Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

1,047 betyg
Treasure Chest Checklist
Av Jedo
Welcome to my treasure chest checklist! Enjoy!
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This took a ton of time back when I was playing and putting together the guide so if you feel inclined, please consider showing this guide and my profile some love.

>>Here's a link to some of my other guides (mostly for 100% achievements).<<
Altar Cave - 14 Chests
This area is the hole you fell into. It's called Altar Cave.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Potions
  • 1 Leather Shield
  • 3 Longswords
  • 2 Antarctic Wind (Spell)
  • 1 Leather Cap
  • 2 Bronze Bracers
  • 1 Sleep (Spell)
  • 1 Bronze Knuckles

Chest #1 & 2

Immediately North of the location you land on. There are 2 chests with a Leather Shield on the left and a Potion on the right.

Chest #3

Continue past this point and will enter a switch-activated room leading to a Longsword.

Chest #4 & 5

Go into the room after the Longsword and in the next room, there are 2 paths, each with a chest. The one on the left has an Antarctic Wind (Spell), and the one on the right has a Potion.

Chest #6

Directly to the north of this room is another Potion.

Chest #7

If you go to the right, there is another Antarctic Wind (Spell) and a wellspring to heal your hp/mp.

After the boss battle you will be sent to the world map. Go back into the cave to enter the other part of Altar Cave.

Chest #8 & 9

As soon as you enter, head to the right to enter a room with 2 chests. One contains a Leather Cap and the other has a set of Bronze Bracers.

Chest #10 to 14

All around this room you will find 5 chests. Be careful not to go near the hole in the middle or else you'll be back at the start of this cave! The 5 chests contain 1 Bronze Bracer, 1 Sleep (Spell), 2 Longswords, and 1 Bronze Knuckles.

Ur - 8 Chests
The Village is located directly south of Altar Cave.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Potions
  • 1 Eye Drops
  • 1 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Cure (Spell)
  • 1 Dagger
  • 1 Longsword

Chest #1 to 3

Immediately after entering the village, go east to find a water well that you can enter. Inside there will be 3 chests containing 3 potions.

Chest #4 to 8

In the northwest corner of the village, there's an old man who will teach you about shiny spots (revealed by zooming). Inside his house there are 5 chests. The shiny spot on the candle will lead you to a secret area leading to the chests. Inside you will find 1 Eye Drops, 1 Phoenix Down, 1 Cure (Spell), 1 Dagger, and 1 Longsword.

Castle Sasune - 14 Chests
Castle Sasune is northwest of Kazus. After talking to the guard named Ingus you'll be able to enter the castle. You'll see right away that you can either go in or head left/right to enter the west/east tower.

Item Checklist:
  • 2x 20 Holy Arrow
  • 3x 20 Wooden Arrow
  • 1 Wightslayer
  • 1 Potion
  • 1 Bow
  • 1 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Blizzard (Spell)
  • 1 Leather Shield
  • 2x 1000 gil
  • 1 Bronze Knuckles

East Tower - 5 Chests

On the 3rd floor of the East Tower you'll see 2 chests which contain 20 Holy Arrows and 20 Wooden Arrows.

On the last floor of the East Tower is the Princess' bedroom. There are 3 chests inside containing a Bow, a Potion, and 20 Wooden Arrows.

Main Castle - 6 Chests

As soon as you enter, go straight up to the next room. Look to your left and to your right and you'll see cracks on the wall. Past the left crack is a Phoenix Down. Enter the crack on the right wall and go up the stairs to find 2 more chests containing a Blizzard (Spell) and a Leather Shield.

To the left of those chests is another cracked wall. Enter it for a secret passage leading to a pair of Bronze Knuckles.

Head back down to the crack on the right wall and this time go down instead of up. Down in this room you'll spot 2 chests that contain 1000 gil each.

West Tower - 3 Chests

On the 3rd floor of the West Tower you'll see 2 chests which once again contain 20 Holy Arrows and 20 Wooden Arrows.

On the 4th and last floor of the West Tower, there will be a lone [trap] chest containing a Wightslayer. Unfortunately, it will trigger a fight with a Griffon. This battle can be hard at low levels so come prepared. I suggest equipping the Wightslayer for this battle. It also helps if all your characters have 50+ hp to survive the fire attacks.

Sealed Cave - 5 Chests
The Sealed Cave is north of Castle Sasune past a small body of water.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Potion
  • 1 Cure (Spell)
  • 1x 500 gil
  • 1 Antarctic Wind (Spell)
  • 1 Eye Drops

Once you enter the cave, keep heading south. Your path will fork between south and east.

Chest #1 & 2

Go down and there will be a chest containing a Potion waiting for you. Now go back and go right until you see a small alcove with a chest containing a Cure (Spell).

Keep heading down the path to the right to enter the next area for the next set of chests.

Immediately after entering the next area, you'll encounter a chest containing 500 gil.

Chest #3

To get to the next area, zoom in at a skull northeast of the chest and press the switch.

Chest #4 & 5

Once you enter the third and final area, keep heading south to reach another fork on the road heading north and south Go south for an Antarctic Wind (Spell) and north for a bottle of Eye Drops situated in a large alcove.

Mythril Mines - 2 Chests
The Mythril Mines is north from within Kazus.

