Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium

159 vurderinger
Disco Elysium - Jamais Vu Update - Achievements Guide
Av CrissSpirit og 1 medarbeidere

Along with the new Jamais Vu Update we got some new funny and interesting achievements! They can be a little hard to get as you need to have a rather high level of certain skills, but I hope that with this guide I can help some of you achieve them too!

P.S. Many thank to MrDEADX who helped me with this guide!
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Small Introduction
There are 8 new achievements added to Disco Elysium along with the new Jamais Vu Update. They are mostly based on having 8 or above skill points in a particular skill but some are obtainable after simple gameplay actions. Don't worry, I will detail each one of them so it will not be a problem to obtain them!

You can get more skill points by leveling up or/and by wearing different clothing items that boosts specific skills.

How to calculate your skill points?
Let's say you have to pass a legendary check of 14.

You have the base level for that specific skill: for example 8
Add the sum of the thrown dice: for example 3 + 3 = 6
Add any existent modifiers (from clothes, consumables or thoughts): example +1 from pants
The total equals to 15 points. This means the check is succeeded (as 15 is bigger than 14).

The new 8 achievement are the following:
Cause a Sh!tstorm
Cause a Sh!tstorm
You brought this on yourself

- Reach the 3rd day in-game (Wednesday)
- Complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island
- HAND/EYE COORDINATION skill points: 9 or above
- Harry MUST BE ALONE (have Kim remain at the Whirling-in-Rags)

In order to get this achievement Harry must be ALONE, meaning Kim cannot accompany him in this journey. This can be easily done after 22:00, when Kim goes to sleep at the Whirling-in-Rags and Harry can sneak out on his own.

The location where the achievement will be triggered is to the north of the Church (you can fast travel here to reach the location faster), towards the lightower.

After reaching near a tree on a small slope, a HAND/EYE COORDINATION Orb thought will appear if Harry has 9 or above skill points.

Next, proceed with the dialogue until the option to throw dirt on the seagull appears: Allright, here we go... (Pick up some dirt and throw it at the seagull). After a short scripted event where Harry throws the dirt at the seagull and misses, another dialogue option to throw the dirt will be available. After doing this for 3 times, a cutscene will begin where Harry is assaulted by a flock of seagulls and, well... is sh!tted on by them.

The achievement should unlock when the cutscene begins.

NOTE: This achievement can only be done starting with the 3rd day and forward, as you will need to complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island (the Fishing Village and the Church).
Leopard Mindset
Leopard Mindset
*This* is the kind of animal you want to be

- Reach the 3rd day in-game (Wednesday)
- Complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island
- ELECTROCHEMISTRY skill points: 8 or above

The location where the achievement will be triggered is to the south of the Church (you can fast travel here to reach the location faster), right on the river coastline.

After reaching in the proximity of the Leopard bodysuit, an ELECTROCHEMISTRY Orb thought will appear if Harry has 8 or above skill points.

Next, exhaust the dialogue, then click on the now interactable leopard suit and take it. It will be added to the INTERACT menu of the inventory. Interact with it and proceed with the dialogue until the option to wear the suit appears: Try it on -- but only for a moment. The achievement will unlock when Harry wears the "leotard" and the further options do not matter towards getting the achievement. You can either throw away the bodysuit or keep it on, but WARNING: you can NEVER get it off.

NOTE: This achievement can only be done starting with the 3rd day and forward, as you will need to complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island (the Fishing Village and the Church).
Wheel of Pleasure and Light
Wheel of Pleasure and Light
Reconstruct a vision from the past


- Reach the 3rd day in-game (Wednesday)
- Complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island
- VISUAL CALCULUS skill points: 8 or above
- Finish the side quest: Dead Body on the Boardwalk

In order to get this achievement you must first complete the side quest Dead Body on the Boardwalk (it will be triggered upon finding and inspecting the dead man on the boardwalk and accepting to do this quest).

After getting in the open space again and completing the quest by talking with Kim, a VISUAL CALCULUS Orb thought will appear if Harry has 8 or above skill points.

The following conversation will inform Harry that he MUST return to the boardwalk in order to see something.

The location where the achievement will be triggered is the same as the location for the quest you just completed: the north-west of the Church (you can fast travel here to reach the location faster), on the boardwalk.

After reaching the start of the boardwalk, another VISUAL CALCULUS Orb thought will appear (same as the previous one, Harry must have 8 or above skill points).

To get the achievement you only need to click on the orb thought and begin the conversation and the achievement will pop.

From this point, you can continue the conversation however you want or you can just leave it.

