Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Classified Covert Warpaint
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24/out./2021 às 18:03
1/nov./2021 às 7:31
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Em 1 coleção de BloodyRedstone
BloodyRedstone's Warpaint Collection
6 itens
Tie? Wrapping paper? Surely this fits your classified needs! No matter the cost, this goes well with your $10,000 suit at any occasion!

2048 * 2048 Seamless Textures

Replaces Smissmass Camo Warpaint:

tie_red replaces smissmas_camo
tie_blue replaces smissmas_camo
suit_black replaces smissmas_camo_bg
suit_white replaces smissmas_wood
silver replaces smissmas_green

This is an updated version with significant changes.
* Different Base
* Orientation Lock
* Lowered saturation of red primary slightly
* Replaced class emblems with Team Fortress logos
* Lowered brightness of phong mask in primary textures slightly
* Fixed orientation of Team Fortress logos
* Complete redo of cloth texture
* Complete redo of silver texture
* Replaced light red and light blue textures with an off-white texture

Old version:
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1/jun./2023 às 13:03
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