(1.3 Modded) Bloomstone Laboratory
"This is one of many builds that I made while playing a modded 1.3 world on-and-off, with mods such as Calamity, Thorium, and Shadows of Abaddon among others.

The jungle is a place with immense biodiversity, and as a result, it's easy to see the fascination that it invites from its visitors. In fact, there are some who dedicate themselves to studying the region. One such place that they study at is the Bloomstone Laboratory. Conveniently located between a lake, a bee hive, a marble cave, and the jungle itself, it is a very good place to learn about the variety of life in the different areas.

The laboratory itself is constructed primarily with uelibloom (Calamity), plagued containment brick (Calamity), medicite brick (Thorium), and lodestone slabs (Thorium), along with various gemspark block colors (Terraria, Thorium). Other materials that are used in lesser amounts include titanstone, rich mahogany, the marine set (Thorium), dye plants, food (Thorium), and various decorations from Thorium and Shadows of Abaddon."
12 comentarios
Exprezzos 14 JUL 2022 a las 9:55 
I gave a award because it looks AWESOME!!!
Mugetsu 23 MAY 2022 a las 4:27 
so good
nikoranger 17 MAY 2022 a las 12:14 
Илья! 15 MAY 2022 a las 2:12 
Exoticy 11 MAY 2022 a las 18:05 
although this is amazing, the plant based builds are getting a bit boring sense there are alot
professional 9 MAY 2022 a las 16:06 
I love the amount of colors in this and how every spot is lit! amazing build!
Ahoy! 6 MAY 2022 a las 18:09 
many P L A N T
TAGETHEGOAT 6 MAY 2022 a las 5:05 
superclone53 4 MAY 2022 a las 17:27 
This is pretty ballin'.
404_coffee.exe 1 MAY 2022 a las 10:32 
this looks amazing you have some nice looking colors and what not and it looks like you can move around well while inside of it