Mist Legacy

Mist Legacy

115 ratings
Mistwalker's Guide to the Universe
By Shindragan
A guide I made with tips and game mechanics explained, hope it helps out!
Feel free to take a look :) Last Updated: Nov 2023
Hello everyone!

I just started playing this game before Christmas 2021 and I loved it so much, I decided to make a guide to store my notes and hopefully help those that can get a little bit overwhelmed by the game.

This grind-craft turned based RPG really got my attention because of its mechanics and its free-ness.
A lot of people give it a bad rap in the reviews because of its pay-to-win mechanics, but I assure you, its mostly conveniences to speed your completion of the game and besides, PVP is super rare and completely optional, so who are you winning over anyway?

Anyway, if you are having a hard time with fights, you can recruit 1 or two friends to fill those paid to win slots and have a full 5-person fighting party, so people complaining about not able to have a full fighting party.. just need to say LFG in general chat and make new friends :)

You can get to the endgame on a free account, although it will take you longer, but whats the rush?

If solo play its your thing, you can still buy NPC slots with game coins eventually, it'll take maybe a couple of weeks? :shrug:

If you like the art of the game and would like to know more about one of the artists, here is her webpage: https://www.jessicafaucher.com/

In the next sections I will talk about game mechanics and also note down some useful things that might hopefully help you along as well!

That said, let me know if you have tips you want to share and I'll add them to the guide, I will also update the guide if I see it fit, as I discover new areas and other things to do while exploring the Mist legacy.

Oh yeah, reminder that this will be a work in progress.

Alright, here we go!

Edit: Thanks for the awards! :) ✔✨✔
Edit 2: Whoever gave the guide all the different kinds of awards, thank you! Wow!
Edit 3: Made a new Icon starring Lelith!

Sep 2023 Edit: Back into the game and updating the guide!
Basics: Movement and Fighting
Ok, so what's the game about?

You are a mistwalker and are gonna explore other dimensions while fortifying your domain, battling monsters, doing quests, harvesting resources, recruiting companions and making money along the way.

I also would strongly advise you to bookmark these super useful sites, which also have tons of information that you will need in the game:

You move around using the mouse or the WASD keyboard keys.
The movement speed in this game is one of the few things I dont like, it feels super sluggish but you gotta recreate the sense of time somehow.

As you move around, time will turn from day to night and at night, your movement speed will plummet, you can use a Blanket Camp from your inventory or an Inn/Relay location to pass the night quicker and also heal a little bit.

You can upgrade your stamina by finding potions that look like this on the map:
You will be able to get them as you unlock your mistwalker powers.

Also at night, you might encounter different monsters out in the field and also quests, so open your world map at night and see if you see new yellow !

Monsters pop out from time to time but if you are higher level than them, they wont ambush you, however, if they are, they like to stop you to fight!

To the top right of the screen, you can see the info of the current area you are in.

Swamp, Mountain, Forest, etc means the minimum land skill you need to move around and harvest in the area, in the picture, you need at least 32 in swamp to be there.

Next is Places, can be shops, normal buildings. training spots or boss locations.

Next to that is the number of resources nodes in the area, if you have something like 6/8 it means you have not discovered 2 resource nodes in the area.

So, initially, you will be alone to fight but early on, you can recruit a Terrier pop to help you out.
Following the tutorial, you will get to your Domain where you can group with your dog.
As you get higher levels, you get better fighters (See companions section of this guide).

The battles are turned based and there are up to five slots for allies and five slots for enemies, however, you can only have up to 3 slots initially, the rest you need to buy with Blue Crowns which are bought with real world money or gotten through PVP challenges in the Arena.

You can also group vehicles that you can make after you get the recipes, those things limit the places you can go somewhat but give you lots and lots of space (Buy the recipes in Larcen)

A fight looks like this:

Dont worry, most battles dont have these many enemies.

Each round, you can use stamina to trigger your talents or do the default attack, if you hover your cursor over the enemy, you can see its attack power and its armor.

In your character sheet you can see your own armor and attack values which are determined by the gear you have equipped, you can get better gear through crafting or buying in town or even from other player's using the player market available through the coffers inside your domain.
The combat value determines your bonuses to hit and to deal a critical strike, this value goes up as you grind combats with your type of weapon and level up.

The turn order is generally determined by the character's level and some randomness.

When you lose a combat, you will drop your recently acquired items and have 24hrs to go back and get them from the position where you died, if you die twice or more, a chest will be dropped in place everytime, dont worry about losing stuff unless it gets removed by the timer.

You can see where your stuff dropped if you check out the world map (M)

After combat, the only ways to heal yourself is by resting at a Blanket or Inn/Relay or using Bandages/Potions or going back to your domain, of course.

When a companion dies, you can only resurrect him by going back to your domain.

Now let's talk about Talents, by pressing the (T) key on your keyboard or the book button in the bottom right menu, you go to your Talents interface, you wont have any talents at the start but as you do quests, you will acquire some and others, you can buy from NPCs.

Your Stamina is also modified by your talent affinity, each talent goes into a tab and the more talents from different tabs that you have equipped the less bonus you get.
Affinity helps determine how much stamina you regenerate per round.
Max stamina determines stamina regeneration per round.Affinity is only one factor for the max stamina.
Max stamina is also determined by equipment. Heavy armor reduces your max stamina. Regeneration = rounded(maxstamina * 0.075)
Clarified by MoxxiManagarm , thank you.

Unfortunately, you can only equip 3 talents and the rest of the slots, you need to buy with blue crowns, again, having lots of talents available in a battle is not required to win but it helps.

Enemies cant die from things like poison or bleed, although they will go as low as 1HP.
That said, if the enemy is higher level than you, it will have higher resistance against your status effects.

Some enemies, like the golems, are only weak to one type of magic.
Other's have guard and physical armor buffs, so you can decide to be a mage or recruit one.

Also, if they are higher level than you, they will often ambush you and are harder to flee from.

Variation means the damage will be modified, might be x% higher or x% lower.

If your allies are too squishy but you have UberArmor, go north to the town of Gantras, do their quests until you get in and inside, you can buy these two skills.

Its close to 100%

The Mercenary also has the Taunt talent, but his armor wont be as good as yours.
Harvesting and Encumbrance
So, out in the world you will start harvesting materials but you can only harvest so much before having to get back to your domain to store them.

You can see how much space you have left by looking at the number above your backpack in the bottom right menu, here:
Here, I have 1407 space left.
Each material uses up space, even your armor and wearable items.
Thankfully, most armors are very lightweight, so you can carry around armor that helps you with the different situations the game challenges you with (See section items).

Sacrificing a combatant slot for a donkey/mule AND grouping a cart will give you way more space so you have to juggle between a harvesting run or a combat one.

You will get access to donkeys and carts as you do more and more ! yellow quests and raise your reputation in Larcen. Oddly enough, you need to recruit Ovie (little wolf) to unlock the donkey quest.

Trolley is expensive but 2000 space is so sweet.

Donkeys add 500 space, the Horse 300, Cart is 1200 and Trolley is 2000.
Later you can buy a stagecoach with 2500 space and Drays with 4000 but drays have 5 base terrain mods instead of the stagecoach's 20 which make drays hard to take with you into diff terrains.

You can harvest the nearest resource node by clicking on it, or by pressing space or the G key near it.

There is another kind of encumbrance, which limits your stamina and its based on the armor/clothes you are wearing. For example, if I wear an armor that has 10 encumbrance, I will get my stamina reduce by 5 (Half the armor's encumbrance value), this only applies to body armours, helmets, shields and greaves.

Without Armor, I could have an extra 20 stamina.

Oh and if you are wondering what the circle here is, its the state of your equipment, if its red, something is about to break or broke.

Talking about item durability, not all items degrade equally.
A simple rule is: If you need to use it to reach the minimum requirement, its going to degrade.
Here is an example:

Im carrying 3 pickaxes, max skill levels 22, 24 and 36.
Now, let's say I want to mine Swarpver Ore, this Ore has a Mining difficulty of 26.
I have 14 Capped in Mining, so with Items+Companions, I can get to 28.
When I mine that Ore, the 24 Pickaxe will degrade, since its the one that needs to be used, the 22 cant be used because it cant mine 24 and the 36 wont be used because Im carrying the 24.

But if I wanted to mine Marapis Boulder that has 27 Difficulty, my 36 Pickaxe would degrade instead (I bought that pickaxe at market).

For other items like clothes, it works almost the same with the change that the degrade happens when you harvest in a zone, for example, if you are wearing 3 pieces of clothing to be inside that 32 Swamp, all 3 clothes will degrade a bit each time your harvest or do an event action.

I THINK (I havent confirmed this) that the degradation is shared between the number of clothing, so if 1 point of degradation happens per use, if you are wearing 4 clothes, each cloth will degrade .25

Now, if your base skills are high enough, nothing will degrade.
So if you have 14 in mining and 16 in Mountain as a base+allies (without items) and mine something with 10 difficulty in a 14 Mountain, nothing will degrade. This is how companions can help you save your items, if you take your companions to boost your skills out harvesting, you will save item durability.

Harvesting Dangers
Sometimes, monsters ambush you if you are in a high level area.
If just passing by night/day/cave or harvesting during the daytime, you need to be above 1 level than the enemies to be safe. If harvesting at night or in a cave, you need to be above by 6 levels.

Coffers Capacity
After some days hoarding everything in sight, you might run into the problem of your coffers being full to the brim. Capacity is modified by your buildings in your domain, specially shelters and warehouses, to calculate your Coffer Storage, double the capacity of the buildings in your domain, including barracks.

Your Misthouse starts with 40 capacity(80) and your mansion has 25 more(50).

40 Warehouse = 400xGranita+400xAcacia+250xSalancedre+250xArgilu+50xElandiel

Most buildings have some capacity bonuses to them, the bonus can change a bit depending on the materials you use to construct them.

Prevents items from showing up in NPC selling interface.

Never sell your core hats or pants by mistake again
Skills, Items and Equipment
Mist Legacy is a skill based game, you might be a little overwhelmed with all the stuff, so Im gonna try and explain it as best I can.

Skill training cap was increased, the screenshots and explanations are based on a Max Skill of 20, just keep this in mind.

Skills and Equipment can be divided into five categories:

1) Land Skills/Gear
These help you get into forests, mountains, swamps, etc.
You need these to reach resources nodes out in the world and get to new areas.

2) Adventuring Skills/Gear
These help you with quests and some events, sometimes you need these to get to new areas.
The exploration skill is of great importance to get ahead into the game.

3) Gathering Skills/Gear
These help you harvest the resources you find, since you need a certain level to grab better and better resources.

4) Crafting Skills/Gear
These help you craft better equipment to upgrade your other skills temporarily.
If you need 10 more Swamp skill to get into a swamp, crafting adventuring gear with the right materials will get you there.

For all crafting, you will need several things, see the How crafting works section for more info but the quick explanation, you need a workshop, a tool and your own skill.

