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Tropico's Scenarios.
By Richard
Walkthrough for Tropico 1 scenarios. Game tips and trick. (Work in progress)
Getting started.
Building is incredibly slow in Tropico 1. Always build a second Construction Office as soon as possible.
If a dock has very little to export than close dock worker jobs to about 3. With 3 dock workers at least one will normal be near the dock to load freighters and prevent a ship backup.
Early game you can close a few teamsters jobs until you have enough working population for your island.

CTRL click will set the wage for all jobs of the same level of education.
SHIFT click will set wage, rent, or fee for all buildings of the same type.
If you select a building and hover over MAINT you can see a buildings monthly maintenance cost.

Tropicans will pay up-to one third of their family's combined wage for rent.
Tropicans only visit entertainment buildings with a fee no higher than their wage.
You can see the average Caribbean wadge in the almanac under People/ Income Disparity.

Random Events
Export price change
Hurricane will destroy buildings and kill Tropicans

General game tip and details.
Builders, farmers, and miners will have to clear away any trees to work. Build a Logging Camp near where you plan to build, farm, or mine ahead of time to clear away tress and earn a little cash.
Labors will always enter their Construction Office to start their shift, so space out Construction Offices.
Tropican's walking speed doubles when on a road.

Attract more immigrants by having more vacant jobs, having more Freighter Docks, having a higher average Tropican pay than the average Caribbean pay, and having an immigration office with open borders.
Unhappy citizen will emigrate. Immigrants are more likely to emigrate than native born Tropicans.
A immigration office set to Nobody Gets Out Of Here Alive can eliminated emigrations if staffed with skilled Bureaucrats.
A immigration office set to Skilled Workers Welcome is an easy way to get a few skilled workers for an early factory, clinic, or armory.

Farmers will deliver their produce to a dock themselves if the farm is full, but farmers carry less than a teamster.
Build more docks to reduce the distance teamsters have to travel and increase the frequency of immigrants.
Mines, Logging Camps, and Fisherman's Wharfs generate pollution and crime.

Tourists are separated into four classes.
  • Slob Tourists: They carry the least amount of money.
  • Spring Break Tourists: They carry more money than slob tourists but less than eco tourists.
  • Eco Tourists: They carry more money than spring break tourists but less than wealthy tourists.
  • Wealthy Tourists: They carry the most money.
Your relationship with the U.S. affects the island tourist rating. Maintain good relations to attract more and wealthier tourist.
The Hotel is one of the best accommodations as attract a wide range of tourist, room for 12 tourist, and requires no power.
Accommodations have increased quality when tourist attractions are nearby, crime rate is low and the environment is beautiful and unpolluted.
Early on set Auto-Fee to 50%-70% occupancy to maximums accommodations profits until you have a wide range of tourist attractions. After you have many attractions reduce your accommodations rates to 70%- 80% or until attractions are full.

Fountains provided a lot of beauty but require maintenance.
The more expensive the plant the more beauty it provides.
Housing produces pollution based on occupancy. Tenement and apartments reduce beauty.
Pollution will travel downwind(Same direction as clouds).
Logging Camps generates less pollution if set to selective harvest instead of clear cut.

In Tropican workers have job skill. The speed and skill cap is based on the intelligence of the Tropican. Skill gain can be improved with the Literacy Program Edict if you have a High School.
Job happiness is based on wage. Tropican compare their wage to the Caribbean average and Tropico's average wage.
The average Caribbean wage will increases each year until it reaches $20.
Some building settings reduces job happiness. Sweat Shop at a Teamster's Office or Construction Office and Special Op Training at Armory, Guard Station, and Police Station.
Tropicans will have reduced job happiness if their job requires a lover education level then they have. e.g. a high school educated worker at a farm, or a College grad working in a factory.
Tropicans prefer jobs that align with their political ideology. Particularly with only a religious Tropican becoming a priests or bishop and militarists becoming a Soldier or General.
  • Capitalists prefer to be a pitbosses or bankers.
  • Communists prefer to be a farmer, fishermen, miner, lumberjacks, labor, teamsters, or factory worker.
  • Intellectuals prefer to be a Teacher, Professor, or Journalist.
  • Religious prefer to be a Priests or Bishop
  • Militarists prefer to be a Soldier or General
  • Environmentalists: prefer not to be a miner, lumberjacks, or factory worker.

If you start with many farms and low pop, use the Food for the People Edict to double food happiness. It's a cheap way to raise happiness as farms only needing uneducated pop and space.
Having a greater verity of food increases food happiness.
Tree Farms like Banana, Papaya, and Coffee only have to plant the tree once, when the trees has grown the farmer can easily harvest the trees every year.
