Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

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Halo Infinite - 100% Achievement Guide
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A simple guide to get you through all of the games achievements. This includes video links as well as tips and tricks to help you reach your 100% completion goal by just following the guide along.
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The purpose of this guide is to help you achieve 100% completion in Halo Infinite.

Key Points:
  • A number of missable collectables check each missions guide
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 (Probably 3 for most players)
  • 100% completion time: Around 80h if not more.
  • Difficulty required for 100%: Legendary All Skulls On.
  • Use this interactive map to track and collect everything![mapgenie.io]

General Tips:
  • Click on the title/name of each achievement to get a guide for it.

  • I've tried to order the achievements in order of relevance.

  • To effectively navigate this guide use the search feature. To do this, press CTRL + F on your
    keyboard and type what you're looking for in the search box.

  • Focus on collectables and open world activities on your first playthrough. I'd then recommend doing a quick speed run of the game and pick up anything you missed in less than 8 hours. After that you can attempt the LASO for the last campaign related achievement.

  • Feel free to do multiplayer related ones whenever but they are meant to be adding more modes so it may be easier in the future to do some of those achievements.

Overall Campaign
In this section I'll cover achievements that you will get through-out the campaign but not limited to one specific area or method. It will also include difficulty related achievements.

The eight following achievements are in relation to audio log collection, skulls, artifacts and other collectables. Most of these are out in the open world but some are missable as they are in missions. I'll link the missable ones in each mission guide and you can either use a YouTube video or the following map for open world collectables. I'd also recommend making an account so you can track what you've collected in case you are missing something at the end.

Feel free to use each achievements YouTube video attached or use the Interactive Map.[mapgenie.io]

Mjolnir Master
Acquire all Spartan Cores.

Armory Amore
Access all 34 Mjolnir Armor Lockers.

Scan all seven Forerunner Artifacts.

Know Your Enemy
Unlock all Banished Audio Logs.

Discover all hidden Skulls.

Off the Air
Destroy 40 Banished Propaganda Towers.

Canon Collector
Unlock all UNSC Audio Logs.

Rubicon Protocol
Unlock all Spartan Audio Logs.

The four following achievements are for completing the story on a set difficulty. If you do it on legendary it will unlock them all. However, since you have to do LASO at some point I'd recommend doing your first play-through on easy or normal so it's quicker and get all the collectables. Allowing you to just focus on completing the LASO which includes legendary.

Set a Fire in Your Heart
Complete the main campaign.

Bare Your Fangs
Complete the main campaign on Normal difficulty.

Fight Hard, Die Well
Complete all main campaign missions on Heroic difficulty.

A True Test of Legends
Complete all main campaign missions on Legendary difficulty.

I personally decided to just do the following achievement in another run. It doesn't matter what difficulty so just throw it on easy and only do the main missions. You can grapple through most of the areas and ignore everyone. The only time you need to kill enemies should be bosses or rooms that require the enemies clearing before you can use a terminal. Simply ignore the rest. I managed to do this and some free roam sections in just over 2 hours and 30 minutes. So this is easily achievable. I'd advice going out your way to get a few spartan cores to get the 40% cool down on the grapple and then just swing your way through the missions.

Forza Veloce
Complete all 14 main missions in under eight hours.

Moving onto the LASO achievement for the game. This should unlock once you finish the game on legendary with all skulls on. You will need to collect the skulls then do another play-through so make sure to look out for them as some are missable.

Complete all main missions on Legendary with all Skulls active.

If you'd like a more in depth guide on how to make the LASO easier and some tips. Check out the LASO section of the guide. Which will include how to get through the first few missions, how you should be playing as well as some tips on the bosses.

Moving onto the next achievement. You will find these in missions as well as the open world so just throw them anywhere if you see them. You will probably get this passively but you can always grind it at the end of the game.

Wait, I Can Throw Those?
Throw 50 fusion coils.

On the final achievement for this section. Chances are you will get this passively over different play-throughs but if you want it quickly I'd focus on dropping the shield of an enemy and while they are in a staggered animation throw the grenade at them.

Wanna Have a Catch?
Stick 50 enemies with grenades.
Spartan Abilities
This section is pretty self explanatory and you will probably get these by just going for other achievements so I wouldn't worry about them to much.

Energy Shields:
Getting Defensive
Fully upgrade your Energy Shields.

Reaching Out
Fully upgrade the Grappleshot.

Those Wonderful Toys
Successfully use the Grappleshot 50 times.

Thrusters On Full
Fully upgrade the Thruster ability.

Run Rabbit Run
Use the Thruster 50 times.

Threat Sensor:
Big Brother
Fully upgrade the Threat Sensor ability.

All-Seeing I
Use the Threat Sensor 50 times.

Drop Wall:
Fully upgrade the Drop Wall ability.

Aegis Fate
Deploy the Drop Wall 50 times.
Open World
In this section I'll cover all the achievements you can get only in the Open World area or ones that are easier to achieve in this area rather than a mission.

The following achievement can be gained by completely all activities on the free roam map. You will need to complete all of the following to unlock it:
  • Eliminate all 15 Banished High-Value Targets
  • Capture all available Forward Operating Bases.
  • Answer all UNSC distress calls.
  • Complete all story missions.
  • Clear all 7 Banished Outposts.
  • Collect all collectables.

Who is Max Valor?
Complete all Valor-awarding activities.
Chances are this will be one of the last achievements you will unlock.

Capture your first Forward Operating Base.
You should get this automatically after you clear Outpost Tremonius and get the first FOB.

Capture all available Forward Operating Bases.
You can view them all on the map and do any you missed after you finish the game.

We're On Our Way
Answer a UNSC distress call.
There is one pretty close to the first FOB. So if you do it you can take them into the next mission for the achievement below. So you can basically get these 3 together.

Wars with Friends
Bring some rescued UNSC Marines along for the ride into a main mission.
This was bugged for me and didn't unlock straight away but it did eventually.

Outpost Discovery
Complete a Banished outpost.
The first one you can do is Ransom Keep which is on the way to "The Tower" mission.

Bunker Buster
Complete all seven Banished outposts.
All seven of these will be highlighted on your map. You can do any you missed after the last mission.

Please Shut Up
Take out a Banished Propaganda Tower.
These can be found all around the world. I'd suggesting using this map to get them all.[mapgenie.io]

Eliminate a Banished High-Value Target.
The first one you can get is Okro Vagaduun. He's in the bottom left of the starting zone.

Bloodstars' Bane
Eliminate all 15 Banished High-Value Targets.
All 15 of these will be shown on your map. You can do any you missed after the last mission.

No One Left Behind
Answer all UNSC distress calls.
If you get all the FOB's all distress calls will be displayed on the map. You can do any you missed after the last mission.

Eld Aficionado
Scan a Forerunner Artifact.

The following achievement is completely luck based and can take a long time. You need to wait till the grunt goes suicidal near a basic brute. He will then throw the grunt towards you giving you a small window to kill the grunt before he lands.

Passing the Gas
Kill a Grunt that's been thrown by a Brute.

The following two achievements can be obtained at the exact same time. At somepoint in free-roam you will come across an enemy driving a Ghost. Simply grapple it and take control and run over the enemy driver to unlock both.

Whip-Riding the Ghost
Use the Grappleshot to board an enemy Ghost.

Takes One to Make One
Splatter an enemy with a Ghost.

The next achievement is a pretty easy one to get you just need to climb to the top of the highest point and after a few seconds the achievement will unlock. Check the video link for the exact location.

Check out the best possible view.
LASO Tips & Tricks - Part 1
You will need to get all Skulls in another play-through first before you can do LASO!

If you have any experience with Halo LASO's you will find this is actually one of the easier games. With the addition of the Tank Gun and unlimited ammo this is by far the easiest to complete. Arguably the hardest parts are actually just the first two missions and the odd boss. Just remember when you are going to start a new game to make sure you have difficulty set to legendary with all 12 skulls on. Otherwise the achievement won't unlock once you finish the game. As an advisery I'd largely ignore all open world activities and just focus on the main missions. With that lets get into the first mission.

