVER, this guide is not a replacement for the in-game encyclopedia, as this is likely missing some information that the in-game encyclopedia has.

Note that this guide has all of its information taken solely from my copy of the ORIGINAL Atelier Sophie, and some content may be missing solely because of that.

And also, this guide will have a MASSIVE Spoiler for an end-game location, so if you do not wish to have that major plot detail ruined for you, I HIGHLY suggest you do not read onwards, as I am not responsible for you deciding to ignore this warning.

Finally, remember to use CTRL + F to search quickly for the trait you need, if you know the name of it. If not, then please refer to the side-panel that has each section listed, and move along from there.

Post-Note: For the sake of this guide, all traits are listed with their pre-requisite traits that are needed to acquire them. TECHNICALLY, all traits can be found on any material in the game, but some are accessible through combining lower level traits. If a trait does not have a pre-requisite trait, it will be listed as "On Materials." All effects of traits can be found in the in-game encyclopedia.

Post-Note 2: This guide uses Abbreviations and Acronyms for certain terms. This is the only time you will see them being mentioned in their full title.
Synthesis = SYN
Attack = ATK
Recover = REC
Weapon = WEP
Armor = AMR
Accessory = ACR

Post-Note 3: All traits can be transferred to SYN items, but they are listed anyways, so all of our bases are covered.

With all of that out of the way, let's get started.
Transferable Traits to all 6 Categories of Items
These Traits can go onto the following items:

Low Price: On Materials
Low Price +: On Materials
Low Price ++: On Materials
Common Item: Low Price X Low Price +
Mass Produced: Low Price + X Low Price ++
No Price: Common Item X Mass Produced

High Price: On Materials
High Price +: On Materials
High Price ++: On Materials
High Class: High Price X High Price +
Rare Item: High Price + X High Price ++
Premium Price: High Class X Rare Item

Quality Up: On Materials
Quality Up +: On Materials
Quality Up ++: On Materials
Well Made: Quality Up X Quality Up +
Pro Perfection: Quality Up + X Quality Up ++
Super Quality: Well Made X Pro Perfection
Transferable Traits to ATK & REC
These Traits can go on the following items:
(Note: This category includes both traits that are applicable to instances of individual and both attack items and recovery items. For the sake of this guide, they are sorted as follows: ATK, REC, Both)

Destruction Up: On Materials
Destruction Up +: On Materials
Destruction Up ++: On Materials
Big Destruction: Destruction Up X Destruction Up +
Intense Destruction: Destruction Up + X Destruction Up ++
Ultimate Destruction: Big Destruction X Intense Destruction

Fixed Power: On Materials
Fixed Power +: On Materials
Fixed Power ++: On Materials
Pain in Numbers: Fixed Power X Fixed Power +
Damage in Numbers: Fixed Power + X Fixed Power ++
Big Damage Numbers: Pain in Numbers X Damage in Numbers

Enhance Finisher: On Materials
Enhance Finisher +: On Materials
Enhance Finisher ++: On Materials
Merciless Blow: Enhance Finisher X Enhance Finisher +
Relentless Blow: Enhance Finisher + X Enhance Finisher ++
Ruthless Blow: Merciless Blow X Relentless Blow


Recovery Up: On Materials
Recovery Up +: On Materials
Recovery Up ++: On Materials
Big Recovery: Recovery Up X Recovery Up +
Intense Recovery: Recovery Up + X Recovery Up ++
Ultimate Recovery: Big Recovery X Intense Recovery

Fixed Recovery: On Materials
Fixed Recovery +: On Materials
Fixed Recovery ++: On Materials
Medicine Enhance: Fixed Recovery X Fixed Recovery +
Big Medicine Enhance: Fixed Recovery + X Fixed Recovery ++
Super Enhance Recovery: Medicine Enhance X Big Medicine Enhance


Critical: On Materials
Critical +: On Materials
Critical ++: On Materials
Critical Finish: Critical X Critical +
Always Critical: Critical + X Critical ++
One Hit Kill: Critical Finish X Always Critical*

*One Hit Kill does NOT transfer to Recover Items

Stable Effect: On Materials
Stable Effect +: On Materials
Stable Effect ++: On Materials
Stability Emphasis: Stable Effect X Stable Effect +
Solid Effect: Stable Effect + X Stable Effect ++
Boost Expected Value: Stability Emphasis X Solid Effect

