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sam-wows funky テラリア music & textures & knuckles playlist
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its the textures i use to make terraria look like as much of an off brand foreign version of itself with weird and wacky references to things that i enjoy
Genstande (119)
Album Art Paintings
Skabt af DeadFromHeaven
Replaces all the in-game paintings with various album art. Adjusts the painting's item names and flavour text too, so be wary of that. Had a few friends suggest most of the albums. Obviously, all album art featured in this pack is NOT made by me- credit go...
Annoying Dog hanging from a rope
Skabt af Badpiggy88
Replaces the Hanging Braiser with the Annoying Dog on a rope Note: This pack also removes some smoke particles...
Annoying Dog is the Bunny
Skabt af Uncle Badass
Replaces almost every Bunny and any mention of them with the Annoying Dog from Undertale....
Aquatic Armament Anthology Masterpack
Skabt af Rules Artificer
This is the master resource pack for all of the resprites in my aquatic armament anthology series. I'll continue to update it as I resprite more guns, so if you want all of them without needing to pick and choose, you can just subscribe to this one. This p...
Skabt af maegull
This texture replace all slimes sprites with Ass Slimes! This Texture pack was made by: Chazmer#7791, Sprites made by: DN-Frost#5472 give the most part of the credits to him! Here is where I found it: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/slimes-re...
Axolotl Costume
Skabt af The Lamb
SUBSCRIBE TO DOWNLOAD This texture pack replaces the common Fish costume (obtained from the Angler NPC after a certain fish quest) with an amazing AXOLOTL COSTUME! Now you can be a cute axolotl with this texture pack on! CONTENTS Fully animated costume: Ma...
Axolotl Critters
Skabt af The Lamb
English: This resource pack replaces the turtle critters to axolotls! They come in two variants: Leucistic (Forest Turtle) and Wild (Jungle Turtle). It also adds axolotl statues and beautiful axolotl aquariums! CONTENTS Two axolotl variants Axolotl Statue,...
Axolotl replaces Baby Shark pet
Skabt af The Lamb
This texture pack changes the Shark Pup to an adorable Axolotl! It also changes the texts related to the Shark pup. It's concept is based on Minecraft axolotls were you can carry them in buckets! Credits to Melster for the Localization files. IMPORTANT If ...
Bigger Life Fruit
Skabt af Chary
A mod to help those who are blind (like me) to find Life Fruit after your first mech boss. *Tweeks: > The Life Fruit tile now has a white outer line (so it's a bit easier to identify). *New > The item drop is different (with the same white outer line)....
Black Mage replaces Shimmered Wizard
Skabt af KikiKitteh
One day I thought to myself, "Why is there no resource pack that changes the Shimmered Wizard to the Black Mage from Final Fantasy? I mean, that's what it's based off of, right?" So, I made one. As you may have guessed, this resource pack replaces the Wiza...
Blade Of Chaos
Skabt af golden doro
zeus... ZEUS!!!!!!!!!! Reskins the Solar Eruption to the Blade of Chaos from this obscure indie game called God of War also has custom sfx if you wish to see more of my work check out @thegoldendoro on twitter...
Blåhaj Hat
Skabt af beeboo
This is a continuation of my 'Yet Another Blåhaj Mod.' Enjoy! This replaces the Rabbit Perch, which you can get from Zoologist at 40% / 216 bestiary entries....
Blue Toad for truffle pet
Skabt af adem ♡☥☆
Replaces the truffle pet with super mario maker 2 toad...
Bob Ross (painter)
Skabt af camping_grandma
Reskins painter to a happy little guy... This was a personal project of mine and since there's no other Bob Ross NPC, yet...I got to work. It was a dreadfull process to get this working for the first time and much effort went into sprite editing, but I got...
Boss Colored Relics
Skabt af The Wise Willow
Colors the Relics to match the Bosses. If they add a new boss to the 1.4.5 Update this pack might not work for awhile. (But I will try to fix it if I can.) Centered Version: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2658460246 Eye Veins Versio...
Buff potions are MTN DEW
Skabt af FIV
Replaces every buff potion with a unique MTN DEW flavor. Featuring: night owl - original titan - zero sugar obsidian skin - kickstart grape ammo reservation - kickstart pineapple orange mango builder - kickstart black cherry hunter - kickstart orange citru...
