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How to get all Terratech achievements!
Készítő: Goose
I will show you how to get every single achievement in this game, so that way you aren't left scratching your head on how to get them!
(this is my first guide, let me know if this is good or not.)
Here Comes a New Challenger.
This one's pretty easy, you just need to defeat "Big" tony, (he really isn't that big,)
he's basically the tutorial enemy, I'd imagine if you're looking for 100% achievement guides, you've already defeated him but if you didn't...
just shoot him, the basic tech is more than enough to get him, (I've even killed him with just a drill, he's that easy.)
the odds are heavily stacked in your favor, he's basically designed to lose.

Possible errors: you were destroyed!

Solution: try again lol
For this challenge you need to defeat an enemy tech from more than 100m away,
this challenge is campaign only.

This one is pretty easy to accomplish, even early game,

A good, efficient way to do this is to procure some kind of cannon, be that the 3 pound cannon or
maybe a megaton cannon if you're more late game,

then you just want to find an enemy tech, then look and see if there's a tall hill nearby,
then just simply climb to the very top of that hill, then just try to hit the tech, you'll know if its around 100m because you'll be outside of the enemy's detection range, if you still cant get the range on your guns, try angling your tech upwards, that tends to net you more range.

Possible errors made: you didn't find a hill tall enough, you still can't get the range needed.

Solutions: find a larger hill, or try angling your tech more!
Speed Demon.
This one is kinda tricky, you need to try to stay above the speed of 200 mp/h (321 km/h for my british friends,) for at least 5 seconds, this is campaign only, as with most things.

Now you may be thinking, "But Goose! I reach 200 mph with my boosters all the time!"
And while that may be the case, it's typically only for around 1 second, so you need to somehow stay above that speed for at least 5 seconds,
this challenge is heavily dependent on which biome you're in,
I found salt flats to be the easiest place to do it, a large, flat area,

How to do it: there's a number of ways to do it, some more complex than others,
but using a hovercraft is probably one of the easiest methods I can think of,
use a hovercraft, and a bunch of Better Future Ion engines, these should get you pretty close,
then you want to get some kind of booster with a good thrust to fuel consumption, again, better future boosters should help you here, but you can experiment.

Next, you'll want to essentially build your entire creation out of some super lightweight frame, then fill it in with fuel, a good lightweight block to use is the Venture Corporation's bone blocks,
no, not those kinds of bones! these are super thin frame blocks with not a lot of HP, but they're just about some of the lightest materials you can build out of,

Now just experiment which boosters and propellers you use, and you're off to the races!

Possible errors made: you weren't fast enough or couldn't hold speed for long enough, or you chose a very small biome

Solutions: mostly trial and error to find the correct balance of fuel to booster, but you'll find the balance eventually, move to a larger biome, preferably salt flats!
Combat Mechanic.
For this one, you need to RE-attach 10 or more blocks that have recently fallen off your tech due to enemies shooting them off, (campaign only, duh)

This one is super easy, what I did was I found a super small enemy, (think like tony's minions.)
or something with only about 1 gun.

How to do it: build a giant cube, 5x5x5 or 10x10x10,
personally I did it with 5x5x5, but that's probably more challenging,
then when you have your small enemy and your cube ready, use the build beam to deploy the cube next to that enemy,
you'll notice that it takes him a super long time to shoot off blocks, but it'll do,
as the blocks start to pop off, simply put them back,
and if you do it fast enough, voila! you have the achievement,

Possible errors made: you found an enemy that was too strong and it destroyed your cube too fast,
or you were not fast enough in re-attaching your blocks,

Solutions: try again, maybe with a smaller enemy.
Flipping Brilliant!
This one is pretty fun to do, and relatively easy,
you must lift an enemy tech off of the ground using a digger scoop, this one is campaign only.

Pretty self explanatory, but if you don't know, digger scoops are weapons acquired from Geo-Corp,
they are basically like bulldozers, but they fling the enemy!

How to do it:
build a tech with these on the front of it, and then find an enemy small enough to fit inside the scoop, something about the size of the basic GSO tech,
then get the enemy close enough, and blast off! launch the enemy, then once you launched the enemy sky high, you can then check steam, and you'll have your achievement.

Possible errors made: you didn't lift the enemy off the ground, you got destroyed, how do I make the digger scoop work?

