Among Us

Among Us

108 ratings
Among us - 100% Achievement guide, Tips included!
By AmpeRSands
The guide on all achievements in the best game in the world
The Mindset
Remember; you are playing the best game in the world, Among us. Remember; The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.

So without further ado lets-a go!
The Crewmate

Survive and win a game as crewmate

This one is by far the easiest one, all you have to do is pray to the lord almighty that you don't die as crewmate

Fun Fact!: Because this is the most common achievement you can see that in the achievement statistics around only 6.9% players actually own it. That means around only 6.9% of players who own among us on steam still play this garbage amazing game!


Complete the card swipe task on your first try

If you go onto Skeld, you will most likely get the task, once you get it simply do it on your first try. (It's not that hard.)

P.S (If it unironically takes you longer than 10 minutes to get this achievement, reconsider your life.)


Win a game as crew with your only votes being for the Impostor

play a game with 1 impostor and just keep skipping votes until someone knows for sure who's the impostor, the proceed to vote them.

I dunno why but when I have this free space I feel the need to make a crap joke on all of them, and when I can't think of one I just result to this like an unimaginative ♥♥♥♥.

Win a game by completing all tasks as a crewmate

This one is actually a little tricky, mainly because most games end because of how bad the impostors are most people find out who the impostor is before all tasks are done, some people just go AFK, some people just flat out just don't do tasks, etc.

Your best bet is to communicate with your team and try to win the game like that. It works... eventually...

Most of time it doesn't tho lmao...

Get killed during a medbay scan

When you get the "submit scan" task go to medbay and if anyone comes towards you simply step into the scanner and hope they're the impostor and you get killed, if they're not just step out and repeat, I recommend doing this on Polus as you can see a lot more further near the scanner as in the Skeld you cant see as much, leaving you more vulnerable to be killed before you can step into the scanner.

Or you know... just ask the impostor to kill you while scanning its how I did it.



Complete 10 total tasks

Just do your tasks.

Yeah that's it nothing else to it just do your tasks...


Complete 100 total tasks

See above ^^^

Do you want me to tell you a secret method? Cuz I won't!


Complete 500 total tasks

See above above ^^^
Alright, you can do onnne little thing to help you out. but you're gonna have to **shudders** have friends grind.
Load into a game complete your tasks and leave, honestly you'll have more fun just playing the game normally to get this achievement but, meh I ain't gonna stop you.
Now if you actually have friends you AND your friends can be no lifes!
set up a game with your friends with the fastest speed and just do tasks, once done the game will end, repeat.

If you actually do this Ima have to give you a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ medal congratulating how little life you have.
The Imposte- impostor? Whatever.

Get your first kill

This one is really complicated so I'll have to walk you through it as best I can.
To get this Achievement you must first be an Impostor, depending on how many impostors there are, and how many players the lobby can fit, the odds of you getting impostor can vary. Once you do get impostor simply wait for your Kill Cooldown to hit 0 then press the designated button when standing on or near another player to kill them.


Win a game by killing all crewmates as Impostor.

Just keep killin' those crewmates until you win!
Pretty sure it just depends on how you win, e.g: if I win the game via killing somebody I get SLASHER, if I win the game via voting someone out I get SMOOTH TALKER, or vice-versa.

or I could just be completely wrong (probably) who the hell knows anymore.


Win game by vote as impostor

try to kill enough people to where its possible to win the game via a vote. Proceed to convince the remaining crewmates to vote another crewmate out.

Even if you die but the other impostor manages to do so you'll still get it so why even try anymore.


Fix a sabotage that you called

Call a sabotage near the place you can repair it and simply repair it before anyone else can.

Nothing else to say lol.


Get a kill during a lights sabotage

Call a lights out sabotage and kill a helpless crewmate scrambling about in the dark.

Its kinda like stepping on a rat in the dead of night whilst walking to the bathroom.


Win a 2 Impostor game with both Impostors alive at the end of the game.

a 10 player lobby should be easy enough to get this one, just hope that the other is impostor is decent.

You know this would be a lot easier with a friend HINT HINT


Win a game without using vents as Impostor.

Think out situations without the need of venting, should be easy enough like that.

I once tried venting to my friends once, they ended up voting me out. ):


Win a game by sabotaging a critical system as Impostor.

Once there are few players left, sabotage, its more likely it'll work with less players. Still a tricky one to get though, might take a couple tries. Recommend using the O2 sabotage on Skeld, and reactor sabotage on Polus.

Got soo close once, just few seconds more but then a body was found. ):


Get 3 kills before a meeting is called

Not your whole group. Only you, its best to do this solo, while its possible with 2 or 3 impostors, its best to do solo.
you have to have people who are unaware as hell to do so.

It may not be loyal... but I think I have a good plan on how to get this one.
make a lobby and kick every player that looks good; only let newbies in. That way you can find people who are just plain bad, that'll be your best bet.



Get 5 total kills

Just play the game.

Same as with the task ones just plat the it'll unlock naturally.


Get 50 total kills

See above ^^^

Do you want me to tell you a secret method? Cuz I won't! For real this time.


Get 150 total kills

See above above ^^^

Welllll I guess you could make a lobby with friends, but you play among us so you probably don't have any but honestly its actually not worth it just play the game bro, enjoy it.
The Miscellaneous

Win 3 games on Skeld

Impostor or crewmate doesn't matter, even if you die as a crewmate or an impostor so long as your team wins, it counts.


Win 3 games on Polus

Impostor or crewmate doesn't matter, even if you die as a crewmate or an impostor so long as your team wins, it counts.


Win 3 games on MIRA

Impostor or crewmate doesn't matter, even if you die as a crewmate or an impostor so long as your team wins, it counts.


Win 3 games on The Airship

Impostor or crewmate doesn't matter, even if you die as a crewmate or an impostor so long as your team wins, it counts.

no funny for this one daddy's not in the mood
The End
Congratulations, you have 100% among us, are you happy? No? Too bad, turns out 100% among us doesn't make your dad come back, all this wasted time for nothing wow wow wow wow wow.
Anyways I'm up at 3:00 AM writing this crap so I wanna end it ASAP.
This is my first guide and I never want to make another one. Goodbye have a horrible day.
ElNilo93 12 Dec, 2024 @ 3:15pm 
Demoncat 10 Mar, 2024 @ 11:23am 
i went to moded lobby and went ham to get hunger
a quantum jester 26 Jul, 2022 @ 10:46pm 
I can *feel* the sleep deprivation in these words
Blinky 25 Jun, 2022 @ 9:35pm 
yeah so what? maybe other people who come here don't know. what's your point bug guy?
Shiokarai 25 Jun, 2022 @ 9:33pm 
we know
Blinky 22 Jun, 2022 @ 11:22am 
to get HUNGER you can just play on a "hide n seek" server, pretty easy to do it there. Got it on my first impostor round there :)
Sheepy 21 Jun, 2022 @ 3:14pm 
Hold on
You can see the names in the global achievements stats
Sheepy 21 Jun, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
Which ones are secret?
list them on the guide
Murasaki || civil directionist 17 Jun, 2022 @ 3:48pm 
instructions unclear got acheivement: among ass
Shiokarai 17 May, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
Well...FINALLY!!! I finally got all of the freaking achievements! That saboteur was a pain. At least I finally got it!