Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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MP9 | Dreamcatcher (Psycho)
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Wapen: MP9
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9.702 MB
20 okt 2021 om 0:35
18 nov 2021 om 1:32
1 wijzigingsnotitie (weergeven)

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In some Native American and First Nations cultures, a dreamcatcher is a handmade willow hoop, on which is woven a net or web. It may also be decorated with sacred items such as certain feathers or beads. Traditionally, dreamcatchers are hung over a cradle or bed as protection.

This skin represents a dreamcatcher. The geometric web was what interested me first in this skin.
If you look closely, you'll see two closed eyes in the first person view. That represents the dreamer who is sleeping. The dreamcatcher attracts the dreams and the nightmares so you are sleeping quietly.

The skin is a bit pearlescent. So the colors can change depending of the point of view.
This design is aimed for the covert quality. There are three versions with different colors.