Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

87 Bewertungen
68thway v2
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
62.176 MB
6. Juni 2014 um 10:44
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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68thway v2

A newer, prettier version of 67thway!

Many updates to this version of 68th, including the infamous "being-able-to-open-the-T-door-with-your-crowbar."

There are a few new places and custom textures.

The T-Trap is also new. No more boring fooding room.

Just check it out and see what's new.

And yes, this is the newer version of ttt_68thway_brownie. It's v2. I dropped the 'brownie' because that's my old name. I used to go by 'Brownie Pie,' and now I go by Zombient.

My screenname is still (and probablly always will be) Brownie Pie on

Awesome comunity. Definitely check them out.

Thanks to Noah Shy for helping with the testing, pointing out problems and troubleshooting!
17 Kommentare
Z0mbie  [Autor] 5. Aug. 2015 um 8:35 
Hello everyone! I know there are some frame rate drops in the map! Sadly, I'm too busy with work and school to actually fix it, so here's what I'm going to do.

If anyone knows how to optimize this map even further, message me! I'll let you download it, fix it, then upload it yourself. You'll get the credit for it! Just please let me be credited a little bit. On the bottom. Anywhere...

So, if you're up to it, message me!
Grizzly Goober 28. Juni 2015 um 1:59 
looks more like a zombie map to me.
Dan 3. März 2015 um 12:50 
make a day version
lumin8 30. Dez. 2014 um 8:54 
A poor example of what a map should be.
Horrible art direction, it's like the author wanted to put as many colorful textures as possible.
Optimization is horrid, map maker probably new to hammer.
There's too many things to talk about on how bad it is.
ddd8000 30. Juli 2014 um 12:53 
After doing a bit of map creation myself I learned that to help get rid of the performance issues it is best to seal off each house and seperate area with area portals. They greatly help decrease the amount of lag.

Also, to fix the bushes just go here . It will show you how to edit the file to make the bushes work correctly with lighting. All you have to do is pack it into the bsp afterwards.
NoM 11. Juli 2014 um 3:27 
Performance is quite low on this map, making it unpractical.
Jake2701 18. Juni 2014 um 19:21 
i have alot of missing texture!!!!!
ForeverButthurt 18. Juni 2014 um 5:58 
can you give me vmt?
Epicmarkvan 17. Juni 2014 um 13:01 
This is a wonderful map, I really enjoy it. The only problems I have is that in the basement of the house with the TV street-view there is an error, and I get major FPS drops in the main street area.
Z0mbie  [Autor] 12. Juni 2014 um 19:43 

Thanks! I really tried with it.

1. I think you're either talking about the pool table or the boxes. I'm thinking it's the pool table. I'll double check that.

2. That will be in an update, with a few more teleports!

3. I agree. Some of the textures need some revamping.

4. Not too sure what I could do about that. I used the stock flower props. I could maybe try to play with the lighting?

5. Looking back on it, I agree. I should have put it where it disapears when you're far away from it. To be honest, I'll probablly just take it out in the update.

There is another thing I need to update on this map pretty quick. So expect an update with a few fixes here within a day or two.

Again, thank you for the constructive criticism! I really do apreciate all of it.
