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Evil Tactician's RimWorld Tweaks (Legacy)
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Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
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16 févr. 2022 à 2h27
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Evil Tactician's RimWorld Tweaks (Legacy)

A set of tweaks and changes which enhance the vanilla experience.

This is an archived and discontinued legacy version for users still on RimWorld 1.0 to 1.2

If you're on 1.3+, please use the latest version:

B19 Version Download Here[manapool.co.uk]

All these tweaks are also available as stand-alone releases in this collection.

Compatible with CE (Combat Extended).

Medicine Production
- Adds research projects for Neutroamine, Luciferium and Glitterworld Medicine crafting.
- Neutroamine combining 4 Psychoid leaves and 1 herbal medicine. (Req. 10 Medical skill)
- Luciferium combining 30 Psychoid leaves, 1 Plasteel and 3 Neutramine. (Req. 12 Medical skill)
- 4 Glitterworld Medicine combining 4 Neutroamine, 1 Luciferium and 4 Medicine. (Req. 14 Medical skill)
- Included Bulk Recipes to Craft Medicine, Luciferium and Neutroamine in stacks of 4.

Industrial Tweaks
- Smelting steel slags now gives 50 steel. (up from 20)
- Refine 10 Plasteel from 50 Steel and 15 Chemfuel at a smelter.

Bulk Production Recipes
- From RimWorld 1.1, a few of these are in native.
- From RimWorld 1.2, all of these are in native except Kibble.
- Craft Meals, Pemmican and Kibble in stacks of 4-5. (Depends on RimWorld version)
-- Slightly more efficient in terms of crafting time.
-- Standard ingredient cost and only works on stoves, not campfires.
-- Increased skill requirements for cooking stacks to represent complexity.
- Craft Smokeleaf, Yayo, Flake and Psychite Tea in stacks of 4.
- Craft Luciferium and Neutroamine in stacks of 4.

Power Usage Tweaks
- Standard Lamp from 30 to 15.
- Autodoor from 50 to 25.
- Sun Lamp from 2900 to 1100. You can now power 1 Sunlamp with 1 Water Mill Generator.
- Vanometric Cell from 1000 to 1500.

Room Size Tweaks
- Room sizes slightly more realistic across the board. Slight reductions but less so vs. other mods.
- 16 cell interior is now considered average. (4x4 Bedrooms are neutral in size)
- 6 cell interior is now considered rather tight. (Viable for prison cells)
- 5 cells interior or less is now cramped. (2x2, for example)

Cannibal Tweaks
- Cannibals no longer mind if prisoners have their organs harvested or are killed for food.
- Other colonists still mind, though: this is not a removal of this feature like in other mods.
- From RimWorld 1.3+, this is part of vanilla so this mod is no longer included from 1.3+.

Tribal Apparel
- Added Fur Coat, Fur Hat, Desert Robe and Desert Head Wrap for Tribals in harsh conditions.
-- Textures (with permission) from spoonshortage's FashionRIMsta mod.
-- Compatible with FashionRIMsta if you want to use the full set, just load my mod after hers.
- Added Wolf Hood, Deer Hood, Megascarab Hood, Megaspider Hood and Spelopede Helm.
-- Each have subtle bonuses for specific roles within the tribe to add some variety early game.
-- Textures (with permission) from Diana (Kitty)'s Tribal Hoods.

Coloured Mood Bars - (1.0 only)
- This is integrated for RimWorld 1.0 only.
- For RimWorld 1.1 and above, not included in this pack.
- Color code each pawn's mood bar within the colonist bar based on their current mood.
- Red, Orange and Yellow based on Mental Break Threshold of each pawn. (Extreme, Major, Minor)
- Code fixed & cleaned for B19 by semTex. Available as a stand-alone mod, right here.

What is this all about?
This mod was created to suit my personal preferences. There are other mods which do similar things for many of the listed tweaks. Most of them either didn't quite do it the way I would prefer, and luckily RimWorld let's you change pretty much anything you want.

Whilst this mod should be compatible with most other mods, there is no point having two mods which modify the exact same thing.
In fact, this mod potentially eliminates the need for several other mods in your list - be sensible and you will be fine.

Of course, if you do prefer the tweaks in another mod - simply place that mod below this one (or vice versa). The lowest mod in your load order 'wins' and overwrites the other for those specific changes only.

Support the Mod
I don't require any monetary rewards whatsoever, no coffees, no donations, nothing. If you insist on doing something, buy a friend a copy of RimWorld. This helps support the game and the community as a whole.
All I ask is that you leave a thumbs up and/or favourite the mod as it helps a lot in gaining visibility. This in turn provides me with the motivation to keep working on my mods.

semTex - Very experienced developer, wrote & fixed all C# for this mod.
spoonshortage - Very talented graphics artist, for her awesome textures.
PorqueNoLosDos - For the original Coloured Mood Bars
PostRobcore - For Feed The Colonists, which my Meal Creation Tweaks are based on.
Diana (Kitty) - Tribal Hoods Textures.
Nuying - for indulging my obsessions (my wife).

See Change Notes for full list of changes
21-07-2021: 1.3 Compatible Release
22-10-2020: Added Bulk Medicine x5 Recipe
12-08-2020: 1.2 Compatible Release
01-03-2020: 1.1 Compatible Release
21-10-2018: 1.0 Compatible Release
20-10-2018: Tweaked some head gear to cover the full head.
24-09-2018: Added Bulk Recipes for Luciferium and Neutroamine.
08-09-2018: Numerous additions. (see change notes)
04-09-2018: Hotfix + Balance Changes
03-09-2018: Added Coloured Mood Bars
02-09-2018: Added Tribal Apparel