Warship Gbraakon
At the start of the mission you want to be primarily just grappling all the grunts and meleeing them to death. Before you enter the first doorway I'd suggest picking up a mangler so you can headshot the Berserk Brute and hopefully kill him quickly. After that procceed through the level as normal and melee Jackals and Grunts and try and headshot any Brutes. You will eventually come to a sort of mini control room as shown below in the screenshots. You want to stick to the left side of the door and grenade/headshot all the enemies in the room. Your priority should be the shielded Brute with the rocket launcher.

Once you have killed all the enemies you want to trade one of your weapons for the rocket launcher. You should really only need this for the rest of the mission. I'd suggest aiming at the floor of the enemies rather than them directly as it will force them to bounce to the other side of the room which usually kills them. A direct shot they can usually tank and continue to fight. Continue to use the Rockets for the rest of the mission and make sure to take advantage of cover and long distances. There is no time limit on the escape at the end so make sure to take your time and clear all enemies from a distance.

You should now be onto the 2nd mission and this is where you can get the Energy Sword from the start so don't rush.

In the below screenshot you can see an elite. This is the same one that spawns in front of you at mission start. He takes a few rocket shots to kill so I'd suggest aiming for him directly and once the shields have dropped go for a headshot. If you knock him out of the map it's better to jump off the edge and try again. The sword is important for getting shields back as well as bosses so it's a must have!

Largely that's it for how to play through the early two missions. You just want to use the Rocket Launcher from a distance and now and then kill a Jackal or Grunt with the energy sword to get your shields back. I'll now cover bosses rather than missions as you just rinse and repeat this strategy through the whole game. You do swap the Rocket Launcher for the Tank Gun after this mission but it's the same principle.

Tremonius Boss
At the start of this encounter you can either shoot your rockets at the two Jackals straight away to remove them from the battle or just leave them till the end. I personally shot them first. You then simply need to swap to your Energy Sword and melee Tremonius. He will shoot you with the shotgun but your shields will keep recharging faster than he does damage. He's extremely easy to kill with this method.

Outpost Tremonius
After defeating Tremonius you will proceed up the elevator to the next mission. As I said before you should proceed with the same strategy of just Rocketing everyone. I'd suggest going on top of the building when you get outside and just take 5-10 minutes to long range shoot everyone. Once you have cleared the Outpost feel free to clear the platform to allow the Pelican to land. DO NOT GO IN THE PELICAN TO THE NEXT MISSION. Before this we want to get the Tank Gun which can be found on top of the UNSC Ship. See the screenshots below.

You can find the hidden tank gun on the front turret. Right barrel and if you look down the barrel and hold E it should pick it up. You want to swap this for your Rockets and keep the Energy Sword and Tank Gun. As a warning it does have a drop off pretty quickly so if you need to hit a target pretty close to you then you will need to jump otherwise it just blows up around you. You then just want to continue with the campaign using this strategy.

Open World Area
You want to ignore most modes of transportation and really only use the grapple to get around. It has a unlimited cooldown so you can get around easily. I'd only bother taking banshee's later. Other methods you can just get blown up to easily. This is more my personal preference as it's much safer and allows you to kill any enemies you come across. Plus with you going over hills with the grapple your less likely to come across groups of enemies.

Chak 'Lok Boss
As soon as the battle starts he's sat invisible in front and and just left around the bend. You want to immediately throw your threat sensor to the ground in that area to get his exact location. Once you have it you probably only have enough time to shoot 1 or 2 tank gun rounds at him before he gets to close. Remember to jump as you shoot otherwise it won't go anywhere. Once he gets close to you. Swap to the energy sword and keep hitting him until he dies. You should regenerate shield faster than he can do damage. This is also an easier boss.

Bassus Boss
He can take a bit of work as he still has the potential to one shot you. I'd fire a tank gun shot at fight start and when he starts charging grapple onto him and energy sword him. Eventually he will be knocked away slightly. You then want to swap back to the tank gun and shoot and repeat the process above until you kill him.

