Escape Simulator

Escape Simulator

93 ratings
Editor Handbook
By obvious
If you need more detailed info and tips or want to quickly look things up, you can do this here.
Not all new features are yet added here. Am very busy irl and the devs are always massively busy constantly adding new stuff to the editor! It is difficult to keep up. :) A new update is just around the corner. Will try my best to add the new stuff then.


Try the official Editor Tutorial rooms from Pine Studio! They will give you a good overview. You will find them in your workshop in the game under "Tutorial Rooms". They will allow you to manipulate them and "play" them to learn the basics. Also there are some video tutorials on level-making.

But if you want to quickly look something up without starting up the Tutorial rooms or searching in a video, you will hopefully be able to find it here. I also added information on how to prevent common errors or bypass common problems.

Every section will first give an overlook, then explain the different setting options and in the end give tips how workarounds or cool features can be achieved with the specific thing. So give for example "Animations" a look, even if you think you know already how they work!

If you have more questions or tips or infos, post them in the comments and they will get added.
The used info here is from devs, from fellow players on the Pine Studio Discord and from personal experience. Thanks to all players who looked over this and gave me additional info to add!
Basic Commands you may have overlooked in the Tutorial Rooms
Undo: Ctrl + Z
Redo: ctrl+shift+z
Copy+Paste: Ctrl + D or Ctrl + C
Moving: Press down Right Mouse to look around with the camera. For moving, use WASD while the right mouse button is pressed down. Left shift let's you "run".
Starting a test run at the camera location instead of the spawn: Ctrl + Click the test run button
Focus on an item: F
Slow camera movement: Crtl + scroll
Ctrl wile moving an asset: The Asset will move 0,25 units and snap into place.
If you have multiple objects that are stacked on top of each other, it is possible to select an object that is behind the closest object if you click the left mouse button. It will first select the object in front, but if you continue clicking the Left mouse button it will cycle through the other objects that are behind the closest object.
For turning shortcuts: Check Sektion "Turning"
Walls, Floors, Roofs
Walls and floors and roofs in the room expansion view are not customizable as of yet.
The current workaround is to make them transparent and place objects with textures in their place.

It is not possible to make two directly adjacant rooms with this mode. But you will find wall piece items in the item menu.
Physics and Obstacles
Most items have the option to change their physics status.
  • STATIC: They will not be interactable for players and do not highlight when looked at in game. They are not affected by gravity.
  • PICKABLE: Can be picked up into the player inventory. Can be placed freely or even thrown. Will be affected by the laws of physics.
  • DRAGGABLE: Items will be draggable by the player and follow the laws of gravity. Try to make big clutter items in your rooms either be static or draggable, to prevent inventory overspill.

The checkbox IS OBSTACLE determines if players are able to walk through it. Make sure to check that your chests, closets, doors and other means of storage are obstacles! Else players can just walk right into them and pick up their contents.

Important to know is that the natural obstacle box of many items is not big enough. So people will still be able to pick items from your locked chests in some cases. The way to prevent this from happening is to add additional LOGICAL OBJECT OBSTACLES around a chest e.g., to keep your players at a greater distance.
Objects offer you the option to add a "parent". Objects will show their Parent and their Children when you click them. This mechanism is used to create a hirarchy of objects and to fix objects to each other.

If you move or a parent in the Editor, all children will move in the same way. Later in game only static children or animation children will move with their parent. Draggable and pickable will in game rather behave according to physics.

If you animate a parent, all static and animated children will follow the animation. This is useful to animate things that else could not have an animation due to being a Button or a Slot etc.

Parenting can also be used to scale/deform items in a way that their natural axis would not allow. Because if you deform a parent, the child will be changed as well in the same axis. If you delete the parent connection, the child's deformation will partly go away, but the original form is not regained in most cases. So it will be necessary to keep and hide the deformed parent in your room, preferably static and hidden below the floor.

Parenting can cause issues with animations, scaling and pickables. Items may be warped when you try to manipulate them in the editor or when they move in game or they expand in your inventory. The cause is that parents can impart their traits of being scaled unto their children, even if the changes happen before the child is added. To fix this remove the parent-child connection and use Empties to parent/connect the items.
Logic Items
Logic items are not paintable, because they will be invisible to your players. However, it can be very useful to colour them for your own organisation and to keep track of groups. The trick to colour them is to make a normal item their parent and then paint the normal item with the fill tool. This will give you more easily distinguishable locks, empties etc.

See section "Activators"

An item without physical properties. It can be used as a parent for other objects to be able to move them all at once and to organize item groups. Additionally it can be animated and be used as a timer or to animate objects that are not animations themselves. Or to stack animations, since every object can only store one.

If this object gets activated, your players will see the confetti rain dance winning animation.

See the section "Fog"

See the section "Locks"

An obstacle for players. Items can still be grabbed through it under certain circumstances. It is recommended to use obstacles to correct the object hitboxes of containers, to prevent players from being able to grab items out of locked chests etc. if they stand too close to them.

Open Link
See section "Open Link"

Sky Box
See section "Sky Box"

See the section "Slots"

Places a spawnpoint. If there is just one, all players will spawn there. If multiple spawnpoints exist, players will spawn in different ones.

Teleports players to the location it is placed if it gets activated. Either only the player who activated it or, if set to "teleport all players", the whole group. To make teleportation more smooth, the teleporter can be set a bit deeper into the ground.

See section "Triggers"
Used to activate and/or deactivate certain props or properties of a prop. To activate the function of a Activator Component target it with a: Button, Animation, or Lock, and trigger it with a signal from one of those logic props. If none of the Targeting checkmarks is checked the Activator Component goes through the list of Targeting Objects but does nothing to the objects. Disabling a property of a prop while it is in a player inventory or in a slot will make the player drop the prop on the player's current location and disable the Targeted properties of the prop.

➖ Activation Type - Disable/Enable/Toggle
➖ Targeting Object - Defines whether the Activator Component should enable/disable/toggle the entire prop. This includes disabling the props Renderer and Collider as well as all of the Child prop objects, but the Renderer and Collider states are not changed and are considered to be active if not disabled by this one or another Activator Component for the purposes of using another Activator Component to change them
➖ Targeting Renderer - Defines whether the Activator Component should enable/disable/toggle the rendering components of a prop. When the rendering components of a prop are disabled you can not see the prop but it’s physics properties remain unchanged.
➖ Targeting Collider - Defines whether the Activator Component should enable/disable/toggle the collider (physics collision) components of a prop. Disabling Colliders on a prop that is not static results in the prop falling through the floor. Disabling Colliders on a prop that is static means it will not interact with other props using physics, e.g. you can throw other props through it. Does not deactivate the Obstacle property.
➖ Active On Start - Defines whether the Activator Component should activate on the first frame of starting the level.
➖ Target Objects - List of props you want to enable/disable/toggle once the Activator Component is activated.
Open Link
Used to open a website link via the Steam Overlay. This Logic prop needs to be targeted directly by a button that the player presses ingame to prevent rooms from spamming players with links. There are only a few whitelisted websites you can link with this component and they are named below. If the link you pasted into the Link (Steam/Wiki) turns red once you click out of the field it means there is something wrong with it and the game will ignore the Open Link component and not open the link.
Intended purpose is for showing off your other created rooms, linking a guide to the current room or giving the players more information needed for a puzzle via a Wikipedia page.

➖ Whitelist:”””
➖ Link string examples:”””
[By Triangle]
Locks are used to trigger events (opening chests, winning, animations, etc) if certain requirements are met.
Locks accept input from Dials, Turnables, Buttons, Slots, Triggers and OTHER LOCKS. This is important for all more complext lecel setups.
Remember that Dials and Turnables are able to give input that ranges from 0 to whatever you set, while Button, Slots, Triggers and other Locks only can send one specific number and 0.

Lock Settings:

  • Inplace: Each password number is assigned to one specific source. So having a lock with 3 password digits that are each linked to a different button will get the input "0-1-0" if the second button gets pressed. If the Password was set to be "0 -1 - 0" the lock will then open. That means send out a signal that can acitivate things. Else it will stay locked until the other two buttons are pressed. It works the same with number spinners and dials, just that instead of 0 and 1 they can send other number values that need to be entered as passwords for the lock. A three digit number lock might have the password "4 - 5 - 2" for example. More on that in the Turnable section.

  • Continuous: Whatever signal is sent to the lock, no matter where it comes from, changes the value next in line. The password digits are not assigned to specific sources. Here is only matters that the required password digits are entered in the correct sequence, not from where they come. The lock will check the password after as many digits have been entered as the password has parts. It checks every number combination from then on. Here it matters that a combination is entered in the correct order. So entering 9,8,1,2,3 (with the password being 1,2,3) will open the lock.
    NEEDED FOR KEYPADS OR OTHER RIDDLES THAT REQUIRE INPUTS IN A SPECIFIC ORDER. Use custom output values on your buttons/slots/etc for this.

  • Fixed: Works in the same way as continuous with the difference that all lock values will be turned to 0 when as many digit were entered as there are password parts. In the example of the "1 - 2 - 3" code where someone accidentally enters the wrong password "1 - 2 - 4" and tries to correct it by later adding a 3, the lock receives the password input "3 - 0 - 0". It loops around too, but resets all further number inputs to 0.

Locks need a password, which can consist of one input or several more. To create a new password digit, fill out the empty box. A new empty box for the next digit will appear.
If you want your lock to open to 3 number spinners that you want to show the numbers "1 - 2 - 3" for unlock, you need to enter in the first box "1", in the second box "2" and the third "3". Link each spinner to the lock digit it is supposed to refer to (if you are using the Inplace type of lock, which you should for a normal number lock).
If you want Buttons, Slots, Triggers contribute to a lock, keep in mind that they only can send 0 or 1 to the password digits.

The numerical value the lock sends out to another lock when it gets unlocked.

This determines how the lock handles input. For an example with a 2 button input for a 2 digit password:
AND: Both buttons must be pressed for the lock to open.
OR: Any of the buttons can be pressed for the lock to open. So pressing one after the other triggers the lock twice.
XOR: Just ONE button can be pressed down to cause the lock to unlock. If two buttons are pressed, the lock is locked.

Any input that is NOT the correct password will make the lock unlock. This is used for logic gate setups.

This box determines if a lock is reusable or no longer can be interacted with once the password conditions were met for the first time.

Can be set to determine how much time has to pass before the lock checks if the input numbers match the set password.

If the password conditions are met, things that you add here will get activated by the lock. The targets can be animations, effects or more locks.

If the password conditions are no longer met, things that are added here will get activated. It can activate animations, but apparently this can not be used to send a 1/0 value to another lock.

Locks that get relocked will turn their status to "0" and send a "passive" 0 to connected locks. That means it will change the input on the connected lock but not cause the lock to check if the password conditions are met
Slots get triggered if you place the correct item in them. Every traditional lock with a key will have to have a slot in place. Remember if you make a door "lock", to parent the slot to the door, so that it will move with it when the door opens. Else you end up with floating keys!
It can only be occupied by one item at a time.

Slot settings:

Here you add each item that will be accepted as the correct key for this slot. Everything can be a key, not just actual key shaped items. Just make sure to not accidentally make your keys static.
If you want to have an animated pickable item be a key, you need to assign it as a key BEFORE turning it into an animation. Then it works, even if animated objects can not be added as keys normally.

Items you add here will be accepted into the slot, but they will not trigger the slot to give out a signal.

Numerical value that gets send to a lock when the slot gets activated.

Determines if the slot stays usable after being activated once.

Decides what happens with the correct key after it activated the slot. MERGE means that it will become a static part of the slot, you can not pick it up anymore. PARENT means that the key will stay in the slot and move with it, but it can be picked up again. EJECT will put the key right back into the player inventory the activation process/animation.
If you have several single use keys in your room, it is advisable to simply merge them to the slot after success to avoid inventory clutter or confusion.

