The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

494 valoraciones
The best Death March difficulty build in The Witcher 3
Por LowkeyCheezy
THE GOD BUILD - Making Geralt Overpowered
Skill Tree
The skills which i have used are in the following picture :

Potions and decoctions
  • Water hag decoction: Damage dealt is increased when vitality is at its maximum.
  • Wyvern decoction:Works well with Quen sign, as attacks absorbed by the shield will not cause the damage boost to reset.Since the boost requires avoiding damage it can also work well with Water hag decoction and Invigoration as long as Geralt remains at full health.
  • Ekimmara decoction: Damage dealt to foes regenerates vitality.
  • Arachas decoction: Less weight means less damage. Lower your inventory weight and wear lighter armor . There is an ability or an enchantment that makes all armor treated as light armor so that could go together

Also i suggest you to use the superior white raffard
We will use the Grandmaster legendary armor set : Armor,gloves,pants,boots and crossbow.

make sure to use levity enhancment with the ursine armour will work with cat school techniques. Therefore increasing fast attack power by 20% and critical hit damage by 100%.

  • Silver sword: Aerondight which i believe is the best silver sword in the game
  • Steel sword: Toussaint Knight's steel sword

make sure to use Invigoration enhancment with both swords It works well with water hag decoction as both require Geralt to remain at full health.
I found out that the most effective bombs are the Northern wind and the moon dust

EUPHORIA is still the best and the most op mutation in the game

  • Each point of Toxicity increases damage dealt by swords and Sign Intensity by 0.75% (to a maximum of 75%)

Some Tips:
  • The mutation works extraordinarily well with Acquired Tolerance, which not only increases the toxicity pool but also, being a skill from the alchemy tree, can be inserted into the additional slots. Thus even if one does not normally use alchemy skills in their build it can still be added for maximum benefit.
  • At maximum Acquired Tolerance can increase the toxicity pool to 267 which brings the limit up to 200.25%.
  • The pool can be increased further using Metabolic Control and/or Manticore School Gear. When all boosts are put together it increases the toxicity pool capacity up to 327 (332 in New Game +) increasing the limit to 245.25% (249% NG+)
28 comentarios
wolfR2D2 25 NOV 2024 a las 9:01 p. m. 
Excellent Build.
Nomad 16 NOV 2024 a las 3:52 p. m. 
You guys were wearing armor?
worm_master 22 OCT 2024 a las 9:49 p. m. 
Hmm I can do it, from level 14 on Deathmarch, if u wanna see power, with a lot less hassle, check this vid
John_Doe 17 MAR 2024 a las 11:32 a. m. 
You have done great research and spent a lot of time on this, I congratulate you.
Don't listen to fools, there are always some spinning around like flies.
Pluh! 7 DIC 2022 a las 4:55 p. m. 
I downloaded a mod, i now have an AR-15 which makes most fights slightly more in my favour, this build is probably good too ig
ipw133 6 DIC 2022 a las 5:15 p. m. 
We all follow our own path. If that works for you...great
Diadraxius 19 JUL 2022 a las 11:08 a. m. 
8=Dauntless=D 30 Apr @ 2:23pm
You've created a monster.
Sabamonster 1 JUN 2022 a las 4:42 p. m. 
"CounterVolition May 23 @ 1:11pm
Imagine using a potion build when you can just put it all into swords + adrenaline + quen and actually enjoy the combat instead of downing potions every 5 seconds just to deal a bit more damage"

Imagine thinking the way you enjoy playing games is the only way to enjoy them or that your opinion is fact.
CounterVolition 23 MAY 2022 a las 10:11 a. m. 
Imagine using a potion build when you can just put it all into swords + adrenaline + quen and actually enjoy the combat instead of downing potions every 5 seconds just to deal a bit more damage
8=Dauntless=D 30 ABR 2022 a las 6:23 a. m. 
I have an automatic firing crossbow that deals 800k damage and I run around in Geralds white boxers. Money is not an issue since I found that sword glitch that sells for 4k a piece. Thank God for mods.