A ranch is cheap, needs the least workers, but requires a huge area for pasture. Ranches will take multiple years to raise a full heard. It cost money to change the animals at a ranch.
Clouds bring rain increase the wetness of land. A lack wetness will reduce crop yields and rain varies year to year.
Have a few marketplaces to stockpile food in case of a bad harvest or population boom.
Fisherman's Wharf are the most expensive food source but fastest and save space.

  • Capitalists: A good relation will also improve U.S. relations.
  • Communists: A good relation will also improve Soviet relations.
  • Intellectuals: They want a high liberty happiness and access to education.
    (Note education especially if not Parochial Education or Military Education increase the chance of becoming an Intellectual)
  • Religious: They want a high religious happiness.
  • Militarists: They want a large and well treated military.
  • Environmentalists: They want a high environmental happiness.
  • U.S.: Having high democrat satisfaction will please the U.S. .Cheating during an election or not having election will anger the U.S..
  • Russia: Having high income inequality will anger Russia.
A Tropicans respect is determined by the citizen's supported factions relationship. e.g. A die-hard Militarists will respect you if the Militarists faction supports you.
Faction leaders happiness greatly affects the factions opinion of your regime. Its a good idea to bribe faction leaders during a election. Remember to build at least one bank or you cannot give bribes.
Your election opponent is always a member of the factions you have the worst relation with. An election opponent with high leadership will attract more votes.
Every honest election raise democratic expectations and every cancelled or fraudulent election lowering them.The initial democratic expectations is set by the president's Rise To Power.
Democratic expectations also increases the frequency at which Tropicans will ask for an election to be held (9 - 5 years) and the amount of fraud that can be commuted without outrage.
Not holding elections will greatly increase the chance of a coup, protest, uprising, and Tropicans becoming rebels.
At around 40 average happiness, unhappy people will protest. If you have too many protesters their may be a uprising against your regime.
Tropicans with high leadership and courage are the first to start or join a protest and rebels.
Protest and rebels that have a Tropican with good leadership increases the chance other Tropicans will join.
A Tropicans courage and leadership are pasts down to their children within a range of one level.

Every Guard Station requires one general. If you have too few general Guard Stations will be abandoned.
The Army Base, Armory, and Guard Station reduce liberty.
Early game set your palace and any military building to Special Ops Training as the happiness hit won't matter until your first election. Ideally you want both a skilled and courageous army.
In general rebels will attack industry and recourse gathering building. Place Guard Station near important industry and Infrastructure like a Power Plant or Factory.
Check the info map for government control to see areas the rebels are more likely to attack.
If the rebel manage to destroy multiple buildings they will try an attack on your place!
Born Again
Objective: Population of 300 and average happiness of at least 60 within 50 years.
President: You start as Maria Soldano
  • Background: Biblical Scholar +10% Religious Faction +5% Intellectuals Faction -15% Crime Rate
    +10% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Religious Appointment Democracy Exceptions Somewhat Low +15% Religious Faction -25% Religious Building Cost.
  • Asset: Empathy +10% Overall Respect -10% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Asset: Incorruptible +10% Intellectuals Faction +10% Religious Faction and Swiss Banking Prohibited.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Religious Zealot +5% Religious Faction -25% Intellectuals Faction and Tropicans visit churches 50% more often.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 20
  • Buildings: Dock and Construction Office.
Objective: 100 Pineapples, Bananas, Papya within 40 years.
Fruit price are dropped by two thirds.
President: You start as Hernado Blanco
  • Background: Pop Singer +5 Overall Respect +10% Relations with USA +10% Tourism Rating +50% Nightclub Rating
  • Rise to Power: Capitalist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Capitalist Faction +25% Relation with USA -10% Liberty +10% Factory Production.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Empathy +10% Overall Respect -10% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: The Great Schmoozola -20% Intellectuals Faction -10% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia +10% Respect Of The Least Intelligent.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Cannery, and 4 Farms.
First check fertility.
Isla de Foresta
Objective: Scored based on building value and Swiss Bank Account.
President: You start as Renata L. Feldmeyer
  • Background: Professor +20% Intellectuals Faction +50% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Socialist Democracy Exceptions High +10% Communists Faction +15% Relations with Russia +20% Liberty.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Coward -5% Militarists Faction and Soldiers and Supporters Twice As Likely to Flee In Battle.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Lumber Mill, 5 Logging Camp, 4 Farms, and 6 Bunkhouses.
Los Exconvictos
Objective: Population of 200 and $50,000 by 1989.
