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Lowbei  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:47pm 
lol if telling yourself that helps you cope with getting shit on, thats ok with me.

you will wake up tomorrow still butthurt, and you will come back to cry more.

rent free. ez gg
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:45pm 
Then it's checkmate. you had your chance. :) game is over nad i've won regardless of what i say. thanks for agreeing to my terms and losing.
Lowbei  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
lol ez gg loser. come back and cry more anytime.

dominated. cope ;)
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:15pm 
now you're just copying what i say, cause you've mentally degraded from anger to the point you cant evne repeat yourself OR think of any original comebacks and retorts. you've been beaten. Check and mate, nothing more to say.

the game is done. you've lost.
one last chance for both of us. come up with a counter arguement to what i've said in your next reply or it's a loss for you and the game is done. one last chance, one last life.
Lowbei  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
lol tell yourself whatever helps you cope with the reality that youre malding in someones video comment section for days at a time while they laugh at you.

ez gg, cope ;)
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 20 Sep, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
but it wouldnt change the fact you either reported or deleted my comment and thanks for confessing you have access to both.

dunno why you keep spamming "ez gg". yeah, i agree, the game is over and it was ane z loss for you, but by no stretch of the imagination did you ever win anything! :) keep coping as you say.
Lowbei  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
haha the page owner only has the option to trashbin a comment. on other peoples profiles, that trashbin is a flag, to report. welcome to steam loser.

…and no i dont block anyone, because its more fun to watch them develop a mental complex and melt down for days and weeks before they finally ragequit in embarrassment.

ez gg. cope ;)
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 20 Sep, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
"i cant report comments, only delete them"
incorrect. I know how steam works and you do. playing dumb isnt gonna work. you cant gaslight me when we both know the truth. are you like good?

and no, i'm offending you, you just are trying to cop a W by upsetting me or "besting" me, but all you can do is repeat yourself and spam cause you are a narcissist and think getting the last word means you won.

denying you that too. Cause i know you and i know you think if you block me, its oyu admitting defeat :)
Lowbei  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 11:17am 
lol what an idiot. i cant report comments, only delete them. the only option is a trashcan icon, so someone else did.

if you were actually offending me i would just block you loser. welcome to the salt farm. ez gg haha
Stevey The Ex-Eevee 20 Sep, 2023 @ 11:10am 
so you're admitting you either deleted it cause you were offended or reported it in an attempt to get me banned, cause you were offended and got steam support to delete it?

well clearly there was no moderator action as i didnt get steam support contacting me as they ALWAYS do when content is taken care of. so it's option one.

glad to offend ya lowbei!