Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

239 voti
Portal Chess
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Game Category: Board Games, Strategy Games
Number of Players: 2
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37.808 KB
19 mag 2014, ore 2:00
13 ago 2015, ore 11:13
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Portal Chess

In 1 collezione di MrNobodyX3
All Things Chess
48 elementi

Made the board look better

+Letters for easy connection. (less confusion)
Plays like chess but now the board is bigger more pawns and... portals. The portal make this chess board virually infinte.

-Circles mark base, if a pawn reaches a base they become a queen

-Portal facing pawns can only become queen by reaching thier own base

-Arrows show dirrection for pawn row


-Can check through portals

-you must move through as though the board is continuing, (ie Bishups relative diagonal square)

-Can attack through portals
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (1)
19 mag 2014, ore 2:38
55 commenti
Jamie P Rose 29 lug 2024, ore 20:18 
This is fun! I totally destroyed my friend in this game. Gotta love being able to checkmate through a portal with one rook.
Axenonseptikum 12 giu 2023, ore 9:37 
I would try to keep my backside closed, and just play a normal game of chess, while my opponent wastes time on the portal feature
✪Cerebral Palsy 11 apr 2023, ore 11:31 
can i en passant with backward pawns?
ShloKnight 11 gen 2023, ore 15:09 
So this is just that weird version on a roller with magnetic pieces but on a flat board with portals.... right?
God 17 dic 2022, ore 10:32 
WeaselOnaStick 11 ago 2022, ore 8:15 
dingopoo 14 gen 2020, ore 11:39 
@Sunset Moth [NO WAR!] I know exactly what you're talking about! It's called global chess, and only a few were made before the company that created it went bankrupt. I know a guy who used to own a board games shop who was an investor in that company and has one of the few copies of the game.
Ebony Duan 24 apr 2018, ore 18:34 
Falconz 3 apr 2018, ore 4:26 
@MrNobodyX3 you should add ,sticked to the portal line of each player, a mirror copy of the connected part of the board to better see the moves you can do by passing the portal. if it can be toggle on/off would be perfect. really nice work btw, really enjoyed the game.
MrNobodyX3  [autore] 19 dic 2017, ore 22:45 
@brad1134 Just play like normal, the portal side pawns move backwards, and the edge of the board warps to the other side. For more read discription