Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Gedemo La Centinela City-State
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Gedemo La Centinela City-State

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Gedemo
Gedemo's City-States Collection
Przedmioty: 234

La Centinela

City-State Trait: Each Harbor District in your cities provides an extra Trade Route Capacity.

City-State Type: Trade

Huaca La Centinela was the main settlement of Chincha, a prosperous kingdom of farmers, fishermen, artisans and merchants that developed in the wide and fertile valley that bears that name on the coast of Peru, between the years 900 and 1450 AD. The Chincha were a highly organized nation that built an extensive network of roads and cities within their valley, such as La Centinela, Tambo de Mora, La Cumbe, San Pedro, Ranchería, Litardo, and Las Huacas. They built their temples and palaces on large platforms with mud walls, using the technique called "adobón" or "tapial", which consists of pouring mud into a large drawer, then waiting for it to dry and finally removing the drawer, so similar to how concrete is worked today. In this way they could build thick, high and resistant walls. The Curaca of Chincha directed a nation organized in guilds. They were divided into fishermen, artisans, farmers and merchants. In the Chincha cities, artisans developed their craft as potters, weavers, woodcarvers, and skilled jewelers. The merchants trafficked with products made locally and those brought from distant lands. For these sea voyages they used large rafts made of wooden logs. The Chincha city of La Centinela is made up of two large sets of pyramids: La Centinela and Tambo de Mora. It is dominated by an enormous pyramid that gives its name to the entire complex: La Sentinel, which receives this name due to its great height. The first Spanish chroniclers of the 16th century realize that the silversmith craftsmen among the Chinchas were very famous. Around 1450, the Incas, very interested in the trade networks of the Chincha, especially to dominate the Mullu (Spondylus) trade, decide to conquer them. The first attempts were during the government of the Inca Pachacutec, who sent an army under the command of Captain Cápac Yupanqui, who was unable to break the local defenses. A second attempt under the government of the next Inca, Tupac Yupanqui, achieved its goal. After several years of war, the chinchas reach an agreement to accept being part of the Tawantinsuyu of the Incas in exchange for maintaining part of the control of their old trade routes. For the Incas, the mullu brought from the north was very important, because it was sacred and necessary in religious ceremonies and copper, the most used utilitarian metal at that time, both products, traded by the chincha merchants. Given the great economic and political importance of this curacazgo, and of its main city La Centinela, the Incas took care to provide it with new and large buildings that express the sovereignty of the new owners. They also provided this city with a temple dedicated to the sun, thus reaffirming the great importance that the Incas gave to this site, since the presence of this temple symbolized that this place was the head of the province.

Compatible with Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm, New Frontier.

Mod Support:
Ynaemp (Giant, Greatest, LargestEarthCustom and Cordiform)
Zobtzler (The Americas Map)
English and french languages

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