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FF1: Complete Modding Guide and Index
由 Fugsnarf 和其他 1 人合作完成
A comprehensive, organized, and continually-updated index of every mod for the Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster, and a full guide on how to mod the game.
Getting Started
Keep up with the Pixel Remaster modding scene in the Moogles & Mods Discord server:

Welcome to Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster modding! This guide will assume you know nothing and give you everything you need to know to get started. Below this section you'll find a comprehensive list of all the available mods for this game, including screenshots and direct downloads, all organized by category.

What You Need
  • You'll need something like 7-Zip[] to extract almost all of the files you download, especially .7z files.

  • Custom UnityPlayer.dll: DOWNLOAD[]. Credit to Enfyve for their work, and you can support them here:

  • By default, your Steam games are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common. If they're somewhere else, you'll find a folder there called ..\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common.

  • Find and click into the folder called FINAL FANTASY PR. From now on, I'll refer to this as the "install folder". This is where you'll find the exe file, called "FINAL FANTASY.exe".

  • Inside the install folder, there is a file called "UnityPlayer.dll". Every single mod requires that you replace this with a custom version linked above.

  • Download that file and paste UnityPlayer.dll into the install folder. Choose to overwrite the original.

  • Some mods require that you use something called Magicite. I'll cover installing Magicite below.

Installing Magicite

Magicite can do many really cool things that go much deeper than mods that don't use it. Previously we used a tool called Memoria, but that has been broken.

You Need

  • BepInEx: Download here[], extract the files, and place into the game's install folder.

  • Magicite Plugin: Find the latest version[] at the top of this linked github page and download the file called Magicite-[numbers]

  • Open that zip folder and drag the folder inside into the game's install folder

  • Run the game once to complete the Magicite installation

How To Install Any Mod

Most mods come in two flavors: bundles or Magicite. And sometimes both at once.

Bundle Mods

These mods are generally the simplest to install and most common.
  • Inside your install folder is another folder called FINAL FANTASY_Data. The destination for bundle mods is in FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64.

  • I recommend you back up this folder. These are real game files, and overwriting these files cannot be reversed without a clean install.

  • If you download a zip file and it has .bundle files inside, this is where they go. Drag them here and overwrite. That's all you need to do.

  • Note that some mods may make use of the same bundles as other mods. In these cases, they are not compatible and will overwrite the previously-installed mod.

Magicite Mods

  • Like bundle mods, go to the install folder and open FINAL FANTASY_Data. This time we will go to FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets.

  • There should be a folder called "Magicite". If there isn't, create your own.

  • Magicite mods are a folder, with any name. Place this folder inside the "Magicite" folder and the mod is installed.

  • If the folder is just called "master", this is not correct. Create another folder in the "Magicite" folder with any name, like the name of the mod, and place the "master" folder inside. That is the correct structure.

Okay! We're ready to get into the mods now. And there's a lot to go over, so I highly recommend you make use of the guide index to the right, so you can easily navigate between each section. Happy modding!
If your mods aren't working, try these steps

1. MAKE SURE that you installed the custom UnityPlayer.dll: DOWNLOAD[]

2. If Magicite mods aren't working, after step 1, do this:
  • Uninstall the game and delete ALL files. Delete the entire install folder.

  • Install the game again

  • Add a fresh install of THIS SPECIFIC version of BepInEx: DOWNLOAD[]

  • Reinstall the latest version of Magicite: DOWNLOAD[]

3. Are you installing your mods in the correct directory?
  • Bundle mods go in \FINAL FANTASY PR\FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64

  • Magicite mods go in FINAL FANTASY PR\FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\Magicite

4. Many mods will come with the proper folder structure and can simply be dragged into the install folder if the folder inside of the .zip file is called "FINAL FANTASY_Data". If it doesn't, it needs to go in the right folder as listed in step 3.

5. Did you try turning it off and turning it back on again? No, that's not a joke. Restarting your computer has been known to work sometimes when all else fails.

Universal Mods
All the mods listed in this section can be used with any of the 6 Pixel Remasters unless otherwise stated.

Universal Gameplay Mods

Reduce Walking Stutter (ffpr-tool) by noskill-io:
Allows you to set the walking speed to Classic (60 px/second) or Fast (120 px/second) to better match the framerate of the game and reduce stutter.
  • Download release from
  • Place ffpr-tool.exe in install folder
  • Run ffpr-tool.exe and follow the prompts
  • This creates a folder with the backup dll file. To remove the mod, just replace the new dll with the backup

Memoria by Albeoris:
Yes this is a mod in itself! I detailed how to install it so you can can use mods that make use of it. But it comes with some very cool features all on its own. Features include:

Memoria is broken after the latest update. We have no word from its developer. Please be patient.