Capri-Dust Dragon
Skabt af Awful Samurai
Based on the Capricorn skin made by R-MK, this pack reskins the stardust dragon to resemble the Capricorn clothing set. Version 1.1 Update: Improved the look of the sprite as well as just visibility of the summon in general. Version 1.2 Update: Changed the...
Capricorn Snake Tail
Skabt af Sqyke
This pack's tail I consider outdated. I recommend checking out the newer tail I've made that also includes a retexture of the entire Capricorn set. Capricorn Set Rework Link! https://i.imgur.com/QAhryis.png If you are not getting that one, that's fine! You...
Clockwork Dragon V2 (Imp Staff Replacement)
Skabt af Coping Kobold
Kobold Technologies would like to present Version 2 of the Clockwork Pseudodragon! (Due to issues with our PUBLISHERS (Steam, Re-Logic) version 1 can no longer be updated. We cannot stress enough that this is NOT OUR FAULT) Straight from the artificer's fo...
Cockatiel Parrot
In honor of Tiki, my cockatiel. Changes the parrot pet to look like a cockatiel. Also replaces the cracker with Strange Lettuce. Tiki loved lettuce! (The hekk, how did this small retexture get so much attention? Y'all are awesome! ;w;)...
Crazy Dave boss roar
Skabt af halstar
Replaces the default boss roar with crazy dave's classic line....
Dark Star Over Empress Of Light
Skabt af S0ullessW0lf_404
Dark Star Over Empress Of Light "Long, long ago, a star sleeping deep below the Mushroom Kingdom was dug up. It was not benevolent. It was a frightful star that hid a great evil. The Dark Star. It was said that if an evil entity found the Dark Star, the wo...
Darude Sandstorm Sandstorm
Skabt af juice
This resource pack replaces the sandstorm music with Darude - Sandstorm...
Deep Rock Galactic Companions
Skabt af Cascade
Deep Rock seriously needs to invest in some better equipment. Changes: Jack 'O Lantern Alien skater Credits: Ghost Ship Games ...
Deep Rock Galactic Rival Tech
Skabt af Cascade
Rock and stone! Changes: Martian Probe A roster of all the enemies encountered in Martian Madness Certain amount of weapons dropped in Martian Madness Contributions: Marriv - Influx Waver & Laser Machinegun Credits: Ghost Ship Games Alf Agerbæk-Larsen and ...
Demoknight Bar
Skabt af cap'n
Turns the Demonite Bar into the Demoknight bar....
Demolitionist into Demoman from TF2
Skabt af MEGALO
Turns the Demolitionist NPC into Demoman from Team Fortress 2. To Do List: 1. Fix a bug with the party hat placement 2. change some text (note: I may or may not custom interraction lines) changelog 1.2: fixed the locations in the texturepack folder 1.1: ad...
Demoman Sunflowers
Skabt af Smudgeroni
Was scrolling through my images folder and saw this. I blacked out, and suddenly I had posted this on the steam workshop. I don't know what happened. It even glows!...
Donkey Kong Music replaces Jungle Music
Hello! So this pack only changes the Jungle Music to DK music. If you want a full track replace I recommend this mod pack: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2441343666. I do not own any of these tracks, and they were all off of youtube...
Dumb Sto0pid death messages
These are sure some dumb ones tho...
Elmo campfire
Skabt af hunggary
Do not help him, he knows what he did....
Skabt af Astra
Changelog: it actually does the thing it says it does never ask me for anything ever again...
Engineer Mechanic
Engineer gamering...
Froggy Bench
Skabt af Merc
Changes the standard Bench to a Froggy Chair styled version. Benches are crafted with 8 of any wood at a Sawmill....
Froggy Raincoat
Skabt af Merc
Changes the standard Rain set to a frog-styled version. The two Rain armor pieces are both dropped by the Raincoat Zombies. If you want all those Raincoat Zombies to wear Froggy Coats too, you'll need this other mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/...
Froggy Raincoat Zombie
Skabt af Merc
Changes the Raincoat Zombie's raincoat to a Frog-styled version to match your new Froggy Raincoat. If you want to wear this coat yourself, you'll need this other mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2899722337 Changes the following: ...
