80 ratings
[SPOILER] Sumire Achievement Guide
By c2a4b
Just random English Achievement guide to help anyone who want 100% Achievement on this game.
Warning: This guide contained SPOILER.
This guide consist of 2 sections.
1. Simple Achievements for achievements that have Self-Explanatory or normally unlocks on playthrough the story.
2. Conditional Achievements for achievements that need specific task to get it.
Simple Achievements
1. My Journey Has Begun
Just leave the house!
2. Crossing Alone [Hidden]
Cross the Cold Stream.
3. One Wish [Hidden]
Make a wish at the shrine.
4. Go to Town [Hidden]
Get into town in the morning.
5. Send a Letter
Send a letter to someone special.
6. Dark Places [Hidden]
Make it out of the Tanaka House.
7. The Last Bus [Hidden]
Take the last bus of the day.
8. A Nice Cup of Tea [Hidden]
Buy tea from Teaman.
9. Sushi on the Rocks
Catch a fish at the red bridge.
10. One Day, One Life
Finish the game.
11. A Perfect Day
Finish the whole list with high karma.
12. Worst Day Ever
Finish the day with super low karma.
13. Better Than the Boys
Beat Kenji and Bo at their own games.
14. My Lucky Day
Get all 5 gachapon from the gachapon machine.
15. My Secret Wish [Hidden]
Return to the shrine after lunch and make a special wish.
16. I'm Proud of You
Get all of the achievements.
Conditional Achievements
Warning: Achievement progression doesn't carry over to next playthrough so please plan it carefully
1. Help a Turtle
Help the turtle achieve his goal.
  1. Accept Rabbit's task
  2. Pick up Turtle but send him to The big stone near Sumire's house.
2. A Helpful Soul
Complete tasks for all creatures and people.
*There are 10 tasks in total order by in-game To Do list.
  1. Cat - Pick up Bell-shape flower and give it to Cat.
  2. Scarecrow - Give Kenji's hat to Scarecrow before lunch.
  3. Stone jizo [Buddha Statues] - Buy Little coat from Chie's mom shop and give it to Stone jizo.
  4. Frog - Talk to Frog and then Spider. And return to Spider again after lunch to get fly and give it to Frog.
  5. Stationery Sale-woman - Give letter set to Teaman.
  6. Bo - Delivery Bo's letter to Jonny's waitress and delivery poster back to Bo on secret hideout.
  7. Postman - Pick jar from laundary zone on Sumire’s house. Talk to Bee box and then select bless option and last give Blessed Honey Jar to Onsen Lady.
  8. Snake - Talk to Snake and then Hose on left side of Tanaka's house if it said doesn't want to meet. Don't pick it up talk to it again later until it said want to meet snake then pick it and give it to Snake.
  9. Rabbit (or Turtle) - Accept Rabbit's task go pick up Turtle but send him to The big stone near Sumire's house.
  10. Tire bird [Parrot] - On afternoon go to baseball field and interact to trie. Tire bird will show up and give you task go to Stationery shop to get Chalk and give it to Tire bird.
Correction/Other method/FYI
  1. for A Helpful Soul you don't actually need to deliver the poster to Bo (or visit the secret hideout) for this achievement. You will still get it after giving the honey to the hot springs lady. - by 脳怖
3. Lie, Cheat and Steal
Lie to someone, help the rabbit cheat, steal some money.
  1. Steal Mom's money from her bag in her bedroom.
  2. Lie to Kenji about Chie.
  3. Accept Rabbit's task and do it - Pick up Turtle and send him back to Rabbit.
4. Cash in the Bank
Find all the scattered coins.
*There are 14 coins in total order by found sequences.
  1. On the right-most side of Sumire's House.

