Lost Ark

Lost Ark

Mixed Bag Of Emotions - Lost Ark Review
Spacebar 17 Jun, 2024 @ 8:34pm 
Ive never had so much trouble trying to understand something in my life, and idek how i had trouble understanding it
white.angel 4 May, 2024 @ 12:06am 
shit game. boriing as fak .
Gali'thun 29 Feb, 2024 @ 5:47pm 
In the MIGHTY, POWERFUL, BLAMELESS, name of Jesus Christ, I bind and expose all demonic, satanic, witchcraft, sorcery, or any unclean spirit operating, in, or around this area. I cover this area in the PERFECT, SINLESS BLAMELESS blood of the Lamb of God, our savior, Christ Jesus
Witcher Pie 16 Aug, 2023 @ 5:26am 
the game is fine as a casual, if you want to start get into raiding or competitive pvp tho, it starts to get really bad, cuz none of that is worth it. Raids are convoluted epic garbage pile of shit mechs every 10 hp bars, 5-10 attack patterns that can launch you in the air, per gate, so as u can imagine it's almost impossible to do a raid without having a "cheat sheet guide" on 2nd monitor reminding you the next shitty mech you gotta do every 10 hp bars, unless you've done the raids 50 times already or you really love raids who test your memory skills instead of actual skill like reaction timing, insight and fast adaptation.
There are mmos who have a lot better systems for their pve and pvp
The only "special" thing lost ark offers is lewd nsfw content, honing and lot's of collectibles, which can be fun, but nothing more than that is worth your time.
white.angel 16 Jul, 2023 @ 4:32am 
this game is overrated and dead.. boring as fack