Lost Ark

Lost Ark

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Lost Ark: Dungeon - how to leave?
1. method

You can explore the dungeons alone or with other players. Leaving your companions is obviously not fair, but you can still do so. Some Dungeons also don't end with an exit that leads back to the surface. To leave a Dungeon you must play the Song of Escape. To do so open the Sheet Music menu (the F2 key), choose the song from the list and click Play. Once the song ends you will leave the Dungeon.
It's a good idea to move this song to the quick access bar at the bottom of the screen by dragging its icon there with your cursor.
2. method
The second method is fast travel via Triports. Open the map, select the region and the Triport of your choice. The only difference is that the Song of Escape will teleport you back to the Dungeon's entrance.