You will also need materials you harvest and grind for in the world AND buy recipes to have the options to craft inside your domain.

5)Weapons Skills/Gear
These help you stay alive and kill things, you cannot equip most of your companions, however which makes me very sad.

Some weapons have special effects and some enemies are weak to certain weapons, you can only get weapon XP by using a weapon so its important to choose one from the beginning to cut down on the grind, most popular choices are swords, war hammers and halberds.

*Note that some items are exception to these and are hybrids but they are less common.
You can buy the starting base version of most items in local town shops, but you will always be able to make better versions using materials IF you can find the recipe for them.
So sometimes, you need to buy the item rather than crafting it, like for example, an Adventurer's Torso in the first town just until you can find the recipe.

It might be useful to just buy all the recipes you find, if you mouse over the recipe you can see details on what the crafted item does, although, sometimes, it doesnt give you much info because the item's effects depends on the materials, in these cases, you would need to buy the recipe blind.

Most recipes need reputation to buy them, so just do the town's quests as much as you can so you can buy their recipes, other times, reputation is obtained through doing them main storyline quests.

You can also get fighting equipment in Chests dropped by Bosses or Quests.
Check the Bosses section for more info.

Items also have durability which get used over time, as you harvest or move through though terrain, durability goes down. While in your coffers back at your domain, by clicking on an item, you can choose "recraft" to quickly make the item again, instead of browsing through the menus.
Choose the backpack while crafting to put the item in your backpack rather than in your coffers.

Do NOT waste hourglasses on repairing or recycling! (Other options you see while clicking on an item) If you can just recraft it without issues, do so.

You can sell most things in the Town's Market and whatever you cant, sell it at the Barracks.
Furniture and portal pieces at Larcen's Market. If you abandon a crafted vehicle you get most of the materials back.

Again, you could also repair broken items using Mistglasses but Its better just to recraft them. Sell the broken copy. Save mistglasses for endgame items that need days of harvesting materials for.
Skills and Quests
Now, let's talk about skill levels.

There are two ways to view your skills and their levels, one is by going to your character sheet and the other is in the world map and to your left, they will be displayed.

If the number shows in red, it means you have more skill but something is limiting you.
If you are using a cart or trolley, that might be limiting your Land skills.
For harvesting, your tool level might be limiting your skills.

But you cant just grind at a level 1 Botany resource for months and get your Botany level to 99, as you get higher levels, lower level challenges will no longer give you XP. In the picture above, I wont get any XP in Botany unless I harvest Botany materials that require level 8 or above.

One thing to note is that you cannot go beyond double your cap by equipping items or grouping companions, that means that if you have Mountains capped at 16, you cannot go higher than 32, no matter what, you need to find the books.

You can mouseover the skill icon to check and when you get the skill to Level 14 without any boosts (meaning through XP) it will say that you need a skill book, which you need to raise your maximum training level, these books can be found or bought in certain places in the world, check the app for more info: https://mistlegacy.fandom.com/wiki/Skill_Books

You can buy the books even if you are not max level yet, buying the book will increase your XP level cap and your equipment bonus cap which can help you overcome skill checks right away if you have enough skills on your gear to fill the new bonus.

In the early game, you can buy 2 books for 1k coins each at 10 reputation, 2 more for 10k coins ea at 36 rep then get 1 or 2 in a challenge. Every town usually has certain kinds of books, so look around the main 5 towns (Kort, Larcen, Wellnear, Gantras and Thorval)

Land Skills start at 15 but Adventure skills start at 14.

In this example, I have 15/19 of Underground, meaning I still need 4 more levels to train, however, my equipment gives me +19, which is the max possible bonus from items due to my max limit.

In this other example, I can determine I cant do this task because my max limit is 37 and this needs 39, but since my max is 20, I just need to get 2 more levels using trainers or challenges.

TL;DR: Your max item bonus equals your max skill number.

To get XP for weapons, you need to fight enemies, the higher the enemy level, the more XP you get, the more you strike, the more XP too. People like to level their weapon skills with the boss Tortolonius since he can take a lot of punishment and being a boss, gives good weapon XP.

For Land skills, you need to Harvest or Fight in those lands (for example, to raise your Underground skill, harvest or fight Underground) and for crafting skills, you need to craft.

For Adventure skill XP you need to use them on quests or on training events, for example here, this Academy repeatable training event no longer gives me XP because its just too low.

To see if ttlhe action you are going to perform during a quest or event will give you XP, you need to look for this icon(red arrow):

If it doesnt show up, the action wont give you XP, always try to complete quests that give you XP.
That said, some quests have progress markers, if it doesnt show progress, then you will complete the quest by choosing only one option, so choose carefully! But most times, you can choose more than one to complete it which means more options to get XP for those.

There are trainers you can do at least every day for all skills, you just need to find them.
I have a list of the middle and advanced trainers further into the guide.
The Mastery system will give you bonuses as you rank up in different activities within the game.
Combat, harvesting and crafting.

To get XP for these, just do the related activities.
Every rank up (star) will be more costly than the last one and it will take a long time to maximize a category.

The best ways I've found to get XP is as follows:
Combat: Weekly Bosses (Helping others, fighting them more than once a week)
Crafting: Use harvesting buildings to get free crafting XP, see test data below.
Harvesting: The higher difficulty of your harvest, the more XP you get.

If you know of better ways, do leave a comment and I'll add to the secion.

Harvesting in your domain through Buildings does not give you harvesting XP.

Test Data:
*All resources below have Harvesting Diff 4
100 x Branzos, Deer, Chinvre @ +31 Diff (35) = 90 XP (Portal Heart); Sold for 1828G
100 Branzos @ +1 Diff (5) = 40XP (20 Daggers); Sold for 720G
100 Deer @ +0 Diff (4) = 20XP (50 Worker Gloves); Sold for 900G
100 Chinvre @ +0 Diff (4) = 20XP (25 Worker's Headband); Sold for 825G
Total Sell: 2445G
*Resources below have Harvesting Diff 24
100 x Sorontile, Root, Cirous@ +31 Diff (55) = 391 XP (Portal Heart); Sold for 10312G

=The higher the quality of resources, the more craft XP, then quantity and lastly, difficulty=

Use harvesting buildings to harvest nodes, the more per day you get, the better and the higher difficulty, the more XP.

You can build vehicles and if you abandon them, you'll get most of the resources back.
Good way to get XP for mastery and skills but you wont be getting gold though.
The Player's Market
You can also try the player's market to get items but the listings only last 48 hours and most players dont bother with them but you might get lucky.

The market is to your left when you are in your domain.

Once open, you can filter which type of item you want by using the menus nto your left or a dropdown where it says Skill to search by the skill you need (for example, Sword if youre looking for clothes that give you more sword skill).

You can also search by name (top left), like for example: Blue Chest

One thing to note about the market is skill requirements, specially for weapons.
If you see a weapon's skill in red, you cant use it.

You can mouseover the weapon icon to see more details on it.
It might be a good idea to buy a Level 1 required weapon to start grinding with it.
But if you dont have the skill, there are equipment that can give you up to your maximum item bonus, like the Thorval Shirt for swords.

This is a set of gears that a level 1 could use, ask in general chat if you want these items and dont see them listed.

With 32 damage and More than 60 armor, you can do most enemies and bosses up to level 20 or so, maybe more.

As for making the coins to get these items, quests and bandages, people. Best friends.

If you dont like swords, there are clothes for the other weapon types, ask around.

If you need materials for a quest or a tool to make a tool to upgrade your workshop, you know where to look now :)
Wardrobe System
As you explore the world, you will be in different situations that need different bonuses, you might find a plant that requires high botany or need armor because you are about to go into a boss fight.

The wardrobe system will allow you to change equipment and bonuses quickly.

Click on the button on your equipment character sheet and a new interface will pop up (red arrow).
Click on the plus sign to save your current equipment into a "wardrobe slot". (Yellow arrow)

Change your equipment, save it as something else using the + sign.

When you want to switch to a set, click on the set name and go Equip.

The small black dot will light up to show you which set you are wearing.

The equipment used in sets but not currently worn will be shown in the tab "Wardrobe" in your backpack area (green arrow)

Items in your wardrobe will still count towards your total encumbrance.

The maximum number of sets you can save is five but you can buy more with blue crowns.

The blue bar, next to the set name is the lowest durability on your gear, if its small, means something is about to break.
World Map
The world map is super useful for you to plan a harvesting or adventure expedition.
You can open the map by clicking (M) or the 3rd button from left to right in the bottom right menu.

The world map features options to see the resource nodes you have discovered as well as the region requirements to get there. So, if you are planning to get resources from nearby Larcen town, you can check out the nearby forest and swamp region requirements so you can take an appropriate cart.

The default setting is Adventure but you can switch to region requirements by clicking on Exploration

By switching back to Adventure you can check the different quests, of note are the blue ! marks that are repeatable either daily or weekly quests.

When putting your mouse cursor over the harvesting resource , you can see more details.

Unfortunately, you cannot do the same over exclamation marks, so you need to climb that mountain to check the daily quest from the Caravanserai.

When wondering if a resource is ready for harvest, just check if it has a number to the right, if it does not have a number, its not ready.

You can still open your journal to see the Adventuring skill requirements of a quest, using its name or number viewed in the map.

Using the map, before you leave your domain, you can bring items or companions to fulfill your expedition requirements, indispensable to plan ahead and avoid going there and having to come back!

You can filter the resources with a slider that is on top, resources go from Tier 1 to Tier 5 and the slider will show you each tier as you move it from left to right.

This is a legacy video of the interactive map that was hosted over on mistlegacydb, its now defunct but Ill leave it here for trivia's sake.
Blue Crowns and Making Money
By buying a blue crown pack, you chances for bonus resources are higher. You will also be able to privately trade between players and use the style function which sets your look to an armor you own regardless if you are wearing it or not.

You can buy Blue Chests in the player's market which give you 250BC (Blue Crowns).
Blue Chests usually sell for thousands coins in the player's market, you can grind the coins to unlock party member slots and talents in a week or two.

Here is an image showing what you can you unlock with Blue Crowns.

Everything is super useful.

The Portable Portal
You can buy a portable portal in the blue crown shop.
This portal is an item that can be installed in any part of the world.

It functions as any other workable portal and its permanent until you buy and use another one which then will make the first one disappear and a new one wil be installed in the new location.
This is a great way to have a quick route in places far away from normal portals like the one shown in the picture.

The Player's Market
You can find super useful things, like Harvesting tools you cant make because of your limited Crafting tools/Workshop, great weapons to farm bosses, beds/drinkers to recruit allies, workshop tools so you can upgrade that workshop or start making your own, materials for that daily quest, etc.

It has a downside though, every time you try to sell something, it costs money.
They take the money the moment you post it to the market, so even if it doesnt sell, your money is gone.

So, market is great to buy but not so much to sell, unless you are economics genius :p

PVP Arena for Blue Crowns
Scattered around the world are player PVP arenas, you need a certain amount of mist power to be in there, the closest one requires 18 Mists and its NW of Kortombe.

Each week, you can earn up to 100 Crowns by playing the Arena.
Each Arena has its own rules, but the one Im talking about here is your fighting party against someone else's.

Once the two players click Join, it takes around 10 seconds for the battle to start.
Each win is worth 2 points and turns are timed, you have 10 seconds per character's decision.

This is not an infinite number of crowns, you can make a maximum of 100 TOTAL during the rest of the game, but each Arena has its own crowns to own.

In this Arena,as an example, you can make a Maximum of 40 BC per week if you win 15 fights.
So you can max the 100 BC limit in 3 weeks.
Or you can just participate and win 5 BC per week and max it out in 20 weeks without winning.

As far as I know, fighting wont degrade your armor but will use up weapons, giving you weapon XP.

Ask a buddy for help, to grind out these blue crowns, there is really no excuse to not get enough currency to buy the extra NPC slots.

General chat is always willing to help newbies get some crowns for their adventures.

Carts/Trolleys have 0 mists, so you wont be able to enter arenas with a Cart/Trolley.

Making Money as a newbie
Doing daily quests, daily bosses and normal quests are the best way to make money but if you need extra.
Bandages for Fiber.
Worker Gloves for leather.
Common single material weapons for wood/metals.
Pestles for Stone/Wood.

But I think the best option is just to do your best and rush until your skill caps when you need to buy 1000 coin books to raise them, then, just grab the best materials you can within your limits and craft what you can, sell to NPCs. Find a harvesting route near a portal of your choice and every hour or so, harvest then craft with what you got, sell for profits.

Bandages, man, they are just that good for monies.
If you are having a hard time with fight and have the special resource called Friends, you can ask for help. Once someone is in your group or in your friend list, you will see their Icons move about the map.

To group someone in your friendlist, open the list here:

Then click on them to group.

You will see their profile icon above your time bar, once they are grouped.

Regardless in a group or not, if your friend or grouped person enter a fight, you will see his Icon with swords, like a battle.

If your friend/groupie has not attacked yet, you can join the fight.

If he has attacked, or has no more fighting space, you wont be able to join.
By fighting space, I mean NPCs inside the fight, so horses/carts/mules dont count.

There is no level restrictions, you only need to be in the same region where the fight is happening.

You dont bring your NPC fighting allies into someone else battle.
So if you want Finn to join a boss fight, make sure the person who starts the fight has him in his group.

Time passes differently for everyone, it might be day to you but night for them.

Need more info on how experience/loot is shared in groups, Ill update this later.
How Crafting works and Crafting Quests
Ok, so you finally got some recipes and want to start crafting.
Maybe you need to craft a thing for a quest.
Remember that the only way to get recipes is by doing quests or buying them from NPCs.
So, keep doing those yellow ! quests to get your reputation up and get access to those recipes.

Before crafting, make sure the materials are in the coffers and not in your backpack and that the workshop has tools installed in it.

Also remember that when a quest asks you to craft an item.
You must craft the items with the materials they ask for.

In this picture, quest number 8 requires a tent crafted out of these materials, notice the 8 circle in each material needed.

If you cant see it that way, open the journal and mouse over the item.
Multiple Crafts

You can craft multiple copies of an item using the slider bar as long as your tool doesnt break first.
How to craft beyond Difficulty 10
The first thing you need to do is build an outdoor workshop, the startup workshop cant be upgraded so you can only use tools up to Level 10 and thus, can only use materials/crafts that need your craft skills to be 10 or lower.

On the left, you will see that all kind of craft skills are at 10, these are the craft cap of the building which will determine everything, as thus, it is important to build the outdoor workshop to go beyond 10. You will notice, my saw is level 12, but it doesn't matter because my cap is 10.
You can see on the right, it says: value 12, Cap 10.

You own skill value will also come to play when crafting, but it will come third behind the others.

So, for higher crafting, it goes like this: Building Cap > Tool Cap > Your skill value

Do note, that you can make tools that can give you beyond level 10 skill but you wont be able to use them, for example, having level 13 woodworking skill and making a level 12 saw in the level 10 capped starter workshop, unless you build a higher tier workshop building, you wont be able to craft anything that needs more than level 10 (starter workshop cap)

Once you have gotten your building blueprints to make the outdoor workshop from completing the forgemaster quest in the first town, you will need space in your domain.

To do it, you will need to chop down some trees, in my example, I need 22 lumberjack (and an 22+ axe tool to chop it down), but there should be lower leveled areas. You can also free space with a mining tool too. So find one that is like level 10 or 12 and open the space.

In case you are wondering, The forgemaster also sells tool recipes that you can use in your starting workshop to create your own tools which are going to be better than the ones you can buy from him.

Anyway, back to the show.

When building your outdoor workshop, try to have the limits as high as possible, you will be able to upgrade it later, so dont worry too much about it.

On the left, we have the material selections, normal crafting interface.
You select a material and it will tell you how much skill you need.

In this example, I dont have enough Sewing, the problem is not because of the workshop cap, if you notice, the workshop is ok (its shows 20 green at the bottom), the problem here is the skill.

If the scissors tool would be too low, the workshop would show as red, since the scissors go equipped into the workshop.

Building Cap > Tool Cap > Your skill value

If I go into my skills, I can see I only have 11 in sewing, and thats the problem.
To fix that, I could grind sewing to level up or I can use items to temporarily have the skill higher.

Check out the items explanation section on this guide, for an explanation on crafting equipment, which we will need to equip now in order to upgrade my workshop.

Dont worry about the money value displayed on the right, it wont really cost you any money.

Now that the workshop cap is upgraded and higher, we will need to make higher level tools, as close as to the cap as we can, so we can upgrade the workshop again the the future.

Let's try another example, you can stop reading here if you already got the idea on crafting :)
Oh yeah, remember that different materials make for better items and sometimes, cheaper materials make better items, dont ask me why just remember to check all combinations before crafting an item.

So here I am, trying to make a level 25 hammer on my level 25 cap workshop.
Why cant I do it? Well, its because my tools are not high enough.

I have the skill (Green shields), I have the workshop cap but the tools is the problem.
So, my first thought is: How the hell Im going to make tools then, if I need tools to make tools?!
The answer is: You need to make tools, little by little, pushing your limits.

So for this, I need 19 Forge and 17 Woodworking, so the workshop is fine, I just need to upgrade those tools. So I click around doing the combinations and find these ones, which are just right to make the next upgrade.

Then equipping the tools onto the workshop, I can finally make L 25 tools.

Or you know.. just go to the player's market and buy one.

So there you have it, you do this with the new materials you get, going higher and higher.

When Crafting, the game will always use the lowest tool it can find for the job in all your workshops.
So, if you want to craft level 10 bandages and you have level 12 scissors in your outdoor workshop and level 10 scissors in your starter workshop, the scissors in your starter workshop would be used but if you dont have any scissors in your starter, the level 12 scissors would be used instead.

In the example above, wood will use outdoor workshop but Sewing will use Kort Workshop.

More tips:
Abandoning a vehicle will return a big part of the materials used to make it, you can use that to train your crafting skills although is best to train by making things you can sell for gold but if you are in a hurry and dont want to waste time to gather resources, you can use this method instead.

If you craft an item with the same type of bonuses, they stack.
Although it seems the bonuses are rounded down first, then added together.
Advanced Buildings

Once you reach 36 reputation at the first town (Kort), you can buy machines AND a new workshop building at the academy there.
This new workshop lets you have 2 slots per craft station.

The Herbatum already comes with a machine slot.
Loom = Sewing
Hoist = Stoneworking
Bellows = Forging
Pulley = Warehouse Capacity for Vehicles

Machines give a buff to your crafting, according to its level but they raise the CAP by 5 regardless of its level bonus. (Here, my workshop cap is 40+5 from machine)

Upgraded my workshop to 42, Note that machines degrade per use and are very expensive, use outdoor workshop for crafts below 30 Difficulty.

You wont be able to use the Kort workshop unless you have both a tool and a machine installed.

its best to upgrade your outdoor workshop to 29 and install tools that can reach 29, so when you craft 29 or below, the machines wont get used.

Where to get: SE Larcen at Hippodrome(10k, 36 Rep)

You dont need to build two pastures to have the goat AND the travel horse, also has space for the war horse in the future.

Paddocks also give you 8 capacity vs 1 from pasture, which results in 14 more coffer space.

Warehouse(+40 capacity) @ Port @ Wellnear (Delivery Quest reward)

This building will give you 80 coffer space and space for 8 vehicles, although, to make use of half of the spaces, you will need to get a pulley machine.

If you have access to better materials, you can wait or try this one:

Other Advanced Building Recipes
These buildings lets you have a higher skill output or new features.
Herbarium @ Red Mushroom @ NW Wellnear (Follow questline)
Sawmill @ Port @ Larcen (50k and Rep 64)

Stone Workshop @ Marbleworks @ E Gantras (50k and 64 rep)
Dispensary (Alchemy) @ SE Thorval @ Forest (Follow questline)
Still (Alchemy Machine) @ SE Thorval @ Forest (18k, 36 Rep)

Notes (36 Max Land)
29 Outdoor Workshop: 50 Elvinos + 50 marapis + 50 Cirous
30 Scrapper: Borm/Marapis+Goldnester
29 Hammer: Swarpver+Melize
30 Chisel: Chomne+Domane
29/31 Scissors: Zincol+Chanderene/Erilid
31 Saw: Erilid+Domane
40 Kort Workshop: 200 Gurdisimo+150 Acacia+300 Marbrane+125Kulivrine
*Upgrade w/Sorontile/Elvinos later
*Same tools as above except:
32 Chisel: Elvinos+Domane
32 Scissors: Zincol+Elvinos
Companions also boost your skills when recruited, some boost your crafting skills and the boost applies even if they are not in your group, others like land skills from the donkey, only apply when its in your party, the bonuses are active even if they die in battle.

Same mechanics apply as in workshops, the buildings will determine the limit of the convenience (for animals) and Comfort (for humans), then, you will need to build beds or drinkers, or even mattresses for your allies, these work like tools in the sense that they also limit the value.

Way later in the game you will be able to buy recipes that improve the values of mattresses, beds and drinkers (See shops in Larcen and Taming section of this guide)

Your mansion has a cap of 21 but can only house a couple of allies, you will need to build barracks or pastures if you want to get more. Its a generally good idea to recruit everyone you can, as their crafting bonuses apply regardless if they are in your party or not.

You can buy beds to start recruiting human companions and its recipe in the town of Larcen.
Since building beds cost a lot of materials (40 fibers and 40 wood), it might be best just to buy one, each companion needs a certain level of comfort/convenience, so managing them is something you can do to save money.

You can see this guy needs 16 Comfort, its easy to get this guy if you buy a bed in Larcen and put it in your mansion for him. He is one of the best fighters.

You can find Finn after doing several quests in the first town, the quests will take you to find lumber SW of town.

You can buy beds for 9,12 and 17 comfort in Larcen.

You cant equip most companions with items and they have a level limit, so sorry if you need to leave your pet behind so you can get stronger ones as you get to harder places. some companions like Ovie have evolution quests to make them stronger, check the evolution section further into this guide.

Some companions can be equipped with weapons, like Finn and Badouk above, it might be a good idea to buy him a good weapon in the player's market, getting him early in the game will be a boon. They can only equip weapons they have enough skills for, Finn axes and Badouk Maces, you cant equip a 30 axe skill greataxe on Finn if he only has 15 axe skill.

You can also buy a Comfort 20 Bed from the Player's Market(3~4k coins) to early on recruit the Bolnis the Mercenary.

When doing quests, you can use companions like items, to boost that strategy stat enough to complete quests and events by bringing them with you or to get through some ridiculous cliffs that need 30 Mountain land skill, the list above tells you the bonuses each one gives.

You can house 2 humans and 1 animal in your mansion, for more, you need to build pastures/barracks.

Pastures have a stable that lets you combine a drinker+mattress so you can get the advanced animals. The cap is the Pasture Cap+10

Remember that furniture need to be in your coffer to be able to be seen in the building equip menu, it wont show up if its still in your inventory.

If you later on, choose to abandon an ally, they will be back at the same spot where you recruited them, they lose their levels though.

Pets by taming also count as companions, I have a section all about them later.

You can buy relics in Gantras (only at night) which allow Companions to gain new Talents. Cost 250k G. each.
Candle - Palenne, New Talent (Illumination) Talents do not consume stamina in the next round, targets all, 6RND CD.
Claw - Ovie, Talent? ; Life drain 10% of damage dealt.
Talisman - Badouk, ?
Arrow - Finn, new talent (Kill Shot): IF Enemy HP < 51%; 250%DMG,+50% Crit Chance, 300% Hit Chance, 4RND CD

You can also get relics by domain gathering through companion harvest, see the harvest station section of the guide for more details.
The first ally you can get is a lovely pup named Ovie which is found here:

You will need a value of 3 in exploration and get near the place to discover him.
Then 4 in hunting and 4 in Academy, you can train these in the first town library and hunting Hares.
After you do the above, you will get the straw mattress recipe.

Then, you will need to craft a straw mattress and equip it in your mansion in order to recruit him.
To make a straw mattress, go to Craft->Refuge, make sure the Convenience Value to your right is 2 or more before crafting it, some materials are not good.

Then click on your mansion, in the first row, at the Porch, click that and then to your right, click the first row to install your new mattress there, go back to Ovie and recruit him.

The second ally you might want is the mule being sold by this guy east of town:

You can get him by following the quests which will force you to build a pasture building and a drinker for him. The mule, another transport animal, is in Miblosa, south then west of town, follow the road but be careful of bandits.

In any case, once you follow the questline and get to build a barracks, you can get more people into your domain as long as you have enough beds and enough comfort level for them. However, you must first recruit Collin at the bridge past the forest south of town to start recruiting other humans.

Fighting Party
At the start of the game you can only have 2 more members in your party + a cart/trolley.
You can unlock party slots using Blue crowns that is bought with real world money, however, you can get blue crows in certain events and on PVP challenges which can be found in some ruins NW of the Leviathan portal here:

You can also buy blue crowns in the player's market using currency but its very rare some player would put them for sale.

Each companion also has its unique talents, so choose the ones that can support your fight the best, most of them are very squishy though, unfortunately.

If a companion is wiped out, the only way to bring it back is to go to your domain.

You can finish the game without having to buy party slots but they will certainly help.

Evolution Quests
Companions have quests, than when completed, give you the ability to make them stronger.
You need to bring the companion with you on this quest, its generally defeating a very tough monster with them in the party.

For example, you can go here and climb down the cliff to go into this cave.

inside, level 8-12 enemies will ambush you a lot, go north through the center then west to a wolf lair do some skills checks and fight this guy:

He is pretty easy if you are around level 12 or so, when you win, Ovie will evolve and get a new max level and new talents.

I have an ongoing evolution quest section that Im going to fill up as I find them.
*Checks are:
Strategy 16
Personal Housing Strategy (Midgame)
Name - Comfort Req
--> = Change after getting Badouk
Bolnis- 20 (Might be possible you need to be L10 or 15)
Finn - 16 - (Need to complete some Kort quests) -->Badouk
Barracks 1
Justine - 16
Sally - 16 (Need to complete Shark/Swamp Quests)
Mara - 14 -->Finn
Barracks 2
Yonar - 11
Milda - 10 --> Mara (abandon milda)
Armul - 8
Barracks 3
Meli - 8
Irani - 6
Corrin - 1
Companions (Cont.)
Big spoilers ahead, dont read if you dont want to.

Badouk Bran
To find Badouk, you need to do quests in Kort until you are past 36 Reputation, the guy from the Barracks in Kort will lead you down a witchhunter questline and then ask you to go to Leonidas (old dude at the start of the game) to ask about Badouk, track him down into the Litho Fortress.
Enemies are level 20-25 and come in big groups.

After that, you do some go here go there quests and then, you'll need to fight a tree guy.
Keep the lady alive, tree likes AOE wind attacks, they hurt super bad and he is resistant to physical but weak to fire as trees tend to do.. where's my chainsaw, devs?!


After that, its on to the boss: Gularzob inside the Fortress.

After a while take Badouk to Mist Fortress near Chimeric Portal.
He will then ask you to go to Wellnear and after a few 45+ checks, you will talk to him and he will evolve gaining a relic slot and a max level of 45 along with some new talents.

Palenne Riordan
Follow the main questline to fully evolve Badouk (See above).
Go to fairy Forest and start the quest there.
Find all the 5 Fairy Scrolls from events that appear at different times at different spots in the forest (check the steam guide about the fairy forest for more info).

Go to the ruins and talk to Palenne, then go to the troll camp west side of the fairy forest.
Next is a Fight quest, trees are weak to fire.
You will be sent to the Claw's camp west of Enorwen to pass some skill 47 checks.
You dont need to go to Greatfear now, if its too hard, skip it.

Return to Palenne and he will send you to Gantras to talk to the Rose without portals.
Return to Palenne and pass some Skill 49 checks, you will need to build a suitable place for him back in your domain but the new building recipe he gives you should help with that.

Palenne needs 40 comfort and the Headquarters has rooms that give +10 bonus so, you can make a HQ with 30 comfort and then let the special rooms boost it to 40 if you want.
I made a 40+10HQ with Marbrane, Exanese, Lithosnow, Elvinos and Kulivrine.
You can make a luxurious bed with the recipe bought in Larcen to craft a comfort 40 bed for him.
Huberois, nuertosilicio, silvanil

You need both Badouk and Palenne in your group to continue the questline to enter Mount Siho.

Do the Mt Siho quest and open the second cave to the ruins.
Requirements: Skills 50~54, 44 Undergroud.
It will give you a Den Building Recipe which required 100 of different jewels and 60 stoneworking skill. I havent been able to get it ans I dont think i ever will so if you have more info on it, do drop a comment haha :)

First go here at night (Yellow Forest south of Kort), you might need a certain rep with the druids.

After dealing with the location above, you'll be redirected to the river bannks for a few more quests: Subterfuge, Perception - 54, Mists 40
Phoenix Eye, Hydra Eye x2 (You can get these from a quest, maybe the dragon NE of Larcen)

After that, you'll be shown a new place in the nearby forest where you will finally meet her.
She will then ask you to go to a house to pass some Skill 55 checks, as a reward you will get the Cottage recipe, cant believe the princess needs its own house :/

After that, she will show you how to access the Leviathan plateu, go there and you'll have to pass some Skill 56 checks and bring materials: 10 Solone, Viobir, Palvable, Solone grows in the Crucible like once every day and a half, Viobir is in Soho Mountain and grows every 2 days and a half and the last one drops from the Turtle weekly boss, so yeah, its a timed gate.
After gathering the resources, you'll need 56 Athlethics and you're good to go back to the witch.

You will need to build special housing for her, if you want her in your party.

Max Terrains
Forest`- 59
Mountain - 56
Swamp - 50
Underground - 50

My Clothless Terrain w/Pets
F 52 (+7?)
M 51 (+5?)
S 32 (+18) Thorval Shirt +18
U 23 (+27) Mystery Hood +19, Work Gloves +3, Boots +7

Other notes:
Earth Dragon, NE Larcen (Traitors Mount)
Uses Meteor (Fire) and Dust (Wind) attacks, 2k+HP
Academics 36, reward: 12k gold and some gems.

The mystery events will spawn an orb somewhere in the region after passing the 55 skill check.
When you find the orb on thr\e ground and return it to the event place, you will get a Ancestral Orb.
Take all 6 ancestral orbs to the pillars of sighs in the sighing hills past greatfear tunnel, west of Enorwen. If you cannot find Greatfear tunnel you must do the main quest until finishing the fairy forest quests. The extra ancestral orb you need is sold at a shop in the desert after delivering the heart of the bone dragon.
Evolution Quests
Lots of spoilers here, do skip this section if you want to explore and find these for yourself.

Ovie 1st Evolution
Cave South from Living Forest here:

1) Strategy 16
2)Subterfuge 16
3)Perception 16
4)Fight Caninbane (L10, A:11, D:12)
5)Fight Caninbane (L10, 123HP, A:11, D:12) AND Agonizing Caninbane (L10, 14HP, A:25,D:6)

Finn's Evolution
You will also raise +2 max to some of your weapon skills during this quest.
You should be around level 23+ so you dont get ambushed every 5 seconds.
Mountain and Forest 36, Underground 26 (Trolley must have these too)

The following Trolley will also work AND help you in the Minotroll caves later:

Exanese might be a little hard to get, try 36 forest NE of Mountainfoot relay, N of Levi portal.

You need the Kort Workshop to build the Trolley, you might be able to do it with a Cart but you need all capacity companions (5 slots)

Mt Ridiculous Caravanserai Quests complete until Walk in Ridand'hok Quest is available.
For the above quest, you need 3000 space to take the cargo to South Larcen, here:

After you deliver it, if you have Finn with you (you can go back and get him) you will need to pass these checks:

After that, you need to bring Finn and have one open space for Sorka to continue the questline.
First Fight:
4 x Garkul (L17, HP:75, Atk/Arm:17/19 )
Garkuls can summon more Garkuls.

[You can now go back to domain to heal or camp before next fight]

Second Fight:
3 x Garkul (L17, HP:75, Atk/Arm:17/19 )
You will be alone for this fight, bring heals.
They will summon more garkuls.

Before going down, make sure you can pass:
Strategy 31
Persuasion 32

[If you go down, you cant go back to your domain unless you abandon the quest, but you can heal by camping here, if someone dies, tough luck.]

Now you will need to hunt 20 cobra lilies and 20 flytraps, level 20.
Dont know if it was bad luck but I only saw cobra lillies at night/morning.

The next fight is a friendly duel.. which, if you lose, you'll get sent back to your domain.
Sorka (L29, HP:63, Atk/Arm:34/26 )

If you win, congratulations, youve got Finn Evolved!
All his old talents go to level 2, he gets boomerang throw and he can go up to level 25 now.

Next fight is tough, Hilla's AOE is as bad as the Tree's but you got your Finn, everything will be ok.

Ovie 2nd Evolution
You need 41 Mountains to get into this zone, SW of Gantras:

Then 37 Explore to find that place above.
After that, you need to come back here every 8 hours five times clicking on "Let Ovie join the pack", so yeah, patience is key.

After the final wait and some nice lore about she wolves, Ovvie will evolve and his Max Level will be raised to 30. His talents will raise to level 2 and will gain a talent that hit adjacents like an axe.

Ovie 3rd Evolution
You need to first complete the nest hop quest in Thorval to find Vorf's camp south of the city.
The hop/nest quest might require high Thorval reputation or your own level above 35, not sure, its outside the city in the hophouse. Day only. You have to find the 5 nests along the beach and in nearby forest.

After delivering the nest quest, a new quest in the hophouse should start.

Talk to the guy, needing some 40+ checks.
Bring Ovie to this place, a new quest will start, it will reward you with the following:
Ovie max level will be 45
Bone Chew Talent for Ovie (Applies Bleeding 10 for 3-5 rounds)
New Relic gear slot for Ovie.

Finn's 2nd Evolution
Take Finn to the Dreamer Camp NE of Holdori lake here:

To get here, just go around the big Holdori lake east of Enorwen north then east.
Once there with Finn, talk to him to start the quest, now you will be asked to finish OTHER 4 quests (You have probably finished 1 or 2 of these)
1)A miststorm in the desert (A blue flag event south of Thorval, I think)
2)The Thief of Faces (Mt Siho Doppelganger Quest, before ruins)
3)A graveyard of machines (Maybe Frytek defeat? not sure)
4)Shadowbringer in the Mists
*Sorry, cant remember which quests those are, they are all related to mists reputation, if you have more info, please leave a comment.

After you tell the tales of all 4 quests, Finn will evolve and gain a relic slot and his max level will be 50! Finn will also get a new talent: Volley of Arrows.
West of Kortombre, in a lonely farm, you can see a girl with a rabbit.
You can buy the recipe to build a barn from her, this will allow you to tame and recruit monsters to your side which act a little like playable companions.

You will also need to buy the recipe for the new drinker which gives solidity valk\ue to the barn.

All monsters can level up to 40 but each one needs a certain number of skill checks and materials to tame them AND just like companions, you'll need a quality space for them back in your domain.

Each monster will require a different solidity value which will require more and more higher crafting skills and rarer higher tier materials.

Name - Solidity
Oryctus - 5 (Enrage, Ravage) - Found in farm west of Kort
Blob - 10 (Paralyzed Venom) - Found in Cave below Troll portal (Caninbane Cave)
Boar - 15 (Charge) - Found in Yellow Forest north of prettybard portal
Fly - 20 (Sting, AOe attack) - In swamp north of Wellnear, north side
Spider - 25 (Venom, Poison) - in small forest southwest of mushroom shop west of wellnear.
Frog - 30 (Water Magic, Slashing Tongue) - Swamp NE of Enorwen
Bear - 35 (Smash, Annihilate, Growl) - very close to Norkantas portal
Worm - 40 (Drill, Devour, Smash) - end of a small path in the mountain NW of Enorwen, East of Claw camp.
Turtle - 45 (Carapace, Protector, Distraction) - in a forest, top of mountain SE of Prettybard portal

*Remember that status effects are dependant on attacker's level vs defender's level, so if your blob is low level, dont expect him to daze a level 50 monster with the chance described.
*(P)iercing, (S)lashing, (B)lunt
Paralyzed Venom - P, Dmg 25%, 70% Daze chance
Bloody Sting - Dmg 80%, P, Restore 5HP per round for 4 rounds.
Bestial Charge - B, Dmg 25%, 50% Daze chance
Earth Drill - +50% Chance to hit adjacent enemies for 2 rounds.
Devour - P, 140%Dmg, 2R CD
Smash - B, 100 FLAT Dmg,CD 5R, Availability 3R.
Carapace - 100% more Armor for 3-5rnds. CD 3R
Annihilate - S, 70%Dmg, Hitcount:2
Growl - 25% Dmg Boost, All, CD 2R

After finishing the quests to recruit the worm, a new quest appeared back in the farm where you buy the barn recipe, the one west of Kort.

I think I got the quest because you cant go to 35 solidity with the initial drinker and the worm needs 40, idk.

Two spots give +15 Solidty so, this configuration can give up to 71 Solidity.

To buy recipe, books and talents, you must likely will need to raise your reputation in towns and guilds. You can do this by doing yellow marked quests but you can also do blue repeatable quests for each town and faction to raise your standing a little bit of a time.

Each town/guild has blue quests but they unlock under certain conditions, some you need to progress other yellow quests before they start to appear, some need you to build a certain building (like the Herbarum for Larcen Serum blue quests) and others, you need a certain reputation.

There are also other places that give out daily quests for resources but not reputation, like the Mine Bulletin Board in Snake Mine.

Some repeatable quests stop after you reach a certain reputation or complete a questline.

This is my map, probably not complete but Ill fix it as I get more data.
Red are dailies obscured by my yellow quests, Yellow marks are weeklies.

The dailies/weeklies that give reputation will eventually stop, along with its rewards as most of them are finite. Some of them will be replaced by daily/weekly chests instead.

The main questline also gives lots of town reputation for certain towns (like Kort and Wellnear), so make sure to rescue Badouk then do his storyline and get Palenneaand Leghanna too.

Guild Reputation Training
At higher levels, you can increase your reputation with guilds every 36 hours in Kort.

You can only do this around 8 or 10 times per guild, eventually, you'll run out of this option.

Collector's Crests
Once you hit certain guild reputation, a new quest will appear SE of Thorval on the mysterious shop. You will gain access to the Collector's questline which will require you to craft top tier items with Tier 5 materials in exchange for crests (these are weekly quests), you can go to Leonidas and deliver 40 of these crests to continue the questline but also give guild representatives these crests in exchange for guild reputation.
*Requirements might have changed, please let me know in the comments if any data here is wrong. Portal sites can only be found during the daytime.

Im listing the portals in the order I activated them.

Kortombe Portal
1) Ask about Leonidas Package in Town
2) Mists 10 (Be sure to wear and not lose the starting clothes)

Whisper Portal
1)Academics 12
2)Fight 2 tough mosquitos.

Prettybard Portal
1)Perception 15
2)Fight (very tough fight against 5 bunnies)
3)Mists 15

Wellnear Portal
1)Academics 12
2)10 Blancite + 10 Feros + 5 Granita
3)Persuade 12 + 5 Wellnear Rep + 200 coins
4)Mists 10

Enorwen Portal
1) Academics 20
2) Exploration 20
3) Persuasion 20
4) Athletics 20 + 500 coins
5) Mists 15

Corinna Portal
1) Academics 18
2) Portal Craft -> 50 Aciel + 50 Marbrane + 100 Diorite [Skills: 26 Stone, 20 Forge]
3) Mists 15

Leviathan Portal
1) Strategy 18
2) Fight 5 enemies, Level 20. *If trouble, ask for help in general chat
3) Mists 22

Thorval Portal
*Mountain 34 to get to Thorval
1) Academics 25
2) Persuasion 24 + Thorval Rep (5)
3) Fight (L20 Orb eater[42hp] + L25 Lantern Thief[80hp])
4) Mists 23

Norkantas Portal
*Need Kort Workshop
1) Academics 34
2) Portal Craft -> 100 Lanferite + 50 Borm + 50 Domane [Skills: 36 Stone, 32 Forge]
3)Fight 4 L25 Panthers
4)Mists 30 (if you need more, wear clothes bought at camp, south of Mt, SE of prettybard portal)

Gantras Portal
*Need Mountain 40 to access Craft books @ Long Path Inn & Machine Workshop
1) Free?
2) Academics 28
3) Portal Craft -> 100 Marapis + 50 Zincol + 10 Diantine [Skills: 40 Stone + Forge]
4)Mists 25

Chimeric Portal
1)Academics 47
2) Portal Craft -> 100 Oceanite + 50 Xuran + 50 BlueRoc [Skills: 44 Stone, 46 Forge]
3) Portal Craft -> 100 Lanferite + 50 Swarpver + 10 Jaskilo [Skills: 46 Stone + Forge]
4) Mists 30

Illusions Portal
Req. Mountain 40
1) Academics 47
2) Mists 36 - Gives Heart Recipe
3) Build Heart => 100 Odiemel + 100 Varan leather + 100 Doussoie [Skills: 47 Forge+Tan+Sew]
4) Mists 37

Grandfall Portal
1)Academics 52
2a)Column => 100 Simblior + 50 Xuran + 50 Blueroc [Skills: 46 Forge + Stone]
2b)Column => 100 Xuran + 50 Lithosnow + 50 Silvantil [Skills: 42 Stone, 40 Forge]
3)Key Craft => 100 Oceanite + 50 Blueroc + 10 Dragon's Tear [Skills: 56 Stone + Forge]
4)Heart Craft => 100 Zincol + 100 Root Lth. + 100 Olkznar [Skills: 51 Forge+Sew, 55 Tanning]
5) Mists 38

Ritousan Portal
1)Academics 53
2)Perception 53
3a)Column => 100 Grimalpure + 50 Oceannite + 50 Galandor [Skills: 53 Stone + Forge]
3b)Column => 100 Xuran + 50 Simblior + 50 Orus [Skills: 46 Stone, 42 Forge]
3c)Key Craft => 100 Xuran + 50 Blueroc + 10 Dragon's Tear [Skills: 56 Stone + Forge]
3d)Heart Craft => 100 Orus + 100 Red Leather + 100 Goldnester [63 Forge, 67 Tan, 61 Sew]
*You need to bring all 4 components with you, you'll need 7000 weight capacity.
Dray=4000 (There are no terrain requirements from Enorwen to the portal)
Argistant Horse=700
Goat=400 *Thanks megg for helping me realize I was missing the goat.
4)Athl. 53
5)Portal Fight: 3xPanthers and 2xMosquitos (L55)
6)Mists 40

Tarzakon Portal
1)50 Acad.
2)Craft Heart:Blueroc, Red, Massilan.
3)52 Strat.
4)40 Yrrandanilde
5)5xMist hands fight, bring them all down to 1HP using poison then kill them with boomerang throw.
They can resurrect each other and often do 2 actions EACH, super annoying.
6)40 Mists
Skill Training Sites
*Might need to do quests/reputation for these to appear

Academy 5 - Scratched Rock @ S Kort
Perception 5 - Raven Mansion @ SE Kort
Persuasion 5 - Traveller Relay @ NW Kort
Strategy 5 - Kort Statue @ NW Kort
Persuasion 8 - Lumberjack House @ SW Kort

Academics 10 - Camp Attreyu @ NE Corrina Portal
Athletics 10 - Wellnear Docks
Persuasion 10 - Wellnear Inn
Strategy 10 - Corrina Inn
Subterfuge 10 - Farm @ Wellnear @ Night
Observation 10 - Tarawese Tower @ SE larcen
Persuasion 12 - Forsec Mine @ NE Kort

Subterfuge 15 - Harmony Camp @ E of Larcen
Observation 15 - Salamandese House @ Larcen
Exploration 15 - Caravan @ Mt Summit @ NE Kort
Athletics 15 - Fearpiercing Camp @ NW Prettybard Portal
Strategy 15 - Minokiller Outpost @ NW Kort
Academy 15 - Yolasula's Home @ W of Leviathan Portal
Persuasion 15 - S Kort @ Ancestor Tree

Academy 20 - Cave of Knowledge @ S Larcen (Pays 250c)
Athletics 20 - Honor Farm @ Gantras (Pays 250c)
Persuasion 20 - Garga inn @ Gantras (Pays 250c)
Perception 20 - Mill @ Enorwen (Pays 250c)
Strategy 20 - Park @ Thorval (Pays 250c)
Subterfuge 20 - Castle @ Wellnear @ Night (Pays 250c)
Exploration 20 - Port @ Thorval (Pays 250c, 10 Thorval Rep Req?)

Subterfuge 25 - Pavillion @ E Larcen (After completing sun quests, Cost:500c)
Athletics 25 - Servres @ W Wellnear (Req: 500c. 36Rep)
Perception 25 - Tales Inn @ W Wellnear (Req: 500c. 36Rep)
Exploration 25 - Eronwen Lighthouse (Req: 500c, 25 Caravan Rep)
Strategy 25 - Rose Fort @ E Gantras (Req: 500c, 5 Rose Rep)
Academics 25 - Law House @ Gantras Town (Cost:500c)
Persuasion 25 - Excluded Farm @ SE Thorval (Cost:500c)

Persuasion 30 - Kortombe Mayor (Cost:1k)
Exploration 30 - Isifort Fort @ Gantras (Cost:1k)
Perception 30 - World Park @ Gantras (Cost:1k)
Athletics 30 - Claw Camp @ NW Enorwen (Req: 250 Claws, 25 Claw Rep)
Subterfuge 30 - Owl Inn @ Gantras (Req:1kc, 5 Hippo Rep)
Strategy 30 - Master Office @ Thorval (Req:1kc, 10 Thorval Rep)
Academy 30 - Academy @ Thorval (Req:1kc, 10 Thorval Rep)

Ralouf's Hut @ Grandfall Forest (SE Grandfall portal)
Requires: 48 Forest, rare Plant quest
35 - Persuasion, Strategy, Academics
*I dont know why the put these training options here, its impossible to make good use of them if you cant get into the forest.

Ruins @ E Whisper Portal @ 39 Forest (Pays: 1 Effigy each) [21hr CD]
39 - Academy & Exploration & Perception
*Doing these will also train your swamp skill.

Mecablip Landfill
39 - Athlethics & Strategy & Subterfuge

SE from Norkantas Portal, in a cave in a mountain (41 Mountain and 39 Underground required)
(Pays: 1 Effigy each) [21hr CD]
*Doing these daily landfill quests will also train your underground skill.

Fontainsnail Relay (SW Gantras)
39 - Persuasion

Mud Path [1hr CD]

SE from Thorval, need 39 Swamp & 36 Explore, will only work eight or ten times.
*Doing these will also train your forest skill.

Minotroll Cave Raft
40 Athlethics (No cooldown)

Terrain Training (500g, 21hr CD)
30 - Swamp (Greensta Relay, N from Enorwen)

Advanced Terrain Training (2k cost each, 21hr cooldown)
45 - Swamp in Leviathan Sanctuary (Druid Island)
45 - Underground in Mount Faras (needs 48 Mt to enter)

Ruins of Kristo (Sleeping Forest, NE from Chimeric Portal)
Req: Explore 44, Forest 46
44 - Athlethics, Subterfuge, Strategy (21hr CD)

Albeit Ruins (Mountains West of Gantra)
Req: Exploration 48, Mountains 48, Forest 47
44 - Exploration, Observation, Academics (21hr CD)

Malasette Ruins (Small Fortress West of Wellnear)
44 - Persuasion (21hr CD w/Cassandra)

MistWalker's Fort (Leo's Tower N of Chimeric Portal)
Mists Training*
*Leo will train you in Mists at any level in exchange for crystals but only once a day.
The crystal cost goes up as you rank up your Mists.

Ultimate Training
*These dont show up until the ruins training above dont give you XP (L25)
Academics 50 - Kort Academy/Library
Subterfuge 50 - Mayor House @ Enorwen
Perception 50 - Gismons Farm @ Enorwen
Strategy 50 - Camp of the Dreamer @ NE Goldori Lake
Exploration 50 - Fountainsnail relay (SW Gantras)
Athlethics 50 - Monster Inn @ Gantras
Persuasion 50 - Port @ Thorval
Advanced Books/Shops
Leonidas Mistwalker Fortress
*You can now buy books with mist shard crystals
Requirement: Arcanist Quest chain complete.

Recommend to get 1 Perception book first.

Live Away Tavern:
You need 40 mountain to get into Path east of Gantras Town.
Go down all the way to the coast.
You might need explore 25+ to discover the Inn.
All Craft Skills, (+1 Books) x1 , 7k coins each.
*With these books, you can finally get 40 craft if maxxed and fix Gantras Portal.
*Crafting machines give tons of crafting XP

Shaman's Cave (Nosezandertale)
You need 36 Underground and 25 Claw Reputation
Go to FearPiercing Camp NW of PrettyBard portal.
Get the quest Toride's War.
A new cave will be shown to you, go kill the 60 minotrolls that they want.
The minotrolls are level 32-34.. so yeah, its gonna be tough.
Faster to grind in a party.
When you finish and deliver that quest, a new location will show on your map here:

You need 36 Forest to get in there.

The guy sells a lot of things, among them, the books for:
Alchemy, Herbalism, Exploration, Perception, Athletics, Strategy
He sells 2 of each, except Herbalism which he sells 3.

He doesnt take coins, he buys for Aurate Claws which you get by doing Claw guild Dailies or killing minotrolls in the Cave.

Books cost 5000 claws each, except Alchemy and Herbalism which cost 6k each.

I suggest you get the exploration books first so you can find the next shops.

Allied Camp (NW Gantras)
You need 36 Exploration to find the camp, thus, you need at least 1 Exploration Claw book from above to reach here. (15 start, +2 books from Larcen +1 book from Claw =18*2=36)

Here, you can buy for 4k coin, 2 books each of: Persuasion, Perception, Exploration, Subterfuge.
For 8k 1 single book for Mountain.
You will need Mountain to do quests like Ovvie's 2nd evolution and get to the next shops, 2nd priority should be exploration, thankfully, coins are easier to get than Claws.

Taran Academy
You need 38 Exploration and 40 Forest to find the place here:

This is SE of the Norkantas portal or W of the Great Circle camp.
This means, you need the explore books from the shops before this one, then maybe train it a bit.
Sold Books: 2xAcademics, 1xForest (3kc ea)
1xBotany,1xHerbalism,1xAlchemy (5kc ea)
You should get Forest first.

FontainSnail Relay
The next shop is SW of Gantras, in the mountains that you can access through here:

You will need 39 exploration and 38 mountains to find it.
Sold Books: Lumberjack, Mining, Hunting

East of Enorwen, go up here to get to Hodori.

You will need Mountain 42 to climb these.

Going east, in the woods, there are two books, clearing this challenge will also give you access to East Hodori.

There are a lot of L30 monsters here, expect to get constantly ambushed if you are not higher level than them.

Going NE, around the lake, you will reach the Plateau and the Dreamer's Camp.

Exploration 37 Required
They sell books: Staff, Dagger, Sword, Axe, Mace (2 books of each, each 3k coins)

Assembly Nest

Req: 41 Mountain, Exploration 38
Go SE from Enorwen
*You get a quest here to kill Rylenback, reward is 20k aurate claws
Books: Strategyx2, Athlethicsx2 (5k coins ea) *25 Claw Rep required.

Arcanist Tower
Req: 42 Mountain, 25 Arcanist Reputation
Go east from Hodori entrance, following the lake southeast.
No books here but they sell Mage's recipes for Alchemy/Crafts.
The quest for the AOE magic spells is here.

Between Marshes and Mountains

Once you get 42 swamps and 42 mountains, you can get these books to get to 44 Swamp/Mt.

Kalamaran Ruin
41 explore to find the place then, 30 academic, 32 perception, 32 athletics, 32 underground.

Gantras West Mountains
Req. 44 Mountain

Gantras East Mountains
Req. 44 Forests and 40 Mountain

Holdori Cave (Psychaganger Lair)
Req. 44 Underground and 43 Mountain

Crucible (SE Thorval)
Req. 44 Swamp

Ancient Rituals
Mountains east of Zarata Swamp, 42 Swamp and 47 Mountain.
Harvesting Skill Books, need materials and Skill at 38. Gives you a +6 boost.

Vorf's House
Persuasion 49, Possible 64 thorval rep, following questline about the insect threat.
S from Thorval. Sells Hunting and Sword Books.

Sotiris Camp
Mountains West of Gantra, needs Mountains 48, Forest 48, Explore 45+?
All Adventure Skills and Mists

Gargagul Cave Books
Entrance to the cave is on western Gantras Mountains (42 Explore)
Req. Mountains, Underground, Athlethics, Subterfuge,Observation - 50,
Gets you: Underground+Mountains Books (+5 each)

Darkblade Marsh (Past Greatfear tunnel)
Req. Tree Golem Quest after Fairy Forest Questline, Swamp 50.
Req. Forest, Exploration, Strategy, Academics - 50
West of western claw camp west of Enrowen.
You get: Swamp, Forest +5

Ralouf Questline @ Grandfall Forest
Req. Forest 48, Skills 40+, 10 x rare T5 Herb
Gets you: Alchemy +2, Herbalism +2

Plain of Chance (Up in Leviathan Plateu)
Req. Leghanna questline, Forests,Explore,Academics,Strategy = 55
Forest Book+1 @ 2nd Forest north from entrance.
Req.Mountains 58
Mountains Book @ West of Tarza Portal

Exploration Notes
Talent Shop: SE Thorval Plains, near East mts - 45, 48mt
Quiet Plateu, Path SE Gantras - 45
SW Gantras Mountain - 48 (Garg Entrance)
Minotroll Cave - 50 (Goes to T5 Mushroom)
W Enorwen Mts - Explore 46/Mts 50 (Garrun Gol Entrance), Arcanist Rep 50 to quest there.
Point Ruins: 56 Strat,Acad,Obs,Kill Enemies at night,57Aca,42Mists


More Notes
Thorval: Alchemy, Persuasion, Athlethics, Tanning, Attachments, Mechanisms, Swords
Wellnear: Exploration, Subterfuge, Dagger, Sewing, Botany, Herbalism, Runes
Kort: Academics, Forge, Tools, Gathering, Machines.
Larcen: Hunting, Lumberjacking, Axes, Woodworking, Beds, Vehicles, Exploration
Gantras: Stoneworking, Polearm, Strategy, Perception, Maces, Mining
Hippogriff: Dagger, Poison, Emblem
Rose: Sword, Maces
Claw: Polearm, Axes
Arcanists: Staves, Magic/Heal Gear
This is a list of boss fights that give you chests.
Ill fill this up as I find more.

