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Cities: Skylines

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Fly Gangwon B737-800 for AIRPORTS DLC
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Assets: Vehicle
Ukuran File
10.103 MB
2 Apr 2022 @ 10:40pm
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Fly Gangwon B737-800 for AIRPORTS DLC

Dalam koleksi 1 dari K_Green
ROK airlines
Item 17
이 에셋을 사용하려면 에어포트 DLC가 필요합니다.
To use this asset, you NEED AIRPORTS DLC

플라이강원 B737-800
Fly Gangwon B737-800

Fly Gangwon is a Korean LCC(Low Cost Carrier) founded in 2016. Deparing from Yangyang Int'l Airport, their hub airport, they offer domestic routes to Daegu, Yeosu, and Jeju. They only run Boeing B737-800s.

최고 속도 Max speed
승객 정원 Capacity
분류 Item Class
Small Aircraft

Model Info.
Main body
5364tris, 2048X1024 textures
Landing gear
2758tris, same textures with main body
Flaps and slats
986tris, same textures with main body
Landing gear cover
110tris, same textures with main body
279tris, 512X256 textures

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2 Komentar
K_Green  [pembuat] 3 Apr 2022 @ 11:34pm 
@KmightsCross A320 family with Korean airlines are the likely plan, but I'm not sure when I will start.
KnightsCross 3 Apr 2022 @ 4:03pm 
Hey! Thanks for a great asset. Will you be doing other planes and airlines liveries?