Fun with Moai
Skabt af |173rd|r00t b33r
Moaï (or "Moyai") heads made Easter Island famous: the monoliths were carved by the Rapa Nui in east Polynesia between the years 1250 and 1500. These mysterious rock carvings feature heavy brows, long ears, huge noses & wide mouths that make them a disting...
Funky Town Title Music But It's Terrible
Skabt af JauB
Funky Town by Lipps Inc. but it's just, absolutely, terrible...
Galaxia over True Excalibur
Skabt af Terrastar
Puts Meta Knight's sword, Galaxia, over True Excalibur....
Goldfish Angler
Skabt af pampamimi
Replaces The Angler into a goldfish angler! Also replaces those Angler's meanie dialogue into an even more humble dialogue. I've edited like around 2240 words or more if not less according to word counter I've found online, lol. Hope you like it! FAN ART (...
Harp to Accordion (Sound pack)
Skabt af Coping Kobold
Whether it's an accordion, a concertina, or an organ grinder, the reed squeezebox is a divisive instrument. On one hand, it's the sound of love, a good coffee, or a swashbuckling good time on the high seas. On the other hand, one can't hear a jaunty tune o...
Harpies-->Amazon drones
Skabt af Butter Bread
Turns harpies into bloodthirsty amazon drones...
Heisenberg from Breaking Bad (NPC)
Skabt af luviho
I am not in danger, Terrarian. I am the danger. The guide opens his door and gets eaten by zombies and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks! Replaces the tavernkeep to Heisenberg from Breaking Bad Shimmer version coming soon... ...
High Visibility Life Fruits
Skabt af Grandpa
I have a bit of a difficult time trying to find life fruits specifically because they blend in with the other jungle foliage. This texture pack makes it so the fruit itself stands out against the greenness of the of the leaves. The aim is to make the textu...
Holy Bayonets
Skabt af blue air balls
Replaces the sprite and localization of the Daybreak with the holy bayonets used by Anderson in Hellsing Thanks to: Roomnumber16 for general support and re-shading of the item sprite Golden doro for advice with shading Ask of me, and I shall give thee the ...
Horned God Set
Skabt af ayloh
Replaces Ancient Cloth set with the Horned God set. (Last Revision Update: Horned God set should now look how it normally would on a female character and updated the texture pack icon)...
Katamari Cousins over Town Slimes
Skabt af Woobsflub
Puts 8 of the cousins from Katamari Damacy over the town slimes The Prince = Nerdy Slime Marcy = Cool Slime Miso = Clumsy Slime Kuro = Surly Slime Ichigo = Mystic Slime Signolo = Elder Slime Dipp = Diva Slime Johnson = Squire Slime...
Kirbo Pet
Skabt af Bruxz
============= ENGLISH ============ Feel safe to take it as a companion Kirbo's textures replace the Martian's mascot on a skateboard Texture Pack based on Kirbo the character of JeremeyChinshue or TerminalMontage you can visit their social networks here: h...
Lancer - Deltarune
Skabt af andersinikas
Replaces the Everscream pet with Lancer from Deltarune by Toby Fox. He has no walking animation in the pack, because he doesn't have one in Deltarune. Other Deltarune packs https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786021480 If there are any ...
Lesser Door Sounds
Skabt af Akihabara
A little useless pack who change the sound of the door for a more clean and lesser version. For someone who afk a lot with the game opened this is a solution and npc gonna stop to annoy you....
Luigi Replaces The Guide
Skabt af Nikki
Replaces the Guide with Luigi, which ultimately makes the game that much better. FEATURES: -Replaces the Guide with Luigi, using sprites from the All-Stars version of Super Mario World. -Changed all possible Guide names to Luigi (requires new Guide spawn/r...
Mario instead of Flinx Minion
Skabt af Ghamaleeon
Changes the Flinx Staff, Flinx Minion and Buff to Mario! Also changes texts. "If you don't download this super texture pack, you're gonna turn into a goomba!"...
Minecraft Baby Snow Golem
Skabt af CasualDon
Replaces the baby snowman with a baby snow golem from Minecraft the the initial idea for this came from a comment on Triangle's workshop item: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2679922770...