Use Count +1: On Materials
Use Count +2: On Materials
Multiply: Use Count +1 X Use Count +2
Use Count -1: On Materials
Use Count -2: On Materials
Reduction: Use Count -1 X Use Count -2

Trait Enhance: On Materials
Trait Enhance +: On Materials
Cost Bonus: Trait Enhance + Trait Enhance +

Area Bonus: On Materials
Area Bonus +: On Materials
Effective Vs Many: Area Bonus X Area Bonus +

Fewer Bonus: On Materials
Fewer Bonus +: On Materials
Effective Vs One: Fewer Bonus X Fewer Bonus +

Enhance Last: On Materials
Enhance Last +: On Materials
Final Blow: Enhance Last X Enhance Last +

Count Compress: On Materials
Count Compress +: On Materials
Force Final: Count Compress X Count Compress +

Count Bonus: On Materials
Count Bonus +: On Materials
Count Boost: Count Bonus X Count Bonus +

Fast Use: On Materials
Fast Use +: On Materials
Sonic Throw: Fast Use X Fast Use +

Power Throw: On Materials
Power Throw +: On Materials
Strong Throw: Power Throw X Power Throw +

Wait Time Enhance: On Materials
Wait Time Enhance +: On Materials
Charge Item: Wait Time Enhance X Wait Time Enhance +

Size +: On Materials
Jumbo Size: On Materials
Size -: On Materials
Mini Size: On Materials

Size Enhance: On Materials
Size Super Enhance: On Materials
Crush Dimension: Size Enhance X Size Super Enhance

Kind of Light: On Materials
Light: On Materials
Easy to Handle: Kind of Light + Light
Accustoms Quickly: Light + Easy to Handle
Transferable Traits to WEP, AMR, & ACR
These traits are transferable to the following categories:
(Note: These are sorted as follows: WEP only, AMR Only, ACR only, WEP & ACR, AMR & ACR, and All 3. There is no WEP & AMR only combination for these traits, unless you include a certain category of them under the "All 3" segment)

Increase Sharpness: On Materials
Cuts Easily: On Materials
Increase Aggression: On Materials

Attack Enhance: On Materials
Attack Boost: On Materials
Attack Super Enhance: On Materials
Power of Beasts: Attack Enhance X Attack Boost
Power of Destruction: Attack Boost X Attack Super Enhance
Power of Gods: Power of Beasts X Power of Destruction

Skill Power +5%: On Materials
Skill Power +7%: On Materials
Skill Power +10%: On Materials
Skill Enhance: Skill Power +5% X Skill Power +7%
Skill Boost: Skill Power +7% X Skill Power +10%
Skill Super Enhance: Skill Enhance X Skill Boost
Eco Skill: Cut MP Consume X Skill Enhance
Skill Cost Compress: Compact MP Consume X Skill Boost
Skill Savings: Halve MP Consume X Skill Super Enhance

Damage Absorb: On Materials
Damage Absorb +: On Materials
Damage Absorb ++: On Materials
HP Absorb: Damage Absorb X Damage Absorb +
Steal Life: Damage Absorb + X Damage Absorb ++
Absorb Soul: HP Absorb X Steal Life


Parameters +5%: On Materials
Parameters +6%: On Materials
Parameters +7%: On Materials
Enhance the body: Parameters +5% X Parameters +6%
Draw Out Power: Parameters +6% X Parameters +7%
Develops the Body: Enhance the Body + Draw Out Power

Defense Enhance: On Materials
Defense Boost: On Materials
Defense Super Enhance: On Materials
Steel Defense: Defense Enhance X Defense Boost
Diamond Defense: Defense Boost X Defense Super Enhance
Dragonscale Defense: Steel Defense X Diamond Defense


Speed Enhance: On Materials
Speed Boost: On Materials
Speed Super Enhance: On Materials
Speed of Skanda: Speed Enhance X Speed Boost
Speed of Gods: Speed Boost X Speed Super Enhance
Speed of Light: Speed of Skanda X Speed of Gods


Consume MP -10%: On Materials
Consume MP -15%: On Materials
Consume MP -20%: On Materials
Cut MP Consume: Consume MP - 10% X Consume MP -15%
Compact MP Consume: Consume MP -15% X Consume MP -20%
Halve MP Consume: Cut MP Consume X Compact MP Consume


HP Enhance: On Materials
HP Boost: On Materials
HP Super Enhance: On Materials
Full of Life: HP Enhance X HP Boost
Overflowing Life: HP Boost X HP Super Enhance
Power of Life: Full of Life X Overflowing Life

