Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

M4A4 | Dogfighter
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A collection of color and style variants for the "Dogfighter" custom paint job!
Gjenstander (5)
Markert som inkompatibel ]  M4A4 | DOGFIGHTER
Skapt av EGO DEATH
It has crude paneling! Kinda going for a Warhammer meets Borderlands, old prop fighter planes.. Gonna make a couple different designs on this base I think. Probably one without a face too... I have made other things as well! https://steamuserimages-a.akama...
Markert som inkompatibel ]  M4A4 | Dogfighter (Blue)
Skapt av EGO DEATH
It has crude paneling! Kinda going for a Warhammer meets Borderlands, old prop fighter planes.. Gonna make a couple different designs on this base I think. Probably one without a face too... Maybe tan?! I have made other things as well! https://steamuserim...
Markert som inkompatibel ]  M4A4 | Dogfighter (Old Steel)
Skapt av EGO DEATH
It has crude paneling! Kinda going for a Warhammer meets Borderlands, old prop fighter planes.. Gonna make a couple different designs on this base! This one is warm grey and sandy! I have made other things as well!
Markert som inkompatibel ]  M4A4 | Dogfighter (Stealth)
Skapt av EGO DEATH
It has crude paneling! Kinda going for a Warhammer meets Borderlands, old prop fighter planes.. Gonna make a couple different designs on this base! This one is a high contrast greyscale! I have made other things as well! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Markert som inkompatibel ]  M4A4 | Dogfighter (Low Violence)
Skapt av EGO DEATH
It has crude paneling! Kinda going for a Warhammer meets Borderlands, old prop fighter planes.. Gonna make a couple different designs on this base! This one is Pink! I have made other things as well!