The same as with success key. Make sure to not accidentally make false keys merge, else it will prevent the slot from ever being opened.

Here you can decide if you want your item to spin like a key, or to do nothing like a properly placed statue or book. Turn Duration and Turn Count determine the turning animation further. You can also make the turn be less than one! This can create lever-like effects sometimes or other interesting stuff. I use less-than-one turn effects in combination with further animation, so that for example a writing pen has a more complex animation consisting of two different movements.

Will determine how your key turns. Make sure to test this! Because the default axis makes some of the actual key assets spin sideways! And that looks quite silly.

If the correct key is placed in the slot, the slot will activate/send a 1 to the items you link here.

If the correct key or an incorrect key is removed from the slot, the slot will activate/send a 1 to the items you link here.

Animated items cannot be assigned as keys. Assign them to be keys first, then animate them. This way the key properties will carry over and be retained when it becomes a pickable animation.

Some items can fall into slots if placed or dropped above them, others will fall through slots. To make items fall into slots that normally wouldn't you can give them a slotable parent and hide that inside the actual object. It will lend its slotableness to the child.
Triggers are highly useful Logic Items that check if a certain trigger object is within their boundaries or not. This trigger item also can be players! Also triggers are used for many creative workarounds.

This means the trigger will no longer activate anymore once it was triggered for the first time.

Numerical value that gets send to a lock when the trigger field gets activated.

This will cause the Trigger to cause actions when a player enters or leaves the trigger area. Good for timed animations, for traps or for selective teleport!

Here items can be assigned which will cause the trigger to activate.

Things that get activated when a Trigger Item enters the trigger area. This can also be linked to a lock, to create "pressure plates" on the floor! If you want a trigger to be active only as long as the trigger item is inside, add the desired effect (e.g. a lock) here. The trigger will then send a 1 when the object enters and a 0 if it leaves. Do not add the lock to "on leave" then! else it always gets a 1 and never a 0.

Things that get activated when a Trigger Item leaves the trigger area. Here a 1 is sent when the trigger object leaves the trigger zone.

BUG WARNING: Do not use your keyboard shortcuts to manipulate Triggers. Buttons like "T" for turning an item 90° or the arrow buttons to move it will cause the game to lose all key bindings, only mouse and UI still work. Thanks to Bovine for this warning.

Triggers that target a lock will ignore the lock's password check delay.
Every item can be a button. Here for example I made a table be a button. In game the curser turns into a cogwheel when hovering over it, indicating that it is interactable.

This determines the endpoint of the movement of the button when gets pressed. It can flip like a switch or be pushed down or spin or be pulled out. That and much more is up to you.

The button can only be pressed once, then is deactivated and no longer pressable.

This determines how slowly or fast the button animation will happen. Again "0 seconds" means the position change will happen instantly. Keep in mind: The button activation signal will be sent at the END of the animation!

Numerical value that gets send to a lock when the button is activated. Deactivating it will send a 0. When it is set to bounce it will only send the set value on press.
This can be used to create password keypads that require buttons to be pressed in order. Use "continous" locks for that purpose.

Let's you choose between SMOOTH and LINEAR. This effects the way the press animation is handled. Linear will keep the same speed throughout the movement, Smooth changes speed at the beginning and end to give the animation a more natural look.

This will have the animation "bounce" back to its starting position. If this is unchecked, the button will stay in the same location it was at the end of the animation. Bounce leads to the button sending an activation signal every time it is pressed. If bounce is not activated, a button has an on/off position and output.

If checked, the animation AND the activation signal it sends out at the end will be looped forever. The button keeps pushing itself.

Will active the button on its own once when the game starts.

The delay determines how long it takes for the animation to happen at first. The delay does NOT apply if a player presses the button! It only applies for the Autoplay. It also does not apply to loops, just to the first instance the button is automatically pressed.

Determines which items get the activation signal (aka 1) when the button is pressed and the press animation ended.

You can make your "clutter" objects be buttons instead of pickups or draggable. That way your room still offers interaction with items without cluttering the player inventory or messing with your decoration. E.g. a button book can easily be lifted with a click to look under it. Another click puts it back down.

You can make a door a button that will cause the door to animate into an open position when pressed. The button can be prevented from being pressed before you unlock the door by using an ACTIVATOR logic item.

Buttons can not be activated by animations, other buttons or any other logical object, only by autoplay or players.
Animations are the heart and soul of every good room. Not only will they make it seem more alive, but they are also used in a multitude of workarounds! So keep on reading, even if you think you know your way around animations already.

Used to set the end-point of an animation.

Shows the seconds which it will take the animation to go from start to end-point. An animation with 0 seconds duration will instantly teleport the object.

This number will be sent out to locks that are linked to the animation ON COMPLETE.

SMOOTH or LINEAR. Smooth gives an animation a more natural look, by changing speed at the beginning and end of the animation. Linear will make the animation move at a constant speed.

This will make the animation animate backwards after it completed its path.

This will keep the animation playing once triggered. If bounced, it will move back and forth. If not bounced, the item will teleport to its original position and then repeat the animation.

The animation is triggered as soon as the level is started. Most useful in combination with "loop" for ambience animations.

It will take so many seconds before the animations starts playing, when the animated object is activated for the first time. If the object is activated again, it will not be delayed again! This is sad and I hope it gets fixed.

This allows you to make an animated item also be a pickable. Often it is needed to make pickable items be animated even when they are not intended to move in any way! More on that a bit further down in the tips.

The items/actions that get triggered after the animation reached its endpoint. If connected to a lock the animation will send a "1" on complete and a "0" on complete of the reverse animation.

IMPORTANT: You cannot make animations be keys to a slot. So make the item pickable, assign it as key, and THEN make it an animation with "pickable" checked. This way it works, cause the item carries over its key properties.

0 Seconds animations can be used to swap objects seamlessly! This can be useful if you want a Button to first not work but later open something, for example.

Animations do not obey physics, but will move with their "parent" and act like a static in game. This is why they will help you when your key will not stay in the drawer because of physical obstacles. Or of you want to plaster apickable item to a pickable, or to the wall, or to a moving painting, etc.
Just link the key to the intended slot, animate a key, tick the pickable box, do not give it an animation path and place it on the wall. It will stick to it until your player picks it up!

Under some circumstances the item types will carry over to the animation status. E.g. of you have a crate and the lid is pickable and then you set it to be an animation, it will cause no issues if the chest is static or draggable. But it will cause problems in your inventory! Looking at a small chest with an animated lid (even with pickable unchecked) can allow the lid to simply be picked off, since the former "pickable" status carries over. To fix this issue make the lid not be an animation, set it to "static" and then make it an animation again.

Animations can be used as timers! Just place an Empty, make it an animation (no path setting needed) and let the animation take 30 seconds. You now have a 30 seconds timer for things you set to happen "on completion" of it. If you set it on loop, you have a timer that gives out an activation signal every 30 seconds.

Do not make looped animated objects be pickables. Once you force an object to be loop animated in inventory it freezes you in examine mode.

If an animated pickable is triggered while in inventory, nothing happens. If you put it back on the floor, it will be able to run its animation, if activated.
Turnables are used as inputs for locks. They can give a range of values as output, starting with 0 and ending with the number of steps you assign -1

This determines along which axis your turnable will turn when moved. Sideways, upwards, etc. and in which direction the next higher "number" is.

This determines how the mouse movement affects the turnable. Many people set this wrong for their turnables, which will result in you pulling down a number dial, but instead it will move upwards. Keep an eye on this in your rooms!

This determines how many snap positions the turnable will have and how many different signals it will be able to send. A turnable with 4 steps will send out the values 0, 1, 2, 3. Even if the numbers on it are 1, 2, 3, 4. This is important to know when setting up your lock!

The lock(s) this turnable gives information to. If it is an "inplace" lock, make sure to assign the turnable to the correct position of password digits!

There is NO RULE OF THUMB regarding the way the World Axis setting for objects when you spawn them in. The angle they move as a turnable is based on their native orientation that you can see when you have a look at the local coordinates of the object. Here is a small overlook over the most common turnables:

The rules the seemingly erratic behaviors follow are those:

Making sure you have the coordinate display toggled to the Local coordinate axes:
Up = Positive Green
Down = Negative Green
Right = Positive Red
Left = Negative Red
Forward = Positive Blue
Backward = Negative Blue

The direction of "positive rotation" is determined by the Left Hand Rule. Form a "thumbs up" pose with your left hand, then point your left thumb in the direction of the selected axis. "Positive rotation" will be the direction the rest of your fingers are curled.

When selecting Screen Axis, dragging the object in the selected direction will rotate the object positively, and dragging the object in the opposite of the selected direction will rotate the object negatively. Thanks to SethBling for this.

Since this is difficult to memorize and prone to make mistakes happen, remember you can use Ctrl + testrun button to start a testrun at the camera location, which makes it easy to test your settings very quickly.

Turnables can be everything. A valve, a numbers lock, a stature or even an elephant.

Keep in mind you can retexture your turnables to have custom faces that show numbers, symbols or whatever else you want!
Dials are the most obscure object class as of now. They are rarely used because they are a bit buggy and Turnables basically do the same job. But for some riddles you might need to try your luck with them! They have some unique features. It e.g. allows a turning puzzle piece that does not "snap" into position.

This determines the axis around which the turnable spins. There is no player axis, because the player is supposed to grab a part of the dial and spin it manually in the needed direction. The handling is a bit wonky.

The number of section the dial is split into. Do not enter a 0 here, else the game will try to divide by 0, which leads to errors that will clutter your playerlog.

If you have a dial with the VALUE COUNT 4, it has 4 sections to which you can turn your wheels. The OUTPUT those sections give depends on the VALUE OUTPUT RANGE. This is going to be a bit weird, so do not be alarmed if you feel confused at first. Let's take our 4-section turnable wheel. The top section output (with me applying a forward spin axis) is 0. The following section outputs will be determined by what you enter as "Range". If you have 4 sections from your VALUE COUNT of 4 and then enter 8 as the OUTPUT RANGE, the output of the sectors will look like this:

Having a Value Output Range of 12 will give outputs 0, 3, 6, 9.
If you choose numbers that are not equally divertible between the sectors, they will be ignored and the next lower number assumed that works. So e.g. having a Value Output Range of 13 for our 4-sector Dial will still result in the same output as the Value Output Range 12 one. Only Value Output Range 16 will start changing the output values again.
This is really weird stuff, so if you want to use dials, just enter the same numbers for both Value Count and Value Output Range. This should work for nearly all things you plan to do with dials.

Seems to be bugged at the moment, but is supposed to work similar as with the turnables.

The lock(s) this dial connects to.

Dials will only output when they are stopped and let go off.

Whenever you can avoid dials, use Turnables instead.
(more to come)
Scaling, Moving and Turning
Scaling can be used to mirror items, if they are pulled beyond their thinnest point.

If you press T items will turn on one axis 90°. Just T is the green axis, shift+T is blue axis and alt+T is the red axis. Thanks to Zek for this.

If you align items via turning and moving you can on top of your screen switch between "global view", using the axis system of the room, or "local view", showing you the turning axis and moving directions based on the orientation of the object you selected. This is immensely helpful designs that require several items to not follow the main room axis.

Weird scaling issues of buttons or animations or even pickables that blow up in your inventory can be the result of parenting issues. Scaled parents can affect the scale of their "children". To prevent that make all the objects be the children of an Empty. Or find other ways to not directly assign the affected object to the scaled object.

You can move objects and animations by 0.25 if you hold ctrl while moving. Thanks to Wolff for this!

DO NOT TRY TO T SPIN TRIGGER FIELDS, this causes you to lose your button bindings.
The game allows for the adding of custom sounds.
As with custom images, keep the file size and copyright in mind.
Accepted file types are mp3, ogg, wav, flac and most other popular file types.
The use of OGG or MP3 is recommended, since they are compressed (contrary to wav) and will help to keep the filesize of the room small. A good free audio editing toll is Audacity. (
You can find free audio effects on many websites. Most of them require you to make an account though.

Sounds get activated with an activation input from a button, a trigger field, lock or a slot. They can be activated by animations.

Asset: Here you choose either one of the "Presets" sounds that are already in the game or you choose a custom sound file. This soundfile needs to be located in your room folder. The Presets will not allow you to change the options aside of "active on start" and "volume scale".

Is Music: The sound is counted as music and is controlled by the music volume. Some people have turned the music in their games off or low, so important hint sounds or cues should not be tagged as music. Turning on another "is music" sound will make the previously played one fade out and the new one fade in. Retriggering the same in-built music again will make the next track of it play.

Is Loopable: Sound will be looped. If you re-activate a loopable sound, it will stop. If you reactivate a not-loop sound, it will play again. It will play on top of itself, it the first play is not finished at that point.

Is 2D: 2D sound is played directly in the audio-output device. 3D sound (this option not activated) will be directional.

Volume Scale: Only affects 3D: It sets how loud the sound is when farther away. Affects 2D and 3D: The higher the Volume Scale value, the more the background music gets muted while the non-music sound asset gets played. [Thanks to Wollo for spotting the second effect!]

Active On Start: The sound will start after the player starts the level.

Trouble shooting:
If you cannot hear a sound you imported, make sure you don't have your in-game music or sounds turned off!
If a format doesn't work, try another one.
FAQ / Troubleshooting
Fog is currently the only way to change the lighting in workshop rooms.
It can be activated. In order to deactivate it, a Fog with 0 density must be activated instead.
Tips and Tricks
WIP, this here will be organized better in a bit, hopefully. And it will contain FAQ as well as descriptions of more obscure Editor behavior.

Forcing lost items back into the host inventory - By Franch

Items that fall through the floor can be forced to "respawn" in the player inventory. If they are tagged as keys or notes they will respawn at 0,2,0, the natural spawn point. But if the spawn is no longer accessible, glitched key items also are not accessible. By having a slot below 0,2,0 catch them and reject them back into the player inventory this problem can be solved. Not all items can fall into a slot, but they can have a parent item that does and then is made tiny and hidden in the important object.

1) You need to be outside of Inventory when the "catch" happens - otherwise it won't go into your inventory, and will instead be on the ground at (0,2,0) which may be suitable if you put a Lost and Found there, but still requires more effort by the player to retrieve their items.

2) You can trigger a "catch" while you are still in inventory including a delayed start; however, as noted in 1 above, you need to exit inventory before the catch happens or you'll miss it. This is problematic, because you don't know how long the Player will stay in inventory.

3) Animations and locks triggered while in inventory occur in real time, rather than when you exit inventory. However, while in Inventory, you will have no visual queues as to what is occurring since your view is frozen (this is true in general, and known).

4) Although animations and locks trigger while you are still in Inventory, Triggers that are triggered by the Player do not - this is the value of using Triggers to set the timing of the respawn catch.

5) If you triggered any Trigger On Enter / On Exit actions that are dependent on the Player while in Inventory, as soon as the Player exits Inventory, those trigger actions perform simultaneously (unless you build in some extra delay logic for the second action, that also triggers on exit of Inventory).

6) Combining 4-5 above, here is a reliable way to catch a respawned item and have it show up within about a second of when the Player exits inventory (admittedly a very specific use-case!):

6a) While in Inventory, perform an action that moves the player in and out of a Trigger. E.g. with an Empty animation set to bounce, that moves the trigger up from below the floor, and then back down below the floor. With this, you have essentially buffered two actions (On Enter and On Exit) that won't occur until the Player exits inventory, since while in Inventory the player isn't technically in the level and can't trigger the Trigger yet.

6b) With the setup in 6a, for the trigger On Enter action, use a Visibility Activator to disable the Collider on the Pickable object you want to respawn and force into inventory (which also needs to be a Key/Hint, and an object that can fall into a slot). This is what initiates the falling/respawn at (0,2,0). You could disable the collider on this object earlier, but that makes the timing of the "catch" more unpredictable since the object will already be somewhere in its respawn loop when the Player exits inventory, but you can't know where.

6c) For the trigger On Exit action, use a Visibility Activator to enable the Collider on the Pickable object. This is what makes the catch possible.

6d) When you exit inventory, the buffered Collider disable/enable occur, causing the object to first fall through the floor and respawn, and then to stop falling through the floor. If your respawn slot is configured correctly at (0,2,0) the respawned item will show up in your inventory within about a second. To shorten the time, extend the size of the respawn slot far beneath the floor, so you catch it before it falls a second time.

6e) You need a slight delay between the disable/enable collider actions, but just long enough for the object to fall through the floor. One is able to trigger the activators directly using the On Enter and On Exit Trigger actions, and control the timing with the empty animation that moves the Trigger up/down. The new "Pause" on the Bounce works well for this, along with Duration 0.
0.10 seconds is a little too fast to reliably have the object fall through the floor, but 0.15 seems to work for the Pause.
Feed the Kat 26 Jan @ 7:57am 
Can guides for the missing functions be updated/added? Things like skybox, effects, etc.
cream 10 Jul, 2024 @ 7:46am 
iMixerDroxx 5 Jul, 2024 @ 11:02am 
Thoroniul 16 Nov, 2022 @ 9:17pm 
The R pin is especially useful for display logic using a continuous or fixed display. One would have to actually play with it to see why not having a R pin may be troublesome, but essentially the display may be confusing for people not familiar with the locks operation. Functionally one can reset a continuous lock by just sending a pass-pin not in the sequence, but for display logic, the past history still appears. Whatever glyph or characters one is using in the display lock will just sit there awkwardly The reset pin allows one to bypass all that noise and just make it all zero, effectively erasing what is displayed with the display logic.
Thoroniul 16 Nov, 2022 @ 9:17pm 
@Mist. These are new features. The U pin is a master unlock. It will allow you to unlock the lock without typing in the code. This is especially useful for advanced logic with continuous and fixed locks that would otherwise require keeping track of long chains of numbers for any computation.The U pin saves a lot of parts and allows one to just unlock the lock by setting this pin.

It would also be helpful if you want to design your puzzles in a way that allow a key to skip the puzzle and allow alternate ways for the player to interact with the lock.

The R is a reset pin. It will set all the pins in the lock to zero. This really useful for continuous locks for a similar reason. In-place locks are relatively simple to set to zero by just setting the pins with a zero signal.
Mist 16 Nov, 2022 @ 9:10pm 
As soon as I asked I found my answer from playing around more in the editor. It's an unlock and reset for the lock.
Mist 16 Nov, 2022 @ 9:09pm 
Hi! Thanks for this great guide! I've been trying to figure out what the U and R inputs to a lock do, and I couldn't find out. Yours is the most comprehensive written guide I've found, but I still don't know what those do. Do you have any idea what those are?
zoex0077 20 Aug, 2022 @ 8:12am 
@Tokyo Cowboy I don't know if you have fixed your issue yet, but I happen to have the same problem and I discovered that if you set the button to "bounce", the sound will play every time you use the button. Hoping that my message helps you :)
Thoroniul 20 Jun, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
@Bruinebeer A drag target is a handle one can link up to lua code and program how one wants it to behave. And can also be used to capture mouse gestures and use that to feed differential animations among some things.
JesseeBear 20 Jun, 2022 @ 11:17am 
Does anyone knows what a drag target is? It's under object behaviour.