Skabt af Master_Sneks
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: God Sun
Skabt af YodaKahn
Replaces the sun to God from Monty Python and the Holy Grail It's now your duty to find the grail Let me know if you want a version with no clouds...
More Informative Yoyos
Skabt af Spookypizza
Lists detailed yoyo information such as spin duration and tile reach on all yoyo names. Also lists extra debuff information for certain yoyos....
Morshu Merchant
Skabt af whitetimber
Angel statues, rope, bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough... coins. UPDATE 4/23 - Added a localization file for merchant NPC names. Important to note that only newly spawned merchants will be named Morshu. UPDATE 5/19 - Upda...
Mothron is Mothra
Skabt af DeadFromHeaven
A return to Mothron's true roots. Changes Mothron's sounds to Mothra from Godzilla and changes all mention of Mothron into Mothra. (In the preview video I had some other mods on) Sounds are from Godzilla Tokyo SOS and edited by Jakers....
mouse cursor with border
Skabt af sunbun
replaces the cursor, now with a border version without a colorable border/outline: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2439810106...
Skabt af RyceBruh
Replaces all pylons with moyai my beloved....
Mug Maniacs
Skabt af Dw
I LOVE MUG!!!...
Nailgun to Halo Needler
Skabt af Classic Quantum
Replaces the nailgun dropped by Nailheads to be the Needler from the video game Halo. The idea came to me because the mechanics of the two weapons are fairly similar....
Nubert - Deltarune
Skabt af andersinikas
Everybody loves Nubert! Changes: the King Slime pet - Nubert the Queen Slime pet - Nubert with a wig It's mostly just a resprite of the slime pets with some changes. Other Deltarune packs https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786021480 If...
Ocean Man replaces Duke Fishron theme
Replaces Music_58 (Duke Fishron theme) with Ocean Man Formerly from the Texture Pack of Suffering Ocean man got changed to now replace the ocean theme instead Ocean Man Replaces ocean theme: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2515809498...
Orca's Orca Cute Fishron Replacer
Skabt af BaryonyxOrca
A resource pack that replaces the Cute Fishron mount into the an Orca, similar to that of the old console orca. Back on Terraria Console edition, orcas used to be a shark variant that would occasionally spawn in the ocean. It acted like the shark, and basi...
Pea Shooters!
Skabt af Deeeeniiiiss?
Replaces the Ballista sentries from the Old One's Army Event with PvZ Peashooters. I was going to add more Plants Vs Zombies replacements but it's pretty hard since the original sprites are waaaayy too tiny to change properly without it looking awful. Btw ...
Pepe Emotes
Skabt af Dofoerix
This resource pack replaces several emotes with Pepe the Frog emotes =D Have been replaced: /heart /laugh /happy /hungry /fear /mad /sad /wink /scowl /silly /confused /sleep If you like this resource pack, you can award it :D...
Pepsi Mana Potions
Skabt af Keertt21
Pet SpyCrab
Replaces the Baby Face Monster pet with the SpyCrab from Team Fortress 2!...
Platonic Coins
Skabt af Freya
Turns the coins into platonic solids why would you want this? Don't ask me...
Pride Celestial Pillar Banners
Skabt af _spectre
Replaces the Celestial Pillar enemy banners with pride flags. EDIT 31/03/22 - replaces the four craftable banners with flags relevant to the Russo-Ukrainian war. As a Russian, my heart breaks at the sight of atrocities done by the government of my country....
propeller rat from shovel knight
replases the propeller gato....
Ramiel Magic mirror
Skabt af hamfish
Turn your magic mirror into a little Ramiel, the fifth angel. (From Evangelion)...
Resident Evil 4 Merchant NPC
Skabt af FireKestrel
"Got something that might interest ya...." This pack replaces the Arms Dealer with the iconic RE4 merchant, complete with dialog! Also has a custom name that should show up once he respawns. Walking animation is slightly off right now, but I'll fix it at s...
Risk of Terraria: Railgunner
Skabt af stardust834
Replaces Tungsten Armor with Railgunner from Risk of Rain 2...
Rock Pets
Skabt af RealityMayo
What does this do? Replaces the Volt Bunny with Dwayne, just a normal smiley rock. You can buy him from the Zoologist at some point. Replaces the Shadow Mimic Pet with Rocky, Patrick Star's beloved snail race champion....
Running in the 90´s replaces EoL theme
Skabt af Loonatic Tea
The name says what this does...
Scarfy staff
Skabt af cezar
Gives the finch staff a new look...
Shadow Wizard Money Gang
Skabt af Magman
We love using magic weapons This Resource Pack is sponsored by The Shadow Government Original SWMG's appearance by Twitter user @RE_Thinkin This Resource Pack includes: Purple Shadow Wizard Money Gang Hood (Blue Graduation Cap) Purple Shadow Wizard Money G...
Solar blaze from solar flare armor is more discreet
Changed the evolution appearance of the solar shield tackles so that it does not damage the appearance of the character...
Soul Eater Death Sickle + Projectile
Skabt af MEGALO
Replaces the Death Sickle sprite with the Soul Eater scythe which was removed from the game because it was a reference to Soul Eater and the dev team wanted to avoid copyright issues. This is a mod I made when texturepack support was added and I thought so...
Spirit of Anubis
Skabt af monday
Replaces the Stardust Guardian with the Spirit of Anubis ( The preview gif is a lil outdated, it still animates the same way but the colors just arent the same as the preview image next to it lol )...
Standard kart
Skabt af Molten_Glacier
The standard kart from Mario kart 8 replaces the Golf cart...
Sunglasses sun Change
Skabt af Badpiggy88
Replaces the sunglasses sun with the funny emoji guy...
Terraria Japanese Logo
Changes Terraria logo to Japanese Console version...
The Belt
Skabt af NoxIsAFK
Replaces the leather whip with a belt....
The Meow-Chanical Bosses
Skabt af Lanty
Some of the most deadly and frightening contraptions in the land of Terraria... now turned into cats. This here resource pack resprites and renames the three mechanical bosses - Skeletron Prime, the Twins, and the Destroyer - to be more feline, as well as ...
The Moon: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Skabt af Naked
Replaces the textures of every moon phase with the Moon from Majora's Mask 3D. A fear of time running out......
The Science Team
Skabt af Gulliblepikmin
Replaces the Skeleton Merchant with one of the members of the Black Mesa Science Team from Half-Life. To do: Change the sprites for the Skeleton Merchant in the credits....
The Third Impact Overhaul [Update 2.25 : You Can (Not) Advance]
Skabt af Thea Vanherst
After the first initial 45 hours of drawing pixel by pixel with a mouse and keyboard, and an additional 30 hours of additional development, here it is; A Rei replacement for the Moonlord, Inspired by the Third Impact from The End Of Neon Genesis Evangelion...
Tommy Gun
Skabt af Miku
I realized that the sprite for the Tommy Gun in my mod was the same size as the Gatligator, so I made this texture pack lol Oh also my art commissions are open so if you need any sprites dm me on discord If you wanna check out the mod you can here https://...
Toyed One Army
Skabt af JOI3
My first texture pack that I actually finished it! War should stay in game. Inspired from Metal Slug and JJBA. Huge respect to Terraria and Dungeon Defenders II collaboration. Enjoy! 1.Change Old one's army enemies to figures - Etherian Goblin T1-T3 -> Sol...
Vanilla visual effects remake
Skabt af Potralia
Remake Some Projectile to make then cooler A stupid changelog here: 1.0: The Horseman's Blade Terra Blade Night's Edge True Night's Edge Excalibur True Excalibur Eventide Flying Dragon 1.1: Holy arrow 1.2: The Destroyer And Probe(Laser) Skeletron Prime(Las...
Walmart in Hell
Skabt af Birdy
In this resource pack, Walmart is put into one of the hell backgrounds!...
Windows 9x Boss Health Bar
Changes the boss health bar to follow the Windows 9x design language. Windows 9x refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME. Unfortunately due to technical limitations the health bar has partial transparency after the boss takes damage....
Windows 9x Health bar
Adds several Windows 9x inspired health bars to the game. Windows 9x referse to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME. Goes well with this Cursor pack I made: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2448923546 Also this Invent...
