Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Beta Idletest
Modo de juego: Specialty
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6.109 MB
6 MAR 2022 a las 17:20
6 MAR 2022 a las 17:33
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Beta Idletest

"But you didn't have to cut me off, make out like it never happened and..."
I haven't forgotten about you "the Beta Idletest". Maybe I have new plans for you...

Welcome to the Beta version of Idletest.
I took the latest version of the map I had and tried to optimize it. Unfortunately I couldn't make area portal work, but I used a lot of occluder. I won't try to redo everything because it would be too complicated as the map contains a lot of things. Maybe I'll only improve some parts, since now I know how to use the hammer editor a little better than I used to know.

Modern Version of Idletest:
▸ Gamebanana:[]
▸ Steam: