Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Tatra T4DW [Mosgortrans]
Assets: Vehicle
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16 feb, 2022 @ 12:24
16 feb, 2022 @ 12:35
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Tatra T4DW [Mosgortrans]

Henlo folks,

There is never 'too many' Tatra tramcars repaints. Here's one more for ya: Tatra T4DW (originally created and added to the game by MeisterMonis) in the conventional livery with identity elements of Mosgortrans, state-owned public transport operator in Moscow.
The pack includes both single T4DW and the bimodal train T4DW+T4DW.

Well, actually it's a fake - there was never any of those in Moscow, but we had this MTTA-2 model, which utilized the same concept of bimodal train, which required no rings at the terminals. You just change the cab, mate, you can use this spare space around the terminal for something else.

Hope you enjoy it. If you have some interesting repaints on your mind, you can send it in the comments, and I might suggest creating it if it's in my abilities range and I find it cool!
5 kommentarer
oshawotta737 23 feb, 2022 @ 14:08 
Yeah Kyiv’s livery of blue everywhere but on the doors which are hello is very cool.
GlobeGrape  [skapare] 23 feb, 2022 @ 1:47 
@oshawotta737 I could possibly make a repaint based on Kyiv references, but not because of the crisis, obviosly.
oshawotta737 22 feb, 2022 @ 19:19 
Would you consider a repaint for kyiv bc the current crisis going on over there?
GlobeGrape  [skapare] 18 feb, 2022 @ 12:08 
@ilago в планах на будущее разной степени отдаленности есть
ilago 18 feb, 2022 @ 3:25 
Перекраска Татры КТ8Д5 из Волгограда можно?