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Type: Mod
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871.910 KB
21 дек. 2021 г. в 5:07
21 дек. 2021 г. в 6:36
Обновлений: 4 (просмотреть)

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This is a map edit i made for Chernarus. can be used on winter too.
your free to use this for you server.

Required mods: Builderitems SPBuilding Editor loader

Optional mods: GasMaskAddons RadZone

* IMPORTANT please stop your server before doing anything*

Install Guide

1) Optional, We are working on custom loot positions which we will provide the MapGroupProto for when we are done, So If you Know what your doing you can copy from mod files and replace the default ones.
For now it will be just standard loot positions created by the devs

2) Add this into your init.c file //GetCEApi().ExportProxyData(vector.Zero, 100000); //Center of map, radius of how far to go out and find buildings.
Remove the // thats infront of GetCEApi which will generate a mapgrouppos file when server starts and player logs in. (There will be an example init.c file provided in mod folder to see where the
above line goes)

3) Add the below to above Void Main() in your init.c file
void SpawnObject(string objectName, vector position, vector orientation)
Object obj;
obj = Object.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject(objectName, "0 0 0"));

// Force update collisions
if (obj.CanAffectPathgraph())
obj.SetAffectPathgraph(true, false);
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj);

Examaples of mission folders below


4) Install Dayz editor Loader Mod -

5) Create a folder inside of your mission folder called "Editor Files" <<<< dont need quotation marks. If your unsure the exact path to create the folder its in the same location to where your db,env and storage folder is located,
EXAMLE- C:\servers\NAMEOFSERVER\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus, <<<< inside this

6) Add the dze object file ( provided in the mod folder) into your created folder "Editorfiles"

7) Start your server and log in, Once logged in you need to log back out and stop server ( At this stage the objects should be there, please check before logging out)

8) In your Storage folder you should have a Export folder, Inside this you should have a MapgroupPos file, Copy whats inside of this file.

9) Go back to your mission folder , Example(dayzOffline.ChernarusPlus), Find the MapGroupPos file and open it up. Replace whats inside of this with what you copied from step 11

10) You can delete the Export folder that generated in your storage folder, You dont need this anymore ( unless of course you add more objects in the future in which case you just repeat the steps above)

11)Go back to your init.c file and put these two lines // back infront of the line from step 5

12) Start server and log in, you should now have loot spawning aswell as the objects being there ( Of course you will need to change loot tiers etc where you want certain loot to spawn in your types.xml)

For further help and install guide you can join our discords One Shot ( use this for help with server side issues) ItsDutch ( use this for help with the Mod itself)


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Комментариев: 5
its Dutch [PORN]  [создатель] 29 мар. 2023 г. в 9:08 
you need to run some line in init and than replace the file in mp mission...
JmB 9 апр. 2022 г. в 0:20 
Hello, super mod, but despite all my efforts, the military zone of Dutch_powerplant remains empty of loot, the same for the fire station !
its Dutch [PORN]  [создатель] 24 дек. 2021 г. в 1:36 
I will rework some of the area my ssd drive broke so I released it when I read out my file of that drive I will rework it..
its Dutch [PORN]  [создатель] 22 дек. 2021 г. в 9:39 
your welcome <3
Uncle Fester 22 дек. 2021 г. в 3:07 
Looks awesome - thanks for sharing!