SoftResetter by Silvris:
Define 1-4 keyboard keys for a combination to soft reset the game straight to the title screen from anywhere.
If you read my guide on how to install Memoria, this is done the same way, as both use BepInEx. You need to download the BepInEx files and unzip them into your install folder. Then, unzip the SoftResetter files into your install folder.

Seems to be broken with the latest update.

Halved Encounter Rate for FF1-3 by Eatitup_86 (Memoria Required) Only compatible with Final Fantasy PR 1-3:
Place file in \FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\Assets\GameAssets\Serial\Data\Master. If those folders don't exist, just create them yourself.

Memoria is broken

Universal UI Mods

ATBFix by Silvris - Fixes how the ATB bars would jitter while they fill up. Applicable with FF4-6:
If you read my guide on how to install Memoria, this is done the same way, as both use BepInEx. You need to download the BepInEx files and unzip them into your install folder. Then, unzip the ATBFix files into your install folder.

PR Controller Buttons Mod Pack by Faospark - 15 options to choose from, instructions and list in readme:

Subtle Autobattle by Kiyuya - Removes the autobattle button unless being used. And makes it more subtle when in use:
Final Fantasy 1-5: DOWNLOAD[] Latest update breaks FF1-5 versions
Final Fantasy 6 courtesy of metalliguy: DOWNLOAD[]

Better Outline Damage Numbers by Faospark:

This is broken for FF6

FFVI Battle Numbers by metalliguy - Also included in all FFVI UI Overhaul mods:

This is broken for FF6

FFPR Colored Windows by Silvris (Memoria Required) - Allows you to edit the color of the UI windows in real-time:

Memoria is broken

FFPR Colored Windows by Silvris (Temporarily Incompatible With Memoria) - Allows you to edit the color of the UI windows in real-time:
If you read my guide on how to install Memoria, this is done the same way. You need to download the BepInEx files and unzip them into your install folder. Then, instead of using the Memoria plugin files, use these.

Custom Title Screen by Silvris (Temporarily Incompatible With Memoria) - This allows you to replace the background image of the title screen, the title screen logo, and color of the title screen menu options. Even includes video support. This is not a complete mod, but a framework to create your own title screens:
If you read my guide on how to install Memoria, this is done the same way. You need to download the BepInEx files and unzip them into your install folder. Then, instead of using the Memoria plugin files, use these.
Font Mods
If you want to replace that horrible default font, you're in luck because there is a multitude of options. And all of them can be used universally with any Pixel Remaster.

To reduce clutter a little, and make things easier on myself, I've created a separate Steam guide just for custom fonts.
Here you can find all the details on how to install custom fonts, as well as a massive organized list of every known custom font mod out there.
Soundtrack Mods
From now on, the mods listed here are only compatible with Final Fantasy 1.

Menu Music Removal by Yoshitsune - Removes music that plays when you open the menu. Magicite Required, and should support other OST mods:

NES Soundtrack (Purist) by Fugsnarf - Only includes original NES tracks. Tracks not present in the original NES soundtrack are given reasonable alternatives from the original soundtrack:

Broken with latest update

NES Soundtrack (Enhanced) by Fugsnarf - Includes NES renditions of some additional tracks - credit to LeviathanMist for those.
Broken with latest update
Example video:

PS1 Origins Soundtrack by Fugsnarf:

Broken with latest update

Dawn Of Souls GBA Soundtrack by PayotCraft - Includes modified music player that shows hidden tracks (music player mod requires Memoria):

Broken with latest update

Dissidia FF1 World Map Theme For PS1 Origins Mod by sopa23 & Fugsnarf - Replaces the World Map theme in Fugsnarf's PS1 Origins Music overhaul with the Dissidia 012 version:

Broken with latest update

Gameplay Mods
Final Fantasy PR Trainer by FLiNG: This utility allows you to modify different aspects of the game in order to cheat. For example: infinite health, 100% drop rate, no random encounters, increase game speed, one hit kill, edit gil, infinite exp, etc. See site for more details:

Uncap FPS by darkxex - modify maximum FPS. Simply place the exe file in the install folder, run it, and choose your desired FPS:

I think this is broken with the latest update

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Randomizer by gameboy9 (Requires Memoria) - This is a key item randomizer, where you start with a sailing ship and must comb the world searching for the magic lute and the power of the four elemental crystals before returning to the past to kill Chaos! And along the way, treasure boxes, shops, and spells have been randomized, too: Follow instructions for installation on this github page.
Broken because Memoria is broken

FF1PR Hard Mode by Shermietube - This simple difficulty hack increases random enemy HP by 50% and raises enemy stats by 10%. Bosses have their HP doubled and stats increased by 10%:

Memoria is broken

Origins Normal Mode Rebalance by snake78mw (Memoria Required) - Full rebalancing mod to bring the game back inline with how the NES & PS1 versions played. If you remember FF1 being tougher than it currently is, this is the mod for you. Values, growth curve, leveling, prices, chest contents, AI rewrites, Fiends respawn, Peninsula of Power is back, N&S River monsters, PS1 names, etc. Plus 3 Difficulty Levels! Check the nexus page for more information:

Broken because Memoria is broken

NES Rebalance mod by hpgross (Memoria Required) - Replaces EXP/growth curves, boss stats, shop prices, potion heal amounts to the original NES values:

Broken because Memoria is broken

NES-like New Game by Jikkie (Memoria Required) - Changes new game start to resemble NES game, default party, job stats, no starting equipment, default gil, max lvl cap to 50, max exp cap 999999, NES item drops, and no intro movie:

Broken because Memoria is broken

OG Item Prices and Shops by NooerSaggington (Memoria Required) - Changes the prices and stats of items, and spells to how they were in the NES US version of the game:

Broken because Memoria is broken

Reactivate The Power Peninsula by randyrobbinsmusic (Memoria Required) - Building on the work of Eatitup_86. This brings back the "Peninsula of Power" as it was in the other versions of FF1.
Place file in \FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\Assets\GameAssets\Serial\Data\Master. If those folders don't exist, just create them yourself.

Broken because Memoria is broken

Monster AI Rewrite by MussMuss (Memoria Required) - Rewrite of all monster AI scripts to cycle their abilities just like the other versions of FF1:

Broken because Memoria is broken

UI Mods
No More Minimap by Tamanomizu - Removes the minimap and GPS overlay from the game:

Classic Text Box Framework by Shiryu64 - Puts character names inside of the dialogue box, and removes the speaker box from the top-left corner:

Darker UI by Faospark:

Final Fantasy VI UI by metalliguy:

Broken by new update

Wonderswan UI by Alice Grimaude:

Broken by new update

SNES UI by metalliguy:

Broken by new update

Final Fantasy Origins UI by Alice Grimaude:

Broken by new update

Jeff’s UI:

Broken by new update

Cozy UI - Clean, decluttered UI for Final Fantasy 1 PR. Classic Squaresoft Logo included:

Broken by new update

Famicom [Xtreme] UI by TAKStation:

Broken by new update

Shiryu's Custom UI by Shiryu64 - Replaces the UI with a custom one inspired by some aspects of the previous games with a modern and a retro option:

Colored Icons by Faospark:

FFVI Battle Damage Numbers by metalliguy:

Alternate Damage Text by Faospark - Good for dyslexia:

Pixel Art Button Prompts by Shiryu64:

Dragon Quest Styled UI Icons by ProtomanZxAdvent - A mod that changes the UI icons and colors to the Dragon Quest style while staying in the FF PR style:

Controls Notification Removal by Saftle (Requires Magicite[]) - Removes the “Controls” notification pop-up.

Currently unavailable

Yellow/Gold Border Removal by Saftle - for 21:9 or 5:4 aspect ratios:

I think this was broken in the update

Title Screen Mods
Original Logo Title Screens by metalliguy - choose any of the options below:

Dawn Of Souls Title Screen:

Dark Title Screen by Eatitup_86:

Alternate Square Enix Splash Screen by AerospaceCoot35 - Replaces the Square Enix logo with a different version of it:

Broken with new update

PSP Intro FMV 4k Upscale by Hydra Spectre (Custom Title Screen Mod Required[]) - Go to the youtube video page and check the description for download links, then follow instructions on the Custom Title Screen github page to replace your title screen with this intro video:

Battle Scene Mods
Darker Color-corrected Battle Backgrounds by granvillimus:

Not As Dark Color-corrected Backgrounds by Siggy:

PSP Version Backgrounds by metalliguy:

AI Enhanced PSP Backgrounds by Faospark:

Original Party Positioning by Yoshitsune (Magicite Required) - This places the party in a straight line like they were in the original NES game:

Classic Monster Formations by randyrobbinsmusic (Memoria Required) - This comes by default in the Origins Normal Mode Rebalance mod, found in Gameplay Mods. Brings back the classic positioning and formations of monsters as seen in previous versions of the game like Origins. Good to combine with the previous mod, but I separated them because this mod does alter gameplay a little by removing some monster formations only found in the Pixel Remaster:

Memoria is broken

Tileset Mods
Pixel Reprisal Map Tiles by Triforce141 Magicite Required- Most tiles have been darkened for a middle ground between base Pixel Remaster and Origins, along with area unique doors, stairs and some overworld tiles from Origins ported over with adjustments to fit in PR's style:

Starry Sky In Flying Fortress by gvdn - Changes clouds to starry sky in flying fortress:

Chaos Shrine Restoration by Shiryu64 - Restores the missing statues of the Four Fiends from the Chaos Shrine. Includes a patch that supports Gravrain's Visual Revamp:

FF3 PR Mountain Tileset by gvdn - Replaces mountains with the ones from FF3 Pixel Remaster. Also fixes the city walls around Cornelia.

Replace Crystals With Orbs by SammyWammyBoBammy - Crystals are now orbs like they were in the original NES version. Includes support for the default UI and SNES UI:

Broken with latest update

Terraria Colored Adamantite by AerospaceCoot35 - Makes adamantite similar in color to Terraria's:

Player & NPC Sprite Mods
Origins / Dawn of Souls Sprites by Raikoh - Unpack the files in "battle bundles" and "world bundles" into the usual bundle folder:

Re:FF PixelRemaster by gvdn - Complete reshade of the new Pixel Remaster sprites:

Final Fantasy Record Keeper Sprites by metalliguy:

Final Fantasy Pixel Keeper by Shiryu64 - replaces the 12 classes with modified and custom Record Keeper battle sprites and custom or tweaked overworld sprites:

Pixel Reprisal Main Party by Triforce141 - First part of a larger WIP graphics pack:

NES Sprites Pixel DEmaster by Axel Voss:

Final Fantasy VII Sprites by metalliguy - Doesn't include overworld sprites:

Final Fantasy IX Sprites by metalliguy:

Records of Vana'diel by Leythalknight - replaces the six classes from FF1 with Final Fantasy XI characters:

Classic Appearance Mod by Marcelo X - Brings sprites back to their Famicom style:

MObrek Player Sprite Mod:

FF3 Promotion Sprites by muffaloman - Changes promoted jobs to FF3 variants:

Wonderswan Leg by Triforce141 - Battle sprites show their right leg slightly sticking out like in previous versions of the game:

Warriors Of Darkness by piano221 - playable Garland (Warrior/knight), Emperor (White mage/White wizard), Cloud of Darkness (Red mage/Red wizard and Kefka (Black mage/Black Wizard)

Warriors Of Bug by Raitzeno - Replaces each job with a bug Pokemon, and Bug Catcher as overworld sprite:

Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts Edition by Mirby - Replaces the player character sprites and most weapon sprites, along with some text replacement, to make the game more Kingdom Hearts themed:

Alt Warrior by Uchi - Comes in gold or silver trim variants:
Silver: DOWNLOAD[]

Alt Knight by Uchi:

Alt Thief by Uchi:

Alt Ninja by Uchi:

Alt White Mage by Uchi:

Alt White Wizard by Uchi:

Alt Black Mage by Uchi:

Alt Black Wizard by Uchi:

Alt Dwarves by Uchi:

FFV Style Bahamut by Uchi:

Replacement NPCs for Pallete Swaps and Mage Merchants by MrEsturk - Brings mage merchants back to their original NES design:

Protagonist Sprites Overhaul by JustinOrange25 - Custom made sprites for all the player characters:

Alt Character Sprites by MyQoL - Modded player sprites. Check nexus page for details:

Origins Black Wizard by LostAmber - Edits the sprites of the Black Wizard to resemble their design in Origins, DoS, and the 20th Anniversary edition:

Classic Red-haired Warrior, Warrior of Light Knight by Raikoh:

Knight Class Warrior of Light by Fawfaw356 - fuses Raikoh's Warrior of Light and Muffaloman's cape together:

GBA-Styled Garland by OneReaver - Replaces Warrior and Knight class with Garland sprites, including overworld sprites:

Replace White Mage with Princess Sarah by piano221:

Aprkot's Sprites - Does not include overworld sprites:

Rain’s Custom Sprites by Rain311 - Includes battle and overworld sprites:

Ninja Girl by CrypticHaze - inspired by Uchi's Alt Ninja. Use with Rain's Custom Sprites, the last mod, for best cohesion:

Aria OC For Monk or Black Mage by Kurosu169 - Replacer for either Monk or Black Mage that changes the appearance of them based in my OC called Aria the Cosmic Elf:

Updated Knight by muffaloman:
Sleeves and silver armor: DOWNLOAD[]
Cape, helm, and silver boots: DOWNLOAD[]
Overworld Sprites: DOWNLOAD[]

Updated Thief by muffaloman:

Updated Ninja by muffaloman:
Battle Sprite:DOWNLOAD[]
Overworld Sprite by re-fund: DOWNLOAD[]

Updated Master by muffaloman:

Updated White Wizard by muffaloman:
Battle Sprite: DOWNLOAD[]
Overworld Sprite by re-fund: DOWNLOAD[]

Updated Red Wizard by muffaloman:

8-bit Black Mage Over Black Wizard by MarsheValias - Replaces Black Wizard with Black Mage from NES version:

Mystic Quest Benjamin as Thief/Ninja by MarsheValias:

Kris From Deltarune As Warrior by JitterySkywalker567:

Accurate Princess Sarah by Fawfaw356:

Reshaded Mermaid by MObreck:

Replace Ninja with Shadow from FFVI by RaptureCat - Purely cosmetic:

Replace Fighter/Knight with Dark Knight by RaptureCa - Purely cosmetict:

Replace Red Mage/Wizard with Dragoon by RaptureCat - Purely cosmetic:

Replace White Mage with Moogle by RaptureCat - Purely cosmetic:

Visual Revamp Amano Styled Princess Sarah by Neggyton - An addon to Gravrain's "Visual Revamp" overhaul mod. Changes Princess Sarah to more reflect her Amano artwork:

Modified Airship Sprite by gvdn:

Modified Fairy Based on FF3 by gvdn:

Dark Cloud For Blinded Status by Shiryu64:

OG Knight Colors by NooerSaggington - Gives the Knight class red hair to match his appearance in the NES Version:

OG White Mage Colors by NooerSaggington - Gives the White Mage red hair to match their appearance in the NES Version:
Enemy Sprite Mods
Alt Enemy Dissolve by MObrek - Changes the defeated enemy dissolve effect to a line pattern instead of the pixel one:

Origins Enemy Sprites by Yoshitsune - This mod restores enemy sprites to their darker, less bright, taller FF Origins (PlayStation) versions:

Alt Monsters by Uchi - From author, “This doesn’t replace all monsters, nor is it specific to any version like gba, ps1 etc. I just made some changes i personally wanted. there's ports, my own edits, some that are just color changes and so on, so forth. so far there's 31 of them, but I might eventually do all of them.”:

Alt Fiends by Uchi:

Chaos And Consistency by Shiryu64 - This mod recolors some overworld sprites for consistency and restores the PS1 battle sprites of the Four Fiends:

PS1 Monsters Reshaded by MObrek - Replaces some monsters with the PS1 variants, but recolors them to match the Pixel Remaster:

Custom Bestiary Mod by Shiryu64 - Restores the sprites from the GBA version that were changed and recolors the bestiary with custom colors

Total Chaos by Shiryu64 Requires Magicite - Replaces the sprite of Chaos with his Brave Exvius sprite, and a matching overworld sprite

Dawn of Souls Garland by Uchi:

Brave Exvius Garland by Shiryu64:

Big Warmech by MObrek - Replaces warmech with full-size PSP sprite, edited to have the classic color palette (includes Memoria version and bundle version):
Bundle version: DOWNLOAD[]
Memoria version: DOWNLOAD[]
Memoria is broken, so don't use this version

Redrawn Astos Overworld Sprite by gvdn:

FF4 Goblins by MObrek:

Behold The Beholder by Yoshitsune - Restores the original Beholder graphics and name for the Evil Eye and Death Eye enemies, which was changed to avoid issues with Dungeons & Dragons:

Grey Lava Worm by SammyWammyBoBammy:

Marilith Uncensored by SammyWammyBoBammy:

Script/Text Mods
DND Terminology by Yoshitsune - Restores and clarifies D&D terminology to the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster. See Nexusmods page for more screenshots:

Consistent Terminology by Yoshitsune - This mod is an attempt to regularize the terminology used in the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster to make the evolution of the series more clear to players, with preference for terminology used in official translations that makes that evolution as clear as possible while keeping ambiguity to a minimum:

NES Text by Yoshitsune (Magicite Required) - Replaces the entire script, all dialogue, item names, spells, etc, with the original NES version's. Anything not present in the original NES version was given a name that attempts to match the NES version in spirit:

FF1テキスト改変 by gvdn (Magicite Required) - For Japanese speakers. This mod modifies the text of FF1 to be based on the Famicom version.