NOTE: This achievement can only be done starting with the 3rd day and forward, as you will need to complete the "Close the water lock on Wednesday" task in order to gain access to the other side of the island (the Fishing Village and the Church).
Modus: Mullen
Modus: Mullen
It's black-and-white out there

- Have the D!ck Mullen's Hat clothing item in inventory
- Have the Pinball Maker's Coat clothing item in inventory
- Have the D!ck Mullen and the Mistaken Identity interactable book
- LOGIC skill points: 6 or above
- VISUAL CALCULUS skill points: 6 or above
- RHETORIC skill points: 12 or above
- CONCEPTUALIZATION skill points: 12 or above

In order to get this achievement you have to be dressed as D!ck Mullen. You will need to acquire two clothing items: the Pinball Maker's Coat (it can be found within the Whirling-in-Rags motel, inside the old pinball workshop, accessible through the blue door in the kitchen or through the door on the roof) and the D!ck Mullen's Hat (in order to get this one, you have to talk with Plaisance and ask her to let her daughter Annette stay inside; after the girl is inside the bookstore, you can have various conversations about detectives with her and she will give you the hat as a present/reward).

After acquiring the outfit, you must get the D!ck Mullen and the Mistaken Identity book. The book can be bought for 7.99 real after passing a REACTION SPEED white check. The book can be found under the INTERACT section of the inventory.

Read the book until you reach its end (do not close the book at any given point, just continue to read it until you finish it). Then you will find out that the book is missing its ending and Harry does not know how the book ends. Then you can go and ask BOTH Annette and Plaisance about the ending of the book. None of them can give you a answer (or a book that has a proper ending).

After asking BOTH women about the ending, get out of the store. Immediately as you get out, a LOGIC Orb thought will appear if Harry has 6 or above skill points.

After passing a passive CONCEPTUALIZATION check (Challenging - 12), be sure to pick at the end of the dialogue option: F*ck you book! It *was* D!ck Mullen.

After ending this conversation, another orb will appear, but this time it will be a VISUAL CALCULUS Orb thought that appears if Harry has 6 or above skill points. Continue the conversation until reaching the option: My ledger says I solved 216 cases. Pick this dialogue option and right after this the I think I've always felt like a private investigator.

After ending this conversation too, go back to your inventory and select the D!ck Mullen and the Mistaken Identity book. Interact with it once again an now you will have a new dialogue option: Modus: Mullen.

Pick this one and the achievement will unlock (also, for a couple of minutes you will have a dope noir theme added to the game).
Bother Kim After Hours
Bother Kim After Hours
He probably won't mind

- Reach the 3rd day in-game (Wednesday)
- Wait until 22:00

This is by far the easiest achievement of this update. As the name of this achievement says, you only have to bother Kim when he sleeps in his room by banging at his door like the superstar cop you are.

In order to get, you must reach the 3rd day in-game and then wait until the time reaches 22:00 (continue with your walkthrough as usual until nighttime or read some books to pass the time), go in your room at the Whirling-in-Rags (after you pay your fees to Garte) and wait for Kim to wish Harry a good night and get into his own room. Next, get out of your room and knock on Kim's door.

Continue to knock and bang on Kim's room until he answers and proceed to bother him with any of the stupid questions available.

You should get the achievement when Kim answers the door.

NOTE: This can only be done from the 3rd day and forward! On day 1 and 2 you cannot interact with Kim's door.
Gurdi-Ball Is Lit
Gurdi-Ball Is Lit
Get your pinball on

- Get access to the secret blue room in the Kitchen at Whirling-in-Rags (task)
- Have 1.00 real in your wallet

- REACTION SPEED skill points: 14 Legendary

In order to get this achievement, you first have to complete the Explore the Whirling’s secret passages task after interacting with the blue door in the Whirling-in-Rags's kitchen (the blue door in the kitchen can be opened by passing a perception check on the window where the Hardie Boys hang out to spot a key). The pinball machine is located on the right after you enter the secret passage (you have to hover with the cursor over the black texture to find the machine or hold the TAB or Mouse Button 2 to highlight it).

After a short conversation with Kim, choose the Let's take a closer look. (Pull out the machine) dialogue option. When prompted to insert a coin that costs 1.00 real, choose that option and the achievement will unlock.

NOTE: If you want to WIN the game, you will have to pass a Red Check of REACTION SPEED - Legendary 14. If not, Harry will lose the game.
Baddest Brow in Town
Baddest Brow in Town
Force Kim to reveal his secrets

- VOLITION skill points Medium: 10
- COMPOSURE skill points Medium: 10
- AUTHORITY skill points Legendary: 14
- PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT skill points Legendary: 14

This one might be the hardest one to achieve, because it has many passive checks that require a medium or legendary skill level.

You simply have to ask Kim to talk about him by choosing the Uhm. I want to talk about *you*. dialogue option and then the Tell me a secret about yourself. option. Kim will refuse but DO NOT GIVE UP. Select the What's... happening... to me? dialogue option and after succeeding the AUTHORITY passive check you can begin the brow-battle.

After a series of intense brow-battle scenes, Kim will finally relax and tell Harry one of his dark secrets. Then, the achievement will unlock.
Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket*
Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket*
You know which one

NOTE: This achievement is currently bugged. The steps below SHOULD unlock the achievement in a legitimate way. However the achievement seems to unlock when Kim changes his standard orange jacket to the black one obtained when completing the game on Hardcore Mode.

