

127 ratings
[Beta 0.7.5] Beginners : Surviving your first nights
By Pingolin
An absolute beginners guide for the Beta 0.7.5 of Starforge.
- Building
- Crafting
- Mining
- Killing these £%µ%### leeches
- Surviving

PS : I just bought the game today (25 june 2014) and the others tutorials were outdated. I couldn't find anything useful. So here's my first guide.

Here is my first guide for Starforge... and my first guide ever on Steam.
I'll cover the basics of the game (survival mode) :
- What you can do when you start
- What you should do to survive a few nights
- And... that's all

The StarForge beta was published yesterday and the old (few months) guides I found were not very useful (you don't start with a workbench, new enemies, etc.).
So here is a quick guide covering the minimum.

(Sorry for the quality of the game screenshots, you can play a much more beautiful game with a decent PC).
First day - Harvest wood and food
You'll start near a red beacon. Don't go too far from this base or you'll get lost very easily (at least I got lost).

As of today (25 june 2014), you start with the following equipment :
  • Health injection : use it if you're seriously wounded.
  • MR Injection : your food. You'll need to consume 2-3 shots per day to stay alive.
  • Beacon : if you play coop, it will help you give your position to other players.
  • Ground pounder : your harvesting tool. Useful for wood, dirt, stone and ore. It will also be your first weapon.
  • Protective spire : "Protects terrain and placables from natural erosion". I will not use it in this tutorial.
  • Wall light : to light you at night.
You can use TAB to open your inventory and navigate between equipped objects with the Mouse Wheel.

Like in Minecraft (and many other sandbox/crafting games), you'll have to gather wood at first.
Find a tree, equip your Ground Pounder (4) and use it (left click) on the trunk. You'll start to collect wood in your inventory.

It's a bit slow and the noise of the Ground Pounder is irritating, but you'll have to get use to it.
You will need at least 70 woods.

While you're collecting wood, kill every wurmi (the firefly-caterpillar creature) you encounter with the pounder. You'll need as much food and fiber you can. You can also kill the daperdilos (armadillos-like creatures), but they are tougher to kill. These 2 species never attack you, so you're safe (for now).

When a creature is killed (1-2 pounder shot for wurmis) you can loot the corpse by pressing E.
You'll find meat (to craft MR Injection), fiber (for armors and various things) and sometimes more valuable loot like ingots and blueprints.

Next chapter : crafting and building your shelter.
Building a shelter
At the end of the first day, the leeches will start to appear. You must :
  • Learn how to run (easy : press Shift and go as far away from the monster as you can)
  • Build a shelter (for less stressful nights)

Craft wood blocks
To start building, you'll have to convert your wood into wood blocks.
Open your inventory and the forging menu with TAB.
Select the block blueprint in your inventory and the forging tab will show you the materials required to build it.
Select 70 blocks and click "FORGE".

It will take you 70 seconds to craft all of the boxes, make sure you're not too close to a leech.

While you're at it, craft a door. You'll need 10 wood for one door.

To build a home
Find a flat spot not too far from the red beacon so you'll have less trouble to find your way home after a long gathering day.
You can't build directly near the base (stone ground) and must use a grass spot.
Select the blocks, and the game will highlight the spot if you can place it.


Build 4 walls, 3 blocks high (so the leech won't jump), with a 2 blocks hole for the door (so you can enter your shelter).
I also add stairs to go up my wall and watch for predators.
Put the light on the wall (craft a bedroll if you have enough fiber), and you're home.

While you're safe, craft as many MR injection as you can (using the meat).
You start losing life if your food bar comes to zero !

Next chapter : you're first real weapon
Your first gun
You just survived your first night, but you can't stay hidden in there forever. You will need food and ressources. So it's time to build something to defend yourself.

Ressources for the gun
To build the Zipgun, you will need :
  • Wood (you must have some left)
  • Iron Ore
But your gun will need ammo. So will also need :
  • Oil
  • Sulphur

The Iron Ore terrain is a little bit red. Usually you'll find it in small hills looking like that :

The Oil hills looks the same, but black. It could be a long search, but try to never go too far from your home. And remember to kill and loot every wurmi and avoid leeches.

You will find sulphur in yellow-covered land. From a distance, it looks like that :

And like that when you're close :

Collect at least 70 of each ressources. If you're lucky it will be ok at the end of the day and you can come back home to forge your gun peacefully.

Forging the mass destruction Zipgun
By now, you must know how to craft. Just select the zipgun blueprint and build it.

Then forge as much ammo as you can.

The zipgun is a singleshot weapon. It's VEEEERY slow, but you should be able to kill a leach in 3-4 shots before getting hurt. Attention : the Zipgun is a close range weapon and is not very accurate. Do not waste your bullets.

Congratulations, you just became a real hunter/survivor.
Ready for adventures !
Now that you have a gun, you can explore the map more freely. Hunt and kill as many animals as you can and you'll find ingots and new blueprints, like this pistol :

And probably a new armor :

You will also find your crashed spaceship :
Beware of the radiations when you come too close.
Near the damaged vessel, you can find blue boxes with materials and blueprints.

I also encountered a kind of bat shooting laser at me :

I'm sure there is a LOT of other things to discover, but now it's your turn to explore the unknown.

Thanks for reading this quick tutorial.
Feel free to comment. This is my first guide, I'm sure I can do better with your feedback.
EDIT - Spot ressources
A quick edit to answer the questions about resources.
I don't want to spoil the discovery, so, again, just the basics.

Starting point
So here is what a random start looks like

Closer shots

Iron Ore



Snow (=Water) with a little bit of clay (brown red)


Wood ;)

SilverSatin 13 May, 2021 @ 10:01am 
you forgot the part where the player is supposed to demand a refund
rocker1025 30 Dec, 2015 @ 6:42pm 
Nice quick little guide to get me going. Great job and thanks!
[BA]Devilmana 30 Dec, 2014 @ 11:27am 
and what we do after we got lots blueprints ? If we made a big base, explored the spaceship ( beware you will need some healh injections (4-5 are enouth ))
Kasandra B 21 Nov, 2014 @ 11:12pm 
Totally helpful thanks for this work ^^
Oken 27 Oct, 2014 @ 6:50pm 
thanks for the guide, it covers what I need to get started
RattlecanAZ 24 Sep, 2014 @ 7:47pm 
Or just take a dump... let it sit for about a month.. find a few twigs around your yard.. stick them in the poo... move them around... be more satisfied.
blackcrow1897 4 Sep, 2014 @ 4:21am 
Thanks dude!
Plodwell 1 Sep, 2014 @ 9:37am 
Godfather 29 Aug, 2014 @ 7:02pm 
absolutley perfect so in depth thx sooo much
rakk 26 Aug, 2014 @ 2:06pm 
Brilliant - thanks for taking the time