Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

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Treehouse - Dynamic Conquest Collection
До улюбленого
В улюблених
A carefully hand crafted collection for you and your friends to enjoy with a major focus on a Dynamic Campaign (Conquest).
⚔️ Realism
⚔️ Challenge
⚔️ Longevity
⚔️ Immersion

Don't forget to leave a 'Thumbs Up 👍' and 'Favorite ⭐' this collection if you enjoy it!

Load Order: As listed in collection starting from top to bottom. (Make sure to 'activate' and 'apply' each mod individually/one by one)
It's been tested and tried so I know for a fact the collection works almost flawlessly.

*WIP Collection, will adjust as our community continues to use it.

If you're looking to join a community that frequently plays realistic military shooters/strategy and want a core group of dudes you can play with at any moment, join the discord listed below!
Treehouse Server:

❔ When I apply all the mods my game crashes to desktop
✔️ Make sure you load each mod, one by one, as listed from top to bottom in the collection.

❔ My game runs fine but when my friend tries to connect to my game they get a 'De-Synchronization' error
✔️ Have your friend Unsubscribe from all their GoH mods and Subscribe to all mods in this collection

❔ I want to use other mods along with this collection for a more custom play-ability, will it work?
✔️Only lightweight mods such as UI or small graphics mods could potentially be compatible, but even then it will likely cause conflict with the mods currently in the list. What I have added to this collection is tested and functional, anything else is at your own risk.

❔ One of the mods is saying it's 'Outdated' when I 'Activate' it, could this cause issues?
✔️A couple mods on this list are marked as 'Outdated' and this typically means the mod creator hasn't updated the game version meta of the mod itself. Usually not very harmful to the functionality of the mod but if severely outdated it can cause issues.
Предмети (7)
Improved Squads & Rebalance For Conquest
Автор DasMoss
CHANGES AFFECT MID-WAR UNIT LOADOUTS, UNKNOWN EFFECTS FOR SKIRMISH. Special thanks to Anatoly Dyatlov for the SS Models and Textures, check out his mod. Improves squad compositions for conqu...
Gore Mod
Автор Norðmaður
Adds dismemberment, gore and nothing else....
Realistic Graphics Mod
The shadow popping up and also trees and Textures (mapping) bothered me very much. I have alsonow managed that nothing pop up anymore with optimized Performance. I was able to completely fix the trees popping up, the shadow distance was incased to the maxi...
LongConquest - Map
Автор Graf Erik
This ligthweigth mod increases the 'long' and 'very long' conquest map size. 'Long' is increased from 12 to 36 map points. 'Very long' is increased from 18 to 45 map points. Compatible with everything that doesn't change conquest map points. Note: This one...
Long Conquest - Tech
Автор Graf Erik
Decreases tech progression in conquest to 1/3 (both player and ai). AI reaches now max tech level after 73 days of battle on difficulty up to hard, and after 53 on heroic. Doesn't change anything else. This one here is not compatible with anything that cha...
Large stages
Автор pvecrab
Increases the capacity of stages in a dynamic campaign from 50 60 70 80 90 / 500 to 75 90 105 120 135 / 750. x2 version:
1000 More Points for Conquest
Автор DasMoss
Adds 1000 more points for conquest to have longer games. Not compatible with mods that change difficulty....