President: You start as Ranaldo 'Poppy' Ortez
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Elected for 'Family Values' Democracy Exceptions Very High +15% Religious Faction +20% Liberty +10% Tourism Rating.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Money: $9,800
  • Population: 80
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 2 Farms, Police Station, 2 Prisons, and Country House.
Mi Corazon
Objective: Scored based on happiness of Tropicans after 30 years.
President: You start as Nando Pedro-Sylva
  • Background: Leftist Author +10 Communist Faction +15% Intellectuals Faction +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Elected for 'Family Values' Democracy Exceptions Very High +15% Religious Faction +20% Liberty +10% Tourism Rating.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Coward -5% Militarists Faction and Soldiers and Supporters Twice As Likely to Flee In Battle.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $5,000
  • Population: 70
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Logging Camp, Fisherman's Wharf, 5 Farms, and 4 Houses.
New Havana
Objective: Swiss Bank Account of $100,000 within 50 years.
President: You start as Ramon Ignacio Castro
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Bought the election Democracy Exceptions Somewhat Low -5% Intellectuals Faction and can Commit Great Election Fraud With Lower Consequences.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Empathy +10% Overall Respect -10% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Short Temped -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 42
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Airport, 4 Bungalow, 3 Farms, and Bank.
Green Island
Objective: $500,000 in tourism revenue within 30 years.
President: You start as Hernandez Martinez
  • Background: Naturalist +15% Intellectuals Faction +25% Environmentalists Faction -30% Pollution +10% Building Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Religious Appointment Democracy Exceptions Somewhat Low +15% Religious Faction -25% Religious Building Cost.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $7,900
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, and 6 Fisherman's Wharfs.
Plantation Paradise
Objective: Sandbox
President: You start as Sancho Baraega
  • Background: Man of the People +20% Communist Faction -5% Religious Faction/
  • Rise to Power: Communist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +25% Relations with Russia -10% Liberty +10% Farmer Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Tourette's Syndrome -5% Overall Respect -15% Relation with USA -15% Relations with Russia and Annual Pay-Per-View Revenue $1,000.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 31
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Rum Distillery, 3 Farms, Airport, Diplomatic Ministry and 4 Bunkhouses.
The Mother of all Cigars
Objective: Make $2,000,000 in cigar exports within 50 years.
President: You start as Leo de LaSalle
  • Background: Harvard U. +10% Capitalist Faction +30% Relations with U.S.
    -15% Relations with Russia +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Financial Genius +10% Capitalist Faction +20% Factory Productivity -25% Bank and Shop Building Cost.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, and 3 Farms.
You will want around 10 cigar factory to beat the mission.
I recommend building a bank set to urban development early and making sure your college educated worker their.
El Presidente's First Day
Objective: A tutorial on housing. Build a power plant. Build each type of Housing (Bunkhouse, Country House, Luxury House, Tenement, Apartment, and Condominium.) Finally have housing happiness above 60.
President: You start as Juan Peron
  • Background: Man of the People +20% Communist Faction -5% Religious Faction.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Socialist Democracy Exceptions High +10% Communists Faction +15% Relations with Russia +20% Liberty.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Flatulence -20% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia and Palace Guards Get Double Pay.
  • Flaw: Coward -5% Militarists Faction and Soldiers and Supporters Twice As Likely to Flee In Battle.
  • Money: $30,000
  • Population: 51
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Logging Camp, Fisherman's Wharf, 3 Farms, Clinic, and Church.
El Presidente's Second Day
Objective: A tutorial on your island's economy. Change two farms to pineapple. Raise the wadge of your uneducated works to $8 and Soldiers to $15. Build a Construction Office. Build a Iron Mine. Build a Logging Camp. Build a Fisherman's Wharf.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Farmer +10% Communists Faction -10% Intellectuals Faction +50% Farmer Productivity.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: Short Temped -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $20,000
  • Population: 47
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, 4 Farms, Clinic, Church, Marketplace, 11 House, and Apartment.
El Presidente's Third Day
Objective: A tutorial on money management. Build a Bank. Fully employee the Bank.(This island starts with enough College educated to fill the bank) Build a Hotel. Get your Swiss Bank Account as large as possible in 5 years.
President: You start as Hernandez Martinez
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Military Coup Democracy Exceptions Near Nil +20% Militarist Faction -20% Liberty -20% Crime Rate -25% Military Buildings Cost.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Flaw: The Great Schmoozola -20% Intellectuals Faction -10% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia +10% Respect Of The Least Intelligent.
  • Money: $50,000
  • Population: 44
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Mine, 4 Farms, 2 Houses, and 6 Country House
Fished Out
Objective: Have a tourism rating of 60 and have 100 tourist on the island by 2000.
