Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

"#1 World - LEGIT WAY - Original Weapons Pack, No "Full Xbox Pack" (Fast Weapon Switching) - The First Encounter Classic (Serious/Mental)"
𓂀 ෴ 𓅊Old School Classic  [author] 28 Apr, 2024 @ 2:18am 
aaa so you did it on "XBOX weapon pack" fast weapon switching animations? huh for me it's game modding
𓂀 ෴ 𓅊Old School Classic  [author] 28 Apr, 2024 @ 2:12am 
I'm interested in your list of levels, what times you have in the Egyptian campaign from the level selection menu in Revolution, but I'm even more curious about the guy's list of what time he did (2h 47min 19sec) from the leaderboard with all the kills

and your screenshots are only with statistics so you know...
𓂀 ෴ 𓅊Old School Classic  [author] 28 Apr, 2024 @ 2:02am 
Thanks for the answer!

in the HD version the results were modded and I thought it happened here, but it's the same with the russian with vac in the results with Revolution which has too high a result

every russian I played DM with had a high ego and the fact is that a lot of russians play Serious Sam and I just see that most of the cheaters are from russia, there are statistics to prove it and in every MP game this is mostly the case

and as for screenshots, I always publish them from every game that I played?
Merlin 27 Apr, 2024 @ 5:49pm 
№1. 2. I personally just save-loaded a lot, both in campaigns and in survival.
Merlin 27 Apr, 2024 @ 5:49pm 
№2. You actually CAN get 358/359 on Sacred Yards without going out of bounds... And it's actually kinda easy to do. You need to skip 4 "hidden" Bio-Mech Majors at first (you will return to kill them a bit later) + after some fights you must rocket-jump above the doors to not trigger... The trigger. Too lazy to explain myself, just watch an0n's playthrough of this level to get the idea - (it’s on Ugh-Zan difficulty but it’s the same shit for Serious).

№3. Maps are the same, yeah, but a lot of spawners are actually fixed. It’s a bit offtop, and I think you already know this, but anyways: if you want to get Max Possible Kills on every level in Revo, check this guide at first - . I can confirm that every single kill count presented in this guide is achievable. And, yes, without any cheats (though, not sure what you mean by that…).
Merlin 27 Apr, 2024 @ 5:48pm 
№4. Not all! Just 4 of them.

№5. Why only russians?.. You actually have pretty high ego in my eyes too, TBH… Because if you didn’t have one, you wouldn’t post your screenshots. It’s actually not about nationality, it’s same as always just about different people' attitude.

P.S. After Decino posted his videos a lot of spawners been fixed in Revo (Ref. - №3)

P.S.S. Patience and good luck to you, if you decide to beat my records! :happy_yeti:
𓂀 ෴ 𓅊Old School Classic  [author] 26 Apr, 2024 @ 2:19am 
Bruh! 3 russians cheated the result where you can't get more kills unless you jump off the map in the Sacred Yards, but the bullets don't fly through the wall like in Luxor
(You could get 13,000 points for kills, but they are outside the map and you have to fly underground)
And maybe I could improve my time in Metropolis

But you can see that it was done by flying under the map. I know there is a glitch where after completing some levels you can fly as a ghost, but if you do this you can't complete the next level because you will pass through the "Touch Field"

and the maps are not modified since the Classic version in Revolution

actually, when I look at his times in survival mode, where all lvls have 5 hours time survived, it looks very suspicious. No sense

but that's what russians are like with high egos with cheating
Macedonski -iA- 17 Feb, 2022 @ 11:03am 
no way ,dude . That's amazing .
now give a try in i am ugh zan and you will be the best.