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How to beat Minos prime
By Djungelskog
Its hard and there's no real "instant kill cheese" to it so here's a few tips.
Voicelines are a NECESSITY in this fight to understand so if it makes it easier, turn on subtitles.

"JUDGMENT" he teleport's right near you And Creates a big explosion, This attack can be parried and is easier to do so since he teleport's right into your parry range

"CRUSH/DIE" He slams into the ground creating a large shockwave, can be parried. Be careful beacause when he teleports/Moves towards the ground it does damage to you so make sure to dash out of the way.

"Orange glow free heal thing" He does a visual cue of when he will shoot a homing orange/yellow serpent at you that you can shoot to remove immediately or can parry to regain all of your health

"Jojo wombo combo" slides across the ground towards you in three quick Movements, you can avoid this by sliding and dashing

"jojo wombo combo aerial" He Punches you up into the sky and will attempt to punch you around up in the air and slam you back down, this can be avoided with a quick dash

"USELESS" The correct reaction to this voiceline is "HE HAS A SECOND PHASE?!"

REMINDER: In the second phase The preveous attacks will be quicker and have more to them, EG: Crush/Die now have asmall explosive radius like judgment.
Your attacks
Do whatever works for you but these are the real damage dealers:

PARRY! Any attack does a load of damage and is great for healing!

Sawblades! If you can set up a sawblade trap with the alt nailgun And are able to get minos to walk into it It will do lots of damage, This also works with a nailbomb, just stick it to minos and then you use all your nails for large amounts of damage.

OverCharge+Dash! Simple, overpump the shotgun and dash past minos whilst firing it to do roughly the same damage as a parry.

Fist! If you need healing use the feedbacker and Punch him for quick health

Alternate through all these and use whatever other weapons feel effective if these aren't options at the time.
There is no cheese to this boss
There is no cheese to this boss
Bionicbutter43 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:15pm 
or you could start dead-coining while his speech is going on and then one shot him when the fight starts
Goonshine 6 Apr, 2022 @ 9:40pm 
"Crush" means he is going to dive straight down from where he is, creating an explosion.
"Die" means he is going to do the same thing as Crush, but he aims straight towards you.
When he gets to about half heath, he will say "Weak" and start glowing. He has more stamina and can perform attacks back-to-back, non-stop, on Violent. Parrying is useful during this, as he seems to use the snake more, and Ultra Ricoshots help a lot too. This is a good guide, just adding some things i found onto it.