Solutions: try again, maybe with a smaller tech, or use a bigger scoop! there are two sizes,
if you got destroyed, pick a smaller enemy next time, maybe try using drills to disable their weapons,
you'd use the digger scoop like any other weapon, simply by pressing space.
for this one you need a tech that contains 50 different types of blocks, this is campaign only,
(no R&D test chamber for you, sneaky weasel,)

This is quite possibly the easiest challenge ever, as it involves no combat, and most players tend to come by this achievement passively,

How to do it: a good way to get this achievement is to just play the game as you would, through natural progression, you'll end up with this achievement, but if you don't, a good way to get a bunch of miscellaneous blocks is to check a trading station for delivery crate missions, they typically don't involve combat, but some might, be wary if you aren't prepared for combat!

Possible errors made: I didn't get the achievement!

Solutions: you don't have enough blocks on your tech then! remember, these blocks must be attached to your tech, not just in SCU storage.
Falling With Style.
This one is pretty easy too, you just need to obtain unpowered flight for more than 500m,
(campaign only again, notice a theme?)

get some kind of flying tech, if you can't figure out how to build a flying plane, then there is a Venture mission that will just give you a plane for free, it's pretty easy, too, just fly through some hoops and you've got a plane for free,

How to do it:
Very easy, just take your plane and fly up super high, then when you're at a good height (use your own discretion for perfect height, turn off all engines and boosters! you'll glide like a glorious butterfly,
just don't stall!

Possible errors made: I didn't get the achievement, I can't glide for 500m,

Solutions: try to fly higher next time! remember, for this achievement to count, you need to have unpowered flight for approximately 500 meters, this can either be vertical or horizontal flight, just gain a ton of height, and then glide for as long as you can, by the time you land, you should have your achievement!
David vs Goliath.
Another combat based one, this is fairly easy for all experienced players, may be more challenging for some,

For this challenge, you must defeat an enemy that is worth 20,000 block bucks more than your tech, campaign only.

Pretty easy, just find the largest guy you can find and beat the crap out of him,

How to do it:
Build a tech that is proficient in combat, then find a tech that is larger than you,
technically some techs can be more valuable and smaller than you, too, keep that nugget of info in mind if you struggle with the big uns'

Possible errors made: I got destroyed, I didn't get the achievement!

Solutions: try again, try remaking your tech to be better in combat, if you didn't die but still didn't get your achievement, then it's likely the tech wasn't 20,000 block bucks more valuable than yours.
Another World.
This one is pretty tedious, but also very easy,
for this challenge you must "Discover a mysterious alien biome (Campaign only)"
sounds cryptic, right? fear not! I will tell you what this so called mystery biome is!

its basically like a red desert biome, but it has huge, jet-black pillars jutting out from the terrain,
resource rocks look different here, too, they appear in spikes, and are very recognizable,
This is another challenge where a plane is basically a must-have, because these biomes are rare and pretty small.

How to do it:
Build a very stable plane that you don't mind flying for a while, maybe even write a macro to keep it at level flight, (not required.) then once you have the plane, pick any direction you want, and then fly that way, you want to be close to the terrain but not so low that you get shot down, you'll be flying for a while, I had to fly about 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted flight before I saw one of these,
but once you see a biome with big black spires out of the ground, you'll know right away what I'm talking about.

Possible errors made: I didn't find a biome!

Solutions: keep looking, like I said, this is a very tedious task for some people, unless you're very lucky and find one quickly, you'll be looking for a little while, maybe listen to a podcast in the background to keep you occupied,

How to do it (with a car)
Personally, I highly advise against this, as these biomes are pretty small and you're more likely to miss them if you look from the ground, as they may be behind another, taller biome,
but it's the same formula with a car, pick a direction, head in it, you'll hit the alien spires biome eventually.
For this challenge you need to defeat the trader troll in under 15 minutes, campaign only,
This challenge is very very easy, this guy is basically just a tutorial boss,
but if you somehow still struggle with him, read on,

How to do it:
destroy the trader troll, he guards the trading station you find as as part of the tutorial, he's the only tech that "camps" trading stations as a scripted event, his batteries are exposed to you and everything, but if your tech still isn't up to bat, just use one of the pre-made GSO techs to do the job, they're fairly matched.

Possible errors made: I got destroyed!

Solutions: try again, remember that option you have when you respawn to either use your own tech or a premade one? try the premade one if your tech doesn't work for you.


the trading station is completely indestructible, you can use that to your advantage and take it as cover if you want, and terratechs pathfinding is very laughable, so trader troll will just try to drive through the trading station instead of go around it,
and of course, he cannot go through it, as it is indestructible.
Aerobatics Is Easy.
This one is pretty difficult for some people, you need to finish the gauntlet track without touching the ground or any trees, ramps, etc, without using hoverpads, either,

personally I did this with a highly maneuverable plane that I cobbled together in a few minutes,
I'd imagine if you have that hard of a time you could use a helicopter, there are tons of them on the workshop if you can't figure out how to make one,

How to do it:
use an aircraft that has no hoverpads on it, and fly all the way to the end of the course, remember to stay in bounds, or you'll be disqualified.