President: You start as Che Lastima
  • Background: Silver Spoon -10% Communists Faction +25% Capitalists Faction +10% Tourism Rating +10% Factory Productivity +20% Starting cash.
  • Rise to Power: Bought the election Democracy Exceptions Somewhat Low -5% Intellectuals Faction and can Commit Great Election Fraud With Lower Consequences.
  • Asset: Well Traveled +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Intellectuals Faction +10% Tourism Rating and Attract more rich tourists.
  • Asset: Sociable Sociable +5% Communists Faction +10% Tourist Rating +10% Crime Rate and Attract mores spring break tourist.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Coward -5% Militarists Faction and Soldiers and Supporters Twice As Likely to Flee In Battle.
  • Money: $15,00
  • Population: 30
  • Buildings: 2 Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Airport, Cannery, 2 Fisherman's Wharf, 3 Farms, and Bunkhouse.
All Mine
Objective: Earn $400,000 in mineral exports within 40 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Miner +10% Communists Faction +10% Capitalists -20% Environmentalists Faction +50% Miner Productivity.
  • Rise to Power: Bought the election Democracy Exceptions Somewhat Low -5% Intellectuals Faction and can Commit Great Election Fraud With Lower Consequences.
  • Asset: Well Traveled +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Intellectuals Faction +10% Tourism Rating and Attract more rich tourists.
  • Asset: Sociable +5% Communists Faction +10% Tourist Rating +10% Crime Rate and Attract mores spring break tourist.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 30
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, and 3 Farms
First check minerals.
Iron deposits are the closes so start building a miner near them. Try to build the mine in a spot without trees to speed up the construction.
Reduce the docks workers to 3 and reduce teamsters to 4 to save on workers.
Then build a clinic and set it to obstetrics for more pop growth. Make sure to build some house to keep your doctors happy. Remember to increase their rent to $7 and your doctors pay to $21.
Then build a construction office and another 2 mines.
Next Build a pub and diplomatic embassy. Now issue Russian Development Aid and build apartments and tenements.
Increase pay for uneducated workers to $6 and High school educated $12. Set tenements rent to $2 and apartments $4.
At this point you can open all your teamsters jobs and reduce their work to Easy Does It
Now were ready to expand build a construction office near the bauxite deposit. Then build mines near the bauxite and gold. Remember to build a tenement near the new mines.
Now build your 4 construction office and dock, and fishing wharf near the gold mines.
Now just continue to develop your city to keep your population happy and you win.
You will also get the opportunity to increase mining productivity by 25% at the cost of $5,000 and 50% increased mine pollution.
Accepted the offer as you will complete this mission quicker at a small unhappiness cost.
Objective: Have a Swiss Bank Account with $1,000 per citizen within 30 years.
Having less than 7 people or hiring any soldiers will lose the scenario.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Fortunate Son +10% Overall Respect -10% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Rise to Power: Heir Apparent Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Overall Respect.
  • Asset: Financial Genies +10% Capitalist Faction +20% Factory Productivity -25% Bank and Shop Building Cost.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Money: $5,000
  • Population: 7 castaways Here on Gillibert's Isle.
  • Buildings: Construction office.
Objective: $600,000 in Industry and $150,000 in Tourism Profits by 2000.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Financial Genius +10% Capitalist Faction +20% Factory Productivity -25% Bank and Shop Building Cost.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Ugly
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Money: $3,000
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, and 4 Farms.
Comrade in Arms
Objective: A Swiss Bank Account of $30,000 within 30 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Leftist Author +10 Communist Faction +15% Intellectuals Faction +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Communist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +25% Relations with Russia -10% Liberty +10% Farmer Productivity.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $20,000
  • Population: 51
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Electric Power Plant, Electric Substation, Armory, 4 Farms, Scenic Outlook, Casino, Nightclub, Cabaret, Restaurant, 3 Pubs, 3 Luxury House, 12 House, 3 Country House, and Bunkhouse.
Rebels on Parade
Objective: Survive 10 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Military Coup Democracy Exceptions Near Nil +20% Militarist Faction -20% Liberty -20% Crime Rate -25% Military Buildings Cost.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Administrator +10% Education -10% Building costs.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $6,500
  • Population: 67
  • Buildings: Dock, 2 Construction office, Teamster's Office, Mine, Logging Camp, Fisherman's Wharf, Farm, Armory, 2 Guard Stations, Church, High School, Cabaret, Pub, 22 Houses, and 22 Bunkhouses.
Yes We Have No Bananas
Objective: Export 700 Bananas by 1999.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Administrator +10% Education -10% Building costs.
  • Asset: Diplomat +5% Relations with USA +5% Relations with Russia and Free Foreign Ministry At Game Start.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 71
  • Buildings: Dock, 2 Construction office, Teamster's Office, 4 Farms, 3 Ranch, Cheap Motel, Diplomatic Ministry, and Tenement.
