New World: Aeternum

New World: Aeternum

107 个评价
List of Damage Types and Effects
由 BoOsTeR 制作
This is a guide on the damage types and effects in New World. Read on to learn New World's damage mechanics, differences between the damage types, effects and ailments, and more!
New World's Damage Mechanics
Damage Mechanics Explained

In the above image, the sword has the default Slash as its physical damage type. It also has a Lightning elemental damage type due to its Chain Lightning perk.

New World's damage mechanics consists of two damage types: Physical Damage and Elemental Damage. Hovering over your weapon in the Inventory lets you see its Physical Damage Type, as well as any perk that adds an additional Elemental Damage Type.

Some weapons allow you to use a secondary physical damage type. For example, Swords have a Slash damage type when using its light attack. However, its heavy attack is a Thrust damage type.

Certain Weapon Skills also allow you to change a weapon's damage type when activating an abillity.

Critical Hit Chance and Damage Modifier

All weapons in New World have a Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage Modifier.

Critical Hit Chance determines the chance of landing a critical hit to an enemy while Critical Damage Modifier determines the extra damage dealt when doing so.

You can increase these two stats using perks or adding points to a certain attribute.

Backstabs and Headshots

The important thing to keep note of here is that Backstabs are mostly Melee exclusive with a few exceptions, while Headshots are Ranged Exclusive.

While using a melee weapon, you can perform a backstab at any time by positioning yourself behind an enemy. Backstabs are guaranteed Critical Hits. In PvP, this means leveraging statuses like Stuns or Roots to reposition and get this huge burst of damage off. In PvE at least for Expeditions, your Tank should be holding enemy aggro making these free.

Headshots are similar to Backstabs, but simply require hitting your target in the head, regardless of positioning. Much like Backstabs, these are also guaranteed Critical Hits. For PvP, these are much easier when you can apply any crowd control that prevent or limit movement, however Root and Frozen are the best for this, as they prevent all movement and dodging. Melee weapons with ranged throwing skills like Hatchet and Spear can also land headshots, though they may require other passive bonuses to do so.

For PvE content, utilizing these will be the key to maximizing your DPS. They’re still useful for PvP as well, but will typically be harder to land consistently.

Resistances and Weaknesses

When dealing damage to an enemy, a floating damage counter number appears briefly showing your damage output. The color will vary depending on the enemy's resistance and weakness.

Resistant damage values are displayed with a blue color along with double arrows pointing downwards (⯯). This indicates that the physical or elemental damage is ineffective against the enemy.

Neutral damage values are displayed with a white color and a physical or elemental damage type icon used to attack the enemy. This means that the damage type is neither weak nor resistant against the enemy.

Effective damage values are displayed with a yellow color with double arrows pointing upwards (⯭). This means that the physical or elemental damage is effective against the enemy.

Enemy Type Resistances and Weaknesses Chart

Every enemy type in the game is weak or resistant against certain damage types. Knowing these will help you defeat enemies easier and create effective DPS builds.

See the chart below to learn each of the enemy type's resistances and weaknesses.

Enemy Type
Angry Earth
Physical Damage Types
Damage Effects

  • Slash - Great Axes, Hatchets, Rapiers, and Swords - +20% Damage to The Angry Earth and -15% Damage to Ancient Guardians
  • Strike - War Hammers - +10% Damage to The Lost and Drowned and +20% Damage to Ancient Guardians and -15% Damage to The Corrupted
  • Thrust - Bows, Muskets, Spears, some Swords - +20% Damage to The Corrupted and +20% Damage to Beasts and -15% Damage to The Angry Earth and -15% Damage to The Lost and Drowned

Damage Types


Effective Against:
🌀Angry Earth
Neutral Against:
Weak Against:

Slash is the primary physical damage type of Swords, Hatchets, and Great Axes.


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
🌀Angry Earth🌀Beast
Weak Against:

Strike is the primary physical damage type of War Hammers.


