146 ratings
Recon Sniping Tips To become A Pro
By Raging Ray
For all those who want Sniping tips, thought to write few tips on my own:

1. Be a scouting Sniper. That is, dont be at the same place for too long. Else you can become a target for the opponent to kill you from a place which u didnt expect.

2. SCAN is always better when you are sniping because if we cloak, its not possible look the entire field of view for enemies. But if we stay behind cover and use oracle, we can know in advance whom to kill...

3. Instead of thinking that swaying of scope is a problem, think that the opponent's scope sways too. Take it to your advantage.

4. Dont wait for the scope reticule to stabilize when trying to shoot an opponent zooming at you. Instead, move the scope in opposite direction to sway. This way you can stabilize the scope faster to kill him 1st.

5. Giving headshots to opponents running horizontally is easy. Its all about timing and practice. First, know the way he runs. Secondly, move you're scope a millimeter ahead of him and pull the trigger (the idea is, it takes a fraction of a second to press the mouse key n the player to shoot. So, aiming a millimeter ahead will compensate this) even running opponents wont stand a chance. Practise is needed for this to pull it out perfectly.

6. If an opponent is hiding behind cover, then the best way to lure him out is by using you're alley as a bait. If he runs, zoom at him because, the enemies around him surely pop out to take him out. That's the perfect time for you to kill them. Timing is very crucial in such situations. Aiming for head is the best. If you fail to shoot in time, the opponent will kill the alley and will go behind cover.

7. Im using 2.5-12x marksman scope because you can aim accurately at a longer range. Zoom only upto 9x to take a good look at the surrounding quickly and know the enemy location.

8. Best way to scan the entire enemies is by zooming till 4x or 6x. Then take a look at the whole surrounding. if you spot an enemy, dont start scrolling till u reach 12x because it can take about 1 or 1.5sec to zoom till 12x that 1 sec time is enough for an enemy to get away or blow ur head 1st. So, instead, PRESS The Scroll button (Mouse 3). It will instantly switch the zoom to the highest/ lowest zoom within an instant..

9. if someone is aiming at you and you are behind a cover, then dont move left and right frequently since while moving, you lift up your head a little and move. The enemy will follow this and will know your current location. So always prone and move inorder to avoid the head from being exposed. Snipers can target this small portion of your head to kill you. Be careful.

10. When you are at the end of a cover, make sure that the tip of ur sniper isnt staying out of cover. That's enough for the enemy to know ur location. Prone and stay behind location. But when you are about to shoot, switch to crouch position and shoot because shooting in prone position will expose ur entire lower body.

For example, if you know that there is an opponent sniper in the tunnel of Subpin map, take a pistol n walk to the sniping area in the tunnel so that the opponent isnt aware of your presence. Then move the mouse in such a way that the opponent sniper is placed to the centre of the Screen. Once this is donee, quickly swich to your sniper weapon and pop out. The scope will be placed on him n BANG....

11. High damage snipers need not be the best sniper. Each sniper handles differently. For example, my fav sniper is M200 SP SC because is is perfect against Nemesis and KVSK ( 70 Rate of Fire is fast to get follow up shot). At the same time, it is also good against SVD users (high damage can give the SVD users 1 shot death).

12. No one can escape the enemy's scan,but there is a way to trick it. I'll try to explain it with an example:

Imagine you are at the center of a cover and become detected by opponent's oracle 2-3 times. When the detection is in process, move towards the end of the cover, let's say, towards the right.This will give the perception to the oracle user that you're gonna pop out from the right. But as soon as the detection stops, move to the left end and aim at the oracle user if you know his location because the opponent recon will be aiming at the right side thanks to his oracle. This trick is especially at you're advantage if the recon is a sniper. because his scope will be fully zoomed at the right end. So, when u pop out from left, it'll be a surprise for him and dont forget to prone and move to the left, else he'll notice the small portion of the head moving to the left.

13. Please dont Cloak and Snipe. Cloaking is initially meant for flanking the opponents using Smg inorder to kill multiple enemies from behind or to ambush the incoming targets so that the team can have the upperhand and advance in match. Whereas in cloaked sniping all you do is cloak and kill 1 opponent sniper at a time. this is not gonna help the team much in capturing the point. Besides, a Scan user can take advantage of this if he continuously used Scan on a cloaker. So cloaking is only best for use with an SMG, not a Sniper.

14. Last but not the least, Practice makes Perfect.

...Hope this guide helps you guys... :)

Sniping with MSR Original

(Recorded during the Beta stage.. Only the character looks are different compared to the current Ghost Recon Phantoms)
If you like this guide, RATE UP, Favourite it and Share :) thanks :)

Also, you're welcome to comment your opinion :)

Raging Ray  [author] 25 Oct, 2020 @ 10:25pm 
Well, yeah. Very much outdated since the time the game died few years ago.
EpicWolf~ 1 Sep, 2020 @ 7:09am 
seems to be outdated.
Raging Ray  [author] 1 Dec, 2016 @ 5:26am 
Thank you all for finding this guide useful. Time to say goodbye to Ghost Recon Phantoms.
d0neBence 6 Dec, 2015 @ 4:43am 
xnoisebass 27 Jul, 2015 @ 3:59am 
Not bad
Le Toucan 4 Jul, 2015 @ 4:01am 
+1 useful guide
zodIIac 21 Apr, 2015 @ 6:12pm 
For me, tip 8 is the most useful. Seems like I've done OK before reading this article, regarding the rest. Cloak sniping can be fun. Tbh its a situational thing that often not expected by enemy snipers. Like you said, the weapon choice is personal, I prefer that 1 extra shot over 1 hit kill. As far as I've experienced, headshots are 90% killshots aswell. (Which I think most of us always aiming for.) But we can miss anytime, its a natural thing thus that faster fire rate should be preferred especially by newcomers.
Thanks for sharing.
ps.: If you have the time, I'd like to read from you about something like "Most common places to throw in a grenade" or a gearing guide from f2p pov. I think that could help some of the newcomers.
Uzumaki 5 Apr, 2015 @ 12:50am 
Well, if you are fighting a cloaking sniper, and he is at the end of his cover, just keep an eye out for the barrel, when it start dissapearing, he is cloaked, and he is gonna go out of cover, make your move quickly before he shoots. And while advancing and if there is an enemy, go ahead and slide, aim down the scope, and make sure you hit him to kill him.
Stormbringer 4 Apr, 2015 @ 3:31am 
Cloak sniping with a good pistol and a semi-auto sniper is actually a good strategy. Plus using the cloak is great at counter sniping.
HARSH d KILLER 27 Mar, 2015 @ 5:33am 
gonna try it..the first one actually works.....i always snipe like that! btw...ty