Item Checklist:
  • 2 Mythril Swords

Just keep following the one-way path inside the mines. You'll need to use zoom to find the switch leading to the second level. Once inside, it'll be another one-way path all the way to the 2 treasure chests at the end. Both chests will contain Mythril Swords.

Canaan - 13 Chests
Canaan only becomes accessible after breaking through Nelv Valley using the Mythril Ram.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Elixir
  • 2x 2000 gil
  • 3 Phoenix Down
  • 2 Gnomish Bread
  • 1 Potion
  • 1 Gold needle
  • 1x 20 Iron Arrows
  • 1 Blind (Spell)
  • 1 Great Bow

Chest #1

Northeast of town is a canal that leads all the way to a chest containing an Elixir. I suggest you don't use it since it will become convenient shortly.

Northwest of town is Cid's house. Mrs. Cid will be sick and Cid is sure she'll be fine as long as he can get his hands on a bottle of Elixir. Any bottle of Elixir will probably be fine but give her the one you got earlier.

Once she's cured, Cid will thank you by revealing a secret that leads to 12 chests. Aren't you glad you saved that bottle of Elixir?

Chest #2 to 13

Follow the passage to see the initial 8 chests. They chests contain a Blind (Spell), 20 Iron Arrows, a Great Bow, a Phoenix Down, 2 Gnomish Bread, a Gold Needle, and 1 Potion.

Go further down for the last 4 chests. These chests contain 4000 gil in total and 2 Phoenix Downs.

Dragon's Peak - 3 Chests
Dragon's Peak is directly to the east of Canaan.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Aero (Spell)
  • 1 Gold Needle

In the first fork you encounter, head south to reach a chest containing 1 Phoenix Down. Head up then take the fork to the right to reach an Aero (Spell). On the remaining path, you'll encounter a chest with a Gold Needle inside.

Tozus Tunnel Entrance - 2 Chests
The entrance to Tozus Tunnel is inside the doctor's shack in Tozul. Give him an antidote so he reveals the passage.

Item Checklist:
  • 2 Phoenix Downs

Head down the first set of stairs and you will immediately encounter 2 chests. They contain 2 Phoenix Downs.

Viking's Cove - 6 Chests
The entrance to Viking's Cove can be found directly northwest after exiting the Tozus Tunnel.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Spark Dagger
  • 1 Viking Axe
  • 1x 3000 gil
  • 1 Fira (Spell)
  • 1 Thundara (Spell)
  • 1 Blizzara (Spell)

Chest #1

As soon as you enter, follow the path east. Around the corner you'll encounter some vikings. Take note of the room on the right with a chest inside. Hug the right wall and enter the path leading down to that room for a Spark Dagger.

Depending on your hp/mp condition, you may want to stay at the inn up ahead.

Chest #2 & 3

Take the left staircase near the inn. This leads to the next area where you can either go left or right. Go left first to enter a secret room leading to an area with 2 chests containing a Viking Axe and 3000 gil.

Chest #4 to 6

Go back to the middle and hug the south wall to find another secret passage (a bit left of the Moogle) leading to 3 more chests. The chests will contain a Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara Spell.

Nepto Temple - 3 Chests
Nepto Temple is along the northern path after you exit Viking's Cove. I suggest that you don't get on the ship in your vicinity unless you want to get wiped out.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Shell Armor
  • 1 Shell Helm
  • 1 Sepent Sword

You'll have to be Mini in order to enter the temple and get the goodies.

Chest #1 & 2

After entering the dragon's mouth, head east. There will be 2 holes on the floor. Jump into the hole on the left and you'll get 2 chests containing a Shell Armor and a Shell Helm.

Chest #3

Head back and jump into the other hole this time. Just make sure you grab the chest containing a Sepent Sword before you head onto the final area.

Tokkul - 2 Chests
Tokkul can be found southwest of Nepto Temple.

Item Checklist:
  • Serpent Sword
  • Kenpo Gi

Chest #1 & 2

Inside a house on the northern part of town is an easy to spot entrance. Go inside and you'll find 2 treasure chests containing a Serpent Sword and Kenpo Gi.

Castle Argus - 21 Chests
To get to Castle Argus, get on the Enterprise and sail west from Tokkul. Follow the coastline as it curves north and it will eventually lead to you a castle.

Item Checklist:
  • 2x 100 gil
  • 6x 1000 gil
  • 1x 1500 gil
  • 1x 20 Light Arrow
  • 1x 20 Medusa Arrow
  • 1 Killer Bow
  • 1 Scholar Robe
  • 1 Book of Ice
  • 1 Book of Light
  • 1 Book of Fire
  • 1x 20 Fire Arrows
  • 1x 20 ice Arrows
  • 1 Bomb Fragment
  • 1 Antarctic Wind
  • 1 Arctic Wind

Chest #1 to 3

As soon as you enter, keep going up until you reach a room with 4 candles. There's a secret passage which you can open by interacting with the candle on the right. Enter through this passage and when you get out, go through the right wall to reach 3 treasure chests. These chests will contain a total of 3000 gil.

Chest #4 to 9

Now head back through the same wall and go upstairs this time. The chests will contain 100, 1000, 100, 1500, 1000, and 1000 gil for a total of 4700 gil.

Chest #10 to 12

Go upstairs once again and you'll be at the very top of the castle. Take a left and keep heading that way until you find a locked door. It'll be locked so you need a thief to open it. Remember that the thief has to be at the top of your formation to unlock the door.