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
Weak Against:
🌀Angry Earth🌀Corrupted🌀Lost

Thrust is the primary physical damage type of Spears, Muskets, Bows, and Rapiers. Swords can also inflict thrust damage when using its heavy attack.
Elemental Damage Types
Damage Effects

  • Arcane - +30% Damage to The Corrupted
  • Void - +15% Damage to Ancient Guardians and -40% Damage to The Corrupted and -40% Damage to The Lost and Drowned
  • Fire - +30% Damage to The Angry Earth and -40% Damage to Ancient Guardians
  • Ice - +15% Damage to The Lost and Drowned and -40% Damage to The Corrupted
  • Lightning - +30% Damage to Ancient Guardians and -40% Damage to The Angry Earth
  • Nature - +15% Damage to The Corrupted and +30% Damage to The Lost and Drowned

Damage Types


Effective Against:
🌀Angry Earth
Neutral Against:
Weak Against:

Fire is the primary elemental damage type of Fire Staves. You can also equip a gemstone on a weapon to add a secondary fire elemental damage.

Perks that add a Fire Damage Type: Ignited I-IV


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
🌀Ancient🌀Angry Earth🌀Beast
Weak Against:

Ice is the primary elemental damage type of Ice Gauntlets. You can also equip a gemstone on a weapon to add a secondary ice elemental damage.

Perks that add an Ice Damage Type: Frozen I-IV


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
🌀Ancient🌀Angry Earth🌀Beast
Weak Against:

Nature is the primary elemental damage type of Life Staves. You can also equip a gemstone on a weapon to add a secondary nature elemental damage.

Perks that add a Nature Damage Type: Arboreal I-IV


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
🌀Ancient🌀Angry Earth🌀Beast🌀Lost
Weak Against:

Arcane is a secondary elemental damage type that you can equip as a perk on a weapon. Certain weapons such as the Faeforged Musket has this as its primary damage type.

Perks that add an Arcane Damage Type: Empowered I-IV


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
Weak Against:
🌀Angry Earth

Lightning is a secondary elemental damage type that you can equip as a perk on a weapon.

Perks that add a Lightning Damage Type: Electrified I-IV


Effective Against:
Neutral Against:
🌀Angry Earth🌀Beast🌀Corrupted
Weak Against:

Void is a secondary elemental damage type that you can equip as a perk on a weapon. Certain weapons such as the Longsight has this as its primary damage type.

Perks that add a Void Damage Type: Abyssal I-IV
Thanks for reading
Credits: Game8
15 条留言
ThR. 2023 年 6 月 25 日 下午 1:27 
Thrust isnt week against Corrupted, its the most effective phisical damage type.
Charlin D. Mula 2023 年 6 月 25 日 上午 5:21 
BoOsTeR  [作者] 2022 年 9 月 20 日 下午 12:08 
@Spartan will update them soon, but sadly since game almost died. all authors stopped releasing any further updates.
Spartan 2022 年 9 月 17 日 下午 11:28 
is this info still valid?
BoOsTeR  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 11:03 
@CellarPhantom you are right and it fixed! also you can land a headshot by throwing spells like hatchet and spear abilities.
CellarPhantom 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 10:09 
Thanks for sharing all this info!
For critical strikes you write "hitting an unsuspecting enemy from behind", but from my experience they don't need to be unsuspecting. I think you can move/dodge around them while they are doing slow attacks to get behind them and land crits. Might have been coincidences though.
LeFrenchie 2021 年 10 月 26 日 下午 8:38 
ohh this is nice .. far better than the spread sheet i was making on a note pad
then again.. i shouldn't of read this.. now i just did a screen shot of this and threw my notes away.
BoOsTeR  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 22 日 下午 3:31 
@PoorUglyPeasant fixed! Strike and Thrust locations swapped. thanks for noticing :steamhappy:
PoorUglyPeasant 2021 年 10 月 22 日 下午 12:11 
this is not exactly correct, corrupted are weak against thrust weapons
BoOsTeR  [作者] 2021 年 10 月 21 日 下午 2:24 
@Choco thanks so much for noticing me, guide updated. btw it is not true to say nature damage is always best elemental because as i said there so many "weapons" and "enemies" with weak and strong points. so the elemental damage depends on your weapon, build and enemy. for a detailed explain i suggest this guide.