Оцінок: 209
The Clan Dat Rube Doe Guide To Prime Drops
Від ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷ та 1 співавторів
Prime Enthusiasts and Prime Hunters alike, Welcome! This is a quick-reference guide to finding any and all avalible prime weapons and Warframes. This handy guide includes drop locations of primes and a brief description of each. Created by Dat Rube Doe for your convenience.
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Welcome Fellow Tenno!
Current Version: Compatible with Update 18.4.12 (SARYN PRIME ACCESS)

Below is a list of primes and their drop locations. Please note that these drop tables may be wrong if the guide hasn't been updated with the current version of Warframe. Click on the Wiki links below each entry for more information on that entry. Also, I've used most if not all of these things. If you need information on an entry, feel free to ask in the comments.

This guide runs off of the old void teir system and no longer applies as a source of information on the latest drop tables. As of this update and updates further down the road, this guide will no longer be supplying drop tables. This guide will remain up as a source of opinions on weapons and warframes, but no further updates will take place unless I get sentimental. The guide has had a good run, Tenno, but it's time to move on.

We appreciated the feedback and helpful people throughout the years and all we can say is Thank You All And Always Keep farming, Tenno!
Akbronco Prime
The Akbronco Prime is a set of two semi-automatic shotgun pistols that are held Akimbo style. These weapons are very pretty, but in my opinion a bit underpowered.

Please note that you need TWO Bronco Primes to craft this weapon.
Akbronco Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Ankyros Prime
The Ankyros Prime are basically ornimental brass knuckles of badassery added into the game with Rhino Prime. To find this particular prime, RNG is going to have to be on your side at all times.

This Weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Ankyros Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Ash Prime
Ash, is wonderful alternative to stealth play if you've played Loki. Instead of being passively stealthy, Ash is more of an assertive-type stealth frame. Having only a maximum of 15-20 seconds of invisibility and having the ability to teleport to enemies and do massive damage. Ash prime is a much prettier varient of this gameplay and features more armor, more sheilds and a higher sprint speed than normal Ash. DE seemed to go all out on this one.

Ash Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Bo Prime
The Bo Prime is a recent addition to the prime arsenal, added with the exceedingly interesting-looking Loki Prime. The members of Dat Rube Doe unanimously agree that the Bo is a nice weapon.

Bo Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Boar Prime
The Boar Prime is the only prime shotgun in existance. It's also fully automatic, firing a barrage of 9 pellets per shot at about 6 shots per second. Its status chance of 40% makes our Genocider tingly.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Boar Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Boltor Prime
The Boltor Prime is what Dat Rube Doe members know as "Too OP." This weapon fires high speed bolts dealing a metric butt-ton of damage per hit when you mod it correctly. Let it be known that the Boltor Prime has a faster fire rate and higher damage than the regular Boltor, but lacks the range.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Boltor Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Braton Prime
Ahh, yes, the classic Braton Prime. If you enjoyed the Braton, here's the prime varient. Also, why.

Braton Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Bronco Prime
The Bronco Prime is a pretty good shotgun pistol, delivering deadly force at close range. It does justice to the normal Bronco.

Bronco Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Burston Prime
The Burston Prime is a direct upgrade from the normal Burston. It's really nice if you fancy burst fire rifles. There's not much to say about this gun.

Burston Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Carrier Prime
The Carrier Sentinel is a special type of sentinel because its special ability is to suck up resources, mods, health energy and whatever else you would normally pick up yourself. A sentinel for the truely lazy? Perhaps at first, yes; but you quickly learn that it has its benefits. Carrier Prime looks like some sort of alien drone and perhaps it might as well be. Unlike the first prime sentinel, Wyrm prime, Carrier Prime has increased stats such as Increased Health and Armor.

Carrier Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Sweeper Prime(Carrier Prime)
The Sweeper Prime comes equipped on the Carrier Prime once the sentinel has been built. The Sweeper Prime is a enhanced version of the original Sweeper featuring increased stats such as:
larger magazine size, faster reload, higher damage, higher crit damage and higher status chance. It also comes pre-installed with an additional polarity

Impact: 51.0

Puncture: 3.0

Slash: 6.0

Crit Chance: 5.0%
Crit Damage: 2.0x
Status Chance: 15.0%

Fire Rate: 1.0 Rounds/Sec
Magazine/Clip Size: 20 Rounds/Magazine
Reload Time: 2.0 Seconds

Sweeper Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Dakra Prime
The Dakra Prime is one weapon there isn't a normal version of. It's a pretty sword with extra polarity slots, what more do you want from me?

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Dakra Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Dual Kamas Prime
The Dual Kamas Prime is the first dual 'swords' weapon to be added to the game according to the wiki, too bad they aren't really swords. They feature enhanced stats and look rather nice.

Dual Kamas Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Ember Prime
Ember Prime is a very power-oriented Warframe. She's really good against Infested or anything that doesn't like burning. She's also very stylish with her flaming mohawk.

This Warframe is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Ember Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Fang Prime
The Fang Prime are a pair of ornamental daggers that are a great addition to stealthy-looking warframes. They don't deal much damage, but they do deal more damage than most daggers would.

Fang Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Frost Prime
Frost Prime (Also known as Lighthouse Prime) is a fun frame to play if you fancy running defense missions. The only reason you would go for Frost Prime would be if you had already ranked up regular Frost or for the extra polarity slot, or perhaps you just like shiney gold things. Either way, shove a yellow potato in this frame and rule defense missions.

This Warframe is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Frost Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Glaive Prime
The Glaive Prime is our Genocider's favorite Death Disc of Doom. Its modability makes it a preferred weapon when you're being stealth or would rather just keep your distance.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Glaive Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Grate Prime
The Grate Prime was one of the best practical jokes DE ever played on the Warframe community. On April 1st 2014, They released it with the new "Tenno Reinforcements" update with completely belivable stats and promise of extra polarity slots. But, of course, DE wouldn't release a new Prime weapon in a "Tenno Reinforcments" update. That's not how it works. Besides, where's the new Warframe to go with it?

The Grate can be found in:
The cutscene before every single mission.

The Ornament can't be found anywhere, you pansey.

The Corners can be found in:
Why are you still reading this? III Team Deatmatch (Killstreak 5+)

Note that you'll need 4 corners to construct this prime....and your sanity to realize that this isn't a thing.

Fun fact: If you go to the Warframe Archwing website and put in a special keyboard code, a Grate Prime will spawn.
The code is:

Grate Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Hikou Prime
The Hikou Prime are Throwing Stars. This is a direct upgrade to the regular Hikou. The Hikou have always been "Second Best Throwing Weapons" when it came to weapons one could purchase via market. Then the Hikou Prime came out. +1 respect to the Hikou for this new and interesting prime.

Hikou Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Kavasa Kubrow Prime Collar
The Kavasa Prime Collar is a new collar for your lovable Kubrow. Such power in such a small package. Installing the new collar will increase the vitality and strength of your lovable ball of fur and teeth as well as save its DNA. If your kubrow dies for good, it can be reconstructed in the Incubator.

Kavasa Prime Collar Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Latron Prime
The Latron Prime is a decent semi-auto rifle, with a decent amount of damage and a decent amount of basically everything else. It's a well-rounded weapon.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Latron Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Lex Prime
The Lex Prime is objectively better than the normal Lex. With powerful shots and unique style, the stats are higher and it just looks nicer. This pistol can be used effectively as a second primary weapon.

Lex Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Loki Prime
Loki Prime is a new addition to the Prime Crew. With more energy capacity and a variety of useful polarities, he's basically a direct upgrade from regular Loki.

Loki Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Mag Prime
Mag Prime is the prime varient of the shield queen of magnets herself. Don't be taken back by the fact that she has teeth. If you go for Mag Prime, you're making a concious effort to magnetizing the bones of your enemies with style.

This Warframe is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Mag Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Nova Prime
After Nyx Prime, DE decided to screw with us some more and came out with this. Nova Prime. We were all expecting Trinity would be the next female prime frame, but I think DE likes to play practical jokes on the community too much for this to be an accident. Either way; NOVA PRIME! Everyone, set your macros to auto-type "GG" and get your farming gear on. Prepare for weeks of grinding.

Nova Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Nikana Prime
The Nikana and the Dragon Nikana, as new as they are, are elegant and powerful weapons, worthy of a prime varient. DE Felt the same and brought us this lovely work of art.

Nikana Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Nyx Prime
Nyx is an interesting beast, especially when dueling in the clan Dojo. The MoaMancer of Dat Rube Doe once challanged me to do as much damage as I possibly could to him while he used his Ultimate power as Nyx. Needless to say, I died instantly, but what's worse is I didn't just go into bleedout. I actually just died. No respawn. He did about 10 times my health and shields in damage.

Nyx Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Odonata Prime
The Odonata Prime is the first Primed Archwing. The Odonata is the 'Excalibur' of archwings with general stats and 'useful anywhere' abilities. A great archwing for tenno who just got into the archwing game.

Orthos Prime
Before the Warlord of Dat Rube Doe left, he made it a point to teach the members of the clan the power of the Orthos Prime. Devestating slam attacks and swift swings makes the Orthos Prime deadly in combat. It's too bad DE doesn't know that crafting a weapon out of the purest Rubidium makes it explode on contact with the air.

Orthos Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Paris Prime
The Paris Prime is one of the most commonly used or commonly seen prime weapons. This is probably because most of the parts are a bit too easy to find. If you manage to build the Paris Prime, you'll find that it's a satisfying bow to use and it is worth your while.

Paris Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Reaper Prime
The Reaper Prime is a huge upgrade from the Ether Reaper. It's pretty, it does more damage, and it's all around more fun to use.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Reaper Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Rhino Prime
Rhino Prime is a super tanky frame designed to go in and do tons of damage without suffering much himself. Because of this, Rhino, and recently, Rhino Prime is a favorite choice of Dat Rube Doe's MoaMancer.

This Warframe is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Rhino Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Scindo Prime
The Scindo Prime is a Heavy Melee Axe. This is a direct upgrade to the regular Scindo. Our MoaMancer swore by the Scindo for a very long time before he retired it for the Jat Kittag, but no matter what, the Scindo will always have a special place in his arsenal. The Scindo Prime is a perfect weapon if you want to show your prowess in heavy weapons while doing loads of damage to your enemies.

Scindo Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Saryn Prime
Saryn has always been a fun frame. The harbinger of death and disease, the bringer of blight. In recent updates, she's been buffed and re-worked. She is the epitome of sickness and her power is unrivaled by any infested. Toxic clouds are in your future with saryn Prime.

Saryn Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Sicarus Prime
The Sicarus Prime is a burst-fire pistol that fires a 5 round burst. It's a decent weapon if you're just starting out. If you've used the Lex Prime, you'll feel like this pistol is just underpowered.

This weapon is in the Prime Vault and the parts are no longer avalible. However, the parts can still be aquired through trade.

Sicarus Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Soma Prime
One good thing about Nova Prime access are the weapons. The Soma was always one of our favorite weapons for its high crit chance and it's absurd amount of slash damage. The new Soma Prime features an all-new dumber looking (In a good way) banana clip.

Soma Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Spira Prime
Although it's a very new weapon, the Spira is high in damage and we needed another primed throwing weapon and a reason to call a straight-edge thowing knife the "Spira" These new throwing knives are like sharp gold-plated corkscrews.

Spira Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Trinity Prime
Trinity Prime looks like a friggin' sports car. Not sure where DE Was going with this design, but here you go, Tenno. As for her stats, well, she's better sheilded and she runs faster, not much else seems to have changed. But that doesn't matter, she looks like Volt Prime had a baby with a Bugatti Veyron.

Trinity Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Vasto Prime
The Vasto is the kind of weapon most people use and then go "Meh..." But DE has revamped that pistol of downright mediocrity to make it less "Meh." It's also really nicely modeled, so +1 to DE for that too.

Vasto Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Vectis Prime
The Vectis is one of the better sniper rifles in Warframe with high single target damage and a decent crit chance. Slap a prime variant into the game and make it look pretty; people will be all over it in no time. The Vectis Prime looks amazing and the style fits well with Ash Prime. Those of you who need a good sniper; Here it is.

