Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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16 maja 2022 o 11:03
13 sierpnia 2023 o 17:51
Listy zmian: 655 ( zobacz )

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This mod aims to make the game more competitve and also easier to play MPs in smaller groups of people.

- Attaches cost only half the amount
- Only historical focuses with a few non historical focuses here and there
- More provinces in North Africa on the border of Italy and UK
- Gibraltar can only be taken via Naval Invasion
- Supply hubs production cost is halfed
- Dispersed- and Concentrated Industry give 35% max factories in a state instead of 20%
- Each Excavation Tech gives 15% more resources instead of 10%
- Oil processing techs give 80% more fuel instead of 50%
- Licenses cost no civs but still give the production penaltys
- Tradeback and Fuel ideas are removed at 1.1.1939

- Hungary can annex Romania and Bulgaria if they are played by an AI
- Romania can annex Bulgaria if it is played by an AI
- Japan can annex Manchuko and Siam if played by an AI
- Italy can form Rome more easily
- Uneccessary countries like Saudi Arabia are turned to wasteland
- India is independent
- Brazil can annex Argentina and Mexico if they are not played by a player and gets 50% compliance
- UK can annex all it's minors and gets 30% compliance on the annexed territory
- Australia can annex New Zealand
- Soviets can annex Mongolia and get 100% compliance

- Army templates and ship designs cost 0 xp (tank designs still do cost xp)
- The go to combat width is 40
- Divisions can have up to 10 support companies
- Modern Tanks are removed
- Snorkels and Sub 3 and 4 are removed

If you find bugs please let me know in the comments below
Popularne dyskusje Zobacz wszystkie (5)
7 sierpnia 2023 o 17:01
Update 1.04 Added new nation in North Africa etc.
21 lipca 2023 o 18:43
Update 1.03 Fixed Italy focus that made the game crash
14 czerwca 2023 o 14:11
Update 1.02 Removed Switzerland
Komentarzy: 5
ZelenskyPlaying 21 lipca 2023 o 20:26 
What discord server uses this mod? I want to play MP there
david  [autor] 16 czerwca 2023 o 20:13 
not gonna change el alamein cause it would make it unbalanced for the allies
MrWeasel9 15 czerwca 2023 o 5:41 
Could you add 1 more province to el alamein?
david  [autor] 20 maja 2023 o 17:17 
so you basically mean no asia? or no usa etc. aswell?
graaloneu 20 maja 2023 o 3:40 
could u make an only europe front version?