Spring Breakdown
Objective: $150,000 in Tourism profits and 40 Spring Breakers within 30 years.
President: You start as Raoul Partido
  • Background: Pop Singer +5 Overall Respect +10% Relations with USA +10% Tourism Rating +50% Nightclub Rating
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Sociable +5% Communists Faction +10% Tourist Rating +10% Crime Rate and Attract mores spring break tourist.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: The Great Schmoozola -20% Intellectuals Faction -10% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia +10% Respect Of The Least Intelligent.
  • Money: $25,000
  • Population: 50
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Airport, Cheap Motel, 5 Farms, Police Station, Prison, and Pub.
Summer games
Objective: Have a Power Plant, Airport, Hospital, Luxury Hotel and no more than 5 shacks by 1972.
President: You start as Palido Jaguar
  • Background: Man of the People +20% Communist Faction -5% Religious Faction.
  • Rise to Power: Heir Apparent Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Overall Respect.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: Tourette's Syndrome -5% Overall Respect -15% Relation with USA -15% Relations with Russia and Annual Pay-Per-View Revenue $1,000.
  • Money: $20,000
  • Population: 22
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 3 Farms, Clinic, High School, Sports Complex, and Tenement.
Space Race
Objective: Within 50 years increase Soviet relationship to 80 and reduce U.S. relationship to 50 or lower. While having at least 15 college and 30 high school educated Tropicans.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Harvard U. +10% Capitalist Faction +30% Relations with U.S.
    -15% Relations with Russia +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Asset: Well Traveled +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Intellectuals Faction +10% Tourism Rating and Attract more rich tourists.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 40
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Logging Camp, 4 Farms, Police Station, Pub, Tenement,and 3 Bunkhouses.
Objective: Build a Dock.
President: You start as John Bradley
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Installed by KGB Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +40% Relations with Russia -30% Liberty Uneducated Allowed to be Soldiers.
  • Asset: Incorruptible +10% Intellectuals Faction +10% Religious Faction and Swiss Banking Prohibited.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Tourette's Syndrome -5% Overall Respect -15% Relation with USA -15% Relations with Russia and Annual Pay-Per-View Revenue $1,000.
  • Money: $3,000
  • Population: 8
  • Buildings: Only a Construction Office
It´s my island
Objective: Have 80 militarist by 1970.
Get $750 per soldier yearly.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Military Coup Democracy Exceptions Near Nil +20% Militarist Faction -20% Liberty -20% Crime Rate -25% Military Buildings Cost.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Money: $13,000
  • Population: 33
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Electric Power Plant, Army Base, Armory, Police Station, Prison, and 4 Houses.
Jailhouse rock
Objective: 35 Citizens in prison, $250,000 tourism revenue within 50 years.
President: You start as Saul Deriva
  • Background: Chief of Police +10% Militarist Faction -10% Liberty -40% Crime Rate.
  • Rise to Power: Elected for 'Family Values' Democracy Exceptions Very High +15% Religious Faction +20% Liberty +10% Tourism Rating.
  • Asset: Administrator +10% Education -10% Building costs.
  • Asset: Incorruptible +10% Intellectuals Faction +10% Religious Faction and Swiss Banking Prohibited.
  • Flaw: Flatulence -20% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia and Palace Guards Get Double Pay.
  • Flaw: Religious Zealot +5% Religious Faction -25% Intellectuals Faction and Tropicans visit churches 50% more often.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 44
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 4 Farms, Police Station, 5 Prison, Pub, and Country House.
Eco Trop
Objective: 60 Eco Tourist, Environmental score of 80, and a Swiss Bank Account of $100,000.
President: You start as Sergio Entrerio
  • Background: Naturalist +15% Intellectuals Faction +25% Environmentalists Faction -30% Pollution +10% Building Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Hotel Corporate Buyout Democracy Exceptions Moderate +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Environmentalist Faction +15% Relations with USA +10% Liberty +30% Tourism Rating and Free Hotel At Game Start.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $25,000
  • Population: 50
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 5 Farms, Marketplace, and Pub.
Eco Tourist prefer mid to high wealth accommodation like the Hotel, Bungalow, Luxury Hotel, and Beach Villa.
Doowder island
Objective: Have at least 3 Furniture Factory and $135,000 in Industry revenues by 1965.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Developer +20% Capitalists Faction -10% Environmentalists Faction +50% Pollution -20% Build Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Capitalist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Capitalist Faction +25% Relation with USA -10% Liberty +10% Factory Production.