Conservatory Mission
Overall, this mission isn't that different from any other and you can use the normal methods. The only tricky section is when you get to the large open room where Skimmers fly down. I found the best method was to keep moving around the centre area by grappling and jumping. Then keep shooting the floor with the tank gun. The explosion radius will kill the skimmers in the air. This is tricky though and may take a few attempts. Eventually the final door will open with normal Banished enemies. Just shoot it and it should kill them all in one hit. Clearing that room.

Adjutant Resolution Boss
First Fight
In the first fight you simply want to keep behind cover and shoot his glowing arms. Take cover when he starts charging his main beam as it can one shot you. Once it's done firing peak back out and shoot another "limb" off. Once all four are off he will do one final attack and you then just need to shoot him again to finish him off. No energy sword needed for this one.

Second Fight
In the second fight you basically play it exactly the same. Just be aware that every time you knock a "limb" off. He calls in 1 or 2 sentinels. They spawn at wall sockets so keep an eye and as soon as you see them just shoot the wall near them. If they happen to get out I'd suggest taking cover and once they get closer to you shoot a wall or the ground near them. Continue to shoot the boss as discussed in the first fight. The platforms do lower leaving you vulnerable to his beam. So do be careful of that and be ready to move quickly.
LASO Tips & Tricks - Part 2
Tovarus and Hyperius Boss
You can kill both of these with the tank gun and I'd suggest aiming directly at them for this one. If you hit the ground the tank gun can cause them to go flying and if it doesn't kill them it will bug the fight forcing you to kill yourself and try again. You can energy sword them as well but they usually kill you long before you get in range to use it so I wouldn't bother.

Jega 'Rdomnai Boss
You want to immediately throw your threat sensor to the ground to get his exact location. Once you have it you want to keep shooting him directly with the tank gun. It should keep knocking him away from you. I'd not bother using the sword on this as it's to great a risk to get 1 tapped. Once he vanishes go to a corner and throw down a senor. You want to be spamming these to get his exact location. Once he's back just repeat again with the tank gun till he's dead.

War Chief Escharum Boss
Easiest boss in the game if you can pull it off. Go into the cut-scene with the tank gun out. As the cut-scene ends spam your fire button and it will hit and kill Escharum before he gets his buffs which knocks him into the wall instantly killing him.

You primarly just want to keep hitting him with the energy sword. Once he gets his "Shield" kite back and lead him behind one of the walls to give you enough time to shoot the power module in the wall with the tank gun. Once his shield drops just keep hitting him with the energy sword. Repeat until he's dead. Should be 4 rounds of this before he goes berserk and gets out his gravity hammer. Same method just energy sword him to death and interrupt any major attacks with a grapple.

The Harbinger Boss
This boss can be an absolute pain. I'd suggesting going to the upper platform to deal with the normal enemies and once the shield drops to fight the Harbinger fire tank round at her. Try and get in range and attack her with the sword. If her shield is down you can grapple her. Once the 3rd wave starts I noticed she gets a personal shield. My suggestion would be to constantly grapple after her or on her and fire your tank round just after she teleports to a new location. At the end of each wave of enemies I'd suggest trying to leave a grunt or jackal so you can get your shields back. Not only does this prepare you for the boss and the next wave but it should give you a checkpoint each time. Meaning you don't need to go back to the start each time you die. Just the start of each wave.
Mission 01 // Warship Gbraakon
Warship Gbraakon Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

Infinity Down
Access your first Spartan Audio Log.

Discover your first hidden Skull.

Two Sides to Every Story
Access your first Banished Audio Log.

First Contact
Lost, and found.
Unlocks at the end of the mission.
Mission 02 // Foundation
Foundation Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

Dispatches From the Front
Access your first UNSC Audio Log.
You will find it in the collectable guide above but put it here as well since it's an achievement.

Together. Again?
Explore the underbelly of Zeta Halo and retrieve a weapon to turn the tide of this conflict.

Defeat the Banished warlord Tremonius.
Mission 03 // Outpost Tremonius
Outpost Tremonius Collectables
Check out the video for all the collectables.

Hidden Experience
Locate and secure a Spartan Core.

Money in the Bank
Access your first Mjolnir Armor Locker.

