Arma 3
92 beoordelingen
More Aircraft Displays
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Helicopter, Plane
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5.502 KB
8 jun 2022 om 17:50
22 okt 2023 om 12:20
5 wijzigingsnotities (weergeven)

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More Aircraft Displays

More Aircraft Displays is a very simple mod, it show's you how long it will take for you to get to your destination at your current speed, as well as how many minutes of fuel you have left.

When in a Helicopter or Plane, open your map and press (LShift + LMB) to create a Waypoint, your Estimated Time of Arrival will then be displayed on the right hand side of your aircrafts ui.

The time is based on your current speed and the distance you need to travel, it does not take direction into account and is only accurate if you are heading towards your destination. It also does not take elevation into account.
The fuel display is based on how much fuel you used in the last 60 seconds and how much fuel you have left. You'll notice this display is populated by "***" for the first minute, this is because it needs to get data on how much fuel you are consuming before it can show you how much time you have left.

Big thankyou to Leopard20 and John Jordan from the Arma discord who helped with bugfixing.
31 opmerkingen
J3FF  [auteur] 7 mrt 2024 om 7:09 
Hey @SSG, That is not a feature in the mod right now. I don't intend to add new features to this mod either in the future.
SSG 6 mrt 2024 om 16:43 
Hi, is it possible to set the UI box position via CBA settings? Because there are ppl that placed the vehicle info box somewhere else (I personally work with w+0.47 and h+0.85, for example), Thanks for your effort!
C. Eagle 5 jan 2024 om 5:40 
Warning Message: Variable 'ctrleta' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace.
J3FF  [auteur] 22 okt 2023 om 12:20 
Signature and bikey have been updated.
DarkStorm 16 okt 2023 om 9:45 
can we get a key/bisign update I'm having issues keying this on my server.

Thanks in advance
T/5. MrDraXuz [16th IR] 5 jun 2023 om 10:27 
Can you update your bisign and bikey please? It is not working for our server.
J3FF  [auteur] 9 dec 2022 om 14:27 
@USMCx Titus Sorry for the delay in responding. The mod has been re-signed and updated. Please let me know if it fixes your problem!
Titus 6 dec 2022 om 14:14 
checked the mod signatures and there is no error. was told that some mods could have this problem and just need to be re-signed and updated.
Titus 6 dec 2022 om 13:59 
@J3FF my server is set to VerifySignatures, so it still needs the bikey to verify the mod. could it be possible to re-sign your mod?
J3FF  [auteur] 5 dec 2022 om 11:03 
@USMCx Titus I havn't come across that error myself. However removing it from the server and using it just on the client should solve the problem