Go inside once it's unlocked and talk to the dresser on the right. It will open the secret passage to the right which leads to 3 treasure chests containing a set of Light Arrows, a Killer Bow, and a set of Medusa Arrows.

Chest #13 to 18

Head back outside and take a right from the door you just picked. You'll encounter another locked door so just unlock it again as a thief. You'll enter a room with 6 chests containing a set of Fire Arrows, a set of Ice Arrows, a Book of Ice/Light/Fire, and a Scholar Robe.

Chest #19 to 21

Head back to the room with 4 candles and go 1 room up. There will be a staircase in front of a weapon rack. As you can see, it's hard to spot. Go through this set of stairs to reach 2 treasure chests. One contains a Bomb Fragment while the other contains an Antarctic Wind.

As you can see from the screenshot above, there's another obscure passage leading to another chest. This time it will be an Arctic Wind.

Gulgan Gulch - 3 Chests
The entrance to Gulgan Gulch can be reached by heading northwest from Castle Argus.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Fire Staff
  • 1 Ice Staff
  • 1 Mage Robe

Head deeper in and go downstairs to get to the next area.

Chest #1 to 3

Next, pass through the crowd of Gulgan and into a secret passage. This will lead you to 3 chests that contain an Ice Staff, a Fire Staff, and a Mage Robe.

Tower of Owen - 9 Chests
The Tower of Own is northeast of Castle Argus. You'll need to be a Toad to progress past the first floor.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Echo Herbs
  • 1 Spark Dagger
  • 1 Bomb Fragment
  • 1 Sonic Knuckles
  • 1 Zeus' Wrath
  • 1 Salamand Sword
  • 1 Flame Mail

Out of the 11 floors, there will only be treasure chests on floors 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.

Floor 3 - Chest #1

There will be a chest containing Echo Herbs right after you go south and cross the bridge.

Floor 5 - Chest #2

As soon as you enter Floor 5, a chest containing a Spark Dagger will be in your vicinity.

Floor 6 - Chest #3

A chest containing Echo Herbs can be found on the southwestern corner of this floor. It's close to the next floor's entrance but to get to it you first have to flip a switch.

Floor 8 - Chest #4 & 5

The chests on this floor are found close to the entrance and along the eastern wall. The chests contain 1 Bomb Fragment and 1 Echo Herb.

Floor 9 - Chest #6

As soon as you reach this floor, follow the path until it splits between left and right. Head right for a chest containing 1 Sonic Knuckles.

Floor 10 - Chest #7 to 9

This is the last floor as far as treasure goes. As soon as you enter, follow the path west and south. Head right on the first chance you get for a chest containing a Salamand Sword. Head left for a fork splitting between north and south. Go up to grab a Flame Mail. Head down and continue right to grab Zeus' Wrath right before the entrance to Floor 11.

Gysahl - 1 Chest
Gysahl can be found by sailing east after passing where the whirlpool used to be. Keep going east then head down. It will be a small village along the eastern shoreline.

Item Checklist:
  • Shuriken

In the middle of Gysahl is a garden. Northwest of that garden is a shop with a secret passage (leading behind the counter) and a chest containing a Shuriken.

Progress Check #1
If you've been following the guide up until now then you'll have opened 28% of all the chests. In order to check your progress, head to the inn at Gysahl and enter the secret passage to the right to talk to the npc shown below.

The Subterranean Lake - 7 Chests
The Subterranean Lake can be accessed by going to the west exit of the Dwarven Hollows. Once you enter, you'll have to turn into a Toad to proceed.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Gold Needle
  • 2 Zeus' Wrath
  • 2x 3000 gil

Chest #1

In the first area of the lake there is a hard to miss chest (Gold Needle) along the path to the next area.

Chest #2 to 5

In the 3rd area there are 4 more hard to miss chests (Zeus' Wrath, Zeus' Wrath, Gold Needle, Gold Needle). The first one is immediately to your left after the 1st bridge. The 2nd and 3rd chests are just a bit west after the 2nd bridge. The 4th chest is directly north of the 3rd bridge.

Chest #6 & 7

In the 4th and final area of the lake, there will be 2 chests each containing 3000 gil along the path to the boss.

Molten Cave - 7 Chests
The Molten Cave is accessed by sailing a bit north of the Dwarven Hollows. Make sure to heal your HP while travelling through the LAVA!

Item Checklist:
  • 2x Antarctic Wind
  • 1 Freezing Blade
  • 1 Hi-Potion
  • 2 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Impact Claws

This cave is divided into 5 parts. Only the first 3 parts have treasure.

For this first area, keep moving along until you see a stream of lava. Once you see it, head left first to grab an Antarctic Wind.

Chest #1

Chest #2

Head back to the stream then go down and take the path to leading to the right. This will lead you to another Antarctic Wind.

Chest #3

In the second area, go through the stream of lava and head down the first fork to get a Freezing Blade.

Chest #4 & 5

Head back to the fork and take a left this time. On the second fork, you can either go up, left, or down. Head down for a Hi-Potion. Head up for a Phoenix down. Then you can head left for the next area.

Chest #6 & 7

In the third area, you'll once again have to go through another stream of lava. This time take a left on the first fork for a pair of Impact Claws. Head back and head up the stream for a Phoenix Down close to a switch.