  2. Beside the big stone near Sumire's House.

  3. On the bottom side of wheelborrow on Rice field.

  4. On the bottom side of between Rice field and Peaches tree.

  5. Beside the Windmill stone pile near river.

  6. On the right side of the Wisteria tree entrance.

  7. On the right side of the entrance to the Old shrine (Between entrance to the Old shrine and Karma Lizard).

  8. On the left side of the small shrine and Frog.

  9. In front of Jonny's restaurant.

  10. On Baseball field.

  11. On the right side of the playground trash can near shady bench.

  12. In front of the left door of Tanaka's house.

  13. On side of the bush near trap box.

  14. On the Bottom-most side of bus stop near the Tea shop.
5. Catch a Blue Shoe
Someone lost and something found.
  1. On option "Heal or Poison". Choose poison to the girl with Blue shoe.
  2. Go fishing on The Red bridge until you get Blue shoe.
6. I Hate People
Finish the day without helping any people.
  • Don't complete any tasks on that playthrough.
  • Except Cat task since it is tutorial.
Correction/Other method/FYI
  1. You can still get "I Hate People" even if you help the Rabbit cheat (probably because it's a bad task) - by 脳怖
  2. I'm pretty sure I did also help the frog on my bad karma run (feeding the spider to the frog), but I still got "I Hate People" achievement. Maybe the requirement is to not help only human beings?
    This theory is also supported by the fact that another achievement ("Complete tasks for all creatures and people") explicitly states both humans and creatures. - by RetardesPrime
7. A Long Walk
Finish the game with the most minimal number of Fast Travels.
  • Don't use fast travel on this playthrough on your owns.
  • Except one time. when you already asked Kenji for help and done retrieved red shoe near bench. You have to activate fast travel to Wisteria tree by your own.
Correction/Other method/FYI
  1. You cannot get Lie, Cheat and Steal or A Helpful Soul WITH A Long Walk on the same playthrough because you have to fast travel to pick up the Tortoise - by 脳怖
8. I'm Not Ready [Hidden]
Refuse Kenji's kiss.
*PS. If you refuse Kenji's kiss. the checklist will left "Feel love from Kenji" unchecked.
  1. On secret hideout tell Kenji you need Kiss as reward.
  2. Lose the game against him.
  3. Choose option "I'm Not Ready".
Correction/Other method/FYI
  1. You cannot get I'm Not Ready on the Bad Karma route if you beat Kenji. you kiss him automatically so you can't refuse it. - by 脳怖
  2. You can get I'm not Ready on the Bad Karma route if you loose to Kenji. He will tell you he should get something for winning and asks for a kiss. You then have the option to tell him you're not ready.
    I was on the Bad Karma route and just earned this achievement.- by Cheshie
  3. If you choose to free the 2 girls but leave or poison Chie, you cannot get A Perfect Day or I'm Not Ready because Kenji will not be in the mood to kiss. - by 脳怖
  4. i got 'better than the boys' and 'im not ready' achievements on the same play through... at the start of the interactive with kenji, i said i want a kiss if i win, then when i won, he asked me if i still want it, and i said im not ready! so you can get the achievements on the same play through, and you can refuse kiss whether you win or lose - by laurenestella
Credit & Special Thanks
Special Thanks
  • Thanks 脳怖 for Correction/Other method/FYI on various achievements (see also - A Perfect Day, I'm Not Ready, I Hate People, A Long Walk).
  • Thanks MeowMeow for warning about missing coin.
  • Thanks Cheshie for confirm that you can get "I'm Not Ready" achievements on Bad Karma route.
  • Thanks RetardesPrime for report about feed spider to the frog on "I Hate People" route.
  • Thanks laurenestella for told about method to get "better than the boys" and "I'm not ready" achievements on the same play through and warning about achievement progression not carry over to next play through.
Kosha 2 Aug, 2023 @ 7:36pm 
for 'better than boys'', if I lose to Kenji, I can't replay the game? I have to start the whole game over?
Zoltan 6 Jul, 2023 @ 9:15pm 
I'm going to write a simple guide for a proper low karma playthrough (and some of the special things you can see this way). Although I skipped the clubhouse this time, I found the super low karma ending rewarding! Overall the "bad" options are written well as Sumire shows selfishness and what comes of it.