Vectis Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Volt Prime
Volt Prime has the highest energy capacity of any warframe in the game to date with a base energy capacity of 200 at Rank 0 compared to that of regular Volt. As a Prime Warframe, Volt is a good choice; regular Volt excels at being useful in very many ways. Volt is just a very versatile frame; his usefulness is why he's a beginning choice for first-time tenno. However, his usefulness starts to fade at higher levels. Volt Prime is the solution to that problem! Grab your Void Keys and start farming, because this is one hell of a prime access!

Volt Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Wyrm Prime
Wyrm Prime is the first ever sentinel to be primed. It features a longer tail, more complex and beautiful designs and EXACTLY the same stats as the regular Wyrm. On the other hand, the Wyrm Prime comes with the Prime Laser Rifle which has objectively better stats than it's original counterpart.

Wyrm Prime Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
Prime Laser Rifle(Wyrm Prime)
The Prime Laser Rifle comes pre-installed with the Wyrm Prime Sentinel and is, by definition, objectively better than the normal Laser Rifle.

Because this is just a subsection with information about the Prime Laser Rifile, here are its stats:


Puncture: 8.4

Slash: 2.4

Crit Chance: 15.0%
Crit Damage: 1.5x
Status Chance: 5%

Fire Rate: 10.0 Rounds/Sec
Magazine/Clip Size: 5 Rounds/Magazine
Reload Time: 1.2 Seconds

Prime Laser Rifle Wiki Page[warframe.wikia.com]
(Section added by request)
The Members of Dat Rube Doe take pride in helping their felllow operatives. If you found this guide to be helpful, please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section. If there's an issue with the guide, please feel free to contact Wolfie The ♥♥♥♥♥♥ or post a comment below. Also, if you would like regular updates on this guide, subscribe to the comments section.
The views and opinions expressed in the guide are just that, opinions; if you have an unjustified objection, keep it to yourself. If you flame in the comment section with your objections, your comment will be removed shortly aft. This does not mean you are not entitled to your opinion. If you have an opinion and wish to calmly present it, we will have no problem with that.
Коментарів: 104
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 8 лип. 2016 о 16:46 
This guide runs off of the old void teir system and no longer applies as a source of information on the latest drop tables. As of this update and updates further down the road, this guide will no longer be supplying drop tables. This guide will remain up as a source of opinions on weapons and warframes, but no further updates will take place unless I get sentimental. The guide has had a good run, Tenno, but it's time to move on.

We appreciated the feedback and helpful people throughout the years and all we can say is Thank You All And Always Keep farming, Tenno!
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 18 трав. 2016 о 7:22 
@Revlaz Le Serpentine
Yes, I included a section saying that I will update today in a few hours. It is at the top if you are curious.
Myconid 17 трав. 2016 о 23:17 
needs update soon
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 11 квіт. 2016 о 12:01 
@LeCrazyWaffle, Excalibur Prime is a Founders-only exlusive along with the Lato Prime and Skana Prime. You would have to travel back in time to the Warframe Beta and pay money to become a Founder. Founders recieved other goodies too depending on how much money they gave.
LeCrazyWaffle 11 квіт. 2016 о 10:28 
Hey, how and where can I get the blueprints for Primed Excalibur?
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 22 лют. 2016 о 21:12 
@Y Ddraig, The guide has been fully re-updated, many drop locations were added to the drop tables. Without help from people like you, this guide would end up staying out-of-date, so thank you for your help. :Lotus:
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 20 лют. 2016 о 21:44 
@Y Ddraig, thank you. I'll have to recheck all the drop locations. I appreciate you bringing an error to my attention.
Diamser 20 лют. 2016 о 16:45 
You may want to have a quick look at the soma prime stock location
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 16 лют. 2016 о 14:48 
Saryn Prime Access is here! The guide has been updated, but the drops tables aren't certain, help me with finding the locations and I will keep the guide up to date. Happy Farming, Tenno! :Lotus:
ⱮץᔕէᏋгץ-ჯ2̷4̷9̷  [автор] 11 лют. 2016 о 13:07 
The Guide is no longer out of date and is prepared for the next Prime Access! Happy Farming, Tenno! :Lotus: