Prison Simulator

Prison Simulator

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collectible locations as I find them
By botboy1200
I will be taking photos of the locations of hidden items as I find them. I have never made a guide before so this will be a mess.
I have reason to believe that you need to find the items in order starting with the bottle.
after you find an item you must finish the day for the next one to spawn.
bottle location
the bottle is the first item I have found and can be found under the stairs in cell block B. you can get it day 1.
soap location
this is the second item I have found. it is on the floor next to the dirty towels bin in the showers. you must be at least level 6 to enter the showers.
pigeon feather location
the feather is the third item and is found between the basketball court and the seating area in the yard.
shank location
the location of the shiv is located under the bed in cell 15.
lipstick location
the lipstick is located on the counter next to the fruit bowl in the guard room.
toilet wine location
the wine is located in the toilet of the 5th cell.
needle location
the needles are located next to the second bed in the infirmary.
file location
the file is located in the trash can by the desk in the wardens office.
beanie location
the beanie is located next to a desk in the workshop.
wooden train location
the train is located under the bed in one of the cells in death row (don't remember which).

I know there is another guide of collectible locations but I felt the need to finish this.
botboy1200  [author] 12 Nov, 2021 @ 11:50am 
I have been unable to update this guide as my save games have been bugged and cant update this guide until I can fix this issue
Ann Shadowcry 9 Nov, 2021 @ 7:59am 
I found all the collectibles last night. They are not hard to find when you know it's in order and only one collectible available per day. Look at each item and think of the place it would make sense to be at. Like the wine bottle under the stairs in block B or the feather outside in the prison yard.
botboy1200  [author] 8 Nov, 2021 @ 10:56am 
thank you for the feedback. any info about the collectibles is much appreciated and will help in the completion with this guide.:steamthumbsup:
big lizard 8 Nov, 2021 @ 3:58am 
Thanks for starting this guide! Something to note is that the collectables don't all spawn, only the first one spawns, then after you collect it, the next one spawns, which means you gotta find them one at a time.