Otherwise I've been wondering what all the conditions for the "Loved by Kenji" task are (and what qualifies or disqualifies it). I've found some interesting things like differences in the letters you can write depending on certain conditions too!
Zoltan 6 Jul, 2023 @ 7:02pm 
I tried quite deliberately to get the "Worst Day Ever" super low karma achievement, but I guess I was a couple of points off :skskull:
c2a4b  [author] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 5:33am 
2. About "i got 'better than the boys' and 'im not ready' achievements on the same play through".
Yes, You can get these 2 achievements on the same playthrough. but since "I'm not ready" have some exception such as "On the Bad Karma route if you beat Kenji. you kiss him automatically so you can't refuse it". That will make you unable to get "Better than the boys" and "I'm not ready" at same time on the Bad Karma route playthrough. So that is why I keep my method from my experience on suggestion since it is one of tested safe method.

And lastly, Thanks for your comments. I updated guide with your info to make guide more clarify in order to prevent other people making a same mistake(Comment 1) and have more method to plan playthrough (Comment 2).
c2a4b  [author] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 5:33am 

1. About "looks like you have to do all of these pre-requisites within ONE day".
Sorry to heard that you had to played 3 playthrough to got "Helpful soul". Yes, All achievements progress doesn't carry over to next playthrough it will fresh start when start a new game (Except "I'm Proud of You" progression).
laurenestella 11 Jun, 2023 @ 12:16pm 
i got 'better than the boys' and 'im not ready' achievements on the same play through... at the start of the interactive with kenji, i said i want a kiss if i win, then when i won, he asked me if i still want it, and i said im not ready! so you can get the achievements on the same play through, and you can refuse kiss whether you win or lose
laurenestella 11 Jun, 2023 @ 11:04am 
i beat bo on my first play through, but lost to kenji... i skipped bo's game on second play through and beat kenji but didnt get the achievement. same for a 'helpful soul', on first play through i missed the snake, so only did the snake on second and didnt get achievement. so looks like you have to do all of these pre-requisites within ONE day.
pepperberry0712 3 Feb, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Regarding a long way:
Yes, that got me confused!
So usually that's happening: After exiting the Tanaka house, you're going home to eat, then Bo comes and then you go to the Wisteria tree where the crow queen waits, the flower tells you what you need (Dance and the shoe) and then you go to town to the playground to speak to Kenji and after that go to the shady bank to get the shoe. At least that was what I experienced the first 3 times. But when I went to the playground this time at the tree there was no Kenji. I then retrieved the shoe but when I went back to the tree there was still no Kenji in sight. :(
I then had to go to the Wisteria tree again, the flower telling me I maybe have to shoe but no dance so when I then went back to Kenji's tree, there he was.
I don't know if that was a bug or if I did something wrong on another level, but I have to try again.
c2a4b  [author] 3 Feb, 2023 @ 3:52am 
1. For "I hate people". From your comment you only feeding frog and skipped all other requests. then Yes, you should met all condition to get this achievement on the finish of this playthrough. so maybe game bug?.
2. For "A long walk". You have to asked Kenji for help and pick up red shoe before using fast travel to Wisteria tree. If you forgot to do this game will force you to use 2nd fast travel (that will make you fail the condition).
3. About Kenji's CG. I don't sure about how many CG too. but good job on try hunting all CG.
pepperberry0712 31 Jan, 2023 @ 2:36am 
Also, I got Kenji's arm hurt when I poisoned the mean girls (Tomo and the other one) but not Chie.
So I have 4 different "endings" (pictures) to Kenji's arc:
- Sumire kissing him (he closes his eyes) -> if you win the game and chose kiss him
- him kissing Sumire (she closes her eyes) -> losing the game
- him going away leaving a sad Sumire behind -> poisoning Chie
- Sumire going away leaving a sad Kenji behind -> refusing to kiss him after he wins
Are there other endings available?

Also when Sumi phones her Dad at the Onsen she tells her Dad that also Kenji is with her when his arm is broken.
Did this happen to anybody else?