Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

354 hodnocení
Kaii's Secret Recipe Book (Hands Off!) ((Outdated))
Vytvořil: Kaii
This is Kaii's personal and very private Recipe Book!

Readers Beware: This book is poisoned and will kill any who attempt to read it without permission! You have been warned!

(This guide is no longer accurate as the game has changed drastically with the current update. I might update it at some point, I don't know honestly, more interested in other stuff right now <3)
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Quick Disclaimer
This guide may not be the best for ingredient cost, especially when it comes to using crystals.

I am going to go through and try to decide, but most of the time my decision-making for getting around the potion-map isn't what's cheapest, but what gets me from Point A to Point B the fastest. As such, that's why this is called "Kaii's Secret Recipe Book" and not "Guide to the Cheapest Potions!" or something similar, these are just my own little adjusted recipes that I want to share with people ^.^

So, I hope you find these recipes useful, because if you don't brew up an antidote fast, yousa gonna beesa dead...sa.
Tier One Potions
Healing Potion - One Waterbloom, One Weirdshroom

"Grind up one Waterbloom and mix, then half-grind a Weirdshroom. Add to the concoction and stir. Finish with a small addition of water then boil."

Poisoning Potion - One Red Mushroom, One Terraria

"Grind up one sprig of Terraria and add, then grind a red mushroom slightly more than halfway before adding. Stir and add water as necessary, then bring to the boil."

Fire Potion - Two Fire Root

"Grind up one fire root to the upper-left quadrant of the curve and add, then repeat. Stir and add water as necessary, then boil."

Frost Potion - One Terraria, Two Tangleweed

"Add one unground Terraria and mix, then grind and add one Tangleweed. Very lightly grind the second Tangleweed and add to the mix, then add a small portion of water before bringing to the boil."

Light Potion - Two Sulphur Shelf

"Grind both and add, mix and add water accordingly, then boil. Plentiful room for error."

Notes: Simple and easy-to-make remedies, try to find better way to produce healing potions.
Tier Two Potions
Mana Potion - Two Witch Mushroom

"Grind and add both, stir and add water as necessary then boil."

Lightning Potion - One Witch Mushroom, Two Windbloom, One Firebell

"Grind and add the Witch Mushroom and stir, then grind and add one Windbloom then mix. Pump the bellows gently to twist the whirlpool and move the potion to the top of the spiral. Grind and add the Sulphur Shelf, add water as needed and boil."

Explosion Potion - One Red Mushroom, Two Windbloom, One Sulphur Shelf

"Grind and add the Red Mushroom then the same for both of the Windbloom. Pump the bellows repeatedly to centralise the potion in the whirlpool then add a ground Sulphur Shelf, adding water as necessary before boiling."

Fast Growth Potion - Three Terraria, One Waterbloom, One Lavaroot

"In sequence grind and add one Terraria, one Waterbloom (grind slightly), then two more ground Terraria. Mix in one unground Lavaroot, add water as needed and boil."

Sleep Potion - Two Marshroom, Three Waterbloom

"Grind and add both Marshrooms, then two ground Waterblooms. Add the third unground and carefully manage water levels for perfect alignment, then boil.

Notes: Could use Earth Pyrite for Fast Growth or Cloud Crystal for Lightning, need to talk to Dwarf about cheaper crystals.
Tier Three Potions
Magical Vision Potion - Two Windbloom, Two Waterbloom, One Tangleweed

"Grind and add one Windbloom, then one Waterbloom followed by the Tangleweed. Grind the second Waterbloom most of the way then add before mixing in the final Windbloom, unground, and adding water, then boil."

Bounce Potion - 1 Witch Mushroom, 3 Thunder Thistle

"Grind one Witch Mushroom fully and add, then add two fully-ground Thunder Thistle and mix. Grind the final Thunder Thistle partially and add, then boil. Extra water should not be needed."

Charm Potion - Three Sulphur Shelf, Two Windbloom, one Cloud Crystal

"Grind and add two Sulphur Shelf, then one Windbloom. Grind the second most of the way and add, then powderize the Cloud Crystal and add, mixing well. Grind the final Sulphur Shelf most of the way and add, then mix and carefully add water, then boil."

Acid Potion - Two Thornstick, Two Lava Root, Two Terraria, One Weirdshroom

"Grind one Thornstick partially and add, then mostly grind one Lava Root and add. Partially grind the second Thornstick and add, before grinding and adding one Terraria. Throw in one unground Weirdshroom, followed by another partially-ground Lava Root. Finish by fully grinding and adding the final Terraria, adding water as you mix, then boil."

Berserker Potion - One Red Mushroom, Three Windbloom, One Lava Root, One Fire Citrine, One Firebell

"Grind and add in sequence one Windbloom, one Red Mushroom, one more Windbloom, one Lava Root, another Windbloom, one Fire Citrine, then finished with one Firebell. Add water as necessary and boil."
Tier Four Potions
Stone Skin Potion - Three Terraria, One Firebell, One Weirdshroom

"Into the cauldron, in sequence add: One fully-ground Terraria, one powdered Firebell, one more fully-ground Terraria, then grind and add an additional Terraria to the second-to-last curve. Add this to the mixture, then add one partially-powdered Weirdshroom. Stir and add water as required, pump the bellows and enjoy!"

Rich Harvest Potion - One Witch Mushroom, Four Waterbloom, One Marshroom, One Terraria.

"Add one fully ground Witch Mushroom, three Waterbloom, all fully powdered. Then add one fully-ground Marshroom, an unground Terraria, and then finish with a fully-ground Waterbloom. To finish, stir well, then simply align the potion with a splash of water, pump the bellows and enjoy."

Slow Down Potion - Two Goblin Shroom, Three Terraria, One Weirdshroom

"Add two untouched Goblin Shroom, two fully-ground Terraria, one partially-ground Weirdshroom, then one slightly-ground Terraria. if done perfectly, the potion should similarly be aligned perfectly. If not, grind the Terraria further and give yourself leeway. Align the potion, work those bellows and enjoy."

Libido Potion - One Terraria, Three Firebell, One Lava Root, One Hairy Banana, One Fire Citrine, One Weirdshroom

"In sequence, fully grind and stir into the cauldron one Terraria, two Firebells, then one unground Lava Root. Grind a Hairy Banana right up to the end of the curve and add, followed by one unground Firebell. Fully powderize a Fire Citrine and add, then toss in a barely-ground Weirdshroom. Add water to align the potion, then work the bellows and enjoy your 'Sildenafil' potion!"

Hallucinations Potion - Two Witch Mushroom, Two Windbloom, One Shadow Chanterelle, Two Waterbloom

"Grind up and add, in sequence: One Witch Mushroom, one Windbloom, a second Witch Mushroom, a half-ground Shadow Chanterelle, then two fully-ground Waterblooms. Add the final unground Windbloom, adding water as needed for alignment. Finish with bellows, bottle and enjoy!"

Tier Five Potions
Levitation Potion - 4 Windbloom, 1 Witch Mushroom, 2 Firebell, 1 Cloud Crystal

"Grind one Windbloom to a fine powder and add to the cauldron, followed by an unground Firebell. Grind up two more Windbloom sprigs and add to the cauldron, followed by a partially-ground Witch Mushroom. Crush one Cloud Crystal most of the way to powder and add, followed by one more fully-ground Windbloom. Finish by adding another unground Firebell. As long as you are very delicate and have aligned it perfectly via grinding of the Witch Mushroom and Cloud Crystal, water is not necessary. All that is left is to pump the bellows and enjoy!"

Invisibility Potion - Two Witch Mushroom, Three Windbloom, One Shadow Chanterelle

"Fully grind and add two Witch Mushrooms and one of Windbloom flower, then one half-ground Shadow Chanterelle. Two fully-ground Windblooms will leave you in a near-perfect position. Simply align the potion with water, work those bellows and enjoy!"

Necromancy Potion - Two Green Mushroom, Three Terraria, One Grave Truffle, One Waterbloom, One Windbloom, One Frost Sapphire, One Shadow Chanterelle

"Take two Green Mushrooms and grind them, add to cauldron and stir well. Take three ground-up Terraria springs and add to the cauldron, then mix. Take one Grave Truffle and partially grind, then add and mix. If done correctly, you should be through the barrier without issue. Add one unground Waterbloom, one unground Windbloom and one fully-ground Frost Sapphire. Finally, add one unground Shadow Chanterelle, add water as needed to align the potion, then finish with three strong bellow-strokes. Bottle and enjoy!"

Upvotes Pl0x
Okay, end of the roleplay-ish stuff here.

I do want to ask that people who actually like and use this guide to please give it a thumbs up or whatever, that way more people see it, it helps more people, and the self-perpetuating cycle continues until I achieve world domination!

No but seriously, I want my dopamine fix please =P

Also, link to updated video guide of brewing Tier 1-3 Potions:
Počet komentářů: 44
master of fire 21. pro. 2024 v 23.18 
Is that the red mist??
Mr.Derp 15. říj. 2023 v 13.31 
Okay! Thanks!
Kaii  [autor] 15. říj. 2023 v 11.43 
As long as you don't spill anything on it! xD
Mr.Derp 15. říj. 2023 v 11.22 
May I please read it? :D
Kaii  [autor] 26. srp. 2023 v 2.02 
Guide is really out of date, I'd assume they must have gotten rid of Red Mushrooms? Haven't played in ages.
Emil 23. srp. 2023 v 10.20 
(Poisoning Potion - One Red Mushroom, One Terraria)
Emil 23. srp. 2023 v 10.20 
what is a red mushroom
UnshippedCorpse 14. zář. 2022 v 0.58 
outdated or not this is awesome, I really wish the in-game recipe book was more like this instead, even if it was just "grind x ingredient 64% add to cauldron, stir 3 times grind ingredient y 100% add to cauldron add ingredient z to cauldron whole stir 11 times add 43 ml of water stir 1 times bellows 3 times" which is basically already there in the book but as a list off to the side while brewing instead of just having a 1 click and you're done button for them
Geon 8. srp. 2022 v 5.52 
Guide is outdatet because new alchemy map
Kaii  [autor] 10. čvn. 2022 v 11.38 
Two new additions to the guide, alongside pictures to display the route taken. Will eventually get around to actually finishing this guide off, and thanks so much to everyone who have liked the guide and mentioned how helpful it is, it really makes it worth it to put the effort in ^.^