  • Asset: Financial Genies +10% Capitalist Faction +20% Factory Productivity -25% Bank and Shop Building Cost.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $12,000
  • Population: 41
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 2 Logging Camp, 2 Farms, Clinic, Pub, 5 Houses, and 18 Bunkhouses.
Another Fish in the Sea
Objective: Export 600 Fish by 1970.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Man of the People +20% Communist Faction -5% Religious Faction.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Socialist Democracy Exceptions High +10% Communists Faction +15% Relations with Russia +20% Liberty.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Flaw: The Great Schmoozola -20% Intellectuals Faction -10% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia +10% Respect Of The Least Intelligent.
  • Money: $12,000
  • Population: 95
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, 3 Teamster's Office, 17 Fisherman's Wharf, 4 House, and 35 Bunkhouses.

Start by building a new construction office and reduce dock workers to 3.
Increase uneducated workers pay to $6 and bunkhouse rent to $2
Next build a entertainment building and 2 corn farms.
Back to the Skies
Objective: Build a Airport within 20 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Self Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Heir Apparent Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Overall Respect.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $4,500
  • Population: 24
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, and Logging Camp
Objective: $300,000 in mining exports, 50 tourist, and a minimum happiness of 50 within 40 years.
President: You start as Santos Engana
  • Background: Miner +10% Communists Faction +10% Capitalists -20% Environmentalists Faction +50% Miner Productivity.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Fascist Democracy Exceptions Moderate +15% Militarists Faction +20% Liberty -10% Crime Rate.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Sociable +5% Communists Faction +10% Tourist Rating +10% Crime Rate and Attract mores spring break tourist.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 31
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, and 3 Farms.
Objective: Have 25 College and 50 High school educated living on the Island within 40 years.
President: You start as Raoul Lastima
  • Background: Harvard U. +10% Capitalist Faction +30% Relations with U.S.
    -15% Relations with Russia +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Heir Apparent Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Overall Respect.
  • Asset: Incorruptible +10% Intellectuals Faction +10% Religious Faction and Swiss Banking Prohibited.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 60
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Immigration Office, 7 Farms, and Pub.
I've Got a Secret
Objective: Raise U.S. relationship to 80 and reduce Soviet relationship to 50, and have a Swiss Bank Account of $20,000 within 30 years.
President: You start as Ferdinado Topo
  • Background: Leftist Author +10 Communist Faction +15% Intellectuals Faction +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Installed by KGB Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +40% Relations with Russia -30% Liberty Uneducated Allowed to be Soldiers.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Asset: Sociable +5% Communists Faction +10% Tourist Rating +10% Crime Rate and Attract mores spring break tourist.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 50
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Electric Power Plant, Cheap Motel, Bungalow, Souvenir Shop, Scenic Outlook, 5 Farms, Armory, Newspaper, Church, Movie Theater, Restaurant, Pub, 6 Houses, 4 Country Houses, and Tenement.
Mt. Sucio
Objective: $500,000 Farming revenue, $200,000 Mining revenue, $250,000 Logging revenue, $250,000 Tourism revenue, and $500,000 Industry revenue by 2000.
President: You start as Enrique Volcan
  • Background: Developer +20% Capitalists Faction -10% Environmentalists Faction +50% Pollution -20% Build Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 60
  • Buildings: 2 Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Electric Substation, Luxury Hotel, Scenic Outlook, 5 Farms, Diplomatic Ministry, Luxury House, 6 Bungalows, 2 Apartment, and 2 Country House.
Presidente for life
Objective: $50,000 in Tourism profts and a Airport by 1970.
President: You start as Papa Toc
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Fascist Democracy Exceptions Moderate +15% Militarists Faction +20% Liberty -10% Crime Rate.
  • Asset: Diplomat +5% Relations with USA +5% Relations with Russia and Free Foreign Ministry At Game Start.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Money: $15,000
  • Population: 77
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Electric Power Plant, 6 Farms, Armory, Diplomatic Ministry, and Condominium.
No Problem Atoll
Objective: $500,000 in tourism revenues and Swiss Bank Account of $75,000 within 50 years.
President: You start as Juan Mellon
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Alcoholic -15% Religious Faction -5% Overall Productivity +10% Relations with Russia.
  • Flaw: The Great Schmoozola -20% Intellectuals Faction -10% Relations with USA -10% Relations with Russia +10% Respect Of The Least Intelligent.
  • Money: $30,000
  • Population: 30
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, 2 Luxury Hotels, and 3 Farms.
Gold Rush
Objective: Have 40 Miners and happiness at 55 or above within 50 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Booze Baron -5% Religious Faction +100% Rum Revenue Per Barrel.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Capitalist Democracy Exceptions Very High +5% Capitalists Faction +15% Relations with USA +20% Liberty +20% Factory Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Moronic -50% Education and College Prohibited.
  • Flaw: Cheapskate -10% Communist Faction -5% Building Costs and Cannot Pay Any Worker More Than $25/Month.
  • Money: $20,000
  • Population: 90
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Scenic Outlook, Beach Site, 8 Farms, Pub, 7 House , 8 Country House, and Tenement.
Triassic Park
Objective: Treasury with $100,000 and population no higher than 100 within 30 years.
President: You start as Ferdinando Bis
  • Background: Farmer +10% Communists Faction -10% Intellectuals Faction +50% Farmer Productivity.
  • Rise to Power: Communist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +25% Relations with Russia -10% Liberty +10% Farmer Productivity.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 204
  • Buildings: Dock, 2 Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Electric Power Plant, Furniture Factory, Lumber Mill, 2 Logging Camps, 7 Farms, 2 Ranch, Beach Villa, Bank, Army Base, Armory, Police Station, TV Station, Newspaper, Clinic, Church, High School, 2 Marketplace, Diplomatic Ministry, Cabaret, Gourmet Restaurant, Restaurant, Pub, 2 Luxury House, Condominium, 6 House, Apartment, 3 Country House, 2 Tenement, and 3 Bunkhouse.
Club Tropico
Objective: Earn $750,000 in tourism revenue within 40 years.
President: You start as Ranaldo 'Popp' Ortez
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Elected for 'Family Values' Democracy Exceptions Very High +15% Religious Faction +20% Liberty +10% Tourism Rating.
  • Asset: Green Thumb +10% Environment Faction -10% Factory Productivity -50% Pollution.
  • Asset: Scholarly +20% Intellectuals Faction +30% Education.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 35
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, 3 Farms, Airport, 6 Bungalows, and 4 Bunkhouses
Turista Paradiso
Objective: Average of 50 Tourist per year over fifty years.
President: You start as Juan Bertrando
  • Background: Harvard U. +10% Capitalist Faction +30% Relations with U.S.
    -15% Relations with Russia +20% Education.
  • Rise to Power: Elected as Socialist Democracy Exceptions High +10% Communists Faction +15% Relations with Russia +20% Liberty.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Well Traveled +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Intellectuals Faction +10% Tourism Rating and Attract more rich tourists.
  • Flaw: Womanizer -10% Religious Faction -10% Respect Of All Women.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Money: $15,000
  • Population: 93
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, 8 Farms, Marketplace, Pub, House, and Bunckhouse.
Peg Leg's Cove
Objective: Swiss Bank Account of $50,000 within 30 years.
President: You start as Sancho Baraega
  • Background: Chief of Police +10% Militarist Faction -10% Liberty -40% Crime Rate.
  • Rise to Power: Communist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +25% Relations with Russia -10% Liberty +10% Farmer Productivity.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Tourestte's Syndrome -5% Overall Respect -15% Relation with USA -15% Relations with Russia and Annual Pay-Per-View Revenue $1,000.
  • Money: $10,000
  • Population: 46
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Jewelry Factory, Mine, 4 Farms, and Bank.
Hector "Rest in peace muchacho"
Los Tropicas
Objective: $500,000 Tourist revenues at lest half from casinos, nightclubs, cabarets, duty-free shops and hotels, and a Swiss Bank Account of $50,000 within 40 years.
President: You start as Juan Nuevil
  • Background: Developer +20% Capitalists Faction -10% Environmentalists Faction +50% Pollution -20% Build Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Hotel Corporate Buyout Democracy Exceptions Moderate +10% Capitalists Faction +5% Environmentalist Faction +15% Relations with USA +10% Liberty +30% Tourism Rating and Free Hotel At Game Start.
  • Asset: Financial Genies +10% Capitalist Faction +20% Factory Productivity -25% Bank and Shop Building Cost.
  • Asset: Entrepreneurial +10% Overall Export Prices.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Gambler -10% Religious Faction and Annual Gambling Binge between $300- $1,500.
  • Flaw: Tourette's Syndrome -5% Overall Respect -15% Relation with USA -15% Relations with Russia and Annual Pay-Per-View Revenue $1,000.
  • Money: $25,000
  • Population: 50
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, and 5 Farms.
Mucho Macho
Objective: Survive 30 years.
President: You start as Che Guevera
  • Background: Generalissimo +30% Militarists Faction -20% Liberty +15% Soldier Efficiency.
  • Rise to Power: Military Coup Democracy Exceptions Near Nil +20% Militarist Faction -20% Liberty -20% Crime Rate -25% Military Buildings Cost.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Athletic +5% Militarists Faction -5% Intellectuals Faction -20% Sports Complex Cost +50% Sports Complex Rating.
  • Flaw: Compulsive Liar -15% Religious Faction -15% Intellectuals Faction.
  • Flaw: Paranoid -10% Overall Respect +10% Militarist Faction and Police Reduce Liberty Like Soldiers.
  • Money: $15,000
  • Population: 65
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, Mine, 6 Farms, 4 Armory, 4 Guard Station, Cheap Motel, Duty Free Shop, Souvenir Shop, Beach Site, Clinic, Marketplace, House, Country House, and 6 Bunkhouses.
Ride 'em Caballero!
President: You start as Don Temarario
  • Background: Self-Made Man +10% Capitalist Faction +10% Relations with USA +15% Factory Production.
  • Rise to Power: Capitalist Rebellion Democracy Exceptions Low +10% Capitalist Faction +25% Relation with USA -10% Liberty +10% Factory Production.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Asset: Incorruptible +10% Intellectuals Faction +10% Religious Faction and Swiss Banking Prohibited.
  • Flaw: Ugly -5% Overall Respect -10% Tourism Rating.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Money: $15,000
  • Population: 80
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction office, Teamster's Office, 8 Farms, Armory, 2 Guard Station, Clinic, and Marketplace.
The good earth
Objective: $500,000 in farming exports and have less than 5 educated citizens in 40 years.
President: You start as Topol Loppa
  • Background: Naturalist +15% Intellectuals Faction +25% Environmentalists Faction -30% Pollution +10% Building Costs.
  • Rise to Power: Installed by KGB Democracy Exceptions Very Low +10% Communists Faction +40% Relations with Russia -30% Liberty Uneducated Allowed to be Soldiers.
  • Asset: Charismatic +5% Overall Respect +50% Radio and TV Dogma.
  • Asset: Hardworking +10% Overall Productivity.
  • Flaw: Short Tempered -15% Intellectuals Faction -10% Militarists Faction.
  • Flaw: Pompous -20% Relations with USA +30% Issue Edict Cost.
  • Money: $20,000
  • Population: 50
  • Buildings: Dock, Construction Office, Teamster's Office, Logging Camps, 3 Farms, Ranch, Bank, Police Station, Clinic, Pub, 2 Houses, 4 Country House, Tenement, and Bunkhouse.
Richard  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:26pm 
The Very challenging scenario I recommend you save for last Mt. Sucio,Taiwan, Ride 'em Caballero!, Green Island.
Richard  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:26pm 
Summer games a very challenging tourism scenario.
The Mother of all Cigars a hard export scenario save for when you feel confident in economy building.
Mucho Macho not that fun you just have to survive continuously growing rebels, so you must keep growing your army.
I've Got a Secret is a more challenging scenario as you got to anger the USSR but keep the USA happy.
Richard  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:25pm 
Tropicolegio a hard scenario you have to create many educated jobs to keep a high educated pop.
Eco Trop is a challenging tourism scenario were you must have a lot of eco tourist .
No Problem Atoll a challenging tourism scenario.
Los Tropicas a quite challenging tourism scenario were you have to make at lest half your income from casinos, nightclubs, cabarets, duty-free shops, hotels and put a large sum in your Swiss bank.
Born Again a sandbox trying to build the perfect nation any way you like.
Richard  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:23pm 
Middle difficulty.
Jailhouse rock a fun tourism scenario were you have to imprison people to keep a high tourism score.
New Havana actually not too challenging just remember to use banks and building permits early.
Mi Corazon not actually very hard you just need to keep people happy as you can't chat in elections.The good earth a mid tier challenging you can't have many educated workers.
Triassic Park a unique challenge you have to carefully destroy your building and get people to leave without angering them too much that you get too many rebels.
Richard  [author] 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
Its not in intended order. Theirs no real story so you can play the scenarios in any order you like but El Presidente's First Day, Second Day and Third Day are tutorials.
One thing always set random events to either off or rarely occur because hurricanes can destroy half your island.
Easy scenarios I recommend you play first.
Peg Leg's Cove very easy
All Mine a fairly easy mining focus scenario.
Yes We Have No Bananas a little more challenging but fun.
Another Fish in the Sea is not too difficulty if you go the tourism path.
Spring Breakdown a tourism scenario keep the tourist happy or they riot
Plantation Paradise a sandbox map good to mess around in.
Back to the Skies not too difficult
Marooned manage a small pop and to grow a Swiss bank account.
Fruitas mid tier difficulty, but you have to mange a weak economy.
Gold Rush not too difficult but you will get loads of immigrants
latbat58 30 Oct, 2024 @ 10:05am 
is this the intended order for scenarios? i dont get know in which order i should play the scenarios.