Fight your way through Outpost Tremonius and step out onto the surface of Zeta Halo.
Mission 04 // The Tower
The Tower Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

Unlock the Threat Sensor ability.
You will unlock this automatically during the mission.

Follow the UNSC signal to a Banished stronghold called the Tower. Find the source. Get out alive.
Mission 05 // Excavation Site
Excavation Site Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

Shut down the Banished mining laser and gain access to the Conservatory.
Mission 06 // Conservatory
No collectables on this mission aside from two spartan abilities that you get automatically.

Grab Some Cover
Unlock the Drop Wall ability.

Evasive Maneuvers
Unlock the Thruster ability.
Mission 07 // Spire
A few collectables outside of the mission start area (Open World Area) but nothing inside the mission that you don't receive automatically. So you won't miss anything on this mission.

Hunter. Killer.
Defeat the Hunter pair stationed at the base of the Spire.
This should unlock once you kill the hunter's at the start of the mission.

Pelican Down
Shut down the first Spire and stop Zeta's Reformation before it's too late.
This should unlock at the end of the mission.
Mission 08 // Pelican Down
Pelican Down Collectables
Check out the video for all the collectables. You can get back to this area later with a flying vehicle if you missed anything.

One Down…
Destroy a Banished anti-aircraft gun.
Will unlock once you destroy the first AA Gun.

Gun Runner
Take down all three Banished AA guns.
Once you destroy the last one it will unlock.

Brothers Grim
Take down the Spartan Killers Hyperius and Tovarus.
After taking down the 3rd AA Gun you will need to kill two brutes and it will unlock.

Mission 09 // The Sequence
The Sequence Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

Light the Way
Reach the Beacons, assemble the Sequence, and gain access to the Command Spire.
Should unlock at the end of the mission.
Mission 10 // Nexus
Nexus Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

What Will It Take?
Enter the Nexus and learn the secrets of the Spires. Trust is a fragile thing, isn't it?
Should unlock at the end of the mission.
Mission 11 // The Command Spire
The Command Spire Collectables
Check out the video for the skull location on this mission.

Hear These Words!
Infiltrate the Command Spire and put an end to the Reformation.
Will unlock at the end of the mission.
Mission 12 // Repository
Repository Collectables
Check out the video for the skull location.

Together. Again.
A friend is in danger and time is running out. It's time to face your past & save your future.
Should unlock after a cut-scene with Master Chief and the AI.
Mission 13 // The Road
No collectables on this mission you just need to do the below achievements.

You can do this on any difficulty. Just make sure to drive the Scorpion rather than other vehicles and bring it all the way to the end of the mission and make sure you take it across the bridge to the House of Reckoning at the end or it won't unlock.

Bring Shiela Home Safely
Get the Scorpion all the way to the "House" without it blowing up.

Storm the House of Reckoning.
Should unlock at the end of the mission when you enter the Fortress.
Mission 14 // House of Reckoning
House of Reckoning Collectables
Check out the video for all the missable collectables.

At the end he was just a soldier. Hoping he'd done the right thing.
This should unlock after you defeat Escharum.
Mission 15 // Silent Auditorium
Silent Auditorium Collectables
Check out the video for the skull location and as a heads up you can't kill any sentinels on this mission otherwise the door won't be open at the end.

Too Many Goodbyes
Defeat the Harbinger. Confront the truth.
Multiplayer - Part 1
In this section I will cover everything that needs to be done in online games or general online cosmetics/challenges.

Starting off I'll go over some of the very easy achievements that you can get by just customising your online character. This includes AI, Weapons, Armour and much more. So the below 6 can all be achieved pretty much at the same time. Check out the video link on any to do them all.

Which One of Us is the Machine?
Get and equip a new AI.

Passion for Fashion
Wear a new armor customization item.

"Need a Weapon?"
Try out a new weapon customization item.

That Thing on the Left is the Brake
Test drive a new vehicle customization.

Reporting for Duty
Change your Spartan Tag.

I'm Ready, How 'Bout You?
Change your Spartan's look in the Customize menu.