Dwarven Treasure Room - 15 Chests
To thank you for your heroic deeds, the dwarves let you into their treasure room. It's a little bit south of the shrine.

Item Checklist:
  • Gysahl Greens
  • Heroic Shield
  • 2 Phoenix Down
  • Book of Light
  • Knight Armor
  • Scholar Hat
  • Book of Ice
  • Book of Fire
  • Scholar Robe
  • Gold Needle
  • Gauntlets
  • Killer Bow
  • Ottershroom
  • Elixir

Since everything can be found in one room, just refer to the checklist for the list of treasure.

Castle Hein - 14 Chests

I suggest looting everything and encountering all monsters before you complete this area.

You get started with Castle Hein if you visit Tokkul after completing the Dwarven Hollows storyline.

Item Checklist:
  • 1x 20 Holy Arrows
  • 4 Phoenix Down
  • 3x 3000 gil
  • 1 Bomb Fragment
  • 1 Antarctic Wind
  • 1 Zeus' Wrath
  • 1 Royal Sword
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Rune Bow

Chest #1

After you shrink yourself to get to the second room, keep moving on until you hit a crossroad of sorts. Go southeast to get a bundle of Holy Arrows.

Chest #2 & 3

Head back to the middle and go in the alcove up north. This will net 2 Phoenix Downs inside 2 chests.

Chest #4

Head down from the alcove and head left into a tunnel. After you come out of the tunnel, go up on the first turn that you see to get another Phoenix Down.

In this next room you will immediately see 3 doors as you enter. For the sake of simplicity, let's call the Doors (from left to right: Door A, Door B, Door C.

Chest #5 & 6

At the end of Door A are 2 chests with 3000 gil and a Bomb Fragment.

Chest #7 & 8

At the end of Door B are 2 chests once again with 3000 gil and an Antarctic Wind.

Chest #9 & 10

Finally, at the end of Door C you can get 3000 gil and a Zeus' Wrath.

Head on to the next room after clearing all 3 doors.

Chest #11

The only treasure in this next room is straight north (a Royal Sword).

Chest #12

The room after this is a straightforward outdoor path with a chest (Phoenix Down) that is impossible to miss.

Chest #13 & 14

Upon entering this next area, there will be a chest to your left containing an elixir. Take a right from there and keep going forward until you hit a chest with a Rune Bow inside.

Progress Check #2
At this point you should have 39% of treasures opened.
New World (Wrecked Ship) - 2 Chests
This area is only accessible prior to the boss battle.

After you sail off the floating continent, head to the island shown on the map below (you start at the very southwest island).

Item Checklist:
  • Blood Sword
  • Zeus' Wrath

Chest #1 & 2

Enter the shipwreck on the island. Once inside the wrecked ship, head to the lowest level to grab a Blood Sword and a Zeus' Wrath.

Cave of Tides - 1 Chest
The Cave of tides is in a large island south of the shipwreck in the previous section.

The cave is divided into 5 parts, but there's only treasure in the 3rd area.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Blizzaga

Chest #1

On the 3rd area, you will encounter 2 bridges. Take the one on the top to get to the Blizzaga.

Stinky Sewer - 6 Chests
The Stinky Sewers is located on the southeast corner of Amur Village.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Cat Claws
  • 1 Diamond Bell
  • 1 Hammer
  • 1 Power Bracer
  • 1 Poison Dagger
  • 1 Kaiser Knuckles

Chest #1

The first treasure chest (Cat Claws) is found in the second area. It's a little bit past the entrance to the next level.

The 4th area has 2 side-rooms that both have treasure.

Chest #2 & 3

The first room you encounter (side-room) will have 2 chests (1 Diamon Bell, 1 Hammer) once you cross the bridge.

Chest #4 to 6

Right across from the first side-room is the other side-room. This room has 3 chests containing a Power Bracer, a Poison Dagger, and a pair of Kaiser Knuckles.

Goldor Manor - 12 Chests
Goldor Manor can be found south of Amur Village. You need the Levigrass shoes to get to it.

Item Checklist:
  • 11 Golden Swords
  • 1 Wyvern Claw

Chest #1 to 12

As soon as you enter the manor, head north and proceed to the Library. Go all the way to the southern part of the Library to get 11 Golden Swords and 1 Wyvern Claw.

Replito - 1 Chest
Replito is located at the very northwest of the continent. Avoid flying over the large castle in this same island if you want to continue treasure hunting. Use sight so you can maneuver around it.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Elixir

Northeast of Replito there is a blue-roof house with a backdoor entrance. Enter the house and head over to the right wall to find a secret passage leading to an Elixir.

Saronia (South West District) - 11 Chests
Upon crashing into Saronia, head down to go back to the world map. Enter the SW district.

Item Checklist:

Chest #1 to 11

On the eastern portion of this district, there is a large house with a man who will call in a Fat Chocobo. East of his room is a secret passage leading to 11 chests with 11 Gysahl Greens.

Dragon Spire - 12 Chests
Dragon Spire is located in the middle of Saronia's South East District.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Dragon Mail
  • 3 Thunder Spear
  • 2 Phoenix Down
  • 4 Dragon Helm

At the top of the Dragon Spire you there are 12 chests (6 each side) of the floor.

Progress Check #3
After looting Dragon Spire, you should have gotten an achievement.

