Yakuza 5 Remastered

Yakuza 5 Remastered

52 ratings
Yakuza 5 ► Revelations
By Nestlé
Revelations in Yakuza 5 are little different than those from 3 & 4. In Yakuza 5 there are two types of revelations: Cutscene Revelations and Weapon Revelations. Cutscene revelations are similar to the revelations in 3 & 4, however this time there is no "answer" to the revelation after the 3 button prompt. Weapon revelations are a little bit different, you'll need to attack enemies with a certain weapon (heavy attacks seem to work the best). After attacking enemies enough times you'll get a "cut-in" of your characters face, after that you'll learn a new heavy attack (NOT A HEAT MOVE). Every character has one cutscene revelation and 3 weapon revelations except for Haruka.
Cutscene Revelation

Essence of Door Slamming - Midway down Modan St., you'll find a couple arguing near a car. Walk near them and press X to watch them, then follow the three button prompts.

Weapon Revelations

Enhanced Bucket Attack - Use blue plastic buckets to attack. There are several around both Nagasugai and Kamurocho.

Enhanced Stove Attack - Use portable stoves to attack. I've found a reliable one in the parking lot east of Motsunabe Kaede, so fight in that area. Also found in Coliseum's Street Fight GP.

Enhanced Pliers Attack - Use pliers to attack. There's one to be found just north of the intersection of Nagasu Blvd. and Modan St, near the trash. Also found in Coliseum's Street Fight GP.
Cutscene Revelation

Essence of the Snowman - Go to the eastern part of the Main St. Park. After completing "Snow Festival Performer", you'll find Inari balancing on a snowball. Use X to look at him, then hit the three button prompts.

Weapon Revelations

Enhanced Bucket Attack - Use blue plastic buckets to attck. There are several around both Tsukimino and Kamurocho.

Enhanced Plant Attack - Use potted plants, plenty of which are found in Kamurocho. If you're having trouble finding some, check Nakamichi St. Also found in Coliseum's Street Fight GP.

Enhanced Tire Attack - Use bicycle wheels, which you get from smashing up actual bicycles, which are everywhere in both Tsukimino and Kamurocho.
Cutscene Revelation

Rainbow Prism Star - After completing the substory "Starbound", go to Iwao Bridge to find Ulala there. Use X to look at her, then hit the three button prompts.
Cutscene Revelation

Double Juggle - After completing the substory "Okonomiyaki Performer", go back to the guy's stand in the southeast part of the district and you'll watch his performance. Hit the three button prompts.

Weapon Revelations

Enhanced Bicycle Attack - Use a complete bicycle. Once it breaks, it doesn't count. They're actually a bit tough to find (singularly) in Sotenbori, but there are boatloads in Kamurocho.

Enhanced Beer Crate Attack - Use a yellow beer case. You can find a few in Kamurocho in a couple of places. One is on the north side of Millenium Tower, to the southwest of the Info Booth. Another place is west of the Matsuya on Tenkaichi St. Also found in Coliseum's Street Fight GP.

Enhanced Bowling Attack - Use a bowling ball. You can use either the Master Ball completion reward, or you can find a bowling ball easily in Kamurocho's Public Park 3. Also found in Coliseum's Street Fight GP.
Cutscene Revelation

Essence of Furious Thrusts - After completing the substory "The Sweet Spot" return to the batting center to find Pedro practicing. Hit X to watch him, then match the three button prompts.

Weapon Revelations

Enhanced Dolly Attack - Use a blue wheeled "Cart". Be very careful, because they break in a couple of hits and if you get punched and drop it, it will break and won't count towards the Rev. It's best to take out the leader first so they're all scared, then pick it up and swing it at the remainders. In Kamurocho, there's one between the M Store and Children's Park. There's also one west of the Matsuya on Tenkaichi St., and one west of the Nakamichi Club SEGA, with a beer keg on it, and a fourth at the north side of Millenium Tower with some beer crates on it. This one takes a while so don't get discouraged if you have to end up going through about twenty carts to get it.

Enhanced Beer Crate Attack - Use a yellow beer case. You can find a few in Kamurocho in a couple of places. One is on the north side of Millenium Tower, to the southwest of the Info Booth. Another place is west of the Matsuya on Tenkaichi St. There are plenty in the Coliseum Street Fight GP, too.

Enhanced Desk Attack - Use a table desk. You can find some in the very first fight you get into as Shinada, but chances are if you're here, you've missed that. Fret not. The Street Fight GP in the Coliseum has a desk for your smacking pleasure
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