Now I'll quickly cover the "" challenge or battle pass achievements. You can view the battle pass, daily and weekly challenges from the main menu to figure out what you need to do. You want to focus on completing them as it progress the battle pass faster.

Clocking In
Complete a Daily Challenge.

We Have a Job For You
Complete a Weekly Challenge.

Limited Addition
Complete a Limited Time Challenge.

Humble Beginnings
Complete one level in a Battle Pass

Battle Tested
Complete a Battle Pass.

You're Up, Rook'
Play a Ranked Match.

All About the Grind
Finished Ranked Placement Matches.

Finally from this point on is where things become a lot more specialized and require you to be actively attempting these as they can be hard to get in some games. Most should be completely fine using the video guide attached but I'll type some of my thoughts if I think it would make it easier or what gamemodes to attempt them in.


Peak Performance
Earn 2,000 score in a matchmade game
You can get this in the bot playlist but chances are you will just unlock in matchmaking naturally.

Kill an enemy with melee using a bladed weapon in a matchmade game.
Energy Sword, Mangler and Skewer are all examples. Can be done in bots.

Slaying with Style
Earn a Mythic Medal in a matchmade game.
I'd recommend doing bots and just getting 15 kills to get running riot which is a mythic.

Peeker's Disadvantage
"Back Smack" an enemy who is zoomed with a scoped weapon in a online game.
Completely luck based! I'd either play SWAT or Arena as they start with scoped weapons.

Running Laps
Capture the flag twice in a matchmade Capture the Flag game.
Try to play bots but if not make sure you are in a playlist that has CTF available.

Destroy an enemy vehicle with the Skewer in a matchmade game.
I'd recommend bots, getting the Skewer and camping enemy mongoose spawn as it one shots it.

They See Me Rollin'
Spectate an ally that is driving a Warthog or Razorback in a matchmade game.
Just play BTB and skip through players everytime you die.
Multiplayer - Part 2
Control Freak
Assist in capturing all zones that lead to a score in a matchmade Total Control game.

Play a custom game.

Back to the Chopper
Earn "Splatter" with a Brute Chopper in a matchmade game.
Keep doing the bot games till you get a chopper on Behemoth or BTB but harder to get.

Zone Ranger
Secure 5 zones in a matchmade Strongholds game.
Just do the bot playlist and make sure it has Strongholds in the playlist.

Bomb Returned
Repel an enemy grenade with the Repulsor in a matchmade game.
I'd either do this in a bot game or try your luck on Fiesta as you can spawn with it.

A Fellow of Infinite Jest
Kill three enemies with the ball in a matchmade Oddball game.
Just do the bot playlist and make sure it has Oddball in the playlist.

Multi-class Racer
Drive 4 unique vehicles in a matchmade game.
Just play BTB (Variants don't count... I.E Warthog and Rocket Hog) so something like Chopper, Ghost, Warthog and Wasp are what you need to drive.

Natural Formation Location Sensation
Gain access to a loot cave in a matchmade game.
Play BTB and get the map Fragmentation. Check the video for the exact location.

Sick Burn
Kill an enemy with the Ravager's charged shot in a matchmade game.
Just do the bot playlist.

Working Remote
Pick up a weapon using the Grappleshot in a matchmade game.
I'd just do this in bots or passively get it in a normal game.

New Kid on the Block
Earn "Perfect" with a VK78 Commando in a matchmade game.
Hit all 7 bullets in a row to kill or drop shields with a AR and 1 shot them to the head.

Enemies Everywhere!
Mark 3+ enemies at once in a matchmade game.
Just do the bot playlist.

One Shot, Top Mid
Mark an enemy located at "Top Mid" in a matchmade game.
Just do the bot playlist.

Secret Stash
Place an item in the Razorback's storage in a matchmade game.
Just play BTB and grab a power weapon or fusion coil and place in the back of the vehicle.

Watt Say You?
Earn "Chain Reaction" with a Shock Rifle in a matchmade game.
This is pretty hard but just play bots and keep grinding. Check video for tips.

Straight to the Bank
Deposit 5 Power Seeds in a matchmade Stockpile game.
Just play BTB as it's the only playlist with Stockpile.