WORKAROUND for Build version 61ad72b0 :
1. Complete the game on Hardcore Mode
2. Start a new game without Hardcore Mode toggled
3. Progress through Day 1 until reaching Kim and having him as a partner
4. Go to Main Menu and toggle the Hardcore Mode
5. Kim should change his jacket from the orange one to a black one and the achievement should pop

- Wait for the 4th day in-game (Thursday)
- Have the Leather Jacket "PISSF****T" in you clothing inventory
- Have the Leather Jacket "F*CK THE WORLD" in you clothing inventory
- CONCEPTUALIZATION skill points: 12 or above
- AUTHORITY skill points: 12 or above
- HALF LIGHT skill points: 14 or above
- SUGGESTION skill points: 14 or above
- RHETORIC skill points: 13 or above

In order to get this achievement you have to reach the 4th day in-game, meaning Thursday. On this day, two Skull Bikers can be found next to Kim's car, wearing the leather jackets with the "F*CK THE WORLD" and "PISSF****T" inscriptions.

The first step is to get a hold of the two jackets. To do so, you need to trick the two bikers and pass various high passive checks. You will absolutely need to ask them What's with the jackets?. From here you can fool them and make them give you the jackets. Get Kim to be on your side and ask him about which one of the jackets he prefers (choose the answers from the image bellow):

After establishing that Kim likes the "PISSF****T" (DO NOT choose this one for yourself, you have to let Kim make dibs on the "PISSF****T" jacket) and Harry wants the "F*CK THE WORLD" one, you will have to pass a HALF LIGHT - Legendary 14 RED CHECK.

From here, convince the bikers to just hand the jackets to you and Kim, and after giving them to you, the bikers leave (again, suggest that Kim should have the "PISSF****T" jacket). Here you will have a passive SUGGESTIONS - Legendary 14 check that will suggest Harry the right course of action in order to convince Kim to wear the jacket. After the conversation ends, you can now view and equip the "F*CK THE WORLD" jacket.

After exiting the inventory menu, a SUGGESTION Orb thought will appear.

If your skills are high enough, you will receive tips on how to smoothly convince Kim to wear the jacket. Personally, I found these two dialogue options to be the best:
- Kim, you and I -- this dynamo duo -- me in the "F*CK THE WORLD" jacket and you in that old bomber jacket... Visually it just doesn't make sense any more.
- The RCM isn't gonna solve this, Kim. You and I are. Together. (Hold out the jacket).

After the dialogue ends, Kim puts on his jacket and now you can both rock on with those beautifully rude jackets.
Closing thoughts
I hope this guide will help some of you guys! If you have anything to add or have questions about something that is not entirely clear, please let me know in the comments.

Please feel free to rate this guide and add it to your favorites if it was useful!

Thank you!

P.S. Once again, many thankies to MrDEADX for his help and involvement <3
14 kommentarer
AproxicT 11. aug. 2023 kl. 4.23 
Mindmaker 10. jan. 2023 kl. 13.50 
Is this guide accurate.
Do you REALLY need the skills that hight, or do you need to just pass the value together with the dice roll.
Dandy 11. mai 2022 kl. 18.28 
Some quirks (hugs?) I've encountered while trying to get some of these achievements:

Baddest Brow In Town: the +2 Authority research bonus for "Inexplicable Feminist Agenda" does not seem to count for the passive Authority check.

Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket*: The +1 Suggestion from "Finger Pistols (9mm)" while having empty hand slots does not seem to apply to the passive Suggestion check.
The Nothing Man 11. mai 2022 kl. 15.32 
the new content had enough to add this guide?
I had enough issues getting achievements when the game released!!
Now I wonder how many plays you have to do...
anyone know a decent guide to go with this one so that it narrows play throughs? Im on my 5th one but 1st time with the new updates
colibrinks 10. mai 2022 kl. 10.42 
plattinum68 9. mai 2022 kl. 19.17 
Thanks for creating this guide....VERY helpful!! :d20dice:
P. 27. jan. 2022 kl. 11.58 
The "Get Kim to Wear *The Jacket*" pop me up after 'The Tribunal', when I walked into Kim's room and activated the Hardcore mode on.
Hey Red 24. jan. 2022 kl. 11.56 
I got the Baddest Brow achievement with a Physical Instrument of 3... Other base levels were middling; Authority was dialled up as my main trait. Thanks for the guide btw!
Vari 13. jan. 2022 kl. 21.09 
Thank you for the guide!
Modus: Mullen - RHETORIC skill 12 was not needed for me.
For CONCEPTUALIZATION check you can equip the +1 clothing and then put back Pinball Coat for the VISUAL CALCULUS orb.
CrissSpirit  [skaper] 7. jan. 2022 kl. 14.53 
Thank you for the heads up @BigBlueWolf! I have updated the guide :amphibianhat: