Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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"Это все котел - Менцзянь отрезан от Манчжурии."
5 comentário(s)
Ленуся 3/jul./2022 às 13:39 
FerdinandBrickleballs 26/jun./2022 às 17:17 
fascist scum. You'll get a bullet to the brain when the time comes.
233 10/jun./2022 às 23:54 
DieMany 10/jun./2022 às 12:34 
Какая же база:ab_russianflag:
JordanTurner 9/jun./2022 às 12:40 
He says while he flies the flag of a German family that ruled the country but didn't really like living there or care about the people that much