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Hello there !

This mod add 8 different backpacks :

- Backpack : 15 slots (regular items)
- Heavy Backpack : 3 slots (large items) + 3 slots (for toolbelt and similar) + 3 slots (regular items)
- Medical Backpack : 8 slots + 16 slots (medical items) + Boost to medical skill
- Power-Backpack : 3 slots (refill batteries) + 9 slots (regular items) + Integrated Lights
- Oxy.Gen Backpack : 2 slots (refill O² tanks) + 2 slots (regular items) + Integrated Rebreather
- Shield Backpack : Using a battery cell, a fulgurium battery cell or an alien power cell will grant you a personal shield protecting you from damage, radiation and water pressure
- Techno-Backpack : 9 slots + Integrated Sonar and Sub's map
- Xeno-Backpack : Putting any damaged or used item in it will gradually restore its condition, but at a cost...

But it also add :

- Medipack : 6 slots (medical items)
- Ammopack : 6 slots (ammunitions)
- Heavy Crates : 10 slots (To transport heavy stuff like alien artifact ship's ammo, diving suit etc.)
- Tactical Body Armor : The fusion between the bandolier and the body armor, 4 slots
- Deep Diving Operation Suit (DDOS) : A powerful deep diving suit with an integrated backpack, scooter and strong plating

The Weight / Encombrance system :

Unlike the previous version of it, now adding more items in your backpacks will gradualy slow you down. So filling a heavy backpack to the brim and wearing it will slow you immensly. Also, when a backpack is equiped your maximum speed will be locked to 1.0 (the default human speed on ground) so using perks or drugs to zoom like a mad man with a full backpack is no longer possible : at best you will move normally.

I am always open to feedbacks and suggestion, especially about balancing issues. Indeed making a QOL mod about more storage is quite difficult to balance right.
Popular Discussions View All (7)
28 Jul, 2024 @ 10:50pm
Bugs And Glitchs
5 Dec, 2024 @ 12:29pm
28 Apr, 2023 @ 3:38am
Mod Compatibility
NutMaster 24 Feb @ 8:46am 
10/10 mod, helps on minung missions (I got banned on server bc I was using xeno backpack to fill gene)
Mach 5 Gemrunner 13 Feb @ 1:00pm 
There's a weird quirk with the mod (probably barojank) that causes oxygen tanks to not fill in their respective backpack if they're 0% full. I personally just put them in the submarine oxygen generator for a few seconds and take it from there.
Max Warden 10 Feb @ 5:51am 
i dunno, DDOS is peak diving suit. like it is very strong, but does have a weakness of having no concussion protection. I personally love it when paired with any movement enhancing gene.

Oxy.Gen Backpack uuuh, i didn't really use it, but try putting in the battery, maybe then it will do something ? Either that or it is meant to provide you with oxygen thru the tanks, not generate the oxygen.
Mach 5 Gemrunner 7 Jan @ 10:00am 
Doesn't really feel that big a deal to me personally, when you get the hang of it. Though I can't deny it's a strange way to balance the suit lol
Bravo 7 Jan @ 9:55am 
ddos suit is annoying as fuck, why does it unequip when you accidently equip a mask or something? fix that crap
Mach 5 Gemrunner 6 Jan @ 12:54pm 
I may just be an idiot, but I haven't been able to figure out how to use the oxy-gen backpack's tank refill feature. I've put two empty regular oxygen canisters inside of it's two dedicated refill slots, and nothing happened. I did everything I could think of to make it work, and it didn't. Is there a dedicated method to activate it, or am I just stupid?
Mrchache 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:47pm 
I'm using it, seems fine.
Sir Quakamo Jugemo Visbob III 29 Dec, 2024 @ 11:54am 
is this mod broken or no?
FOX 28 Dec, 2024 @ 5:48am 
Отличный мод! Ломает баланс, но мне нравится, удобно
GranularGlint66 23 Dec, 2024 @ 2:34pm 
i just want to know if these backpacks can be stored in chests. for some reason in my run i can't