Chill Corner

Chill Corner

274 평점
100% Achievement Guide
slothinspirit 님이 작성
A guide to the most efficient way to get all achievements in Chill Corner!
즐겨찾기 해제
All Achievements Walkthrough
Hi! This is my first guide, so please let me know if there are any mistakes! I apologize for the low quality. The game is very new, and this may be changed in the future.

To report any bugs, or for any questions regarding game mechanics, please use the discussion started by Low-Hi Tech. Enjoy!
Time Achievements
- for the achievements "Five Minutes", "Thirty Minutes"; "One Hour", and "Hard Working", simply have the game open for 24 hours to automatically unlock all achievements.

- for the achievement "Three Hour", select "Working" or "Studying" as your activity, and once you've spent three hours in-game with that activity selected you will get this achievement. This can be done by selecting this when the game is first opened, and re-selecting it when the timer on your activity runs out, or by pressing the curved arrow button on the left of the screen next to the timer and selecting this activity- by default there will be two boxes with the word activity, select the left one and there will be a drop down section of options. Set the timer and reset it after it ends until a total of 3h to get this achievement.
Decorator Achievements
- decorators can be unlocked using chill time, the game's currency, so it is easiest to do these after completing all of the time achievements. These achievements are "Decorator", "Green Room", "Christmas", "My Own Room", "Decorating" and "Perfect Collector".

- To get all of these achievements, unlock all decorators, and go to an empty room and place a Christmas tree decorator.
Interaction Achievements
- these achievements are given by completing different in-game interactions. These can all be done at any point.

- "Pet" - select a pet from the pet menu.

- "Feeding" - feed your pet. An option will pop up on-screen to do so after some time has passed. If the option does not pop up, switch to a different pet.

- "Character" - select a weather option on the right. This will be unlocked automatically for other achievements.

- "Rainy Day" - choose the rainy weather option on the right.

- "Snowy Day" - choose the snowy weather option on the right.

- "Sunny Day" - choose the sunny weather option on the right.

- "Task" - click the pin in the bottom left and enter a task.

- "Favorite Track" - loop the song playing.

- "Shuffle" - shuffle the album playing.

- "Skipping" - skip the song playing.

- "My Album" - click on music album in the menu, and create album (button in the bottom left of the music menu.

- "New Room" - switch to a different room.

- "Breaking Time" - click the pause button on the left.
댓글 55
m44rtynka 2024년 10월 12일 오전 8시 47분 
uh i unlocked all off fishes and i didnt get achievement:( why?
Oh No!学人精偷走了我的好心情! 2024년 9월 23일 오전 7시 40분 
PsykoGeek 2024년 9월 8일 오후 1시 44분 
thank youuuu !!!! <3
Hex: Content Creator 2024년 7월 19일 오후 5시 24분 
am i silly bc how do you switch rooms ;_;
Magni 2024년 5월 31일 오후 9시 37분 
You don't need the DLC's to get the collector achievement, just go to each category of your inventory and make sure everything you can buy in game, is bought. I realised on the last decorations tab I hadn't bought the pumpkins.
OyuncuMahmut_3843 2024년 2월 16일 오전 6시 12분 
Kallisto 2024년 1월 7일 오전 3시 26분 
welp, i have more than 24 hours on this game and I still didnt get the hard working achievement.. yikes :steamfacepalm:
Llama_Knight 2023년 9월 9일 오전 12시 03분 
I've spent 28.2 hours on the game but haven't unlocked the hard working achievement :/
Soft 2023년 6월 30일 오전 2시 11분 
Okay, nvm, needed 24,3hrs
Soft 2023년 6월 30일 오전 2시 04분 
Guys, am I dumb? I cannot unlock achievement for 24h spent in the game, even tho I have 24,1