Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars™

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars™

98 ratings
How to restore campaign difficulty
Latest patches for C&C 3: Tiberium Wars modified the game balance in favor of the multiplayer. Such balances screwed up the campaign missions and made them next to impossible to complete. This guide will teach you how to restore the original game balance to play the campaign as it was intended.
How to download & install
1. Open the browser and download the file below this step (this is a mod restoration made by u/PontifexIudaeacus and his original post can be found here).

Download through ModDB (recommended)
Download through OneDrive[]

2. Extract the file with the Windows 10 decompressor or 7-Zip.

3. Move the CNC3Original folder to the Mods folder (located in C:/Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Documents/Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars folder, if you don't have it, create it).

4. Go to your Library, right click on Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars, select Properties, select the bar located under the Launch Options text and type -ui on it.

5. Next time you open the game, a launcher will prompt, click on Game Browser, click on Mods tab and load the CNC3Original mod.

6. Enjoy the campaign!
bidahai 18 hours ago 
So do I just create a "Mods" folder which is next to "Profiles" and "Replays"?
TGD 23 Dec, 2024 @ 9:04am 
I've beaten the game several times on Hard with all commendations. It isn't impossible. You just need different strategies. This mod is for quitters not doers. Sorry if I come off as harsh, but RTS games are not meant to be "easy". They are meant to challenge your ability to handle stress and overwhelming offensives. Play the SC2 campaign on Insane and you'll find it to be much harder than what C&C can offer. Can't beat it as is? Git gud noob or just play the game on easy.
Widar1988 18 Nov, 2024 @ 8:04am 
how do you know if the mod is active and working ?
TheK0tYaRa 2 Oct, 2024 @ 12:38am 
Step 3 has a slight mistake. You need to create Mods folder, "Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars" is not the mods folder as i thought initially :KSmiley:
Kaz 23 Sep, 2024 @ 8:36pm 
AdmiralRayden, some people just want to play something the way it was designed. It's better you shut up and play by yourself if all you want to tell people is "git gud". Obnoxious ass....
Charming TR 7 Sep, 2024 @ 3:59pm 
If anyone is having issues with using the steam library to get to game browser, create the shortcut and make sure to double click the icon. That is the only way it works for me personally, and thank you for the fix, I just wanted to chill and destroy things not have to restart the mission 3 or 4 times thinking i was doing something wrong. DC was ruthless without the patch. As for those saying the game is easy good for you; some of us want to actually enjoy the game we had as children though, not fight it the whole time.
VIDEOS SALADOS  [author] 7 Sep, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
GermanAsF 24 Aug, 2024 @ 1:59pm 
@SathraxDeprawn well congratulations we are so proud of you. They did mess up the difficulty, no matter if you managed to beat it or not (which btw everybody can claim they did) But if a game gets this hard even on easy, it is messed up. And they likely never tested the new balancing with single player at all.
Stephan 21 Aug, 2024 @ 4:08am 
From my experience the AI in campaign just spams units as if it has infinite resources. I physically couldn't take anymore of one of the last alien missions where I got bombed by the 2 long range aerial units followed by hordes of ground units over and over consistently, some of them even spawned from outside the map. The mod immediately made the attacks less frequent and smaller, kind of like how I remember them back in the day. It's crazy how they turned normal into hard without giving a second thought.
SathraxDeprawn 17 Aug, 2024 @ 5:47pm 
beat every mission on hard with almost every commendation without any mods like this. Perhaps they did not screw up the difficulty, maybe they balanced it so it's actually challenging. Some missions took a bunch of reloads to win but none of them were even close to impossible if you just try a few different strategies.