Murder Mystery Machine

Murder Mystery Machine

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Hidden item collection for 100%
By serebix
You can find one item per episode (so 8 in total). Each one is marked by some glitter/glow effect around the specific spot, but in all cases they are very tiny, so its hard to spot.
Introduction and list of items
All 8 items are nessessary for getting 100% of the achievements, since two of them require the outfits to unlock. The first 4 items unlock an alternative Cassandra outfit and the latter 4 the outfit for Nate.

You need to rotate the perspective to get the right angle.

Episode 1 - Scene 4: In the retriever hole where you usually get the white ball on the side of the pool table.

Episode 2 - Scene 3: In one the trash can beside the arcades (in the middle of the room).

Episode 3 - Scene 2: On the stage around the guitar and behind the amplifier.

Episode 4 - Scene 3: In the far corner on a window ledge.

Episode 5 - Scene 4: In the corner in a bush.

Episode 6 - Scene 3: On top of the Fireplace.

Episode 7 - Scene 5: On the cabinet in the small room.

Episode 8 - Scene 2: Beside the plant pot on the red cabinet .