The Tiniest, Most Insignificant Minor Spell Name Changes by Unorigino - This changes a few of the spell names to represent modern Final Fantasy spell naming conventions. Basically Life > Raise, Nul-spells > Bar-spells:

Broken in latest update

OG Names by leg83 (Memoria Required) - Changes all the names of characters, items, spells etc. to match how they were in the original NES version.

Memoria is broken

Classic Spell Naming Conventions by N0slen - Simple mod that changes most spell closer to the classic naming conventions (Bolt vs Thunder, Bolt 2 vs Thundaga, ect), exceptions being certain spells such as Holy and Esuna):

Memoria is broken

Google Translate Hell by Mat (Memoria Required) - This mod inserts a Google Translate Hell translation that goes from the original English Final Fantasy I PR translation through 5 different languages before returning to English again. This is for the dialogue only:

Memoria is broken

Game Overhauls
Soul of Chaos and 20th Anniversary Content Restoration by Yoshitsune - This mod aims to restore the content first introduced in Final Fantasy I+II: Dawn of Souls (a.k.a. Soul of Chaos for FFI) and Final Fantasy: 20th Anniversary Collection. Currently it adds items, weapons, armor, and enemies from those versions of the game into the Pixel Remaster that have been seeded throughout as enemy encounters and new drops. The extra dungeons are not implemented, but hopefully this will come in the future:

Visual Revamp by Gravrain - Overhauls all player and NPC sprites, enemy sprites, battle backgrounds, overworld tileset, and many items and objects to use graphics from previous versions of FF1 as well as custom edits and create a more visually-appealing look. Check the nexusmods page for many images showing the art used:

Broken with latest update

FF1 Pixel DEmaster by Axel Voss - Overhauls the character sprites, battle backgrounds, and enemies to their NES originals. Additionally I recommend downloading randyrobbinsmusic's enemy and player positioning fix, which is showcased below and returns monster positions, patterns, and player positions to the NES originals:
Positioning Fix Mod (Memoria Required): DOWNLOAD[]

MSX Visuals by Yoshitsune - Restores visuals from the 8-bit MSX release of Final Fantasy to the Pixel Remaster version. Includes character sprites, enemy sprites, battle backgrounds, and UI elements:

Final Fantasy IX Overhaul by metalliguy - Alters main characters to Final Fantasy IX counterparts, changes UI to a FFIX style, swaps in music from FFIX, changes the font to something reminiscent of FFIX's, alters the title screen to FFIX's logo, and changes the main character images in the gallery to the FFIX characters:

Broken with latest update
45 条留言
ValentDs 2 月 3 日 下午 12:32 
game update? the one before playstation update, i don't think they updated the game again after that time
WYDStepcat 2 月 3 日 上午 11:29 
So uh. since like, everything is broken, which update should i use to play these?
ValentDs 2024 年 12 月 4 日 上午 9:17 
all the steps without a line between words should still work last update. if there wasn't another update later, i still have the game pre console updates
Chewey 2024 年 12 月 3 日 下午 6:01 
update broke the modding again? tried all the steps and nothing working
ValentDs 2024 年 11 月 12 日 上午 2:04 
kalkano, you needed the penultimate update, the last one broke that mod
kalkano27 2024 年 11 月 11 日 下午 5:47 
None of the button replacements work. I have the UnityPlayer dll, and it doesn't change anything.
ValentDs 2024 年 10 月 5 日 下午 11:38 
i just use the penultimate update, update itself was fine but mods needed to redo from zero and modders apparently left
Frostlight Inc. 2024 年 10 月 5 日 下午 6:49 
Good lord, did ANYTHING survive the update?
Mr. Steal Your Gun 2024 年 4 月 13 日 上午 7:40 
...Jesus Christ this is comprehensive
Midna's Fat Fucking Ass 2024 年 3 月 26 日 上午 11:22 
New mod by me: FF Origins Title Logo.