Do You Even Gift?
Drop a Power Weapon for an ally in a matchmade game.
Just bind your drop button and drop a power weapon near an ally. They don't need to pick it up.

Skyhook Shot
"Grapplejack" an enemy flying vehicle in a matchmade game.
Get the grapple and camp the wasp/banshee spawn. Then just grapple when they enter it.

Party Bus
Earn "Mount Up" in a Razorback in a matchmade game.
This is hard as you need 3 other players to jump in the vehicle with you. I'd suggest posting on the steam discussion to see if anyone wants to quickly boost it.

Revive 3 allies in a matchmade Elimination round.
This game mode actually isn't out yet so you can't get it.
Tutorial & Theatre
Everything in this section is gained through the tutorial or academy that you can access from the main menu. Most of these you will unlock by just playing through it. I've tried to order each one in order of relevance.

Just the Two of Us
Access your Personal AI.
Achieved automatically by just playing it.

Greased Lightning
Complete the Movement Yard in under 25 seconds.
You have to redo the test and take a different path. Check the video attached.

Make a Little More Noise
Grab a power weapon from the Tutorial armory.
After you do your gun test with the AR. Go back in and pick up a sniper.

Complete a Weapon Drill.
Any version can be done. I'd recommend the Rocket Launcher.

Earn 3 stars in a Weapon Drill.
I'd suggest the first Rocket Launcher challenge as they don't move.

Earn 3 stars in 5 Tier 3 Weapon Drills.
I'd recommend doing all 3 Rocket Launcher challenges and the first two Needler.

Doing Your Part
Complete the Tutorial.

The following two achievements can be achieved at the exact same time. Simply launch in and click escape, training options and then just switch the weapon you are using.

Getting Strong Now
Launch into Training Mode for the first time..

Sparring Partners
Change any training mode option.

Finally we have the theatre challenge which should be pretty simple if you've played any recent mulitplayer games. If not then it includes another achievement in the video guide attached.

Get the Popcorn
View a clip in theater.

Congratulations on completing the guide, drop a comment if you have a question! Don't forget to like and favourite this guide if you found it useful. Although they aren't mandatory awards are always welcome and I'd appreciate any that I receive. It motivates me to make more guides in the future and continue to update my existing ones. While also giving it more publicity to help other people reach that 100% completion goal. Good luck achievement hunting.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Check out my Halo: MCC Guide if you are looking to complete all Halo games!
20 bình luận
ChesterKiwi 15 Thg07 @ 12:49pm 
Sucks that I just got to achievement hunting this now that bot bootcamp is gone.

The amount of sweat is unreal which makes ones like Running Laps much harder.
Colorado 17 Thg05 @ 11:02pm 
Play Halo Infinite on Xbox and then later PC and boom all achivements unlock.
Ernest 24 Thg02 @ 10:45pm 
For the achievement "Medic" now you can enter in firefight and revive allies !
Dead End Kyo 7 Thg02 @ 7:00pm 
Just want to throw this out there, but has anyone tried to get Party Bus in Firefight? Cause if I recall correctly, on the Kusini Bay map at the start of where you spawn is a Razorback and I'm pretty sure that Firefight also falls under matchmaking too?
The fish 2 Thg02 @ 1:10am 
Thanks so much, Dan, for this guide!
I haven't noticed you also created the MCC guide Im following to (almost) complete the game.
I'm probably not gonna get 100% on mcc, but I will probably get it on H:Infinite. Thank you so much again.
There you have your award!
Deathsdoor 4 Thg02, 2023 @ 12:02pm 
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xXx(RPG)xXx 23 Thg10, 2022 @ 1:00am 
Well we need uptade to this
Rambo 24 Thg08, 2022 @ 3:09pm 
thanks bro very helpful I liked and favorited
Dan  [tác giả] 31 Thg01, 2022 @ 1:22pm 
Oh yeah that's definitely a way to do it. It just requires a bit of luck. If you are trying to grind it quickly though it may be easier just to find people.
515089264 31 Thg01, 2022 @ 12:23pm 
I did the party bus with random people , all I had to do is : play big maps over and over again till I got the oportunity