Possible errors made: I didn't get the achievement, I got randomly destroyed!

Solutions: If you didn't get the achievement, then you must've touched the ground or some other object, remember, you cannot touch anything, if you got randomly destroyed, thats because you went out of bounds, try again but remember to stay within the red lines, (white lines are ok to go over.)
Licensed to Drill.
Acquire all corporation licenses in 1 playthrough, this is campaign only,
This one is pretty simple to do.

How to do it: acquire all licenses, this will happen as you play the game,
don't rush it, just enjoy the game my bro,
but if you must know, the licenses appear in order, find them as missions on the trading station boards.
Better future,
Reticule research,
Push It To The Limit.
This one, again, will happen as you start to complete the game,
I recommend doing this one before the last one i'll mention, which is Factorious.

just complete the game and this will happen naturally, there are a few "problem" licenses though,

the problem licenses tend to be better future and reticule research, the missions for reticule research can be a little difficult, but are by far some of the most interesting missions I've ever played, so I will not spoil them for you, but if you want me to, I can add the solution if enough people ask me to.
Show Me The Monies.
This one will happen on its own, but I'll provide a guide for it anyway,
You must have at least 1,000,000 block bucks in your possesion, this is campaign only,

so there are a few good grinding methods, but by far, my favorite one is as follows,

How to do it:
as I've said, there are a few good grinding methods, but they're mostly different, and cater to different playstyles, but the easiest one for me was to find the biggest tech I can, and then destroy just its cab if possible, then i'd whip out a scrapper for whichever corporation the tech was, and scrap every block it has, then I'd sell the components on the ~~dark web~~ tech-bay.

Possible errors made: I didn't get the money!

Solutions: keep grinding, you'll get there, I promise.
This one is a doozy, and is by far the hardest one yet,
For this one you need to CRAFT a payload terminal of every single corporation,
but I found a method to cheese the entire grind the devs wanted you to go through, (no its not hacking.) make sure to save before doing this, as you may mess up and lose a payload terminal.

How to do it: get a scrapper for each corporation, you can either buy these from the payload terminals you should already have, or you can find them from missions,
either way, once you have the scrappers, you'll need a fabricator from each corporation,
then once you have both a fabricator and a scrapper, go ahead and scrap every single payload terminal you have, (I know, sounds idiotic, trust me here.) then go ahead and use the fabricator to craft every payload terminal back into existence, you can cheese an entire challenge by doing this,

Possible errors made: I didn't get the achievement! I lost my terminals!

Solutions: Make sure you scrap and re-craft every payload terminal, and if you lost it, you probably did something to your scrapper while it had your payload terminal inside it, in which case, it's gone, reload the save I mentioned.
Thats it! (not an achievement, thats all of them!)
you did it!

enjoy being an epic memer with 100% terratech completion, I hope this guide helps,
let me know in the comments if this does help, this is my first guide I've ever made.
14 megjegyzés
peanut [a.k.a. the screamer] 2024. nov. 30., 13:47 
sleepless mods do not disable achievments
Fastride2 2024. júl. 11., 0:32 
My cat's name is Goose. Didn't know he could type.
Goose  [készítő] 2024. jún. 22., 21:22 
I don't know.
I assume that would be easy to test.
Sleepless™ 2024. jún. 22., 19:59 
So do mods disable achievements?
Goose  [készítő] 2024. febr. 25., 6:43 
the parasitic glider method sounds fun ngl.
Fastride2 2024. febr. 24., 2:29 
So I did the "Falling With Style" Achievement before looking up a guide (I just can't do the combat medic one) and what I did was... I built a unpowered plane underneath and used an explosive bolt and built a powered plane on top of that. Way more complicated than it needed to be reading this guide but sure was fun.

Now I am only 4 achievements away from getting all of the achievements
Goose  [készítő] 2023. okt. 18., 7:51 
no problem.
Иннокентий 2023. okt. 17., 22:49 
Oh, thanks you :BUDlove:
Goose  [készítő] 2023. okt. 17., 13:41 
nope, this can all be done in campaign.
Иннокентий 2023. okt. 17., 13:22 
Need buy DLC?