Windows 9x Inventory
Changes the inventory to resemble the Windows 9x design language. ie, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME. Goes well with this Cursor pack I made: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2448923546 Also this Health Bar pack ...
Windows ta da sfx for npc deaths
Skabt af criptfiv3
ever felt the need to be congratulated for killing a boss? or enemies too? even innocent critters and npcs??? now you can satisfy yourself by hearing the classic "ta da" sound effect from windows whenever something dies!...
Skabt af lord_css
Ever wanted to compare your wings without having to cross-examine the wiki? Annoyed with trying to decipher the wiki's jargon, like whatever the **** a "vertical multiplier" is? That's where WingPower comes in to save the day! WingPower changes the tooltip...
Witch-king of Angmar Armor
Skabt af Horace The Judge
EN: A long time ago, there was such a mod as Omnirs Nostalgia Pack. And there was a boss like the Witch-king of Angmar from the Lord of the Rings universe. And I decided to make a replacer of Ancient Shadow armor on the armor of the Witch-king itself by mo...
Wyvern on a String
Skabt af Local hat guy
Turns the Wyvern and all items that depict it into a worm on a string (a wyrm on a string, if you will)....
Yoyos Revamped
Skabt af Astral Wayfarer
This texture pack resprites every Yoyo in the game! The perspective on the Yoyos personally didn't look right for me so I tweaked every Yoyo to be from a different angle as shown in the preview images. I've kept almost completely faithful to the original d...
Zephyr Fish--> Metroid(Animated!)
Skabt af Butter Bread
Turns the Zephyr Fish into a pet Metroid! (Animated) *this sprite is not my own*...
Skabt af Umbra
Replaces Martian Madness event music with all of your base are belong to us....
Rod of Time Stop
Skabt af Chlorophyte
Replaces the vanilla Rod of Discord sound effect (and some other teleportation sounds) with the DIO's teleportation sound effect....
Eye of Terror Resprite
Skabt af Tricksz
Resprite of the Eye of Terror Pack by Potralia. the link to the original: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2660201005 All credits for the pack is for the original creator....
Golden Shower, Piss Book
Skabt af Brygmøs
Gives the Golden Shower its true name : the Piss Book, also changes the tooltip....
Ralsei Pack
Skabt af e#
This pack replaces the Baby Imp with Ralsei He's got a bit of a smoking habit, just keep that blunt away from him......
Cyborg to Samus
Skabt af crimtsun
Changes the Cyborg NPC to Samus Aran from Metroid. This pack changes dialogue to match as well. Normally, Samus appears in her Varia suit form, but can be shimmered into a zero-suit form. Designs are inspired by sprites from Super Metroid. As a bonus, Her ...
Weezer Death Sound
Skabt af BigBomba88
Plays the Buddy Holly riff when you die....
Replaces muramasa with murasama from MGR....
Undertale Target Dummy!
Replaces the target dummy into Normal Undertale Dummy! a remade of a alternate texture of mad target dummy replacer. btw I don't know anything about sprite but... I think this one looks very good :) check the original idea made by guille: https://steamcomm...
Windows 9x Map
Changes the Retro Style and Remix Style maps to follow the Windows 9x design language. Windows 9x referse to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME. Goes well with this Cursor pack I made: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Windows 9x Inspired Cursor
Y'all ever miss when Windows used low pixel icons, Wish you can be reminded of then in Terraria, Because I do and made it possible. Just slightly Shortened the cursor, and completely reworked the pointer because Too Many Pixels. Goes well with this Invento...
Spamton as travelling merchant
Skabt af Thaigh
change travelling merchant to spamton and some of his quotes in deltarune chapter 2 ]...
Batter pillars
-Creator of the original art @akim 2.0 ☭. -The translation was done using google translator. ...
Old minecraft hurt sound
Skabt af Gloom
Replaces the hurt sound effect with the old minecraft hurt sound....
Netherite replaces Hellstone
Skabt af DrPac-01
As the name states, this resource pack makes it so Hellstone related items are made with Minecraft's Netherite!. Also adds a cool Ghast Staff Only missing one set of sprites: Netherite block wall (I will do it, but dang, they're hard) ---------------------...