The level estimations assume you only have up to 3 fighting members.
Enemies higher level than you are more resistant against your status effects.
Even if you fight the same boss twice in a day because of multiplayer, you only get rewards once.

East of Kortombe

*2xGremfyr Wings
Exploration 7
Mountain 9
Underground 5
Level 5-8
Reward: Rusty Chest

North of Kortombe
*Follow Leonidas questline
Forest 16
Mountain 25
Level 7-8

To open the rift, a mist challenge is found where the yellow star is.
Reward: Rusty Chest
Analyze: Weak to Wind, 8% Dodge

NE of Kortombe

Exploration 12
Forest 22
Mountain 20
Level 8-10
Reward: Small Chest
Note: Armors up, use Bleed+Exposition
Analyze: Weak to Water, Phys Res: 35%

Spiders x 5
SW of Chimeric Portal, NW of Enorwen

Forest 25
Exploration 28
Level 10-12
No Chest Reward but spider components

East of the Prettybard portal.

*Follow Leonidas questline which will lead you to the flag that opens the rift.
Mountains: 32
Level 12-17 (Lower if you can keep it from enraged)
Reward: 500
Note: Dmg goes up +50% per baby spider killed
Analyze: Poison Res:60%

West of Kortombe
*Do Circle of the Great Tree Quests
*Stand inside the Valiss ruins at night
Academics 20
Exploration 18
Persuasion 19
Mists 21
Level 13-15
Reward: 400

NW of Wellnear Portal

*Need to do Woodcutter's quests/Circle Tree @ forest west of Kort (22 Expl,Aca,Per)
*Night Fight only
Level 15-17
Notes: Ignites, Fire AOE
Reward: Chest


*Complete Ovie's 1st evolution quest
Mountain 15
Underground 10
Level 10-15
Notes: Kill weaker one ASAP
Reward: Chest

Scabonzi Guardian
NE of Larcen
*Need to do Scabonzi questline
Mountain&Forest : 32
Level 17-20
Notes: 5 Enemies, take out shamans first.
Reward: Chest

East of Corina Portal

*Complete Sally's quest (Need Sally, Academy:30)
Level 20-24
Notes: He Armors up, bleed works. Weaken is useful for the long fight.

SW of Corina Portal

*Need to do Brumedor raft quest.
Pay 200 coins
Mists: 18
Level 18-24
Notes: High evasion, Poison AOE, can heal.

East of Corina Portal

*Follow Clan of the Claw quests (31 Obs/29 Acd)
Level 22-26
Notes: AOE Physical, Heals, decreases your heals
Reward: Chest+500c

Cybelfly Queen+4 cybelflies
Plateau NW of Enorwen
*Follow Red Mushroom Quest then Enorwen Lighthouse quest, you'll need Kortombe Workshop (36rep).
*Can only be open at night

*Too Tough to Solo, ask for a group
Notes: Paralyzes, dispels your buffs, Vortex AOE
Reward: Cybelfly Egg

Arriel and Ela
Temple east of Enorwen Portal
*Night only
*Do the Quests from Tree Circle and then Raven Marsh that involve the NoPeak Hills
Mountain 38
Persuasion 28
Notes: Ela heals, Arriel uses Wind magic

Ruins in Lovers Plains NE of Larcen
*Do quests from the Tree Circle
Mountain 31
Notes: Uses slash attacks and exposition.

Cyclops Ruins west of Enorwen Portal
*Do quests from the Tree Circle
*Night only

Requirements: Arcanist Tower Quest, 38 Explore, 43 Mountain, 40 Underground
Boss is in the Holdori Eastern Cave, need to clear the Forest Caves to access East holdori.

Notes: Can Fireball AOE and use Talents used by Players.

Nest of the Pygalis Nocturnis
Circle Questline near Maranchon's Valley entrance, this questline goes after finishing Harth's, might need 50+ Circle Rep. Will require 50 Diantine, 3 constructions (recipes found in Kort) and a few 50~51 skill checks.

No idea how to get up there though.

Scabonzi Warlord
Ralouf Questline @ Grandfall Forest
Requires, 48 Forest and High Herbalism/Botany skills along T4-T5 Herbs, I guess you could buy the ingredients/items rather than making them yourself.

Location: Gargar'Gul Passage, SW of Gantras.
50 underground+Mountains, 47 Explore
Portal column:100 Oceannite+50Grimalpure+50Galandor
Portal Heart:100 Silvanil,Mounking,Araknol (Forge,Sew,Tan Skills 61+?)
54 Athlethics

L54 Fight, Blunt Attacks and Poison, summons "bombs", super tough, bring friends.
Weekly Bosses
You can only start the fights against these bosses once per week but someone else can start the fight and invite you to join the fight, the first time you kill a weekly boss you'll get treasure chests, the 2nd time and beyond you'll get bonus mastery, gold and XP instead until the week resets.

Requires: Follow Main Quest, defeat Great Protector Tree, Rescue Badouk

Plateau NW of Thorval

*Unlock Rift through Mists 21 or 25?
Notes: Can Paralyze, Hit Phys one, Adjacents or all.

Minotroll cave (36 Underground), need 25 Claw Rep, 37 Underground to get to Hazko.
Also 20x(Mohair,Exanese,Melize) to repair Vault.

Hazko (L34, 1580HP, A/D=68/33)
Need to be on Toride's Questline, after killing 60 minotrolls, go explore and fight red flags, then rebuild a underpass, you will need to bring a Cart that has at least 36 Underground to bring the materials.
Notes: He summons bombs which attack after a few turns and cannot be targeted until they are ready to attack. After 2 rounds, the bombs start to act and also you can try and kill them.
Bombs damage the whole allied party.
Glitter bombs do 5-10dmg and blind you.
Explosion Bombs do around 15-20 fire damage.
Toxic bombs do 5 damage but poisons for 10dmg for 2 turns, the poison stack so it can get very bad. Bring Restore to heal all, weakness, exposition, cure poison.

Requires: 42 Mountain, Exploration 30
SE from Thorval Portal

Notes: Can do mass Fire AOE, mass Confuse (-25% Accuracy)`, strong physical attack and bleed.
He has an attack that always leaves you with 1hp.

Tarathiel (Peg)
Boss is close to the NW of the Inn at the end of the Eastern Gantras Road.
Requires: 44 Mountain and 44 Forest, 30 Mists.

You need to open the rift here to be able to start it, but you can join the fight with only 44 Mountain.

Notes: Wind AOE attack, Charge Attack (can daze), casts heaviness on party (-3 stamina per round), peaceful aura removes enraged from allies
Heroic Tara does an attack every 4 rounds that is called heavy wind which gives you a stamina debuff which stacks and if you dont use evasion to evade it, ti will eventually take you to 0 stamina fast.

Ezhilya (Ez)
Requires: Arcanist Tower Quest (Knowledge of Monoliths)
Start quest at Old Rabouf's House at night (41 Academics,Exploration and Persuasion)
After quest done, you will be shown location (Mountain 39 required)
Notes: Reflects talents, summons 3 minions and cant be targeted until they are killed.
Can act 3 times sometimes.


Requires: Exploration and Mountains 45
Hits like a brick, stack blunt resistances, stack poison on him for faster kill.

Requires: Mountains 48, Forest 47, Exploration 49(to open,once)
It also requires building a bridge with rare materials and skill checks (first time only)

He can do an overchange buff which grants 200% dmg for a few rounds and paralyze for two rounds which is awful.

EliCarde (Tree)
Requires: Underground 26, 36 Mountain, Forest 40, Exploration 48 (to open, once)

The tree is vulnerable to fire and the bears do slashing and piercing damage but not as tough as the tree.

Tarascarpel (Frog)
Req. 45 Swamp, 32 Mists
West Swamp from Corrina Portal

He does a lot of poison damage.

Req. Forest 45
NE Forest from Corrina Portal

He gets attacks stronger everytime he gets hit.

Walkrock (Turtle)
Requires: Underground 47, Mountain 47, Swamp 42
Cave east of Zarata swamp (NE Enorwen), near where you get books from ritual.

Easy boss if you can do decent dps before he goes super saiyan.

Requires: Mountains 40, Exploration 45, Athletics 50, No Vehicles

Wonta likes to counterattack a lot and is vulnerable to fire.

Army of Darkness (AoD)
Requires: Forest 48. Night only (To open)
You must have completed the quest to be able to recruit Palanne (Fairy Forest) until you uncover the ruins. The ruins are in the northeastern part of the Fairy Forest north of Wellnear.
You can only see the option to fight at night.

Location: Gargar'Gul Passage, SW of Gantras.
Requirements: 56 Mountain, Having Defeated Hydro (Look BossesSection above), Mists 45 to activate Panorama outside to the North.

He summons both shields after they are defeated so its wise to leave one shield alive, usually the one at the top. Def need a healer and keep Gargar on perma weakness.
Special attack every 6 rounds, hits everyone leaving them with 1HP.

Bone Dragon (BD)
Requires: 52 mountain, 35 Mists, 12 Mist shards(once)
Also having completed the Desert Quest against the gnolls found on the SE part of the world map.