Nose for Treasure
Open 50% of all treasure chests.
Saronia Castle - 20 Chests
You'll be able to roam inside the castle after you beat Garuda.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Scholar Hat
  • 1 Boomerang
  • 1 Main Gauche
  • 1 Selene Bow
  • 1 Tome of Light
  • 1 Tome of Ice
  • 1 Tome of Fire
  • 1 Ice Rod
  • 1x 20 Medusa Arrow
  • 2 Rusty Mail
  • 1 Dragon Hammer
  • 1 Golem Staff
  • 1 Viking Helm
  • 1 Viking Mail
  • 1 Gaia Vest
  • 1 Earthen Bell
  • 1 Dragon Helm
  • 2 Phoenix Down

From where you start, head right to see a crack on the wall.

Chest #1 to 12

This crack leads to a treasure-filled room. The 12 chests contain a Main Gauche, a Boomerang, a Selene Bow, a Tome of Light, a Scholar Hat, a Tome of Ice, a Golem Staff, a Dragon Hammer, a Tome of Fire, an Ice Rod, a Medusa Arrow, and a Rusty Mail.

Chest #13 to 18

Take the staircase all the way down to reveal another secret passage. In here you'll find 6 chests containing another Rusty Mail, a Viking Helm, an Earthen Bell, another Dragon Helm, a Gaia Vest, and a Viking Mail.

Chest #19 & 20

From where you defeated Garuda, head down to enter the castle courtyard. Go to the building southwest of this area. Inside there will be a secret passage on the right wall.

Keep going further into another secret passage and at the end of this path there will be 2 chests both containing a Phoenix Down.

Saronia Catacombs - 13 Chests
To get to the catacombs, use the Nautilus to dive under the South East district of Saronia (see image below).

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Golem Staff
  • 1 Aegis Shield
  • 1 Rune Bell
  • 1 Reflect Mail
  • 1 Heavy Lance
  • 4 Elixir
  • 4 Phoenix Down

Chest #1 to 3

In the 3rd area of the catacombs, you'll encounter a fork. Take the right path to grab 3 chests (Golem Staff, Aegis Shield, and Rune Bell).

Chest #4 & 5

Head back and take the left path this time. 2 chests will be easily visible along the way to the next area.

Chest #6 to 13

Upon entering the next area, hug the right wall to find a secret passage leading to a treasure room containing 4 Elixirs and 4 Phoenix Down. All treasure chests in this area are traps and will trigger enemy encounters.

Sunken Cave - 19 Chests
You can get to the Sunken Cave by diving at the empty island at the south east corner of the map.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Charkram
  • 1 Dual Tomahawk
  • 1 Tiger Claws
  • 1 Ancient Sword
  • 1 Cognitome
  • 1 Diamond Shield
  • 1 Diamond Helm
  • 1 Metal Knuckles
  • 1 Air Knife
  • 1 Diamond Mail
  • 1 Loki Harp
  • 1 Diamond Bracers
  • 1 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Diamond Gloves
  • 1 Trident
  • 1 Aegis Shield
  • 1 Reflect Mail
  • 1 Triton Hammer

Chest #1 to 3

As soon as you enter the second area of this cave, you'll notice you can go 4 ways. Head northwest for a Chakram, southwest for a Dual Tomahawk, and northeast for a pair of Tiger Claws. Heading southeast will take you to the next and final area.

The final area has treasure chests on all of those tiny islands except for the one you start at and the platform after that.

Chest #4

South from the entrance you'll get 1 chest along the way that contains an Ancient Sword.

Chest #5 to 8

Further south there are 4 chests with a Cognitome, a Diamond Shield, a pari of Metal Knuckles, and a Diamond Helm.

Chest #9 to 12

Heading back to the entrance, take a left this time. The 4 chests here contain an Air Knife, a Diamond Mail, a Loki Harp, and a pair of Diamond Bracers.

Chest #13 to 15

Head down from that location to grab 3 chests. The chests are on opposite corners of each other and they contain a pair of Diamond Gloves, a Phoenix Down, and an Elixir.

Chest #16 to 19

Head left from here and enter the secret passage leading to 4 more chests. Take note that these chests are guarded by powerful enemies.

Temple of Time - 10 Chests
The Temple of Time is located south from Saronia. Dive down an area that looked like inverted twin horns. You will need 7 magic keys or a thief in order to get all the treasure in this temple.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Diamond Helm
  • 1 Diamond Bracers
  • 1 Defender
  • 1 Diamond Gloves
  • 1 Behemoth's Knife
  • 1 Diamond Mail
  • 1 Blood Lance
  • 1 Lamia Harp
  • 1 Protect Ring
  • 1 Diamond Shield

As soon as you enter the temple, head down and take the first left you see. The first 2 doors you encounter only have treasure in them.

Chest #1 & 2

Inside the first door is a chest with a Diamond Helm at the end of the room. Inside the second door is a pair of Diamond Bracers.

Chest #3

After claiming the 2 diamond gear, head through the water and into the next area. In this next area, a chest containing a Defender will be on the northeastern corner of the room.

Chest #4 & 5

In the next area you'll come across a large body of water. Go northwest from here and it will lead you to a pair of Diamond Gloves and a Behemoth's Knife (situated opposite of each other) beyon a locked door.

Chest #6

Head back to the area before the body of water and go east. This path will lead you to a chest containing a Diamond Mail.

Continue on to the next area by heading northeast from the body of water.

Chest #7 to 9

Upon entering the new area, head right and go behind the 'waterfall' to enter a long hallway leading down to 3 chests (Blood Lance, Lamia Harp, Protect Ring).

Chest #10

Head back to the entrance then head all the way down and go to your left. This path will lead you to a Diamond Shield.

Ancient Ruins - 5 Chests
The ancient ruins is north of the Temple of Time and Unei's Shrine.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Reflect Mail
  • 1 Black Belt Gi
  • 1 Chakra Band
  • 1 Rune Bell
  • 1 Faerie Claws

Chest #1

After clearing the blockade, continue forward and head up to the first entryway you see. This will lead you to a Reflect Mail.

The next area (2nd floor) is a shop/rest area.

The 3rd area will lead you to a 3-way crossroad (that eventually lead to 4 small treasure rooms).

Chest #2 to 5

South (and west) leads to a Black Belt Gi.

Going east leads to a Chakra Band.

Going north (then left) leads to a Rune Bell, and going north (then right) leads to a pair of Fairie Claws.

Progress Check #4
Falgabard - 4 Chests
To get to Falgabard, use the Invincible to fly southwest from Saronia. You'll have to bypass 2 sets of small mountains to get to it.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Blessed Hammer
  • 1 Demon Mail
  • 1 Kotetsu
  • 1 Ashura

Chest #1 to 4

Northwest of Falgabard there is a cave with 4 chests inside. The first chest (Blessed Hammer) is immediately spotted upon entering.

Head east from that first chest to find a secret passage leading to a Demon Mail.

Head east once again to reveal another hidden passage leading to 2 chests containing demon swords Kotetsu and Ashura.

Cave of Shadows - 9 Chests
The opening to the Cave of Shadows can be found north and east from Amur. Keep heading north from Amur until you see a patch of desert. Once you see this, head east to go through a series of small mountains.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Black Musk
  • 1 Dark Claws
  • 1 Tranquilizer
  • 1 Lilith's Kiss
  • 1 Genji Gloves
  • 1 Kiku-Ichimonji
  • 1 Genji Shield
  • 1 Genji Helm
  • 1 Genji Armor

Chest #1

As soon as you enter the cave, head right for a secret passage leading to 1 Black Musk.

Chest #2

Further down the path to the next area is a pair of Dark Claws.

Chest #3 & 4

Upon entering the 2nd area, take the first left into a room with a chest containing a Tranquilizer. The other chest (Lilith's Kiss) in this area is easily visible along the path to the 3rd area.

There's no treasure on the 3rd floor.

Chest #5

The 4th area has 1 treasure chest (Genji Gloves) close to the 5th area's entrance.

There's no treaure on the 5th floor.

Chest #6

The treasure chest (Kiku-Ichimonji) on the 6th floor is located near the entrance to the 7th floor.

Chest #7

After entering the 7th floor, a Genji Shield will be in a chest directly to your left.

Chest #8

The chest (Genji Helm) on the 8th floor can be found after the bone bridge.

Chest #9

After entering the 9th floor/final area, head right for a secret passage leading to a Genji Armor.

Lake Dohr - 19 Chests

I suggest looting everything and encountering all monsters before you complete this area.

Lake Dohr can be found south of Gulgan Gulch. You'll need the Invincible to get to it.

Item Checklist:
  • 3 Hi-Potion
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Arctic Wind
  • 1 Heavenly Wrath
  • 1 Earthen Drum
  • 1 Phoenix Down
  • 1 White Musk
  • 1 Bacchus' Cider
  • 1 Turtle Shell
  • 1 Aegis Shield
  • 2 Platinum Hammer
  • 1 Lilith's Kiss
  • 1 Raven's Yawn
  • 1 Black Musk
  • 1 Black Hole
  • 1 Reflect Mail

Lake Dohr is divided into 4 parts. The first 3 areas have treasure.

Chest #1 to 8

In the first area, there are 8 chests. 4 of them can be found in the southeast corner (Earthen Drum, Arctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Phoenix Down) of the room while the rest (3 Hi-Potion, 1 Elixir) are found to the northeast corner and onto the next area.

Chest #9 to 13

In the second area, there is a White Musk in the middle of the room and 4 chests (Platinum Hammer, Turtle Shell, Aegis Shield, Bacchus' Cider) towards the northeast corner.

Chest #14 to 19

Once you reach the middle of the third room, you can either go southwest or northeast for treasure. SW contains a Lilith's Kiss and a Raven's Yawn. NE has a Platinum Hammer, a Black Hole, a Black Musk, and a Reflect Mail.

Bahamut's Lair - 13 Chests
Bahamut's Lair is west of Tozus.

Item Checklist:
  • 2 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Earthen Drums
  • 1 Heavenly Wrath
  • 1 Arctic Wind
  • 1 Golem Staff
  • 1 White Musk
  • 1 Turtle Shell
  • 1 Bacchus' Cider
  • 1 Chocobo's Wrath
  • 1 Eurytos Bow
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Kotetsu

Bahamut's Lair is divided into 3 parts.

Chest #1 to 4

Upon entering the first area, you'll encounter a 4-way split. Go left for a Heavenly Wrath and Earthen Drums. Go right for a Phoenix Down and an Arctic Wind.

Chest #5 to 9

In the next area, all chests are easily visible after crossing each bridge. There 1 chest (Golem Staff) after the 1st bridge. 1 more chest (White Musk), another chest (Bacchus' Cider) after the 4th bridge, and 2 more chests (Turtle's Shell, Chocobo's Wrath) after the 5th and last bridge.

Chest #10 to 13

In the 3rd and last room (also the boss room), the 4 chests (Eurytos Bow, Phoenix Down, Kotetsu, Elixir) are just along your path to Bahamut.

Doga's Grotto - 8 Chests

I suggest looting everything and encountering all monsters before you complete this area.

You can go to Doga's Grotto after getting the Fang of Earth. Visit Doga's Manor to get started.

Item Checklist:
  • 2x 10000 gil
  • 1 White Musk
  • 1 Lust Dagger
  • 1 Rising Sun
  • 1 Chocobo's Wrath
  • 2 Phoenix Down

The grotto is divided into 5 areas. There is no treasure in the first area.

Chest #1 & 2

There's 2 chests containing 10k gil each on both ends of the second area.

Chest #3 to 6

The third area leads to 3 possible paths. Going southwest leads to a dead end. Going northwest leads to 3 chests containing a Rising Sun, a White Musk, and a Lust Dagger. Going east will lead to a Chocobo's Wrath as well as the next and last area with treasure.

Chest #7 & 8

The final area is similar to the second area in that 2 chests from both ends of the area both contain Phoenix Downs.

Ancient's Maze - 15 Chests
The maze is north of Amur and past the guardian statues.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Elixir
  • 1 Crystal Shield
  • 1 Lilith's Kiss
  • 1 Crystal Mail
  • 1 White Musk
  • 1 Crystal Gloves
  • 1 Crystal Helm
  • 1 Break Blade
  • 1 Chocobo's Wrath
  • 2 Phoenix Down
  • 1 Dual Haken
  • 1 Protect Ring
  • 1 Holy Lance
  • 1 Hellish Claws

The maze is divided into 5 levels (not counting the crystal room).

Chest #1

On the 1st floor, there is an Elixir in the northeast corner of the area.

Chest #2 & 3

Upon entering the 2nd floor, go left for 2 chests (Crystal Shield, Lilith's Kiss).

Chest #4 to 6

Further along the 2nd floor are 3 chests (Crystal Mail, White Musk, Crystal Gloves) in your immediate path.

Chest #7 to 11

Immediately after entering the 3rd floor, to your right is a Crystal Helm.

South of this floor are 3 chests containing a Break Blade, a Phoenix Down, and a Chocobo's Wrath.

On the opposite end of the map's entrance is a Dual Haken.

Chest #12 & 13

There are 2 chests (Phoenix Down, Protect Ring) on the 4th floor which are a little bit southwest of the entrance to the 5th floor.

Chest #14 & 15

The 2 chests (Holy Lance, Hellish Claws) in the 5th floor are in the middle of the room and directly opposite of each other.

Progress Check #5
Crystal Tower - 23 Chests
The Crystal Tower is enclosed within the Ancient's Maze.

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Fuma Garb
  • 2 White Musk
  • 3 Chocobo's Wrath
  • 1 Elven Bow
  • 1 Lilith's Kiss
  • 5 Phoenix Down
  • 5 Elixir
  • 1 Shuriken
  • 1 Crystal Mail
  • 1 Crystal Helm
  • 1 Crystal Shield
  • 1 Crystal Gloves

Area 1 - Chest #1 to 8

There's 1 chest (Fuma Garb) on the southwest corner near the pool.

Directly opposite (also by the pool) is another chest (White Musk).

Along the western wall there's another White Musk.

Along the eastern wall there's 2 Chocobo's Wrath.

North of the room (left of the entrance to Eureka) there is a Chocobo's Wrath. On the opposite side of that there is a Lilith's Kiss.

On the northeast corner of the room (east of the entrance to Eureka) there is an Elven Bow.

Area 2 - Chest #9 to 11

After entering this room, take the first path you encounter which leads up (Elixir). The second chest (Phoenix Down) will be along path to the next area.

After getting the Phoenix Down, head up for a large circular area. Head to the north side of this area to grab another Elixir.

Area 3 (FIRST PASS) - Chest #12

Head right from where you entered and go up on the first fork you see to grab an Elixir.

Area 4 - Chest #13 & 14

A Phoenix Down and a Shuriken will be along the path leading back to area 3.

Area 3 (SECOND PASS) - Chest #15 to 17

As soon as you enter your path will take you to a circular area. Along this path is a Phoenix Down and an Elixir.

When you reach the circular area, head southeast to enter a path leading to another Elixir.

Area 6 - Chest #18 & 19

Area 6 is a large area surrounded by water where you have 3 paths to choose from. Go left for a Phoenix Down. Go right for a Crystal Mail. Go forward for the next area.

Area 7 - Chest #20 to 23

At the bottom of the large staircase, you'll find a Phoenix Down and a pair of Crystal Gloves on oppposite ends.

A little bit past those previous chests will be long and narrow paths that lead to the northeast and northwest corners of this area. 2 Chests on opposite sides will contain a Crystal Helm and a Crystal Shield.

Eureka - 19 Chests
The portal to Eureka is within the Crystal Tower. After entering the tower, go north. The next room will have a dead end leading to an interactable stone wall (portal).

Item Checklist:
  • 1 Fuma Garb
  • 2 Chocobo's Wrath
  • 4 Elixir
  • 3 White Musk
  • 1 Ribbon
  • 3 Phoenix Down
  • 4 Shuriken
  • 1 Omnirod

Area 1 - Chest #1 to 4

Near the middle, there are 4 chests (Fuma Garb, Chocobo's Wrath, White Musk, Elixir). 2 chests each on opposite sides.

Area 2 - Chest #5 to 10

Area 2 has a trap chest containing a Ribbon in the middle of the room.

This area also splits to 2 side rooms on the northwest and northeast corners.

In the northeast side room you can find a White Musk, a Phoenix Down, and a Chocobo's Wrath.

In the northwest side room you can find a lone White Musk.

Head southwest to reach a Shuriken within a dead end.

Area 3 - Chest #11 to 13

There's a chest (Elixir) on the first left.

The 2 other chests (Shuriken and a Phoenix Down) are along the path to the next area (area 4) which is a boss room.

Area 4 has no treasure. Don't forget the Moorning Blade though.

Area 5 - Chest #14 & 15 + Masamune

Opposite of Masamune on the western side of the room is an Omnirod. The other chest (Phoenix Down) can be found on the path to the next area.

Area 6 has no treasure. Don't forget Excalibur though.

Area 7 has no treasure chests but Ragnarok and the Elder Staff resides here.

Area 8 - Chest #16 to 19

This final resting area/shop has 4 chests (2 Elixir, 2 Shuriken)

Progress Check #6
You should be at 98% chests opened.
World of Darkness - 4 Chests
This is the point of no return. If you made it here then you can't go back out until you finish. The 4 paths to the 4 bosses in this area have 1 chest each. I'll describe each chest starting from the southwest path counter-clockwise to the northwest path.

Item Checklist:
  • 4 Ribbon

Chest #1 to 4

Starting with the SW path, as soon as you enter keep stick to the left wall and don't go up until you can no longer go left. At the end of this path is 1 Ribbon.

Enter the SE path. A Ribbon will be immediately to your north.

Enter the NE path. The ribbon will be in the northwest corner of the room. It's hard to miss because it's directly on the path to the boss.

Enter the NW path. Keep hanging left and you will eventually get to the Ribbon. It's located roughly west of the area and north of where you enter.

With this you should have 100%. Congratulations!
141 kommentarer
EckyThump 20 mar @ 17:41 
@Jon.Topps - No those do not count towards anything.

@no - there are 16 chests in the Dwarven Treasure Room in the DS version, and only 15 in others, progress check 2 will be 40% on DS and 39% on any other version. So this guide is exactly right for Steam's version, and any version that is not the original on DS.
Jon.Topps 18 mar @ 20:37 
Do the shiny spot items not count for the achievements? Like the two pots in Ur in the old man's house? That makes for a total of 10 in Ur. Do I never have to worry about those kinds of treasures to get 100% of the Steam achievements?
no 19 feb @ 9:09 
I understand, thank you very much for the swift reply!
Jedo  [skapare] 19 feb @ 0:54 
@Jimples thanks for the suggestion. I haven't played anything since November but I'll consider making the update since you make a great point. I just need to think about what to edit specifically since I've been busy irl and just haven't taken care of my Steam guides these last few months.

@no - Yes, there's a difference between this and the 3DS version. This guide is a result of combing through the older guides that existed (Seferaga + others) for previous releases of the game. I feel confident about the chest tracker I've done, but if you want to follow a walkthrough as a supplement to get all the chests, I suggest following more than 1. Best of luck.
no 18 feb @ 21:48 
Are you aware if there are any differences in chests between the 3DS version and this? Because I am following your guide, but I'm also following a quite expansive 3DS version guide and at progress check #2, this guide tells me to have 39% which I have, but the other version says 40%.
Jimples 30 nov, 2023 @ 11:07 
@Jedo can I make a suggestion? I put all the chests in a spreadsheet and tinkered a bit. Can you add a note and/or move Progress Check #5 to before the Ancient's Maze? If you get EVERY chest, missable and otherwise up to this point, the very 1st chest you get in there puts you at 84%. That chest is close to the entrance, and the ship with the moogle should be close too.

It's just tedious running through the Ancient's Maze again if you want to check your percentage after this point, and it isn't as ambiguous as the 87% AFTER the Ancient's Maze, because you can be missing two chests and still hit 87%.
Jedo  [skapare] 2 nov, 2023 @ 7:00 
I'm glad you finished it!!! :D: Must feel good after all these years.
Jimples 2 nov, 2023 @ 6:57 
It took me 8 years to finally level up all my jobs, I beat the game, 99%. After 8 years, no idea where I've been. I trek through the whole game via this list for good measure. 8 years ago, it looks like I missed one of the missable chests...

8... years...

Thanks for the guide though! :D
TheGreatWiseAss 16 okt, 2023 @ 11:20 
Well looks like I will be replaying this a 4th time just for the final treasure chests.. Stuck at 95% and not sure if I missed some in the missable areas or what but I've always hit 95% so I guess one more playthrough.. right now I am just 1 monster away from 100% of the bestiary, I beat Iron Giant once all ready.. but in another game after getting 100% of the Onion Knight gear