MP Enhance: On Materials
MP Boost: On Materials
MP Super Enhance: On Materials
Magician's Wisdom: MP Enhance X MP Boost
Grand Magician's Wisdom: MP Boost X MP Super Enhance
Wisdom of the Gods: Magician's Wisdom X Grand Magician's Wisdom

LP Enhance: On Materials
LP Boost: On Materials
LP Super Enhance: On Materials
Full of Stamina: LP Enhance X LP Boost
Unabating Stamina: LP Boost X LP Super Enhance
Infinite Stamina: Full of Stamina X Unabating Stamina


ATK DEF Enhance: Attack Enhance X Defense Enhance
ATK SPD Enhance: Attack Enhance X Speed Enhance
DEF SPD Enhance: Defense Enhance X Speed Enhance
All Stat Enhance: Any 2 of Previous 3 Traits
ATK DEF Boost: Attack Boost X Defense Boost
ATK SPD Boost: Attack Boost X Speed Boost
DEF SPD Boost: Defense Boost X Speed Boost
All Stat Boost: Any 2 of Previous 3 Traits
All Stat Super Enhance: All Stat Enhance X All Stat Boost
Well Rounded Power: All Stat Boost X All Stat Super Enhance

NOTE: ATK DEF Traits cannot go onto Accessories, ATK SPD Traits cannot go onto Armor, and DEF SPD Traits cannot go onto Weapons.
Traits that Inflict/Slay
These traits inflict status effects onto enemies or are designed to be used against specific enemies, and thusly, belong in their own category.

These Traits are transferable to the following categories:

Inflict Sleep: On Materials
Inflict Poison: On Materials
Inflict Slow: On Materials
Inflict Curse: On Materials
Inflict Blind: On Materials
Inflict Weak: On Materials
Inflict No Heal: On Materials

Spirit Slayer: On Materials
Beast Slayer: On Materials
Demon Slayer: On Materials
Dragon Slayer: On Materials
Magical Slayer: On Materials
Puni Slayer: On Materials
Undead Slayer: On Materials

With that disclaimer out of the way, here it is.

Towards the end of the game, you discover that Meklet and Atomina, two characters that you met early on in the game, were in fact the reincarnated bodies of Luard, who Plachta battled 500 years prior to the start of the game. The battle was over the Cauldron of Knowledge, which Luard sought to use to enhance his Ablation Alchemy, which was a form of Alchemy that ripped apart the very nature that alchemy draws its power from. This is explained when you talk with Plachta on the subject and she mentions how the Scar of the Land came to be. It was Luard's blatant disregard of what Ablation Alchemy was doing to the world that led to the battle between the two former partners.

Anyways, storytime aside, Plachta tells you the location where Luard went: the Library of All Creation. That is where the main story's final battle takes place. However, we're not discussing that part, ohh no no no no no. What we're after is below where Luard is hiding.

You see, the Library of All Creation has you fight a gauntlet of bosses and filler enemies for a small bit, before it splits the path on you. At the section called "Everchanging Stars," there are 2 paths. The way to Luard and the "Dawn Bookshelf" is blockaded by an enemy. However, to the left of him, there is a door that is unguarded. This leads to the "Dusk Bookshelf." And that is EXACTLY where you want to go.

Once you've entered there, dodge past the enemies that surround the area and run to the glowing thing that, when approached, has ? ? ? on it for its location. The game never tells you what it is, but it is officially the DLC dungeon from the original game. However, for the sake of clarity and giving it a name, I have referred to this area as "The World of Dreams and Nightmares," because it truly is that. And in this location, we can find rare traits.

Rare Traits are, as you may have guessed, rarely found on materials in the main world. You would be lucky if you found one of these powerhouse traits in the main world. However, in The World of Dreams and Nightmares, they are commonly found on all items here. You'll have to do some collecting, and I would highly suggest bringing some living carts & a fairy guide to get your sorry butt out of there with all the materials you've gathered.

These are the following traits that I have categorized as "Rare Traits." Some may actually not be, but I have found these traits most commonly in The World of Dreams and Nightmares, and as such, they get a spot here:

Power to Destroy Gods: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK]
Blessed by God: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, REC]
Flawless Body: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, AMR]
Tenacious Body: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, AMR]
Expert Skill: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, WEP]
Over Power: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, WEP]
Trait Super Enhance: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Multi Bonus: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Single Bonus: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Few + Many Bonus: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Last Strike: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
One Time End: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Enhance with Count: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]
Mach Throw: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ATK, REC]

Zeal Factor: On Materials
Happy Heart: On Materials
Cunning Wit: On Materials
Splendid Glory: On Materials
Burning Passion: On Materials
Unwavering Spirit: On Materials
Fog of Illusion: On Materials
Bonds of Belief: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, ACR]

Awakening Courage: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, AMR]

Changing Attack: On Materials
Avidya Attack: On Materials
Barrage Attack: On Materials
Skillful Attack: On Materials
Persistent Attack: On Materials
Deadly Attack: On Materials
[Transferable: SYN, WEP]
Miscellaneous Traits
These Traits are not as easily categorized, so instead, they've been given their own category. However, all of these are found on one specific item, and their appropriate transfer properties are added on the right side.

No Attribute: On Materials (SYN, ATK)

Poison Mist: On Poison Grass (SYN, ATK, WEP)

Slime Compound: On Crimson Herb (SYN, REC)

False Flower: Found on Dunkelstern (SYN, REC)

Electrified: Found on Raiden Ore (SYN, ATK)

Carries Heat: Found on Kaen Stone (SYN, ATK)

Carries Cold: Found on Hakurei Stone (SYN, ATK)

Dark Matter: Found on Black Orb (SYN, ACR)

Ancient Seal: Found on Ancient Tablet (SYN, WEP)

Absorbs Light: Found on Night Crystal (SYN, WEP, ACR)

Stinks: Found on Island Fish Fin (SYN, ATK)

Sunny Scent: Found on Dawn Fur (SYN, REC)

Cutting Thread: Found on Gold Steel Web (SYN, WEP)

Kirchen Bell Special: Found on Kirchen Milk (SYN, REC)

Flickering Light: Found on Luminous Water (SYN, REC)

Unidentified: Found on Rainbow Puni Fluid (SYN, ATK)

Purifying Water: Found on Holy Water (SYN, REC)

Golden Radiance: Found on Golden Puniball (ALL)

Super Fine: Found on Weiss Powder (SYN, ATK)

Mutated Material: Found on Silver Potato (SYN, AMR ACR)

Special Ingredient: Found on Bursting Berry (SYN, REC)

Secret of Health: Found on Zafloa Oil (SYN, REC)

Power of Faith: Found on Pious Talisman (SYN, WEP, ACR)

Medicine Compound: Found on Pelem Shell (SYN, REC)

Rainbow Radiance: Found on Rainbow Crystal (ALL)

Wards Evil: Found on Pendegrune (SYN, WEP)

Demon Soul: Found on Evil Core (SYN, ATK)

Dragon Soul: Found on Dragon Heart (SYN, WEP)

Full of Life: Found on Dunkelheit (SYN, REC)
Thank you so much for taking the time to view this guide, and I hope this helps you find the traits you need just a little bit faster.

If you didn't find anything that you were looking for, please remember that all the information here was taken from my copy of the original Atelier Sophie that I have 100% completed, in terms of achievements. Meaning it's unlikely I managed to get all of the traits. However, I believe that this is enough to cover most questions anyone may have.

Now, get out there and pummel every last boss you can find into the ground with the newfound power of Alchemy. :D
4 kommentarer
Scout 10. feb. 2023 kl. 17.58 
Oh I know that's not what the guide was for, I just figured since you mentioned you 100% the game you would have a pretty good idea on the most optimal strats. Very helpful guide though!
Portaddict74482  [skaper] 10. feb. 2023 kl. 17.49 
Unfortunately, that is not what this guide was made for. This was simply to showcase where all traits are.
Honestly, your best bet is to keep trying and restarting from a save just outside the boss battle (or on that day before you go out to fight it) until you get it. Blocking Curse & No Heal will be a massive help though.
Scout 10. feb. 2023 kl. 17.43 
Do you have any tips on defeating the Demon Lord boss in the Soul Space area? When he gets to low HP he just seems to get 5 turns in a row stat boosting himself then doing extremely damaging attacks. I maxed out everyone's stats, but maybe I just need accessories to null curse and no heal.
Portaddict74482  [skaper] 28. juni 2022 kl. 18.39 
POST-EDIT: Having, at the time of posting this comment, completed the main story for Atelier Sophie DX, I can now apply the official name to the Rare Traits section of this guide.

The End-game area that I have dubbed "The World of Dreams and Nightmares" is officially titled the "Hidden Archive."
However, I do not believe that it will display that name when interacting with the portal to that location. So bear that in mind.