His gimmick is that he becomes inmune to any damage he is dealt for 3 rounds and of course, he has calm, which means his damage will increase by 500% if not killed under 16 rounds.
He casts wind and fire spells along with his devastating slashing attack, you'll need a good healer for this one.
Double Strike and multi-hit attacks are bad, since he hes inmune after the first strike.
He mostly does AOE ice, fire and wind spells with ocasional multihit slash or pierce.
Harvesting Bonuses / Mob Drops

*Work in progress
*Green/Blue nodes might drop white/green bonuses (rng)

*You can probably get Tier 1 and Tier 2 harvesting Tier 3, random. Not sure tho.
Fibers: Pollens
1: Grey, Beige, Orange, Brown
2: Yellow, Purple, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange, Algent
3: Blue, Purple, Green, Pink

Lumberjacking: Saps
1: Flowing, Sticky, Gooey, Elastic
2: Tasty, Gooey, Flowing, Cold, Luminescent, Hot, Radiant, Phosphorescent
3: Luminescent, Iridescent, Gooey, Radiant, Phosphorescent, Tasty

Hunting: Bones
1: Soft, Heavy, Solid, Light
2: Absorbent, Rigid, Ghostly, Strong, Soft, Solid
3: Stiff, Radiant, Strong, Absorbent, Heavy, Conductive, Rigid, Ghostly

Ores: Gems
1:Cassinette, Hemonianel, Citrinil, Grenato, Malichone, Amethile
2:Amethile, Rubis, Obsidielle, Opalos, Onyxil, Tanzanil, Malichone, Quarzor, Serpentil, Morganate
3:Rubis, Jaskilo, Diantine, Onyxil, Zircona, Tukozelle

1:Marnitose,Ardosanos, Borasixte, Martiros
2:Graslette, Grestor, Argile, Diorule,Borfarine
3:Marnitose, Lansel, Marabis,Grimalsable, Diorule, Graslette

Flies: Flexole Wing
Lizard: Lizardis Phalanax
SW Kort Swamp
Swampsharks: Sharktheeth
S PrettyBard Forest
Plants: Greedy Root
Roots: Cognitive Flower
S PrettyBard Mt
Turtles: Tortulonous Scale
N Wellnear Swamp
Frogs: Pustulos Skin
NW Enorwen Forest
Flytrap; Sylvan Uvula
NE Larcen
Warthog: Suilick Horn
S Larcen Mt.
Rock Eater: Vibrato scale
Small Lizard: Lizardis Phalanax
Cylmos/Bears: Ursinol Claw

Rare Harvests
1 Aziblue Ore @ Elgratine Cave @ SW of Troll portal
3 Ridilande @ Summit Cliff @ NE of Kortombe
3 Amphrose, 1 Korupto, 4 Ruidel @ Moulabnsaul Island @ SW Corrinna
(8hr) 6 Slork, (2D)1 Marebouc Leather @ Raven Marsh @ NW Wellnear
3 Slork,Mandradon @ Raven Marsh @ E Prettybard
1 Maladiviene @ Forest @ W Wellnear
1 Brindor @ Plateu @ E Corrina Portal
3 Limotarsus @ S PrettyBard near Mt Entrance

(14hr) 2 Rudulux @ Minotroll Cave @ 37 Boss Chamber

(14hr) 3 Norl, (8hr) 4 Antraciene, (8hr) 2 Mortalese @ 42 Swamp NE enorwen

1 Savouran @ NE Larcen, S Mists
(8hr) 3 Valarianne @ S Larcen @ Hills
(2D) 1 Ridantite @ S Larcen @ Cliffs beyond caves
(14hr) 2 Plianto @ S Larcen @ Finn's Trial

(8hr) 3 Sinerane @ S Gantras @ Little Forest west of 2nd gate
(20hr) 5 Arkinik ore @ SW Gantras @ Mountain 38 W of First gate

(36hr) 2 Solone @ SE Thorval @ 44 Swamp (Mud Path)
Harvest Stations (Idle Harvesting)
Your Mist Tower enables you to automatically harvest resources you have found on the map.

You can see the autogather spots at the top of the screen when you are in your Mist Domain.
You can buy building blueprints to create harvesting stations in your domain which will give you extra harvesting spots.

The first of these station blueprints can be found around Kortombre town but will take spots in your domain, the quality of the materials you use to build these will determine the resources you can gather, so for example, if you want to gather Kulivrine Ore, you need a mining station with at least 16 quality to be able to idle gather that. In short, the skill requirement you need to gather a resource is the quality you need your building to have.

The time to harvest and the capacity depends on the resource node you pick.
The number shown on th circle on the top is the maximum number of gatherings it will make beofe it stops so if you pick a resource node with 7 metal (12 hours) and it says 0/2 that means every 12 hours you can click on the circle and get the 7 metal, if you come the next day (24 hrs) the circle will say 2/2 and when you click on it, you will get 14 metal (2x7).

Just like normal harvesting, when you click on the circle you'll have bonus chances to get extra items depending on your masteries, not sure on harvesting XP though, if someone can confirm if you get harvesting XP by gathering autoharvest, let me know.

The first stations you buy around Kort will only be able to give you up to around 18 or 20 quality which can only give you access to T1-T2 resources, you can buy the next level of harvesting stations from Leo at his tower near the Chimeric Portal west of PrettyBard Plains.

Companion Relics
Every companion that can be made to gather has a special mission you can send them to.
The mission will reward you with a relic after 15 REAL WORLD TIME days.
This mission is only available after finishing all the character's quests, including any evolution quests, if the characater can equip a relic, the mission should be available.

Equipment Notes

Defender Sword = Random 10% Protection to a type of physical attack (Slash/Bludg/Pierce)
*Dagger doesnt have a superior weapon but there are magic daggers with special effects like poison or confusion.
In the end, you will have enough time to max out all weapon skills, pick your favorite effect.

Rasferret from Ergoth Server made this database on items, check it out if you are wondering if that recipe is worth getting, we try to maintain and add to this spreadsheet as we go.


If you cant use the link because of steam, feel free to copy and then paste it on your URL bar in the browser of your choice. I could add some screenshots of it if asked in the comments.

Gantras 36 Rep Warrior Armor Line

Shoulders found elsewhere
Vigor Potions
Just gonna leave this here, some endgame vigor potion locations.
Chat Zoom and Commands

Click on the plus or minus buttons to increase/decrease font size.

/join [channel] joins a channel, creating it if it does not exist already.
/leave [channel] leaves a channel.

Press <enter> to start typing a chat message in the current channel.
Press <escape> to cancel a chat that you are typing and clear the input area.
To choose which channel to send a message in, type /n where n is the number of the channel, then press <space>. For example /1 to start typing a message in General or /2 to start typing a message to your Group members.
/w [player] to whisper (send a private message) to a specific player.
/r to whisper a reply to the most recent whisper received.

/ignore [player] to ignore messages from a player, they will not be able to whisper you or send you friend/group invites either
/unignore [player] to reverse the effects of /ignore
Resources Notes
Using these values you can setup your gathering gear to prevent using your rare tools too much.
(i.e. Bring a 36 sickle, a 43 Sickle and a 49 Precision Sickle)

Goldnester - 30
Araknol - 32
Huberois - 34
Massilan - 36

8hr CD
Bemesoft - 43
Lanosap - 47

14hr CD
Savouran - 32
Plianto - 33
Rudulux - 31
Tresaima - 34* (Near Psychoganger cave)
Hicko - 35
Quilla - 38
Norl - 37
Blimfroid - 38* (Top of Mt. Algent)
Julso - 39
Qualso - 40

20 hr CD
Brulm - 41 (Turtle Cave)
Purila - 42 (Ditto)
Firenina - 43 (West of Peg)
Illogia - 44 (SE of Frytek)
Evilli - 47 (Gargar Cave)
Trollusan - 49 (Minotroll Cave)

38 hr CD
Kingnester - 50 (Jolistar Ruins, Mt Siho)

Blackbear - 30
Wodjak - 32
Mounking - 34
Red - 36

8hr CD
Darkblade - 43
Ursigreen - 47
Algunar - 50

Silvanil - 30
Xuran - 31 (Minotroll and near Mogul)
Orus - 32
Simblior - 33 (West Claw Camp & past GreatFear tunnel)
Soraverse - 34 (East mountains from Holdori Lake)
Oceanite - 35 (East of Thorval)
Blueroc - 36 (Psychoganger Cave)
Lithosnow - 37 (West Gantras)

8hr CD
Galandor - 43
Grimalpure - 43
Yrrandanilde - 47 (West gantras Mts)
Titanron - 47 (West and East Gantras)

4 day CD
Volcanic and Icyluxa - 50 (Gorgu Cave)

Salandrin - 30
NuerteSilicio - 32
Ociosto - 34
Mif - 36

8hr CD
Azulio - 43
Soletto - 47

36 hours
Viobir - 50 (Jolistar Ruins, Mt Siho)
Gathering Building Notes:
Valson Mine: 800 Grimalroc+Ociosto+Blueroc = 34 (if using Orus=32)
Valson Camp: Salandrin, Simblior, Huberois = 33
Bldg Notes:
Studio: Melize, Nuerte, Ocean, Zincol
Mysteries and Ancestral Orbs
You will find several event sites that require 55 Skills to complete.
Each event will then spawn an orb somewhere when commpleted that you have to find and bring back to the new event that appears.

If you go to the journal, you can read the clue to where the orb is:

When you deliver an orb, you will get an ancestral orb as a reward, you need six of them and then go here to complete the mysteries quest.
This place is west of the western claw camp west of Enorwen, you need to be on the golen tree quest which comes after the Fairy Forest quest of the main questline.

You only need six of the seven orbs to complete the pillars quest but the orbs work like a currency to buy some high level weapons at the pillar site, the dagger can hold 2 mechanisms, the halberd 2 poisons and the staff two catalysts.

The final orb you need to buy a 2nd recipe is sold at the desert shop which opens after delivering the heart of the bone dragon at the end of the Desert Tribe quest SE of the world map.

The next spoiler sections will show you screenshots where the orbs are.
Crucible Orb


Fairy Orb


Sleeping Orb


Corrina Orb


Whisper Orb


Pandolfo Orb

*Credit to the person who discovered it and Lelith who gave me the link :)

Maranchons Orb

Blast from the past!
Check out how the game was when it left early access!
Rytalo 29 Jul @ 12:11pm 
how do i actually get Palenne? I talk at ruins go to notroll camp in west part of fairy forest and nothing happen, no fight, no dialogue that does anything
StDrakes Trades 28 Dec, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
Finns second evolve - the miststorm in the desert in not near thorval, but way east, need to pass the first skillcheck in the Kofo-Lun camp
StDrakes Trades 26 Dec, 2023 @ 4:31am 
also to unlock the place with Ovie 3rd evolution requires 30rep with practically all guilds and then 49 persuasion
StDrakes Trades 21 Dec, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
in Finns evolution graveyard of machines might be a blue flag in Mecablip, definitely not Frytek, as I didn't get to it yt, but got that marked off
Zadina 12 Jun, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
Died and cannot revive, because didn't have completed Quest of Troll Portal. Stacked...
brian.woods.2015 29 Nov, 2022 @ 3:50pm 
Great guide. Must give a huge thanks for all of this information.
Just curious if you plan to update after the new patch hits. There are a ton of things that are going to be changing and would love to see a guide for the new stuff coming. I've been playing almost two weeks now and have absolutely enjoyed my time.
Shindragan  [author] 7 Nov, 2022 @ 4:50pm 
Great! Ill update the guide, thank you!
tiamats4esgares 7 Nov, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
Finn was quite a few quests in, not the first one from the market by any means. Eventually it leads to a ques to fix a wagon, and then after that going to the woods to the south, and then Finn.
Shindragan  [author] 7 Nov, 2022 @ 7:13am 
ah, sorry about that, its been almost a year and cant remember corr\ectly, maybe Finn is the one you get by doing the first town's quests, at the market? memory is super fuzzy. You can try asking in general chat, Im sure theyll help, once you know, please come back and tell us so i can add it to the guide :)
tiamats4esgares 6 Nov, 2022 @ 3:08pm 
I see a Corrin, but no Finn.